March 96 - Flicker-Free Drawing With QuickDraw GX
Flicker-Free Drawing With QuickDraw GX
Hugo Ayala
your QuickDraw GX application have a look reminiscent of the old silent movies?
If so, it suffers from flicker. But don't despair -- help is as near as this
issue's CD, where you'll find a ready-to-use library for doing
memory-efficient, flicker-free drawing inside a window. This article explores
the problem of flicker and its solutions and walks you through the code.
My first encounter with the idea of flicker-free drawing happened when I was a
12-year-old kid reading my father's copy of Nibble, a journal about programming
the Apple II. A review of new products mentioned a program that had impeccable
animation and guessed that the programmer was most likely using "page
switching" to produce flicker-free drawing. Page switching (or page flipping)
took advantage of the fact that the Apple II could use more than one location
in memory (more than one page) to hold the screen image. Given enough memory, a
programmer could set things up so that there was a second "offscreen" page to
draw into while the first was being shown on the screen. Switching back and
forth between these two pages made flicker-free drawing possible.
Today's hardware bears little resemblance to the Apple II, but the technique
for doing flicker-free drawing is essentially the same. It involves double
buffering (also known as screen buffering) -- causing all objects to be drawn
first into an offscreen buffer and then copying that entire buffer to the front
buffer (the window). Both this and the Apple II method eliminate the need to
erase the old position of a moving image directly on the screen before drawing
its new position, which is the primary cause of flicker.
The library that accompanies this article manages an offscreen buffer for a
QuickDraw GX view port. Using it will enable you to give your QuickDraw GX
application a more professional feel by removing flicker. You could use the
offscreen library provided with QuickDraw GX to do screen buffering, but
because it's a much more general-purpose tool, you would have to handle most of
the minutiae of examining screen devices, filling out the bitmap data
structures, and allocating and releasing the memory yourself. The library
provided on this issue's CD does all of that for you.
I'll walk you through the library code, illustrated by the sample application
called Flicker Free on the CD, but first I'll give some background on the
problem of flicker and its solutions. This article assumes that you already
know a thing or two about QuickDraw GX; if you don't, see the article "Getting
Started With QuickDraw GX" in develop Issue 15. The essential references are
Inside Macintosh: QuickDraw GX Objects and Inside Macintosh: QuickDraw GX
For a dramatic illustration of flicker, run the sample application Flicker Free
(you'll need a color Macintosh with QuickDraw GX installed). You'll see a
window filled with fifty circles bouncing around in different directions (see
Figure 1).
1. The startup screen from the sample application Flicker Free
The Drawing menu in the Flicker Free application offers a choice of buffering
methods: full screen buffering, no screen buffering, and half and half. The
program starts up in half-and-half mode: the left side of the window (the side
with the Apple menu, for those like me who can't tell left from right) is being
buffered, while the other side isn't. Switch among the buffering choices to get
a sense of the difference that flicker or its absence makes in how you
experience the animation.
What causes flicker? In our case, the shapes on the right are being erased and
then redrawn over and over again as they move across the screen. And although
the rendering of the shapes is very fast (your mileage may vary according to
CPU speed), the act of constantly drawing and erasing them makes the whole
thing look like an old silent movie. In places where circles overlap, pixels
are made to take on different colors as each shape is drawn. In the resulting
blur of colors, it's hard to see which shape is in front.
The key to avoiding flicker is to avoid erasing pixels on the screen needlessly
between two stages of a drawing and to change only the color of those pixels
that need to change. The left side of our sample application window is being
double buffered, meaning that each circle is drawn into an offscreen buffer and
then the whole scene is transferred onto the screen. Because at each step in
the animation only the pixels that need to change color do, the movement of the
circles is rendered flicker free. With double buffering there's no problem
telling which circles are in front. Shapes move neatly past each other.
Figure 2 shows two frame-by-frame drawing sequences illustrating the difference
between an update full of flicker and a flicker-free update.
The upper set of frames in Figure 2 shows what happens without double
buffering. The screen is erased (in frame 2 and then again, out of view, in
frame 7) and then each circle is added to the screen in its new position. The
whole assembly of circles appears on the screen only briefly before they're
erased and the process is started again. The lower set of frames in the figure
shows the update process during double buffering. The offscreen image is
transferred to the screen in a sweep replacing the previous image. You can see
the sweep line as a very subtle horizontal break in the frame.
