December 95 - The Veteran Neophyte: The Right Tool for the Job
The Veteran Neophyte: The
Right Tool for the Job
Dave Johnson
Dynamic programming languages are cool. Once you've tasted dynamic programming,
it's hard to go back to the old, crusty, static way of doing things. But the
fact remains that almost all commercial software is still written with static
languages. Why?
Recently I took a class in Newton programming. For me personally the Newton
isn't a very useful device, only because I never carry around a notepad or
calendar or address book or to-do list and I don't have a need to collect any
sort of data out in the field. But even though it's not terribly useful to me,
it is very useful to a lot of people -- and useful or not, it's a really cool
device. Programming the Newton, for those of you who haven't had the pleasure,
is very, very different from programming the Macintosh in C or C++ or Pascal,
and is incredibly attractive in a lot of ways.
The language that you use to program the Newton, NewtonScript, is an example of
an object-oriented dynamic language, or OODL. (See? Even the acronym is cool.)
This means a number of things, but the upshot is that it's very
programmer-friendly and very flexible. Now, I don't pretend to be an expert in
languages, not by a long shot, so I can't offer any incisive comparisons with
other "modern" languages, but I can tell you what it feels like for a
dyed-in-the-wool C programmer to leap into this new and different world. It
feels great.
One well-known feature of dynamic languages is garbage collection, the
automatic management of memory. Objects in memory that are no longer needed are
automatically freed, and in fact there is no way to explicitly free them other
than making sure that there are no references to them any more, so that the
garbage collector can do its thing. I didn't fully realize how much time and
effort and code it takes to deal with memory management until I didn't have to
do it anymore. There's something almost naughty about it, going around
cavalierly creating objects in memory without worrying about what to do with
them later. After a lifetime of living in mortal fear of memory leaks, it feels
deliciously irresponsible. I like it. I like it a lot.
NewtonScript's object model is refreshingly simple and consistent. There are
the usual "simple" data types -- integers, real numbers, Booleans, strings, and
so on -- and only two kinds of compound objects: arrays and frames. An array,
as you might expect, is simply a linear, ordered group of objects, and the
individual objects are referenced by their index (their position in the array).
Frames are an unordered collection of items in named slots; you refer to a
particular item by the name of its slot. Frames are also the only NewtonScript
objects that can be sent messages, and the message is simply the name of a slot
that contains a function.
Because NewtonScript is dynamic, variables or frame slots or array members can
hold any kind of data, including other arrays or frames, or even functions, and
the kind of data can be changed at any time. The size of the array or frame can
be changed anytime, too; you can add or delete items as needed, without
worrying about managing the changing memory requirements. This kind of
flexibility is a big chunk of what makes dynamic languages so, well, dynamic.
Such a thing is of course unimaginable in a static language, where each byte
must be explicitly allocated before it's needed, carefully tracked while used,
and explicitly deallocated when you're done with it.
NewtonScript is also introspective, meaning that all objects "know" all about
themselves. (Isn't that a nice term? I like the idea of a language being
introspective -- sitting there, chin in hand, pondering itself.) The type of a
piece of data is stored with the data, and named items keep their names. In
fact, everything in memory is coherent, with a well-defined identity; there is
no possibility of undifferentiated bits getting schlepped around, no
possibility of a dangling pointer or a string being interpreted as a real
number. In static languages, of course, all that design-level information is
thrown out at compile time, and doesn't exist in the running program at all.
There's nothing but undifferentiated bits, really. What a mess.
And that means that debugging, for the most part, has to take place at the
machine level. By the time the program is running, it's just a maze of pointers
and bytes and instructions, fine for a machine but nasty for humans. Of course,
to combat this we have elaborate, complex programs called source-level
debuggers. They give you the sense that the names still exist, thank goodness,
but it's just a trick, and depends on an external file that correlates symbols
with locations in memory. If you don't have the symbol file, you're out of
luck. (Confession time: In my regular C programming I avoid low-level debugging
like the plague. Usually I'd rather spend an hour in a source-level debugger
than spend five minutes in MacsBug -- I know, I know, I'm a wimp -- precisely
because all the information that helps me to think about my program, the names
and so on, still "exist" in the source-level debugger. In NewtonScript, there
isn't even such a thing as low-level debugging! All that design information is
right there in the guts of the running program. Hallelujah!)
