September 96 - Working With OpenDoc Part Kinds
Working With OpenDoc Part Kinds
Tantek Çelik and Dave Curbow
you're ready to create your first full-featured OpenDoc part editor but have
some questions about part kinds and how to work with them, you'll find the
answers here. We explain how your choice of part kinds will affect whether
users will be able to read your content with different part editors and even
across different platforms. We also discuss some human interface principles and
describe how to handle the most common user actions having to do with part kinds.
We imagine that every computer user on earth has had the experience of trying
to open a document created by someone else but not being able to because the
application it was created with is missing. In the context of OpenDoc, users
can run into this when the part editor that created a part is missing. OpenDoc
provides several ways to mitigate this "missing editor" problem. One way is for
developers to create and freely distribute part viewers for all the kinds of
parts that they support; a part viewer is a subset of its corresponding
editor's code that displays and prints a part's contents but can't be used to
create or edit a part.
But suppose a user doesn't have either an editor or a viewer for a particular
part. That's where part kinds come in. A part kind is a data format in which a
part's intrinsic content is stored, analogous to a file type in a traditional
application. OpenDoc allows a part editor to support multiple part kinds --
that is, to store the same content in multiple data formats -- to increase the
probability that a user will be able to see and copy the contents of a part. A
user who doesn't have the same part editor that created a part may have a
different part editor that can read at least one of the data formats in which
that part is stored. Alternatively, one or more of the data formats can perhaps
be translated into a part kind for which the user has an editor or viewer.
What this means to you is that your choice of part kinds to support is a
crucial step in developing a part editor. This article discusses how to choose
which part kinds to support -- standard (to Macintosh or across platforms) or
proprietary -- and whether to support one or multiple part kinds. We also
discuss how to decide which category your part kinds fit into, some human
interface principles having to do with part kinds, and what to do in a few key
situations in which user actions cause your editor to have to deal with part
If you're not already familiar with the OpenDoc human interface, you should
first read "The OpenDoc User Experience" in develop Issue 22 to get up to
speed. This article also requires you to know something about OpenDoc storage
and how to use the ODStorageUnit class. "Getting Started With OpenDoc Storage"
in develop Issue 24 is a good introduction; further details can be found in the
OpenDoc Programmer's Guide for the Mac OS and its accompanying OpenDoc Class
Reference CD.
In developing your part editor, you first need to decide which part kind or
kinds to support. This choice is worthy of careful consideration. The decision
you make about whether to support standard vs. proprietary part kinds and how
many part kinds to support will affect the number of users able to read your
content across documents and platforms. We'll look at the tradeoffs here. We'll
also give you the information you need in order to decide which category or
categories your part kinds fit into.
First, you need to decide whether to support standard or proprietary part
kinds, or some combination of each. Standard part kinds are those data formats
that, either through an official decree or by some de facto means, have become
widely used and accepted. There are industry-standard part kinds, which are
standard across more than one platform, and standard Macintosh part kinds.
Because new data formats are being created all the time, we can't give you a
complete list, but here's a sample:
- industry standards -- ASCII, TIFF, GIF, JPEG, MPEG
- Macintosh standards -- TEXT, PICT, stxt, MOOV, 3DMF
Part kinds are
usually specified as ISO strings (null-terminated ASCII strings using 7-bit
characters) for manipulation by OpenDoc. As you can see from our list, standard
Macintosh part kinds are actually today's standard Macintosh file types, except
that instead of being file-type signatures they're ISO strings, which can be
derived by using methods of the class ODTranslation. (See the Data Interchange
recipes on the OpenDoc Class Reference CD for more details on how to properly
support a standard Macintosh part kind based on a standard Macintosh file
type.) Your part editor needs to provide user-readable names for part kinds in
a name-mapping resource; more on this later.
The ASCII standard is actually pretty loosely defined. It doesn't specify
whether you should use 7- or 8-bit encoding, nor does it say whether you should
use LF, CR, or CRLF for line separators. In the near future, Unicode, which
OpenDoc uses internally, is likely to become the standard. In the meantime,
your part may need to be prepared to handle several variants on the ASCII
standard without failure.
If the part kind you choose to support is an industry standard, users will
benefit because they'll be more likely to avoid the missing editor problem
mentioned earlier. Furthermore, supporting standard part kinds enables your
part editor to support more of the content that's already out there. Let's face
it -- data formats don't live forever, but the standard ones have a much better
chance of being long-lived than any proprietary kinds you create.
