December 95 - Newton Q & A: Ask the Llama
Newton Q & A: Ask the Llama
Q The on-line discussion groups for Newton developers have a lot of references
to compatibility these days. My application works fine on the 120, 110, and 100
models. Does that mean I'm compatible?
A Good question. Compatibility doesn't mean your application works now, but
that it's written in such a way that it will work on future Newton devices and
operating systems. There are several APIs and methods for doing things on the
120, 110, and 100 models that will work with them but are not necessarily
compatible with future releases of the operating system.
There are two main points to observe for the sake of compatibility:
- If it's not documented, don't use it.
- Catch exceptions; they can occur (especially if you ignore the first
Since compatibility is such an important question, it will be the
focus of this column. The rest of the column will cover the most common
breaches of compatibility. Where applicable, there will be an example of the
incompatible and compatible ways of doing things. After reading this and making
copious notes (especially where you find yourself saying "Oh dear" and "Oh
no!"), you'll be in a position to make your code compatible. We also recommend
that you try out your application with the Compatibility App Package (which is
on this issue's CD and is available from various on-line services).
Note that we refer often to the Newton Toolkit platform file functions. The
Toolkit documentation and platform file release notes describe these functions,
which are provided in lieu of future APIs. You should use these platform file
functions where applicable. Call the code directly and don't modify it. That
is, use the call/with syntax; don't place the code in a slot in your
application and use message sending.
There are four common offenders here: CreateAppSoup, SetupCardSoups,
MakeSymbol, and GetAllFolders.
The function kRegisterCardSoupFunc in the platform file replaces CreateAppSoup
and SetupCardSoups. It's much simpler to use than the undocumented functions:
// RIGHT way
constant kSoupName := "MySoup:MYSIG";
constant kSoupIndices := '[];
constant kAppObject := '["Item", "Items"];
call kRegisterCardSoupFunc with
(kSoupName, kSoupIndices, kAppSymbol, kAppObject);
// *** WRONG way ***
CreateAppSoup(kSoupName, kSoupIndices, EnsureInternal([appSymbol]),
AddArraySlot(cardSoups, kSoupName);
AddArraySlot(cardSoups, kSoupIndices);
fix for MakeSymbol is to call the Intern function: it does the same thing as
MakeSymbol and it's documented.
There's no replacement function for GetAllFolders; just don't call it.
The three most common misused global variables are
extras, and
There are two uses of cardSoups: one is to register a card soup; the other
to unregister it. Registering is taken care of with kRegisterCardSoupFunc (see
above). Unregistering is done with another platform file function,
// RIGHT way
call kUnRegisterCardSoupFunc with (kSoupName);
// *** WRONG way ***
SetRemove(cardSoups, kSoupName);
SetRemove(cardSoups, kSoupIndices);
should never access the
extras global variable. Not only is this variable
undocumented, but so is its format. Both are subject to major revisions. The
platform file function kSetExtrasInfoFunc is provided for setting information
about items in the extras drawer. The most common use of this function is to
give your application a different icon (see the ExtraChange DTS sample code on
the CD).
There are also platform file functions to manipulate userConfiguration:
- kGetUserConfigFunc gets a slot from the userConfiguration soup entry.
- kSetUserConfigFunc lets you set user configuration information.
- kFlushUserConfigFunc should be called when you've changed user
configuration information.
// RIGHT way
local userName := call kGetUserConfigFunc with ('name);
if userName then
if StrEqual(userName, "Doctor") then
call kSetUserConfigFunc with ('name, "The Doctor");
call kFlushUserConfigFunc with ();
// *** WRONG way ***
if AND
StrEqual(, "Doctor") then := "The Doctor";
This is a broad category of problems. The most common is
keyboardChicken in the
root view. But there are others, like
dockerChooser in the root view,
UnionSoup:Add, and anything in a built-in
application. Unfortunately, there is no right way to access most of these. The
exceptions are
cursor.current and
// RIGHT way
local currentEntry := cursor:Entry();
// *** WRONG way ***
local currentEntry := cursor.current;
don't rely on the routing slips, such as
mailSlip and
printSlip, being in the
root view. You can, however, still use those symbols in your routing frame.
If you use one of these, you know it. Just think what would happen if the magic
pointer changed from a view to a string: you would get some pretty bad
behavior. Note that most of this could be dealt with by catching exceptions.