2. An update full of flicker vs. a flicker-free update
The sample application gives a dramatic demonstration of how flicker affects
animation. But even if your QuickDraw GX application isn't an animation
package, it probably suffers from some form of flicker when update events are
serviced. The most common and most annoying flicker occurs when applications
engage in some form of user interaction -- for example, dragging marquees,
manipulating shapes, and editing text.
When you're considering using screen buffering, it's important to understand
the tradeoff with drawing speed. In the sample application, the speed at which
the circles travel is a function of the number of circles in the window, the
size of the window, and your choice of screen buffering. Given the same window
size and number of shapes,
drawing with screen buffering is always slower than
with no screen buffering. Screen buffering involves the same amount of work as
screen drawing plus the additional step of transferring the offscreen image
onto the screen.
When the window contains one circle, the unbuffered performance is at least
three times faster than that of the buffered case (again, your mileage may vary
depending on your CPU speed). As more shapes are added, the performance in both
cases goes down, but so does the performance gap between the two: the
unbuffered performance doesn't have as much of an advantage over the buffered
performance. This is because the speed at which the offscreen buffer is
transferred to the screen is independent of the complexity of the shape it
contains; it's purely a function of its size. As the complexity of the shape
being buffered increases, the relative cost of shape buffering decreases.
Now, this doesn't mean that you should buffer only complex shapes that take a
long time to draw. What it means is that when you add screen buffering to your
application, you have to be mindful of what constitutes a reasonable tradeoff
between buffering and drawing performance. You should try things out and see if
screen buffering is the technique best suited to your needs. Alternatives to
screen buffering that enable flicker-free drawing include the use of transfer
modes and geometric operations. I hope to discuss these in a future develop
Meanwhile, we'll take a look at the screen buffering library that accompanies
this article, which is ready for you to incorporate into your QuickDraw GX
application. I wrote the library with performance issues in mind. Thus, it
takes advantage of the fact that in the QuickDraw GX graphics object model,
information that's needed to render a shape can be computed once, stored in a
drawing cache, and reused every time that shape is drawn. The library is very
careful to check before making calls that invalidate drawing caches, so the
overhead of offscreen drawing is kept to a minimum.
Everything you need in order to use the screen buffering library is defined in
the interface file. The library consists of four major routines: the routine
that creates the view port buffer object, the one that disposes of it, the one
that updates it, and the one that uses it to actually buffer screen drawing.
The four corresponding calls should parallel the drawing loop inside your
The include file defines only one data type:
typedef struct viewPortBufferRecord **viewPortBuffer;
internals of the data type are private to the "screen buffering.c" file and are
as follows:
struct viewPortBufferRecord {
gxViewGroup group; /* The offscreen's view group. */
gxViewDevice device; /* The offscreen's view device. */
gxViewPort view; /* The offscreen's view port. */
gxShape buffer; /* The bitmap of the offscreen's */
/* view device. */
gxBitmap bits; /* Source structure for the */
/* buffer shape. */
Handle storage; /* A temp handle to the bits of */
/* the bitmap. */
gxTransform offxform; /* This draws into the offscreen. */
gxTransform on_xform; /* This draws onscreen. */
gxShape eraser; /* Erases offscreen to background */
/* color. */
gxShape marker; /* Used to draw into the */
/* offscreen. */
gxShape updatearea; /* Represents the area to update. */
short usehalftone; /* True if screen has a halftone. */
WindowPtr window; /* The window of the view port. */
gxViewPort parent; /* The parent's view port. */
gxViewPort screenview; /* The view port to buffer. */
gxShape page; /* The shape that we're asked to */
/* draw. */
gxRectangle bounds; /* The offscreen's bounds. */
gxMapping invmap; /* The inv offscreen view port */
/* map. */
gxPoint viewdelta; /* The last delta for the */
/* offscreen. */
typedef struct viewPortBufferRecord viewPortBufferRecord;
don't need to understand all of the fields in the viewPortBufferRecord data
structure to use the library. However, if you start having problems getting
things to work inside your application and find that you need to modify the
screen buffering library, see "The viewPortBufferRecord Data Structure" for
some additional helpful information.
The following is an accounting of all of the fields of the viewPortBufferRecord
data structure.
- group, device, view -- These are the three elements of an offscreen
drawing environment in QuickDraw GX. We need one of each to draw offscreen.