On the other hand, if there's no standard for the content your part editor
creates, or if the standard won't suffice to capture the functionality your
part editor offers, you'll need to create a proprietary part kind. You must
weigh the advantages of using a proprietary part kind against the disadvantage
of users possibly not being able to read your part's content.
In any case, don't redefine an existing standard. For example, the TEXT part
kind should be used only for plain text, not for some data format that uses
text as part of its definition, such as PostScript, HTML, or BinHex. These data
formats should be part kinds in their own right. Otherwise, there will be
confusion when OpenDoc needs to find a substitute part editor for a part that
claims to be TEXT but is in fact another kind such as HTML. The user won't be
happy with the result.
If you decide to use an industry-standard part kind, the Bento container suite
(part of the storage system in OpenDoc 1.0) can help you solve internal
byte-ordering problems and ensure that a document written on any OpenDoc
platform can be read and written on any other OpenDoc platform. However, your
part editor is responsible for proper byte ordering of the values in the
content property of your storage unit. (Data formats typically specify byte
ordering, so OpenDoc stays out of your way here.) The Standard Type I/O
utilities (see the file StdTypIO.h and the functions declared there) solve the
byte-ordering problem for a variety of simple data formats. These utilities can
be used in combination to build up more complex data formats.
As we've said, your editor can support one or more part kinds. If it supports
more than one part kind, one of these will be the preferred kind. Users
implicitly indicate the preferred kind when they choose a stationery pad or cut
and paste content. They can also change the preferred kind in the Part Info
dialog if they desire; more on this later.
Supporting multiple part kinds increases the probability that other users can
see the contents of a part created with your editor, even if they don't have
your part editor (see "Editor Substitution Explained" for why this is so). Your
choice of part kinds to support comes into play both when the user saves a
document with parts created by your editor and when the user transfers data
with a paste or drop operation.
When a user tries to open a document or edit a part and the editor that created
it is missing, OpenDoc searches for a substitute. This occurs as part of
OpenDoc's binding process -- the process of assigning the correct part editor
to a given part. When a document is opened, the OpenDoc binding subsystem binds
editors to all parts that need to be displayed. During execution, OpenDoc binds
editors to part data when a part is read in or when its editor is explicitly
Let's look at a simplified example of editor substitution. Suppose we've
created a text editor named SurfWriter that stores its content in three
formats: a proprietary part kind (SurfWriter Text) and two standard part kinds
(RTF and TEXT). And suppose that SurfWriter Text is the preferred kind. When
OpenDoc tries to display the part, its binding subsystem looks first for
SurfWriter -- the last editor that was used. If that isn't found, the binding
subsystem looks for an editor that can read SurfWriter Text -- the preferred
kind. If that can't be found, it looks for one that can read RTF or TEXT. Thus,
storing multiple part kinds increases the probability that users will be able
to read your content with different part editors and across different
Now let's look at editor substitution in a little more detail. When attempting
to find an editor to bind to a part, OpenDoc looks first for the editor that
last edited the part, specified in the kODPropPreferredEditor property in the
part's storage unit. If this editor isn't present on the user's system, the
binding subsystem examines each of the part kinds in the stored part and the
list of kinds supported by the editor or editors installed on the user's
system, looking for a match. For each supported kind, there's a default editor.
The user can inspect and modify the list of default editors in the Editor Setup
control panel (Figure 1).
Figure 1. The Editor Setup control panel
During the matching process, the binding subsystem looks first for the default
editor for the preferred kind. If this editor isn't present, it looks for the
default editor for the preferred kind's category, and finally for any editor
that can read the preferred kind. If such an editor can't be found, the binding
subsystem repeats the whole process for each of the remaining part kinds in the
part, from highest fidelity to lowest.
If no editor for any of the part kinds is installed on the user's machine, the
part remains unviewable and uneditable. But OpenDoc still binds an editor to
the part -- the "editor of last resort." This editor is always available and
represents the part as an icon within the document, so that there's never a
blank spot in the document where a part can't be displayed. The user can
examine the part's kind in the Part Info dialog, which gives a clue as to which
editor or viewer should be installed, although if there's no editor for the
part, there's probably no user string for the preferred kind. The user can also
decide to translate the part to another part kind.