With dynamic languages like NewtonScript, you can let go of the details of the
machine's operation, and deal with your program's operation instead -- you can
think at the design level, not the machine level. And it's an incredible relief
to float free of the bits and bytes and pointers and handles and memory leaks
and messy bookkeeping. Most of the ponderous baggage that comes along with
writing a computer program goes away. I mean really, how much longer must we
approach the machine on its terms when we want to build something on it? Users
were released from that kind of bondage to the machine's way of doing things
long ago. So what are we waiting for? Obviously we can't program the Macintosh
in NewtonScript (more's the pity) but why aren't we all chucking our C++
compilers in exchange for Prograph or Lisp or Smalltalk or Dylan? Well, some of
us are. But I think there are two major hurdles to overcome before dynamic
languages become mainstream: the need for speed, and inertia.
Dynamic languages carry their own baggage, of course. In the same way that
making the Macintosh easier for people to use made it harder to program because
the complexity and bookkeeping were shunted behind the scenes, making
programming languages easier to use also requires new behind-the-scenes
infrastructure and complexity. (Somebody has to do the memory management, after
all.) This usually results in a bigger memory footprint and slower execution.
For "normal" operations, we're long past the point where that mattered: the
hardware is beefy enough to handle it without blinking. But software always
pushes the limits of the hardware. Consequently, there are still times when
it's important to squeeze every drop of performance out of the machine. And
dynamic languages are just not very good at that. (I don't think you'd want to
write your QuickDraw 3D renderer in Lisp.) So any dynamic language that hopes
for mainstream commercial acceptance had better have a facility for running
hunks of "external" code. That way you could write the bulk of your program in
a dynamic language, but still be able to write any time-critical parts in your
favorite static language and plug them in. You'd lose the protection of the
dynamic language when running the external code, but that's a reasonable
Inertia is the other big problem. People, once they know one way to do
something, are often loath to change it, especially if they've been doing it
that way for a long time. I'm guilty of this in my own small way: every time I
learn a spiffy, liberating new way to program I think I'll never go back to the
"old" way. But the next time I set off to write some code I automatically reach
for the familiar tools, not the new ones. (Lucky for me, the only way to
program the Newton is in NewtonScript.)
Fortunately, neither one of these hurdles will stop the evolution of our tools.
It's unstoppable, if perhaps slower than we might like. There's already a whole
spectrum of tools available. From Assembler to AppleScript, Pascal to Prograph,
there are tools that allow anyone with enough interest to teach their computers
to do new things. The line between users and programmers continues to blur, and
dynamic languages can only help that process. I love the thought of putting
programming tools into the hands of "nonprogrammers" -- kids, artists,
hobbyists -- and seeing what they come up with. You can bet it will be
something new, something that people tied to the machine would never have
thought of. I can't wait.
- Unleashed: Poems by Writers' Dogs, edited by Amy Hempel and Jim Shepard
(Crown, 1995).
DAVE JOHNSON recently enrolled his smallest dog -- named Io (eye-oh) but
affectionately called The Stinklet -- in an agility class. Dog agility is a
sort of obstacle course for dogs, with ramps and jumps and tunnels and poles to
climb and leap over and crawl and weave through. Dave got so involved that he
started building agility courses in the living room. He came to his senses,
thankfully, before creating any permanent installations.
Dave is easing up on his working life: beginning with the next issue, he'll be
working 3/4 time. He had to give up some things, and it was decided (reasonably
enough) that helping to edit the rest of develop was more important than
writing this column. Look for guest Neophytes in coming issues, with perhaps
the occasional installment from Dave.
Thanks to Lorraine Anderson, Jeff Barbose, Paul Dreyfus, Bo3b Johnson, Lisa
Jongewaard, and Ned van Alstyne for their always enlightening review
Dave welcomes feedback on his musings. He can be reached at JOHNSON.DK on
AppleLink or eWorld, or on the Internet.