- buffer, bits, storage -- These objects represent the bits of the
offscreen device in decreasing order of abstraction. The field buffer is a
bitmap shape that represents the "screen" of the view device. The field bits
parallels the contents of buffer and is used to keep information about the
offscreen bitmap around between invocations of DrawShapeBuffered, the routine
that draws the buffered shape. Finally, the storage field is the handle in Temp
Mem (the MultiFinder temporary memory heap) that contains the offscreen data.
- offxform, on_xform -- These are QuickDraw GX transform objects.
offxform has a view port list that contains just the view port for the
offscreen device. on_xform has a view port list for the parent of the view port
that's being buffered. You may expect that the view port list would be the view
port being buffered and not its parent, but when drawing onscreen we've already
taken into account all of the transformation and clips of the view port we're
buffering, and we just need to copy the end result to the screen. This is why
we use the view port's parent and not the view port proper.
- eraser, marker -- These are the auxiliary shapes used to erase the
offscreen buffer and to draw the incoming shapes. The shape eraser is of type
gxFullType (a "full" shape) and is the color of the background. The marker (so
named to complement eraser) is a picture shape that will be used to draw into
the offscreen buffer. The reason for using the marker rather than swapping in
the transform of the incoming shape to be offxform (thereby causing the shape
to draw offscreen) is that the swapping operation would invalidate the caches
for the incoming shape. Instead we use the property of picture shapes of
redirecting any drawing to their view port list instead of the shape's own in
order to cause incoming shapes to render offscreen. Furthermore, if the
incoming shape is the same for every invocation of DrawShapeBuffered, we can
test for it and not change the contents of the marker.
- updatearea -- This is a rectangle shape used to compute the size of the
offscreen buffer that is to be generated and what devices it falls on.
- usehalftone -- This is a Boolean indicating whether to use a halftone
in the offscreen buffer.
- window, parent, screenview, page -- These fields hold incoming
parameters to the library. The window field is the window in which drawing will
occur. The parent field is a cache for the parent of the view port being
buffered (see page 7-18 of Inside Macintosh: QuickDraw GX Objects to learn more
about view port hierarchies). The screenview field indicates the view port that
will be buffered. The page field is a reference to the last shape passed to
- bounds -- This field indicates the visible area of the screenview in
the coordinate space of that view port.
- invmap -- This is a mapping for translating between the coordinate
system of the shapes being drawn in the window and the space of the window
itself. If your view is zoomed in at 2x magnification, this mapping will be at
1/2 scale.
- viewdelta -- This is the position of the upper left corner of the area
being buffered, in the local coordinate system of the window. This parameter is
used to adjust the drawing in the offscreen buffer so that only the correct
part of the shape being buffered is drawn, and to position the content of the
offscreen buffer when it's being transferred onto the screen.
In general
terms, the code works by allocating a number of QuickDraw GX objects and
reusing them as required. Memory for the offscreen buffer is allocated from the
MultiFinder temporary memory heap (Temp Mem). Allocation of the storage block
is postponed until the last possible moment, and the block is kept locked and
nonpurgeable only during the drawing operation. That is, after the resulting
image has been transferred to the screen, the block is unlocked and marked
purgeable but
not disposed of. This permits the same block to be reused in case
the memory for the buffer isn't purged.
While most users will keep their windows entirely within the bounds of one
screen, it's important to handle the case where a window spans more than one
device. Each time the DrawShapeBuffered routine is called (as described later),
the code walks the device list checking to see if the area that needs to be
buffered intersects a given screen. If it does, the code creates a buffer with
the right settings and draws into that device. The process is repeated for each
You'll need one view port buffer for each window in your program. To create a
view port buffer, use the NewViewPortWBuffer routine.
viewPortBuffer NewViewPortWBuffer(WindowPtr window,
gxViewPort view, const gxColor *backgroundColor);
at the Initialize routine in the file "flicker free.c" for an example of how to
use NewViewPortWBuffer. Here's a description of the parameters:
The window that the buffering code should draw into.
The view port created by your application to draw into the given window.
Note that this is different from the object obtained by calling
GXNewWindowViewPort, in that this view port should have the window view port
set to be its parent.
A pointer to a gxColor data structure indicating which color
should be drawn to erase the offscreen buffer. Passing nil is equivalent to
specifying white as the background color.
Let's look at what it takes to create an offscreen buffer in the
NewViewPortWBuffer routine (Listing 1). In QuickDraw GX, the place where
drawing occurs (for example, the screen or an offscreen buffer) is described by
a view device, so the primary purpose of the routine is to create a view device
and store it in the device field of the viewPortBufferRecord data structure.