When deciding how many part kinds to support when your editor is saving its
parts of a document, you'll want to consider the tradeoff between portability
and the space required to store your part as multiple kinds. The most
transportable part kind (that is, the standard one) may not be the most compact
or the one that will represent the underlying contents with the greatest
fidelity. Typically, you'll want to store only the one preferred part kind, or
the preferred kind and one standard part kind. If there isn't a standard kind
that's roughly equivalent to your preferred kind, consider also storing a TEXT
or PICT representation, simply to maximize the chances that the user will be
able to see something for your part. For example, if your part's preferred kind
is 3DMF, there isn't an equivalent standard kind, so you should also store a
PICT representation. You might want to present the user with a Settings or
Preferences dialog giving a choice of part kinds to store in addition to the
preferred kind. See pages 476 and 479 of the OpenDoc Programmer's Guide for
implementation details.
When your editor is providing data for a data transfer operation (such as a
copy to the Clipboard), you may want to write out a greater number of standard
part kinds than during a save operation. This is because during data transfer
it's more likely that the user is trying to move content to a different editor
or application. Providing standard part kinds in this situation is therefore
even more important. On the other hand, remember that the user can use the
Paste As command to get more options, including translation, so you needn't go
overboard in supporting lots of kinds.
After you've chosen the part kinds to support, you need to determine which
category or categories these belong to. A part category is a set of part kinds
that are conceptually similar. You might think of it as a generic term for
several "brand name" variants. For example, the kODCategoryStyledText category
might include the part kinds SurfWriter Text 3.0, SurfWriter Text 2.0, and
OpenDoc looks at a part's category to decide which part editors or part viewers
can be substituted if an editor is missing and whether to merge or embed data
when content is copied from one part into another. Categories are specified by
your editor in a name-mapping resource and can't be changed by the user.
Categories for existing part kinds have already been determined and should be
adhered to; this set of categories is broad enough to include most new part
kinds as well. A list of the predefined categories is given in Table 1. This
list can be found in the OpenDoc Programmer's Guide on pages 477-478, but note
that a new category has been added since the publication of the book:
Table 1. Predefined part categories
Part category
| Explanation
kODCategoryPlainText | Plain ASCII text
kODCategoryStyledText | Styled text |
kODCategoryDrawing | Object-based graphics |
kODCategory3DGraphic | 3D object-based graphics |
kODCategoryPainting | Pixel-based graphics |
kODCategoryMovie | Movies or animations |
kODCategorySampledSound | Simple sampled sounds |
kODCategoryStructuredSound | Sampled sounds with additional information |
kODCategoryChart | Chart data |
kODCategoryFormula | Formula or equation data |
kODCategorySpreadsheet | Spreadsheet data |
kODCategoryTable | Tabular data |
kODCategoryDatabase | Database information |
kODCategoryQuery | Stored database queries |
kODCategoryConnection | Network-connection information |
kODCategoryScript | User scripts |
kODCategoryOutline | Outlines created by an outliner program |
kODCategoryPageLayout | Page layouts |
kODCategoryPresentation | Slide shows or other presentations |
kODCategoryCalendar | Calendar data |
kODCategoryForm | Forms created by a forms generator |
kODCategoryExecutable | Stored executable code |
kODCategoryCompressed | Compressed data |
kODCategoryControlPanel | Data stored by a control panel |
kODCategoryControl | Data stored by a control, such as a button |
kODCategoryPersonalInfo | Data stored by a personal information manager |
kODCategorySpace | Stored server, disk, or subdirectory data |
kODCategoryProject | Project-management data |
kODCategorySignature | Digital signatures |
kODCategoryKey | Passwords or keys |
kODCategoryUtility | Data stored by a utility function |
kODCategoryMailingLabel | Mailing labels |
kODCategoryLocator | Locators or addresses, such as URLs |
kODCategoryPrinter | Stored printer data |
kODCategoryTime | Stored clock data |
kODCategoryArchive | Archive or partial archive data such as TAR |
The majority of the entries in the list (such as kODCategoryPlainText and
kODCategoryStyledText) are self-explanatory, but a few need some clarification.
- kODCategoryOutline -- Use this category when your part's content has some
hierarchy -- that is, when the content is assigned to different nested levels.
For example, the Cyberdog Notebook, an excerpt from which is shown in Figure 2,
presents a collection of URLs in hierarchical form and thus is an outline.
- kODCategorySpace -- Use this category when the content has no intrinsic
order, as in the case of server, disk, or subdirectory (folder) data. For
example, in a pre-System 7 Finder folder, the order of the contents depends
entirely on the settings of the View menu. A part with content like this would
belong to this category.
- kODCategoryPersonalInfo -- Use this category for the various kinds of
information represented in personal information management (PIM) applications.
