December 95 - Printing Images Faster With Data Compression
Printing Images Faster With Data Compression
David Gelphman
Using JPEG image compression techniques can dramatically improve performance
during printing to PostScript(TM) Level 2 printers; compressed images are
significantly smaller and take much less time to print. You don't need to write
PostScript code or special-case your code for PostScript printing; QuickTime
and the printer driver do most of the work for you. You don't have to wait to
get started, either. If you implement JPEG image data compression techniques in
your application, users printing to PostScript Level 2 printers with the
current LaserWriter 8.3 driver will see improvements in printing performance
right away.
Many applications compress image data for storage and transmission, but
compressing images for printing is relatively uncommon. With the techniques
presented in this article, you can start printing with image data compression
and realize significant performance gains without a lot of effort. First we'll
explore the concepts behind using image data compression for printing, and then
go through three sample applications that show you how to do it.
The first two samples demonstrate how to print existing compressed image data.
Applications that already deal with JPEG compressed data, such as Web browsers
and JPEG viewing applications, can benefit immediately from these techniques.
Developers whose applications handle other kinds of compressed data (such as
fax) can see how they might benefit in the future as printing software is
enhanced to handle other types of compressed data.
Some applications don't already have compressed data to print. Painting
applications, for example, handle image data that may not be in a standard
compressed format. The third sample application shows you how to compress your
data as you do your print-time imaging.
To give you an idea of the performance gains you might expect with these
techniques, I printed the same images with and without JPEG image data
compression and compared print times and data sizes. The improvements are
notable -- compressed color images, for example, can print in less than half
the time. You may find the results so compelling that you'll want to implement
these techniques in your own application.
This issue's CD contains the sample applications as well as some images you can
use with them. It also contains a prerelease version of LaserWriter 8.3.1,
which you may find useful for testing your application as you implement
printing with compression.
Realistic images can be quite large, resulting in slow print times. Compression
algorithms such as JPEG, fax, and LZW are used to reduce the size of these
images for storage and transmission. Image data compressed in these formats can
be decompressed on PostScript Level 2 printers.
While many applications can handle compressed image data, at print time they
usually decompress the data and use CopyBits to draw the decompressed images.
Only a few applications use custom PostScript code to take advantage of the
image decompression available in PostScript Level 2 output devices.
QuickTime's Image Compression Manager provides an API for applications to
compress and decompress still image data. By using the Image Compression
Manager functions, applications can draw JPEG compressed image data. If this
drawing takes place at print time, the application is effectively passing
compressed image data to the printer driver; this allows the driver to handle
the compressed data appropriately for the target output device, as described in
the next section. The application doesn't need to know whether that device is a
QuickDraw, PostScript Level 1, or PostScript Level 2 device.
If your application handles only QuickDraw pictures, it doesn't need to perform
any special action to take advantage of image data compression. QuickDraw
pictures containing JPEG compressed image data are available from various
sources; QuickTime can compress QuickDraw pictures transparently, and
applications such as Adobe(TM) Photoshop can create QuickDraw
pictures containing JPEG compressed image data. Applications that use
DrawPicture to draw such pictures automatically take advantage of printer
drivers that have special handling of compressed image data. All they need to
do is let the QuickDraw low-level drawing routines do their normal thing.
LaserWriter drivers starting with version 8.3 are savvy about JPEG compressed
images that are drawn with QuickTime. When the driver receives data that's
compressed with JPEG compression and the PostScript output is destined for a
PostScript Level 2 device, the driver sends the compressed data directly to the
printer. Since JPEG compressed images can be as much as 1/10 to 1/40 the size
of uncompressed images, the amount of data sent to the printer is much smaller,
which drastically reduces print times.
In general, printer drivers intercept QuickDraw drawing through the QuickDraw
low-level bottleneck routines. When an application draws compressed image data
with the Image Compression Manager functions (or draws a compressed QuickDraw
picture with DrawPicture), QuickTime passes the compressed data to the
low-level QuickDraw drawing routines through the StdPix bottleneck routine.
