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June 95 - Copland: The Mac OS Moves Into the Future

Copland: The Mac OS Moves Into the Future

Tim Dierks

The Macintosh operating system has continually evolved since the days when the Macintosh was a home appliance with 128K of RAM and a floppy disk drive -- but now the time has come for radical change. The next generation of the Mac OS, code-named Copland, was designed specifically to serve computers with a fast processor running several tasks and processing large quantities of data. This preview describes Copland's major features and suggests how you might get ready for it.

Since the first Macintosh operating system and Toolbox were developed in the early 1980s, the needs of users and developers alike have evolved significantly. Newer technologies, such as MultiFinder and the PowerPC(TM) processor, have appeared on the scene. Users have come to expect greater ease of use, more capabilities, and enhanced productivity. Although the Mac OS has evolved along with the times, a more radical advance is now required to take advantage of the great increases in power afforded by the PowerPC processor.

Enter Copland, a new generation of the Mac OS to be released by Apple in mid-1996. Copland will provide a radically new architecture that includes technologies such as preemptive multitasking and protected memory. For one thing, it's based on a microkernel that moderates between individual tasks and arbitrates access to the machine's resources. A number of other services have been updated and improved, both to fulfill the requirements this change implies and to take advantage of the new capabilities it provides. For example, the file system has been updated to be accessible from several processes running simultaneously in several address spaces. Similarly, the networking system has been enhanced, as have a number of the auxiliary operating system managers such as the Process Manager.

With Copland will also come a number of enhancements to the user experience, including a Finder that can perform several tasks simultaneously, changes to the appearance and feel of the interface, and advances that will make it easier to locate and access information. (See "Moving the Mac OS Interface Into the Future" for more details.) All of this new functionality is glued together in a runtime model based on the Code Fragment Manager, the dynamically linked library mechanism introduced with the first Power Macintosh computers.



    Copland will not only radically change the foundation of the Mac OS, it will also introduce some of the most significant changes to the user experience since 1984. For the user, this means new personalization capabilities, built-in assistance with tasks, and improved access to information. For the developer, it means a robust foundation for constructing consistent and compelling interfaces that are easier to use.

    The new managers in Copland directly concerned with enhancing the user experience are the Appearance Manager, the Assistance Manager, and Navigation Services. The following brief descriptions of these will give you an inkling of things to come.


    The Appearance Manager defines how standard user interface elements should be presented and enables users to personalize the appearance of these elements by choosing one of a number of graphical designs called themes. Applications can use the Appearance Manager's capabilities to draw custom interface elements in the style of the current theme.

    The Appearance Manager provides you with

    • a Pattern Manager that returns the appropriate PixPats for use as dialog backgrounds, control colors, and other aspects of the interface

    • a set of drawing primitives for rendering common interface elements such as window title bars and dialog separator lines

    • new standard interface elements, including sliders, progress indicators, and icon buttons

    • event notification when the current theme is changed, allowing you to resync any cached appearance data

    To prepare now for Copland's dynamic system appearance, be sure not to make assumptions about interface specifics (such as assuming that the dialog or menu background is white). Also, don't hard-code the appearance of your application's interface elements; for instance, avoid the use of custom definition procedures wherever possible.


    The Assistance Manager supports the implementation of active user assistance, enabling the computer to accomplish specific tasks with little or no direction from the user. The Assistance Manager provides support for the following:

    • task delegation, allowing the creation and management of automated activity controlled by a condition or event, such as time or mail delivery

    • the ability to create templates from which tasks are created and executed

    • user "interviews" for task configuration, based on Apple Guide's interaction engine

    Since this active assistance is built on existing technologies, you can start to prepare for it today. The first and most important step is to make your application scriptable, so that it can be automated. Second, you should provide task-based assistance using Apple Guide. Finally, if your application provides any task delegation, you should factor out the related code now so that you can take advantage of the Assistance Manager under Copland.