- kODCategoryPageLayout -- Use this instead of kODCategoryDrawing when
the part contains only embedded content. In contrast, the category
kODCategoryDrawing is for a drawing that has intrinsic content, such as circles
and rectangles.
2. Example of an outline from the Cyberdog Notebook
Some of the categories seem as though they could be subsets of other categories
-- for instance, kODCategoryPlainText could be a subset of
kODCategoryStyledText, and kODCategory3DGraphic could be a subset of
kODCategoryDrawing. But categories aren't hierarchical -- that is, one category
can't include others.
When you're considering which category or categories your part kinds should
belong to, ask yourself the following question for each of the categories: If
users pasted my kind of data into a part belonging to this category, would they
expect the content to be merged, or embedded as a separate part? If they would
expect the content to be merged, that's a category your part kind should belong
to. (Note that whether a part kind supports embedding doesn't affect which
category it's in.)
For example, if users pasted a slide (a part belonging to the
kODCategoryPresentation category) into some text (a part belonging to the
kODCategoryStyledText category), they would expect the slide to be embedded
within the text because the operations on slides and text are very different.
But if they pasted one slide into another slide, they would expect the contents
of the first slide to be merged into the destination slide; thus, the two parts
should belong to the same category.
Consider another example. If users pasted a picture from a Web page into a part
belonging to the category kODCategoryPainting, they would probably expect it to
be merged. But if they pasted the picture into a part belonging to the category
kODCategoryDrawing or kODCategory3DGraphic, they would probably expect it to be
embedded, because the operations available in a painting part are usually very
different from those in a drawing part. Thus, the picture should belong to the
category kODCategoryPainting.
You need to choose one or more categories for each of the part kinds that your
part editor supports. A part kind can be in multiple categories; for example, a
part that can shift its view from table to chart should have a preferred kind
that's a member of both categories. The same category can be specified for a
part kind that represents a single object and a part kind that represents a
collection of those objects; for example, you can specify kODCategoryDatabase
for a part kind that represents a single database record and for a part kind
that represents a collection of such records.
As mentioned earlier, when your part editor provides content to the Clipboard
or a drag and drop object, you may want to write out a greater number of
standard part kinds than during a save operation, to increase the probability
of being able to interchange data with other parts. In fact, it will help if
you support kinds in more than one category. Here's an example: Suppose a user
copies some spreadsheet cells and pastes them into a chart. Because the
operations on cells and charts are different, the user will expect the
spreadsheet cells to be embedded. However, if the spreadsheet provides its
copied data in a format that the chart is prepared to merge, the user gets a
higher level of interoperability. If the spreadsheet and the chart both support
kinds that are in the kODCategoryPlainText category, for instance, the chart
can take the content of the spreadsheet and chart it instead of embedding the
Here are some more examples of part kinds and the categories they fit into:
- PostScript -- This page description language is used to define images in a
structured fashion. The PostScript format might fit into either
kODCategoryPageLayout or kODCategoryDrawing. We recommend kODCategoryDrawing
because a part in PostScript format has intrinsic content like a drawing, such
as arcs and clip shapes.
- HTML -- Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is similar to PostScript in
that it defines a page layout. However, when HTML is displayed it typically
looks more like styled text than like a drawing. Therefore, the appropriate
category for HTML is kODCategoryStyledText.
- BinHex -- Like many other formats that claim to be text but are only
making use of text to define some richer format, BinHex is actually an archive
format. Hence BinHex belongs in kODCategoryArchive.
- URL -- Another kind that uses text to define some richer format, a URL
should be in kODCategoryLocator.
If your part kinds don't appear to fit in
any of the predefined categories, you can request a new category. The list of
predefined categories is maintained by CI Labs, a consortium that coordinates
cross-platform OpenDoc development. See the CI Labs Web page for instructions on how to request a new
Both part kinds and part categories are assigned in your part editor's
name-mapping ('nmap') resources. You can learn how to construct these resources
by looking at the Dynamic Binding recipes on the OpenDoc Class Reference CD.
These resources are required:
- EditorKinds -- lists every part kind your editor supports, except standard
Macintosh part kinds
- EditorPlatformKind -- lists the standard Macintosh part kinds your
editor supports
- KindCategories -- lists the category or categories your part kinds
belong to
- KindUserString -- lists the part kind user strings
If you request a
new category and CI Labs approves your request, you'll also need a
CategoryUserString resource listing your category user strings. OpenDoc
already contains user strings for predefined categories.