Because we want the offscreen device that we specify to be as close as possible
to the one into which we will eventually be drawing, you might think that we
would go ahead and set all of the attributes of the view device now. But in
fact, all that we want to concern ourselves with right now is allocating the
gxViewDevice object. Later, when we get to the drawing part, we'll check the
screen and our offscreen device and update the gxViewDevice object accordingly.
Listing 1. NewViewPortWBuffer
viewPortBuffer NewViewPortWBuffer(WindowPtr window, gxViewPort view,
const gxColor *backgroundColor)
Handle sbHdl;
if (sbHdl = NewHandleClear(sizeof(viewPortBufferRecord))) {
gxInk background;
gxHalftone halftone;
viewPortBufferRecord *sbPtr;
sbPtr = * (viewPortBufferRecord **) sbHdl;
sbPtr->window = window;
sbPtr->screenview = view;
sbPtr->parent = GXGetViewPortParent(view);
/* We don't allocate storage until we need it. */
sbPtr->storage = nil;
sbPtr->buffer = GXNewShape(gxBitmapType);
sbPtr->group = GXNewViewGroup();
sbPtr->view = GXNewViewPort(sbPtr->group);
sbPtr->device = GXNewViewDevice(sbPtr->group,
if (sbPtr->usehalftone =
GXGetViewPortHalftone(view, &halftone))
GXSetViewPortHalftone(sbPtr->view, &halftone);
sbPtr->offxform = GXNewTransform();
GXSetTransformViewPorts(sbPtr->offxform, 1,
sbPtr->on_xform = GXNewTransform();
GXSetTransformViewPorts(sbPtr->on_xform, 1,
background = GXNewInk();
if (backgroundColor)
GXSetInkColor(background, backgroundColor);
else {
gxColor backcolor; = gxRGBSpace;
backcolor.profile = nil; = = = 0xFFFF;
GXSetInkColor(background, &backcolor);
sbPtr->eraser = GXNewShape(gxFullType);
GXSetShapeInk(sbPtr->eraser, background);
/* The initial bounds for the offscreen is the entire */
/* window. */
sbPtr->bounds.left = ff(window->portRect.left);
sbPtr-> = ff(window->;
sbPtr->bounds.right = ff(window->portRect.right);
sbPtr->bounds.bottom = ff(window->portRect.bottom);
sbPtr->updatearea = GXNewRectangle(&sbPtr->bounds);
GXSetShapeViewPorts(sbPtr->updatearea, 1, &sbPtr->parent);
sbPtr->marker = GXNewShape(gxPictureType);
GXSetShapeTransform(sbPtr->eraser, sbPtr->offxform);
GXSetShapeTransform(sbPtr->marker, sbPtr->offxform);
GXSetShapeTransform(sbPtr->buffer, sbPtr->on_xform);
/* The rest of the fields in the block are initialized to */
/* 0 by the "Clear" in the NewHandleClear used to allocate */
/* this block. */
return ((viewPortBuffer) sbHdl);
create a view device we need a view group and a bitmap. Eventually we'll want
to fill in all of the values of the gxBitmap object to match the screen, but
for now the default values assigned to the bitmap by calling GXNewShape are
The NewViewPortWBuffer routine also allocates a number of auxiliary objects
that will be needed during the operation of the offscreen buffer. These include
the following:
- a gxShape object to be used to erase the offscreen buffer
- a pair of gxTransform objects to direct drawing of incoming shapes to
the offscreen buffer and of the content of the offscreen buffer to the screen
Because we'll use these objects throughout the life of the offscreen
buffer, we'll do best by allocating them now and releasing them at the end.
Whenever possible, you'll want to allocate objects that you'll use throughout
the life of your application up front, work with them by changing their
attributes, and dispose of them at the end.
When you've finished using the window and want to deallocate the memory being
used by the view port buffer, you should call DisposeViewPortWBuffer.
void DisposeViewPortWBuffer(viewPortBuffer sb);
| The object previously returned from NewViewPortWBuffer. |
As shown in Listing 2, DisposeViewPortWBuffer just runs through the
viewPortBufferRecord data structure and disposes of all of the objects
allocated by NewViewPortWBuffer.