Normally, StdPix decompresses the data and passes the decompressed data to the
bitsProc bottleneck routine for drawing.
StdPix is described in detail in Inside Macintosh: QuickTime, pages 3-137 to
The LaserWriter 8.3 driver installs custom bottleneck routines as replacements
for the standard bottlenecks, including bitsProc and StdPix. The custom StdPix
bottleneck is key to the special handling of compressed image data, as shown in
Figure 1. The driver installs the custom StdPix bottleneck in the printing
graphics port so that it can intercept calls to StdPix and examine the
compressed data. If the data is compressed with a compression type that the
driver recognizes and knows the printer is capable of receiving, the driver
sends the data directly to the printer. Otherwise, it calls the standard
StdPix, which, as described above, sends the decompressed data to the bitsProc
bottleneck. Drivers that don't have a custom StdPix bottleneck (such as
QuickDraw printer drivers and LaserWriter drivers previous to version 8.3) will
always have decompressed data passed to their bitsProc bottleneck.
Figure 1. Special handling of compressed image data in the LaserWriter 8.3
Using a custom StdPix bottleneck lets a printer driver handle different
compression types appropriately. It also allows for the generation of correct
output both for PostScript Level 2 output devices, all of which support JPEG,
fax, and LZW decompression, and for PostScript Level 1 devices, which don't
support any decompression. For drivers like LaserWriter 8.3 that spool (for
background printing or as part of foreground printing), there's another
advantage: since the spool file can contain compressed images instead of
uncompressed images, users benefit from smaller disk space requirements.
The techniques described here for handling compressed image data will work
correctly with any printer driver, not just PostScript drivers with this
special compressed image data handling. Of course, the performance benefits
will be seen only with drivers that do have it. Most QuickDraw printer drivers
will not gain a performance benefit because they ultimately render decompressed
data on the host system and send the rendered results to the printer. In fact,
if the data is being compressed on the host specifically for printing, there
will a performance penalty. A few QuickDraw drivers, such as Adobe's
Acrobat(TM) PDFWriter, create data files that could potentially take
advantage of image compression done by your application.
Note that this technique of using a custom StdPix bottleneck applies to
printing to a color graphics port on a Macintosh system that has Color
QuickDraw built in (most do). Black-and-white ports don't have StdPix
bottlenecks; later we'll look at what to do if you're printing compressed data
to a black-and-white port.
You might be wondering: "If using image data compression for printing is so
great, why doesn't the driver do it for me automatically?" It's a good question
and one that deserves a good answer.
Different kinds of images, such as fax images, photographic images, and
synthetic images, have different characteristics. The best type of compression
to apply depends on the type of image. Printer drivers operate at too low a
level to make good decisions about image data compression. On the other hand,
applications typically have a good idea about the kind of data they handle.
Additionally, some compression algorithms, such as JPEG, can be "lossy" (that
is, they throw away information), and it would be inappropriate for the driver
to apply them without user control. The driver user interface isn't well suited
to specifying compression preferences, particularly since such decisions should
be on a document by document basis or even on a per image basis within a
document. The LaserWriter 8.x drivers do use PackBits compression for all image
data passed to their low-level bitsProc bottleneck, but that's the only active
compression done by the drivers and it isn't very effective for many types of
image data.
As mentioned earlier, applications that use DrawPicture to draw QuickDraw
pictures containing JPEG data don't need to do anything special to print the
images. In this section we'll look at how applications can print compressed
image data that is not in a QuickDraw picture.
The JPEG Print sample application reads an existing compressed JPEG data file
for display and printing. In this application, the JPEG data must fit
completely in memory before it can be imaged. This is not a requirement for
using compressed data, but is the simplest approach to describe initially.
Later we'll talk about the case where the data doesn't all fit in memory at
At application startup, the JPEG Print sample code checks that QuickTime is
installed. The code also tests to make sure there's a compression-decompression
codec that can handle the decompression of JPEG data; the codec is used to
decompress the data on the host if the data can't be sent to the printer in a
compressed form. Applications that can already print compressed data without
QuickTime and an appropriate codec should continue using their existing code to
print when QuickTime and the codec aren't present.