All you can assume is that store 0 is the internal store. You can't rely on
there being only one other store, nor can you rely on the position of a store
in the array returned by GetStores. Also, don't assume that another store is a
card or even that there is just one store per card.
If you support moving or copying items between stores, you shouldn't find the
title of the store. Use the constant ROM_cardAction as provided in the platform
// RIGHT way
routingFrame := {
print: ...
card: ROM_cardAction
addition, don't assume that your soup will exist on every store. Currently, if
you register your union soup, it's automatically created on every store that
enters the Newton; however, this may change in the future:
// RIGHT way
// *** WRONG way ***
that AddToDefaultStore or Add could throw exceptions. Wrap your calls to these
functions in exception handlers.
Finally, if you support the soup change mechanism, don't assume that the change
is adding or deleting an entry. It could be something else, such as a soup
being created or removed from a store.
Don't assume the screen is any particular size. It could be larger or smaller
than current devices. It could also be wider than it is tall. Your application
size setup routine (usually in the viewSetupFormScript) should take this into
account. Have maximum and minimum sizes. Close your application if it can't
handle the current screen size.
// Code to close your application
constant kUnsupportedScreenSize :=
"WiggyWorld does not support this screen size";
DefConst('closeMeFunc, func(x) x:Close());
:Notify(kNotifyQAlert, EnsureInternal(kAppName),
AddDeferredAction(closeMeFunc, [self]);
Rely only on the features and details of built-in data types that are
documented. There are three common problem areas: order of slots in a frame,
precision of integers, and implementation of strings.
The order of slots in a frame is undefined. It just so happens that in the
current implementation the first 20 slots are returned in the order added. This
is not a documented feature, so don't rely on it.
Integers are documented as having at least 30 bits of precision. This doesn't
mean they'll always be 30 bits; they could be wider (as anyone who has used
compiled NewtonScript can tell you). Note that compiled NewtonScript integers
may not be 32 bits; they also follow the "at least 30 bits" rule.
The biggest offender is assumptions about how strings are implemented. Don't
rely on strings being null terminated or being composed of two-byte Unicode
characters. The practical upshot is that you should use StrLen to find the
length, and StrMunger (or &) for length changes. Don't use Length,
SetLength, or BinaryMunger with strings. Don't use the array accessor to set a
string; you can check a character, but don't set a character.
Don't send messages directly to the IOBox; use the kSendFunc platform file
function. Nor should you read the items in the IOBox soups.
Also note that there are platform file functions to register and unregister for
Find that you should use.
Always use SetValue when you're changing the view or other system values.
Use only the body slot in items that you route. Don't assume that slots other
than body will survive the routing process. On a related note, don't rely on
the category slot of fields in your SetupRoutingSlip method either.
Don't rely on the closing order of views in the viewQuitScript. If you need to
do some ordered cleanup, you can initiate your own message (for example,
myViewQuitScript) from the view that first receives the viewQuitScript.
Replace system functions and messages at your peril. It's possible they will
support other data types in the future (for example, to take NIL now where
before they only took a string).
Don't assume anything about the built-in applications. Don't assume that they
exist, or that their soups are there, or that the view structure will stay the
same. If you do need to use a system feature (for example, a particular
prototype, global function, or root method), test your assumptions.
local cardFileExists := GetRoot().cardfile;
if cardFileExists then
local cardFileSoup := GetUnionSoup(ROM_cardfilesoupname);
if cardFileSoup then
// :-0
if GetRoot().keyboardChicken then
Newtons have two levels of Undo; this may change. There could be more or fewer
levels and it could change to Undo/Redo. It's safest to call AddUndoAction from
inside your undo action; this will support Undo/Redo if we implement it, but
will do nothing if we do not.
The llama is the unofficial mascot of the Developer Technical Support group in
Apple's Newton Systems Group. Send your Newton-related questions to NewtonMail
or eWorld DRLLAMA or to AppleLink DR.LLAMA. The first time we use a question
from you, we'll send you a T-shirt.
Thanks to our Newton Partners for the questions used in this column, and to
jXopher Bell, Henry Cate, Bob Ebert, David Fedor, Stephen Harris, Jim Schram,
Maurice Sharp, James Speir, and Bruce Thompson for the answers.
Have more questions? Take a look at Newton Developer Info on AppleLink.