Listing 1 shows an EditorPlatformKind resource indicating that your editor
supports TEXT files and TEXT scrap data. Listing 2 demonstrates how a part
editor would declare two part kinds that are in the same category in a
KindCategories resource.
Listing 1. An example EditorPlatformKind resource
resource kODNameMappings (kPlatformEditorKindMapId)
{ /* array KeyList: 1 element */
/* [1] */
{ /* array PltfmTypeSpacList: 2 elements */
/* [1] */
"Plain Text",
/* [2] */
"Plain Text",
2. An example KindCategories resource
resource kODNameMappings (kKindCategoryMapId)
{ /* array kinds: 2 elements */
/* [1] */
{ /* array categories: 1 element */
/* [1] */
/* [2] */
{ /* array categories: 1 element */
/* [1] */
run time, if you need to convert a Mac OS file type such as 'TEXT' to an ISO
type, first get the translation object from the session:
ODTranslation* translation = session->GetTranslation(ev);
call the translation object to convert the Mac OS file type, or what we call
the platform kind (a platform-neutral term), to an ISO type:
ODValueType valueType =
('TEXT', kODPlatformFileType);
find kODPlatformFileType defined in StdDefs.xh, ODTranslation defined in
Translt.xh, and ODSession defined in ODSessn.xh. Use kODPlatformDataType
instead of kODPlatformFileType if you're converting a scrap type from the
Clipboard as opposed to a file type from the file system.
There are some important human interface principles regarding part kinds that
you should incorporate in the design of your part editor. They boil down to
maintaining the fidelity of parts as they pass through various operations.
One key principle of the user model is that editors shouldn't change the part
kind of content without warning, because the translation may cause information
to be lost. Only the user should be able to change the preferred kind of a
part, and then only through an explicit action. This supports the concept that
content copied into or out of an OpenDoc document should retain its fidelity.
For example, when the user drags a drawing document from the desktop into an
OpenDoc document and then back to the desktop, the initial document and the
final document should be identical, as far as the user is concerned. The final
document should have the same part kind as the original document, unless the
user elects to change the part kind. (See the recipe for promising a
non-OpenDoc file on the OpenDoc Class Reference CD for more details.)
Users can change the preferred kind of a part with the Part Info (or Document
Info) command in the Edit menu. This command brings up a dialog like the one
shown in Figure 3. A pop-up menu offers a list of part kinds supported by the
current editor, plus the possibility of translating to a different format with
the "Translate to" command.
3. The Part Info dialog
When the user wants to save a document, your editor should write it out in the
format of the preferred kind. The highest-fidelity kind that your editor writes
should be the preferred kind. Don't change the preferred kind, because that
would be implicit translation, or translating formats behind the user's back --
not a good idea, although some applications behave this way today. Perhaps
you've seen this: the application claims to read or write a particular data
format, but when a document of that file type is opened with that application
and then saved, the application converts the document to its own proprietary
format. Users are left wondering why their documents can't stick with the
format they were created with.
To maximize interchange between OpenDoc, traditional applications, and system
software, OpenDoc does not arbitrarily promote platform kinds (which, remember,
is our platform-neutral term for Mac OS file types) to OpenDoc part kinds.*
In today's applications, this unexpected format change is also often associated
with the creation of a new document named "Untitled x" or "FooDocument -
converted." In OpenDoc, parts don't have control over the name of the document,
so this errant behavior is prevented. The name of the document, just like the
preferred kind of a part, should be considered a user setting. Editors
shouldn't tamper with user settings.
There are situations where it's appropriate for the editor to query the user
about changing a part kind. If the user tries some operation, or tries to add
some content, that's not supported in the current kind but is supported in
another kind that the editor understands, it's appropriate to suggest changing
to the kind with more functionality.
As an example of the first situation, suppose the user is editing a plain-text
document with an editor that supports styled text. If the user selects some
text and tries to change it to bold, the part editor must allow this change but
should warn the user that the operation will require a change in the part kind
-- and the user must be allowed to veto this operation before it's done. In
this situation the part editor should display an alert like the one shown in
Figure 4.
4. Warning the user that an operation requires the part kind to be changed
As an example of the second situation, suppose the user now pastes some text
that includes a page break and an indentation, which isn't supported in styled
text but is supported in a proprietary format the part editor uses. The part
editor should allow this change but present an alert (see Figure 5) and let the
user veto the change.
5. Warning the user that adding content requires the
part kind to be changed
A number of user actions require your editor to deal with part kinds and
categories, though in most cases this interaction is transparent to the user.