The QuickTime image decompression functions require a handle to an
ImageDescription data structure. This structure contains information about an
image, such as the compression type used, the number of bytes in the compressed
image, and the image height, width, and depth. QuickTime needs this data
separate from the compressed data itself.
In the case of JPEG compressed data, much of the information required in the
ImageDescription data structure is contained in the compressed JPEG data
stream. The JPEG Print application reads the JPEG data stream and extracts the
width, height, horizontal resolution, vertical resolution, and depth of the
image. It then uses this data to build up an ImageDescription structure for use
with the Image Compression Manager functions. The specifics of parsing a JPEG
data stream for image description information aren't discussed here; this part
of the sample code comes almost directly from the sample JFIF Translator
application in the Macintosh OS Software Developer's Kit, with little
To draw compressed still images with QuickTime, you can use one of three
functions: DecompressImage, FDecompressImage, or the StdPix bottleneck routine.
However, the DecompressImage and FDecompressImage functions always call the
standard StdPix bottleneck; they do not call any custom StdPix bottleneck
(including LaserWriter 8's) in the graphics port. Since we want our compressed
image data to pass through the driver's StdPix bottleneck, we'll just call the
StdPix bottleneck directly, as described in the next section.
For drawing to a black-and-white port, you'll need to use DecompressImage or
FDecompressImage since a black-and-white port doesn't have a StdPix bottleneck.
One of the arguments to DecompressImage and FDecompressImage (as specified in
the QuickTime documentation) is a handle to the pixel map in which the
decompressed image is to be displayed. In a black-and-white graphics port there
is no PixMapHandle available; instead, there is a BitMap data structure.
DecompressImage and FDecompressImage can accept a BitMap instead of a
PixMapHandle as the destination to draw to, and that's what we pass to
DecompressImage when drawing to a black-and-white graphics port.
The StdPix bottleneck is declared as follows:
pascal void StdPix(PixMapPtr src, Rect *srcRect,
MatrixRecordPtr matrix, short mode, RgnHandle mask,
PixMapPtr matte, Rect *matteRect, short flags);
first argument is a pointer to a PixMap "containing" the compressed image data.
This isn't a PixMap in the normal QuickDraw sense; instead, it's a PixMap data
structure that has compressed data "attached" to it with the QuickTime call
SetCompressedPixMapInfo. This call associates an ImageDescription data
structure and the corresponding compressed image data with a PixMap data
structure. It's important that the compressed data not move in memory after
you've associated it with the PixMap. If you use a handle to your compressed
data, as we do in the sample code, you should lock the handle before your call
to SetCompressedPixMapInfo and keep it locked until after you're done with the
The next two arguments to StdPix specify a source rectangle and a
transformation matrix that describes the mapping between the source rectangle
of the image data and the destination rectangle. By specifying a source
rectangle and a matrix rather than a source and a destination rectangle, the
StdPix interface allows for more general coordinate transformations than just
scaling and translation. Currently, however, QuickTime supports only scaling
and translation.
The mode argument specifies which QuickDraw transfer mode to use when drawing
the image. JPEG Print uses the ditherCopy mode. When printing to PostScript
printers, ditherCopy mode is treated by the LaserWriter 8.x driver exactly like
srcCopy mode, and the PostScript interpreter does any halftoning or dithering
appropriate for the PostScript output device. When imaging to QuickDraw output
devices, ditherCopy causes QuickDraw to dither the image, which usually yields
better results than using srcCopy.
StdPix also accepts mask and matte arguments to obtain special effects. The
mask argument has the same effect as clipping to a mask region as part of the
imaging call. The matte arguments allow for effects similar to those of Color
QuickDraw's CopyDeepMask. Current LaserWriter 8.x drivers do not support
clipping to bitmap regions, or the CopyDeepMask-like effects available with the
matte arguments. Consequently, the mask and matte arguments are ignored by
LaserWriter 8.x drivers.