    Navigation Services replaces System 7's Standard File Package, providing a set of tools for opening, saving, and naming documents as well as for navigating a hierarchical information space containing such documents. These tools will increase consistency between applications and the Finder and will enable integration with the Finder's new and improved searching mechanism. The new capabilities provided by Navigation Services include these:

    • support for a favorite items list, file list position recall (rebound), and a more intuitive browser

    • the ability to browse diverse containers such as a mailbox and return a general-purpose reference value to documents in those containers

    • one-step calls for common operations such as selecting a file or directory

    • support for easy customization, including an extensible list of information "panels" (based on Copland's new dialog panels)

    • automatic dialog layout adjustment for active script systems

    You can do a few things now to get ready for Navigation Services. First, when customizing the Standard File dialog, render only inside your dialog items, as they may be rearranged. Second, don't assume you're drawing into the desktop port, because you won't be. And finally, don't try to control Standard File by posting events to dialog items; use the documented interface instead. Because of the large number of advances and changes in Copland, some software will be incompatible. For instance, applications that have inappropriately incestuous relationships with the operating system might run into problems. But there are some things you can do now to prepare yourself for this release and ensure that your applications will be as compatible as possible. I'll tell you about those things as I give you a tour of Copland's microkernel, runtime model, File Manager, and I/O architecture.


The present Macintosh operating system is somewhat too trusting: it doesn't take charge of restricting software's actions or balancing the use of the machine's resources. Any piece of code can write all over memory, retain control forever, and even turn off interrupts for any period of time. This model, while once appropriate, has shortcomings in a computer with a fast processor running several tasks and processing large quantities of data.

That's where Copland's microkernel, developed by Apple specifically for use in the Mac OS, comes in. The microkernel serves as a referee for the system. It moderates between many individual tasks so that none can hog the processor and so that special code need not be implemented to share it. It also arbitrates access to the machine's resources, including memory, preventing software from being able to see or change data unrelated to its task.

The microkernel provides a number of services -- most of them familiar to those conversant with kernel-based systems -- including task control, address space management, virtual memory management, interrupt control, synchronization primitives, and intertask messaging. These services, which we'll look at in more detail in the following pages, serve as the basic building blocks of the system. In most cases, your software won't use any of these kernel services directly but will instead take advantage of them through other APIs -- APIs that are part of System 7 but that have been reimplemented in Copland.


The Copland kernel provides full support for a variety of tasking services. While applications will normally be cooperatively scheduled by the Process Manager (just as in System 7), applications will also be able to create tasks that are preemptively scheduled. Preemptive tasks are scheduled in the order of their assigned priority and according to kernel scheduling rules; the Process Manager doesn't manage them in the way it does applications. Such tasks behave as threads behave in other systems. At any time, almost anything in the system -- including the currently running application -- can be preempted to run such a task. Interrupt handlers can't be preempted, however.

You'll be able to set the priority of preemptive tasks that you create; higher priority tasks will run in preference to lower priority ones. By giving an I/O-intensive task higher priority than your main application thread, you'll gain performance very similar to that made possible today by chained completion routines. During the relatively long I/O delays when your task is blocked, your main application thread will execute freely. Whenever its I/O requests do complete, the task will regain control immediately so that it can issue its next I/O request, resulting in maximum throughput without unnecessary blocking of other computing tasks. Similarly, you'll be able to assign a higher priority to general application tasks than to background tasks that can afford to wait or proceed slowly while the machine is in use (such as a background renderer for a network-distributed 3D software package). This will ensure responsiveness in your application and allow you to use otherwise idle CPU time.

    Chained completion routines are discussed in the article "Asynchronous Routines on the Macintosh" in develop Issue 13.
To prepare for this opportunity, you can work to make your application easier to factor. If you remove dependencies between different portions of your application, it'll be easier to take full advantage of Copland's multitasking capabilities. When a Copland preemptive thread runs, the file system, networking, and device I/O will be available, similar to the environment when a Time Manager or Deferred Task Manager task runs in System 7. One addition is that synchronous calls can be made; your thread will just block until the I/O has completed.