For example, when a user pastes content into a part, the editor of the part
where the content is about to be pasted examines the part kinds and categories
of the content being pasted. The editor decides which, if any, of the multiple
part kinds available will be pasted. In this case, as in many others, the user
doesn't realize what's going on behind the scenes with part kinds and
We'll discuss in detail what your editor should do with part kinds and
categories in response to each of the following user actions:
- creating a document
- opening a document
- saving a document
- transferring data
- changing the preferred kind
- translating or converting a part
To create a document, the user double-clicks on a stationery pad that you
supply with your part editor. You must provide at least one stationery pad for
each part category that your editor supports. For example, if your editor
supports the "styled text" category and the SurfWriter Text, AcmeWriter Text,
and RTF part kinds, you must supply (and your product's installer must install
on the user's system) a stationery pad for at least one of these part kinds.
Typically, you'll install a stationery pad for the highest-fidelity part kind
that you support.
You can optionally provide more than one stationery pad. When users decide to
double-click on one stationery pad instead of another, they've made an explicit
decision about the preferred kind of the document they want to be created.
Rules and conventions for installing part editors and stationery pads can be
found in the OpenDoc Programmer's Guide, Appendix C, "Installing OpenDoc
Software and Parts."
Whenever a user opens a document containing one of your parts, your part must
be reconstituted from external storage by your InitPartFromStorage method,
described in detail in the article "Getting Started With OpenDoc Storage" in
develop Issue 24. Your editor needs to find out the preferred kind and read in
the content data accordingly.
If your editor supports any platform kinds (Mac OS file types), you should
first check for the HFSFlavor value type in the content property
(kODPropContents) of the part's storage unit. If it's there, you've been bound
to an empty storage unit that's pointing to a file that you should use to
internalize from. This binding can happen in one of two ways: the user may have
dragged and dropped a traditional Macintosh file onto an OpenDoc document and
your part editor was bound to the drop, or the user may have opened a
traditional Macintosh file with the OpenDoc launcher application. For detailed
information on how to make this work, see the Drag and Drop Recipes on the
OpenDoc Class Reference CD, specifically the section "Incorporating Data From a
Non-OpenDoc Document." Also, see the section "Accepting Non-OpenDoc Data" on
page 371 of the OpenDoc Programmer's Guide.
If your editor doesn't support any platform kinds, follow these steps:
- Get the preferred kind -- that is, read the value from the
kODPropPreferredKind property of the part's storage unit. If this property
doesn't exist, the editor can assume that the preferred kind of the part is the
value type of the first value in the content property. Keep the preferred kind
in a field, as shown in the following example using utility functions from
StdTypIO and TempObj:
#include <StdTypIO.h>
#include <TempObj.h>
// The following code belongs in your InitPartFromStorage method.
ODStorageUnit* su = self->GetStorageUnit(ev);
TempISOStr preferredKind = ODGetISOStrProp(ev, su,
kODPropPreferredKind, kODISOStr, kODNULL);
if (preferredKind == kODNULL) {
su->Focus(ev, kODPropContents, kODPosUndefined, kODNULL, 1,
preferredKind = su->GetType(ev);
- Focus your part's storage unit to the value of the content property whose
value type is the preferred kind.
self->GetStorageUnit(ev)->Focus(ev, kODPropContents,
kODPosUndefined, preferredKind, 0, kODPosUndefined);
- Read the contents of that value and create the in-memory data structures
necessary to represent that content. Use the ODStorageUnit method GetValue to
accomplish this step.
Note that it's possible for your editor to be bound
to a part that previously had a different editor, as described earlier in
"Editor Substitution Explained." In this case, the OpenDoc binding subsystem
will automatically notify the user. If your editor doesn't support the
preferred kind, use the highest-fidelity kind in the content property that your
editor does support as the de facto preferred kind. Do not update the preferred
kind property until Externalize or ChangeKind is called on your part.
Whenever a user saves the document, your part must be written out to the
storage unit, or externalized, by your Externalize method, described in detail
in the article "Getting Started With OpenDoc Storage" in develop Issue 24. Your
editor should write out the preferred kind, at a minimum; you may also decide
to write out one or more alternate part kinds, as discussed earlier under
"Supporting Multiple Part Kinds."
The first two steps that are required have to do with preparing the storage
unit for clean externalization from your part editor, also known as "prepping
the storage unit." You should only have to do this the first time Externalize
is called on your part.