The final argument to StdPix is a flags parameter. The relevant flags are
callOldBits and callStdBits; they work together to specify whether a call to
StdPix results in a call to the bitsProc bottleneck with decompressed data.
When the callOldBits and callStdBits flags are both set, StdPix will always
call the bitsProc bottleneck with decompressed data. If callOldBits is set and
callStdBits is not, StdPix will call the bitsProc bottleneck with the
decompressed data only if the bitsProc bottleneck is not StdBits, but a custom
bitsProc routine.
The JPEG Print sample code uses a flags value of
(callOldBits | callStdBits) to specify the most conservative handling
of compressed image data during printing. Printer drivers that know how to
handle compressed image data, such as LaserWriter 8.3, will have a custom
StdPix bottleneck to intercept the call and adjust the flags appropriately.
Drivers that don't know how to handle compressed image data will always receive
decompressed image data via their bitsProc bottleneck.
Once we're ready to call the StdPix bottleneck, we don't want to just call the
function StdPix; instead, we must be careful to use any custom StdPix
bottleneck that has been installed. To do this, the code must check the current
graphics port for custom QuickDraw bottlenecks, as shown in Listing 1. If there
aren't any, the code gets the standard bottlenecks; otherwise, it gets the
pointer to the CQDProcs record stored in the graphics port. Once it has the
appropriate bottlenecks, the code uses the procedure pointer stored in the
newProc1 field of the CQDProcs record; this is the StdPix bottleneck.
Listing 1. Calling the QuickDraw StdPix bottleneck directly
// Look to see if there are custom QuickDraw bottlenecks in the
// current graphics port.
if ((((CGrafPtr)qd.thePort)->grafProcs) == NULL) {
// Get the standard bottleneck procs.
// The newProc1 field is the StdPix bottleneck.
MyProcPtr = (StdPixProcPtr)myStdProcs.newProc1;
} else {
// Use the grafProcs record in the current port to obtain the
// custom bottleneck procs. The newProc1 field is the StdPix
// bottleneck.
MyProcPtr =
(StdPixProcPtr) ((CGrafPtr)qd.thePort)->grafProcs->newProc1;
// Now call the bottleneck.
CallStdPixProc(MyProcPtr, SpecialPixMapP, &srcRect, &theMatrix,
ditherCopy, NULL, NULL, NULL, flags);
The compressed image data you're working with may not fit completely in memory.
QuickTime supports this case through the use of a data-loading function, which
you supply. QuickTime calls this function as needed to obtain data during image
decompression. Data loading eliminates the need to have the full image in
memory, greatly reducing memory usage.
The use of a data-loading function is described in somewhat sketchy terms in
Inside Macintosh: QuickTime, pages 3-148 to 3-150. Basically, your application
creates a buffer that your data-loading function uses for passing data to
QuickTime. In preparation for the StdPix call, you call SetCompressedPixMapInfo
with a pointer to the beginning of the buffer, the buffer length, and your
data-loading function. When you call the StdPix bottleneck, QuickTime calls the
data-loading function as necessary to obtain the compressed image data.
The data-loading function is declared as follows:
pascal OSErr MyDataLoadingProc(Ptr *dataP, long bytesNeeded,
long refcon);
first argument is a pointer to a pointer into your data buffer (the one you
supplied in the call to SetCompressedPixMapInfo as described earlier). The
bytesNeeded argument tells your function how many bytes need to be available in
the data buffer pointed to by the pointer in *dataP after the function call
returns. The refcon argument lets you pass additional information to your
data-loading function.
The sample application JPEG Print with Dataload, an extended version of JPEG
Print, uses the function MyDataLoadingProc, shown in Listing 2. Code not
included here fills up the buffer with the first chunk of compressed data and
sets up the data-loading function so that the refcon passed to it is a pointer
to our application-defined DataLoad structure.