Listing 2. DisposeViewPortWBuffer
void DisposeViewPortWBuffer(viewPortBuffer sb)
viewPortBufferRecord *sbPtr;
HLock((Handle) sb);
sbPtr = *sb;
/* We need to dispose of all of the things that we allocated. */
if (sbPtr->storage) DisposeHandle(sbPtr->storage);
HUnlock((Handle) sb);
DisposeHandle((Handle) sb);
When some aspect of the window in which you're drawing changes, you need to
call UpdateViewPortWBuffer. In particular, if you change the clip shape or the
mapping of the viewPort object that you originally passed to
NewViewPortWBuffer, you need to call UpdateViewPortWBuffer. Typically, you'll
need to change the clip shape of the view port to keep QuickDraw GX from
drawing shapes over the scroll bar area, and you'll need to change the mapping
in order to zoom in or scroll.
void UpdateViewPortWBuffer(viewPortBuffer sb, gxShape clip,
gxMapping *displaymap);
| The object previously returned from NewViewPortWBuffer.
| The clip shape that should be applied when drawing into the window
previously passed to NewViewPortWBuffer. Passing nil leaves the current clip
shape untouched. The initial setting is for drawing to occur in the entire
contents of the window (including the area typically assigned to scroll
| The parameter used to update the view port buffer if you change the
mapping of your window view port in order to zoom in or scroll. If nil, the
current mapping is left untouched. The initial setting is the identity mapping.
Now we get to the real substance of the library -- the buffering routine and
its supporting code.
When you want to draw on the screen, you'll call DrawShapeBuffered instead of
GXDrawShape. If the memory is available to double buffer your drawing,
DrawShapeBuffered will result in a flicker-free update; otherwise the routine
will simply call GXDrawShape.
void DrawShapeBuffered(viewPortBuffer sb, gxShape page,
const gxRectangle *updatebounds);
| The object previously returned from NewViewPortWBuffer.
| The shape that you want to draw inside the window. This is typically a
QuickDraw GX picture shape into which all of the shapes that make up a document
have been collected.
| A pointer to a QuickDraw GX rectangle indicating what area of the
document is to be updated. The location of the rectangle is given in the
coordinate system of the window's portRect. If nil, the code draws the area
inside the clip shape passed to UpdateViewPortWBuffer.
As shown in Listing 3, the first thing that the buffering routine does is to
compute the global bounds of the view port that's being buffered. Optionally,
you could specify what area inside the view port you want to have buffered.
Otherwise the routine attempts to draw all of the view port that's visible on
the screen.
Listing 3. DrawShapeBuffered
void DrawShapeBuffered(viewPortBuffer sb, gxShape page,
const gxRectangle *updatebounds)
viewPortBufferRecord *sbPtr;
gxRectangle bounds;
HLock((Handle) sb);
sbPtr = *sb;
if (updatebounds) {
gxMapping map;
GXGetViewPortMapping(sbPtr->screenview, &map);
bounds = *updatebounds;
bounds.left = bounds.left & 0xFFFF0000;
bounds.right = (bounds.right + 0xFFFF) & 0xFFFF0000; = & 0xFFFF0000;
bounds.bottom = (bounds.bottom + 0xFFFF) & 0xFFFF0000;
MapPoints(&map, 2, (gxPoint *) &bounds);
bounds.left = bounds.left & 0xFFFF0000;
bounds.right = (bounds.right + 0xFFFF) & 0xFFFF0000; = & 0xFFFF0000;
bounds.bottom = (bounds.bottom + 0xFFFF) & 0xFFFF0000;
/* We remove the fractional part BEFORE the call to */
/* MapPoints because we're rounding to enclose all pixels */
/* intersected by the rectangle. Pixels are integers. */
/* Coordinates are fractional. */
bounds = sbPtr->bounds;
/* The above given bounds is in the window space - just right. */
GXSetRectangle(sbPtr->updatearea, &bounds);
/* Check to see that the shape is actually visible on the */
/* screen and then proceed to draw. */
if (bounds.left < bounds.right &&
< bounds.bottom) {
GDHandle screen;
if (sbPtr->page != page) {
GXSetPicture(sbPtr->marker, 1, &page, nil, nil, nil);
sbPtr->page = page;
if (screen = GetDeviceList()) {
do {
gxViewDevice device = GXGetGDeviceViewDevice(screen);
/* Note that we reuse the bounds in here. */
if (GXGetShapeDeviceBounds(sbPtr->updatearea,
sbPtr->parent, device, &bounds))
BufferDrawing(sbPtr, &bounds, device);
} while (screen = GetNextDevice(screen));
you haven't caught on to the fact that you can connect multiple screens to your
Macintosh, the last part may be a little confusing. Once the routine has
figured the global bounds of the visible part of the view port that it's
buffering, it walks the device list checking to see if those bounds intersect
each of the devices connected to the CPU and then calls the routine that
performs the drawing (BufferDrawing, shown in Listing 4). Since most of the
time a window will be completely contained within one screen, the BufferDrawing
routine will be called only once per invocation of DrawShapeBuffered. The nice
thing about breaking up the code this way is that the BufferDrawing routine can
assume that it's drawing to a single device and therefore it's safe to make
assumptions about the device's capabilities.