- Clean up the storage unit by removing any values that you won't be
updating. This means calling the Remove method for any values in the content
property that have value types (part kinds) that your editor doesn't support or
that your editor won't externalize.
- Add values if necessary. Use AddValue to create or recreate the value
types that you want to externalize in proper fidelity order (from highest
fidelity to lowest fidelity). Fidelity ordering is important because OpenDoc
looks at it to determine which editor would best edit any given part.
- Externalize your content in the format of the preferred kind that your
editor kept track of in a local field.
- Optionally, write out alternative part kinds. As mentioned earlier, the
typical part editor should by default write out only the one preferred kind, or
the preferred kind and one standard part kind. If you present users with a
Settings or Preferences dialog to indicate a set of alternative part kinds to
store, write out the alternative kinds indicated there.
Your Externalize
method may be called at times other than when the user saves a document. For
example, depending on the Save model of the current document and the idle-time
optimizations that may or may not be present, your part may be told to
externalize only when the user saves a document or as often as every minute.
Therefore, your editor shouldn't have preconceived notions about why it's asked
to write out your part. As an optimization, your editor should keep an fDirty
flag that's set whenever the user changes the part's content and cleared
whenever externalization is completed. If your fDirty flag is clear, your
Externalize method should be a no-op.
Whenever the user transfers data with Cut, Copy, Paste, Paste As, or drag and
drop, your CloneInto method is called. See the section "The CloneInto Method of
Your Part Editor" on pages 327-329 of the OpenDoc Programmer's Guide for the
precise details of implementing the CloneInto method.
For the purposes of multiple part kind support, however, your editor should do
the following:
- Write the same part kinds you would if you were externalizing, plus any
standard part kinds you support. As explained earlier, it's more important to
write out standard part kinds during CloneInto than Externalize because the
user is more likely to be trying to move content to a different editor or
- Call SetPromiseValue for each part kind if you're using promises
(explained in the OpenDoc Programmer's Guide).
If your part editor is a
container, it's important for it to treat pasted content appropriately. When
your container receives a Paste command or is the destination of a drag and
drop, it should check the preferred kind of the incoming content to decide
whether to merge or embed that content. If the category of the preferred kind
of the incoming content is the same as the category of your content's kind,
merge the incoming content; otherwise, embed the incoming content into a new
As mentioned earlier, it's possible for kinds to belong to more than one
category. If the incoming content's kind or your content's kind belongs to
multiple categories, or if both do, as long as they share at least one category
they can be said to be of the same category. If the incoming content isn't an
OpenDoc part, simply use the data type that's closest to your own content kind
as the de facto preferred kind for the incoming content.
If the user drops a part onto your part that you determine should be merged,
and you find there's no content when you try to merge it, the operation will
appear to be a no-op, which is very confusing to the user. You may want to
actually embed an empty part in this case rather than merging nothing, so that
the user at least receives some feedback.
You also should be aware of a concern about format fidelity that arises if the
user attempts a paste or drop operation with your editor that involves content
with other content embedded. Some data or formatting may be lost if one or more
of the part kinds supported by your part editor is of lesser fidelity and can't
handle embedded content, and at the time of the paste or drop the destination
part editor can work only with the lower-fidelity kind. In this case, the
destination part editor can't know that it's losing the embedded content.
What can you do to minimize these cases, or at least make them easier on the
user? We strongly recommend that your part editor support embedding. If it
doesn't, it shouldn't claim to support a kind that includes embedding. For
example, the part editor that's the destination for a paste or drop shouldn't
strip embedded content or links out of the data format. If your editor can't
preserve the fidelity of the paste or drop, it must choose a lower-fidelity
part kind; if there are no other kinds present that your editor supports, it
shouldn't allow the paste or accept the drop. The only exception to this is
when a plain-text editor receives a paste of styled text; in this case, it can
use only the text and ignore the style information. Because text is so
ubiquitous, it's handled differently from other kinds of content.
If your part editor supports embedding, it should allow the user to embed any
content that can't be merged; it shouldn't restrict the kinds that can be
Remember that if your part editor supports data interchange, it must completely
support Undo, so that if data or formatting is lost in a transfer operation,
the user can undo and recover what was lost. Although most of today's
applications don't alert the user when data or formatting is lost, users seem
to recognize with ease when they've experienced such a loss and need to choose
Undo to recover. With the multiple-level Undo support in OpenDoc, recovering
from a loss of data or formatting is much easier.