Listing 2. The data-loading function
static pascal OSErr MyDataLoadingProc(Ptr *dataP, long bytesNeeded,
long refcon)
OSErr theErr = noErr;
if (dataP != NULL) {
DataLoadPtr theDataLoadPtr = (DataLoadPtr) refcon;
// refcon is a pointer to a structure that contains the locked
// handle to our buffer, a field with the buffer size, and a
// field with the file reference number of the image data file
// we are decompressing.
Ptr theDataBufferP =
long theBufferSize = theDataLoadPtr->theBufferSize;
short theRefNum = theDataLoadPtr->theRefNum;
// Calculate the number of bytes left in our existing data
// buffer.
long bytesAvail = theBufferSize - (*dataP - theDataBufferP);
// Are there enough bytes in our buffer for this call? If so,
// we don't need to read any more data.
if (bytesNeeded > bytesAvail) {
// We don't have enough bytes of data in our buffer. Figure
// out how many bytes we should read to refill the buffer.
long bytesToRead = theBufferSize - bytesAvail;
// If there are bytes available at the end of our buffer,
// move them to the beginning of the buffer.
if (bytesAvail)
BlockMove(*dataP, theDataBufferP, bytesAvail);
// Go ahead and fill up the rest of the buffer, starting
// just after the last valid byte in the buffer.
theErr = FSRead(theRefNum, &bytesToRead, theDataBufferP
+ bytesAvail);
// Ignore end of file errors.
if (theErr == eofErr) theErr = noErr;
// Reset the data pointer used by the caller of the data-
// loading function so that it points to the first byte of
// valid data, which is now at the beginning of our buffer.
*dataP = theDataBufferP;
} else {
// The data mark reset case. This implementation doesn't know
// how to reset the stream, so we return an error. We haven't
// seen a data mark reset as part of JPEG decoding. (Note that
// not handling this case slows down PhotoCD significantly.)
theErr = -1;
return theErr;
data-loading function's job is to ensure that when it's called with a request
for bytesNeeded bytes of data, at least that many bytes are available in the
buffer pointed to by *dataP after the data-loading function returns. When
MyDataLoadingProc is called with dataP not NULL, the code first computes how
many bytes remain in the buffer from *dataP to the end of the buffer. If that
number of bytes is greater than or equal to bytesNeeded, there are enough bytes
available and the function returns. Otherwise, the data from *dataP to the end
of the buffer is copied to the beginning of the buffer, and the remainder of
the buffer is filled up with new data. Once the buffer is refilled, *dataP is
set to point to the beginning of the buffer so that the caller starts getting
its data there.
Your application may not have compressed data to print. The third sample
application on this issue's CD, PrintPICTtoJPEG, compresses 32-bit-deep image
data and prints it. To obtain a source of bits to compress, PrintPICTtoJPEG
takes a PICT file and images it into a 32-bit-deep offscreen bitmap. It then
draws from this bitmap into the current graphics port. During printing, the
data in the offscreen bitmap is (optionally) compressed using JPEG compression,
and then printed using the techniques for printing compressed data as discussed
above for the JPEG Print application.
The PrintPICTtoJPEG application uses PICT data solely as a source of bits to
use to demonstrate compression. By no means are we advocating this technique as
the proper way to print QuickDraw pictures. QuickDraw pictures may contain line
art, text, custom PostScript code, and images of varying depths that will image
and print much better if you just use DrawPicture. A good portion of the
PrintPICTtoJPEG application is devoted to getting a QuickDraw picture and
drawing it into the offscreen bitmap as a source of bits. The interesting part
of the application is the compression and imaging of the bits once we have
them, and that's what we'll discuss here.
The PrintPICTtoJPEG application compresses data only as part of printing it. Of
course, it isn't necessarily true that you would compress data only during
printing; it's very likely that you would maintain the data in a compressed
form. Only you know for sure how you want to handle it.