Listing 4. BufferDrawing
static void BufferDrawing(viewPortBufferRecord *sbPtr,
const gxRectangle *boundsPtr, gxViewDevice target)
gxRectangle bounds = *boundsPtr;
long depth, size, gxstatus;
gxMapping map, savemap;
gxShape devsh;
gxBitmap devbits;
OSErr status;
gxPoint viewloc;
gxBitmap oldbits = sbPtr->bits;
/* Fill in all the values of sbPtr->bits. */
viewloc.x = bounds.left; /* These numbers are already in */
viewloc.y =; /* local space. */
/* Compute the onscreen location of the buffer. */
/* This is the important part, allocating the actual bits. */
size = sbPtr->bits.rowBytes * sbPtr->bits.height;
check(size > 0);
if (sbPtr->storage) {
if ((* (sbPtr->storage)) != nil)
SetHandleSize(sbPtr->storage, size);
else {
ReallocHandle(sbPtr->storage, size);
nrequire(status = MemError(), TempBufferFailed);
require(sbPtr->storage = TempNewHandle(size, &status),
sbPtr->bits.image = * ((void **) sbPtr->storage);
/* See if we need to invalidate all of the world when we do */
/* this. */
if (oldbits.image != sbPtr->bits.image ||
oldbits.width != sbPtr->bits.width ||
oldbits.height != sbPtr->bits.height ||
oldbits.rowBytes != sbPtr->bits.rowBytes ||
oldbits.pixelSize != sbPtr->bits.pixelSize || != sbPtr-> ||
(oldbits.set != sbPtr->bits.set && oldbits.set &&
GXEqualColorSet(oldbits.set, sbPtr->bits.set) == false) ||
(oldbits.profile != sbPtr->bits.profile &&
oldbits.profile &&
GXEqualColorProfile(oldbits.profile, sbPtr->bits.profile)
== false)) {
GXSetBitmap(sbPtr->buffer, &sbPtr->bits, nil);
GXSetViewDeviceBitmap(sbPtr->device, sbPtr->buffer);
else { /* We test this one instead */
sbPtr->bits.set = oldbits.set; /* of the disposed one. */
sbPtr->bits.profile = oldbits.profile; /* Ditto */
/* Erase the offscreen bitmap, draw the shape into it, and */
/* then copy it onscreen. */
GXDrawShape(sbPtr->eraser); /* Erase. */
GXDrawShape(sbPtr->marker); /* Buffer. */
GXDrawShape(sbPtr->buffer); /* Transfer -- done. */
if (devsh)
GXDisposeShape(devsh); /* Dispose of the device bitmap. */
if (gxstatus)
goto DrawingFailed;
GXDisposeShape(devsh); /* Dispose of the device bitmap. */
approach of walking the device list is preferred to maintaining a buffer for
each screen and having a routine to update the buffer list every time a window
is moved. The latter approach would result in only minor performance
improvements, and only when the window intersected more than one device. Since
this is a rare case, the additional housekeeping isn't worth the trouble.
The key to understanding DrawShapeBuffered is the equivalence between the
QuickDraw data type GDHandle and a QuickDraw GX view device. To walk the device
list, the code uses the QuickDraw routines GetDeviceList and GetNextDevice. The
GXGetShapeDeviceBounds routine converts a GDHandle to a view device. From the
view device we can find out which area of the screen intersects the area that
we're being asked to update.
The Display Manager can help you walk the device list, as discussed in the
Graphical Truffles column in this issue of develop.*
In BufferDrawing, all of the parameters needed to create an offscreen bitmap as
required by the given device are finally computed. Note that in the
BufferDrawing routine there are no calls that create new objects; there are
only calls that modify objects that were created when NewViewPortWBuffer was
called. The modifications are done only if needed. For example, before calling
GXSetTransformMapping, the library checks to see if the mapping has changed and
merits updating. Without this check, the transform cache would be needlessly
invalidated some of the time. Similarly, the code checks to see if any of the
parameters of the bitmap for the offscreen view device have changed before
calling GXSetBitmap and GXSetViewDeviceBitmap.