Whenever the user changes the preferred kind of a part, your ChangeKind method
is called. This is usually done from the Part Info (or Document Info) dialog
shown earlier, but you shouldn't assume that that will be the only user
interface that can cause this method to be called.
Your editor should do the following:
- Externalize the part in the new preferred data format. Make sure that the
fidelity order of the values in your content property is maintained by creating
the values for the supported part kinds in the right order. You may need to
prep your storage unit again and recreate the values to ensure that they're in
the proper fidelity order. It's up to your part editor whether you keep the
previous preferred kind or not.
- Write the new preferred kind into the preferred kind property of the
part, as shown in the following example using utility functions from StdTypIO
and TempObj:
#include <StdTypIO.h>
#include <TempObj.h>
// The following code belongs in your ChangeKind method; the kind
// that the user selected is passed in the changeKind parameter.
ODStorageUnit* su = self->GetStorageUnit(ev);
ODSetISOStrProp(ev, su, kODPropPreferredKind, kODISOStr, changeKind);
The user can force translation of a part with the Part Info (or Document Info)
command in the Edit menu, which brings up a dialog like the one shown earlier
in Figure 3. The part kind pop-up menu in the dialog, in addition to listing
part kinds supported by the current editor, offers the possibility of choosing
"Translate to" and then choosing a part kind from the Translate To dialog. The
part kind pop-up menu shown in Figure 6 illustrates a number of different ways
that picture data can be stored on the Macintosh, including standard MIME
types, standard Macintosh file types, and standard Macintosh data types. Of
course, most part editors won't support this many different kinds.
Figure 6. The part kind pop-up menu
There are also data interchange utilities, such as converters and grinders,
that convert parts or entire documents to different part kinds. This operation
involves asking each part in the original document to externalize itself in a
set of standard part kinds. The user may initiate this action by dropping a
document on a converter or grinder icon (like the one shown in Figure 7) on the
desktop. Your ExternalizeKinds method is called in response.
7. A converter icon
ExternalizeKinds is passed a list of kinds to externalize. Your part editor
doesn't need to write other values it might ordinarily write in addition to the
preferred kind. Your editor should do the following in its ExternalizeKinds
- Externalize the set of part kinds specified. Make sure that the fidelity
order of the values in your content property is maintained by creating the
values for these part kinds in the right order. You may need to prep your
storage unit again and recreate the values to ensure that they're in the proper
fidelity order. Be sure to write out these kinds in addition to the preferred
kind, not instead of the preferred kind.
- Ignore any part kinds in the set that you don't support.
By now you should have a good idea of all the ramifications of choosing the
part kinds to support with your part editor. We hope that by spelling out what
the tradeoffs are and suggesting how your part editor should respond to various
user actions related to part kinds, we're helping to promote a consistent
approach to working with part kinds. This is bound to result in more portable
parts and happier users.
- OpenDoc Programmer's Guide for the Mac OS by Apple Computer, Inc.
(Addison-Wesley, 1995). This book is accompanied by the OpenDoc Class Reference
CD and includes the OpenDoc human interface guidelines.
- OpenDoc Cookbook for the Mac OS by Apple Computer, Inc.
(Addison-Wesley, 1995).
- "The OpenDoc User Experience" by Dave Curbow and Elizabeth
Dykstra-Erickson, develop Issue 22.
- "Getting Started With OpenDoc Storage" by Vincent Lo, develop Issue 24.
- Byte Guide to OpenDoc by Andrew MacBride and Joshua Susser (Osborne
McGraw-Hill, 1996),
- The OpenDoc World Wide Web pages. Apple's page is at, and the CI Labs page is at These include updated recipes, technical
notes, and the like.
TANTEK ÇELIK ( ) was until recently an OpenDoc technical
lead at Apple. After shipping OpenDoc 1.0 and determining that it was good, he
helped found 6prime corporation ( ), an OpenDoc software
consulting firm. Tantek prides himself on his multiple modes of alternative
transportation, including inline skating, bicycling, and motorcycling. He likes
to occasionally spend time writing applications in HyperCard, night skating in
San Francisco, or turning a profit shorting Microsoft options.
was until recently the OpenDoc human interface
lead. He has transferred to Apple Research Labs, where he's working on
something really neat -- but he can't tell you about it yet. When he isn't
toiling away at Apple or planning his next trip to Europe, Dave likes to work
in his Japanese-style garden. All he needs now is a book that clearly explains
how to twist black pines into interesting shapes.
Thanks to our technical reviewers Craig Carper, Elizabeth Dykstra-Erickson, and
Kurt Piersol.