PrintPICTtoJPEG also does image compression on the data only if the printing
port is a color graphics port; otherwise, it just does the usual CopyBits. (If
you already have compressed image data, you can use FDecompressImage as in the
JPEG Print application to draw already compressed images to a black-and-white
graphics port. If you're compressing strictly for printing, there's no obvious
benefit to do so for a black-and-white port.)
The simplest way to compress image data is to use the QuickTime functions
CompressImage and FCompressImage. You call GetMaxCompressionSize to determine
the maximum compression size of your image, and then allocate a handle of that
size and pass it to CompressImage or FCompressImage, as shown in Listing 3.
Listing 3. Compressing image data with CompressImage
CodecType theCodecType = 'jpeg';
CodecComponent theCodec = (CodecComponent) anyCodec;
CodecQ spatialQuality = codecNormalQuality;
short depth = 32;
// sPixMap is a handle to the pixel map to be compressed.
// bounds is a pointer to a rectangle specifying the portion of the
// image to compress.
if (theErr == noErr)
theErr = GetMaxCompressionSize(sPixMap, bounds, depth,
spatialQuality, theCodecType, theCodec, &maxCompressionSize);
if (theErr == noErr) {
// This allocation should be no problem.
theDescH = (ImageDescriptionHandle)
// This allocation is probably for a lot of memory.
compressedDataH = NewHandle(maxCompressionSize);
theErr = MemError();
// See if we allocated the ImageDescriptionHandle but not the
// memory to receive the compressed image.
if ((theDescH != NULL) && (theErr != noErr)) {
// See if we can get temporary memory instead. Since we're
// going to use the temporary memory as a real handle, we
// require System 7.0 or later.
compressedDataH = TempNewHandle(maxCompressionSize, &theErr);
// This probably can't happen, but just in case...
if (compressedDataH == NULL && theErr == noErr)
theErr = iMemFullErr;
if ((theErr == noErr) && (compressedDataH != NULL)
&& (theDescH != NULL)) {
theErr = CompressImage(sPixMap, bounds, spatialQuality,
theCodecType, theDescH, StripAddress(*compressedDataH));
is likely to return a large size for full color images, perhaps a larger amount
of memory than the application can allocate out of its application heap. To
allow for this, PrintPICTtoJPEG first tries to allocate a handle in its
application heap by using NewHandle. If that fails, it attempts to allocate
temporary memory using the TempNewHandle function. In this way, the application
can compress images when temporary memory is available without requiring a
large application heap. If there isn't enough memory available, you can use the
FCompressImage function with an application-supplied data-unloading function to
write the data to disk as it's being compressed by QuickTime.
The sample code directly chooses JPEG image compression with any codec that
supports JPEG compression with a quality value of codecNormalQuality. The other
available constants for compression quality values are codecLosslessQuality,
codecMaxQuality, codecMinQuality, codecLowQuality, and codecHighQuality. These
constants give varying compression ratios and corresponding image fidelity.
Although PrintPICTtoJPEG doesn't do this, your application should provide the
user a way to specify compression parameters when using JPEG compression. This
is especially important when you're applying a lossy compression method such as
JPEG, since there's a tradeoff between compression size and image fidelity.
Such a decision is appropriate on a per document or even a per image basis.
The PrintPICTtoJPEG application knows that the data it's working with is best
suited for JPEG compression. If your application has a good idea of what kind
of image data it's working with, it can make the choice of which compression
scheme to apply to the data. If not, you should probably use the standard
image-compression dialog to let the user choose both the compression scheme and
the compression parameters.
As part of developing the sample applications, I did some stopwatch time
measurements to see what kind of performance improvements we'd get with JPEG
image data compression. (The image files I used are included on this issue's
CD.) The results, while carefully obtained, are obviously not comprehensive,
but they'll give you an idea of what you can expect. All measurements were
taken using a Power Macintosh 6100/66 as the computing host on relatively
unloaded LocalTalk and EtherTalk networks. Unless the application uses JPEG
image compression, the LaserWriter 8.3 driver compresses the data using
PackBits compression.