Changing the bitmap for the view device is one of the most expensive operations
in QuickDraw GX because it invalidates most of the drawing caches. Fortunately,
the check to see if the bitmap needs to be updated executes very quickly in
spite of its length, and the cost of rebuilding all of the shape caches is
avoided if possible.
The most confusing thing in the BufferDrawing routine is the call to the
GXGetDeviceBitmap routine (omitted from Listing 4; see the full code on the CD
for details) and the subsequent call to GXDisposeShape for the same object.
This routine obtains a copy of the read-only object in QuickDraw GX that
represents the bitmap for a given screen. There are two important points about
this. The first is that since we're being given a copy and not the object
itself, we have to dispose of the object after we're finished with it. You may
think that it would be more efficient to get the object during the
initialization routine and then dispose of it when we're all done. But that's
the other important point. Since the object that we have is a copy of the
original, our copy would not be updated if the depth of the monitor was changed
or the color table for the device had been updated. As a result of these two
points, we're forced to allocate an object every time through our drawing loop,
something that should be avoided in general.
The rest of the routines in the offscreen buffering library provide support and
access to some of the internal fields of the viewPortBufferRecord data
structure. If you need more information on how to use these, look at the sample
code included on this issue's CD.
I'll mention one other routine here. Because the internal view port created by
the library is inaccessible from the outside, the routine
SetViewPortWBufferDither is provided to change the dither level of the view
port. If you need to change other attributes of the offscreen view port, use
the SetViewPortWBufferDither routine as a template.
void SetViewPortWBufferDither(viewPortBuffer sb,
const long ditherlevel);
sb | The object previously returned from NewViewPortWBuffer.
ditherlevel | The dithering level to set the offscreen view port to.
If the code presented so far doesn't meet your particular needs, you may want
to try changing or fine tuning it. Here are some suggestions and observations
about things that you may want to try.
Currently the code looks for memory in the MultiFinder temporary memory heap
(Temp Mem) and will back down in case it can't obtain the memory for the
offscreen buffer. If you need to guarantee that your drawing will be screen
buffered, you'll need to change the memory allocation code inside the
BufferDrawing routine.
There are two places where memory allocation can trip the screen buffering
library. If the library fails to allocate enough memory to hold its data
structures, it will return nil from NewViewPortWBuffer. You may need to change
this to better fit in with your application's error model.
The library will handle a failure to allocate the offscreen bitmap by resorting
to drawing with GXDrawShape. If you want something different, see "Bitmap
Allocation" above.
If the original data that you'll be working with requires more bits than are on
the display that you're running on, you may want to create an offscreen buffer
that's deeper than the screen and then take advantage of the dithering or
halftoning mechanisms in QuickDraw GX to allow user manipulation. The code that
checks for changes in the screen view port's halftone should give you a good
idea of how to do that.
Now you understand how to use double buffering to prevent flicker in your
QuickDraw GX application. You may need to do some fine tuning of the screen
buffering library to fit your purposes, but the result will be worth it. Users
will appreciate the more professional look of your application and their eyes
won't tire as quickly as they peer at a flicker-free screen.
- "Getting Started With QuickDraw GX" by Pete "Luke" Alexander, develop
Issue 15.
- Inside Macintosh: QuickDraw GX Objects and Inside Macintosh: QuickDraw
GX Graphics (Addison-Wesley, 1994).
HUGO M. AYALA (, spent five years
working on QuickDraw GX as a development engineer at Apple before returning to
MIT to pursue a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering. His current research interest
is how to design the undercarriage of large earth-moving equipment so that it
doesn't get thrashed so fast by rocks and dirt. To pay for the Ph.D., he
moonlights doing computer graphics work, which has been his hobby since he was
a lad. After finishing his Ph.D., Hugo plans to branch off into drawing comic
strips, like the one that he's been drawing for his school newspaper. If you
ever try to give Hugo directions, you need to know that he's directionally
challenged -- he really can't tell his left from his right.*
Thanks to our technical reviewers Dave Bice, Brian Chrisman, Tom Dowdy, David
Hayward, and Ingrid Kelly.*