For comparison purposes, I used LaserWriter 8.3, which has the special support
for JPEG images described in this article, and LaserWriter 8.2.2, which does
not. In both cases, the application printing code was identical. LaserWriter
8.3 sends the compressed JPEG data directly to a PostScript Level 2 printer;
with LaserWriter 8.2.2, the data is decompressed on the host Macintosh by
QuickTime and passed to the driver's bitsProc bottleneck. Since the LaserWriter
8.2.2 driver is seeing uncompressed data, it compresses the data with PackBits
compression before sending it to the printer.
To measure print times for already existing compressed data, I used the JPEG
Print application to take an already compressed 186K JPEG image of a jaguar and
print it to a PostScript Level 2 printer. Table 1 shows the results.
Next I used the PrintPICTtoJPEG sample application to measure and compare
printing times both with and without compression on the host (Table 2). I used
the same jaguar image as before but saved as a PICT file, and a smaller PICT
file I already had on hand. Doing image compression on the host is time
intensive: it routinely took 2 to 4 seconds to compress the large jaguar image.
Even so, overall performance is better because the data transfer times to the
printer are so much smaller.
Table 3 compares the data sizes for JPEG and PackBits compression.
Today's LaserWriter 8.3 driver has direct support for handling JPEG compressed
images as described in this article. LaserWriter 8.3 supports JPEG compression
only when printing to Apple's PostScript Level 2 printers. When printing to
other PostScript printers or to PostScript files on disk, the driver uses the
JPEG decompressor on the host to decompress the data, regardless of user
LaserWriter 8.3.1 and future LaserWriter 8.x drivers will take advantage of
JPEG compression when printing to all PostScript Level 2 printers as well as
when saving to disk with Level 2 Only selected in the standard file dialog.
Adobe's PostScript printer driver for the Macintosh, PSPrinter, will soon take
advantage of JPEG compression, as will a future version of the PostScript
printing system for QuickDraw GX.
The prerelease version of LaserWriter 8.3.1 on this issue's CD will enable you
to test your application with JPEG compression when printing to non-Apple
printers or to disk. Remember that JPEG compressed data will be written into
the data stream only when your application prints JPEG compressed data and the
printer is a PostScript Level 2 printer. If you're saving PostScript files to
disk, be sure to choose the Level 2 Only setting in the standard file dialog.
Choosing the Level 1 Compatible setting causes the driver to write uncompressed
data into the output file. When you print 24-bit photo-realistic images using
JPEG compression, files saved with the Level 1 Compatible setting will be about
10 to 40 times larger than files saved with the Level 2 Only setting.
Since PostScript Level 2 output devices also have fax and LZW decompression
filters available, Apple is considering adding support for these compression
formats to a future LaserWriter 8.x driver so that applications handling these
types of data can take advantage of the techniques described here. If you would
take advantage of fax or LZW support in the LaserWriter driver, let us know at
AppleLink DEVFEEDBACK or on the Internet.
JPEG images are now abundant, especially on the Internet where more and more
people encounter them each day. Let's start printing these as compressed
images! By implementing the techniques presented here for printing JPEG
compressed image data, you can give your users immediate and substantial gains
in printing performance. Plus you'll be well on your way to printing other
kinds of compressed data when printing software is enhanced to support it.
DAVID GELPHMAN ( seems to specialize in backwards-reading
programming languages. From FORTH he moved into PostScript at Adobe Systems and
then to Telescript at General Magic. He does do most other things in a more or
less forward direction, although he has been known to fall off a horse
backwards. David, together with his colleague Richard Blanchard, co-designed
Apple's LaserWriter 8 PostScript printer driver while working at Adobe Systems.
After a stint at General Magic, David now works at RBI Software Systems
( as a contractor to Apple and Adobe on their PostScript
printer drivers. He does other contracting work as well, primarily in the area
of PostScript printing.
Thanks to Richard Blanchard, Paul Danbold, Peter Hoddie, Kent Sandvik, and Nick
Thompson for reviewing this article.