In System 7.5, there's only one address space. A particular address always refers to the same part of memory, and data located there can be accessed by every part of the operating system. In Copland, by contrast, multiple address spaces can be created, allowing code and data to be hidden from some processes. For compatibility reasons, Macintosh applications will continue in this release to share a single address space, while components of the operating system and third-party software can create fully protected memory areas in which code that's not dependent on the Macintosh Toolbox can execute. The kernel, the file system, and several other components will create such areas to protect their private data structures.

Each address space is divided into areas. An area can be either private (accessible only to tasks executing in that address space) or global (accessible at the same location in all address spaces). In addition, an area can be either read/write to all tasks (most global areas fit into this category) or read-only in user mode and read/write in supervisor mode. (Most code runs in user mode; only code that needs special abilities, such as drivers and parts of the operating system, runs in supervisor mode.) This latter protection is used for most kernel and file system data structures; they're located in global memory for fast and easy access (without the need to switch to another address space) but can't be damaged by code executing in user mode. Only the privileged clients of the system can change these structures.

In addition to having the ability to map RAM into a variety of address spaces, Copland also uses virtual memory to provide more room than is available in physical RAM, moving data between RAM and disk as needed. In fact, virtual memory is always on. It's dramatically better than System 7's virtual memory in these ways:

  • The new file system and better integration between the file system and virtual memory will improve performance.

  • Your application will be able to provide hints to the operating system to allow it to tune for best performance. For example, you'll be able to tell it that you're about to access a significant portion of a large array, and it will asynchronously begin to bring in the pages that the array resides on.

  • Fewer limitations on what can be paged will increase the available RAM for the system. In System 7, the system heap is always held in memory and can't be paged onto disk. In Copland, virtually all of the system -- aside from the kernel, the file system, and the disk driver -- will be pageable.

  • The disk cache will be integrated with the virtual memory system, and the size of the disk cache will dynamically adjust based on current operations in order to optimize performance.

  • Best of all, Copland's virtual memory will dynamically expand the amount of address space in the system as needed, giving users much more flexibility than in System 7, where they must decide beforehand how much memory they'll need, adjust the Memory control panel accordingly, and reboot. In Copland, if they need to open additional applications, they can do so without going through any rigmarole; space will be created on the fly to support their needs, provided that sufficient disk space is available for use as a backing store.
Because Copland will make available a full gigabyte of address space in which to run applications (subject, of course, to the limits imposed by the amount of disk space available for paging), two other limitations of the System 7 memory allocation system should be alleviated. First, Copland will reduce (though not entirely eliminate) the need for the user to configure and reconfigure the application's memory partition to accommodate changing needs. Also, problems with applications fragmenting the available memory for launching more applications should be eliminated. Thus, no longer will users always have to deal with the complex issues of memory allocation and organization to make best use of their machines.

In addition to swapping space, Copland will support memory-mapped files. This technology allows an application to map a file against an area of address space; accessing locations in the address space causes the appropriate portions of the file to be read into RAM. In system software version 7.1.2, this technology is used by the system for paging PowerPC code when virtual memory is on, but it's not available to applications. In Copland, it will be available to applications; data files can be mapped for read-only or read/write access. An application will be able to read a document just by walking through the address space without having to manually stream it into buffers.

To be prepared for Copland's use of virtual memory, applications today should be able to operate well in a virtual memory environment. For purposes of performance, this means keeping a tight locality of reference; code that uses contiguous data structures rather than structures spread all over memory will require fewer pages to be resident for any operation. Also, take care when allocating variable-sized buffers. Don't always attempt to allocate the largest possible buffer, sizing it down till it fits -- a popular but potentially wasteful habit; instead, cap buffers at points beyond which they won't gain from more RAM. For example, if reading a file, you might cap the size of a data buffer at 64K, because there's little to gain by reading the file in larger chunks.


On Power Macintosh computers running System 7.5, interrupts are handled by the 680x0 instruction emulator, incurring a large overhead. Even if the overhead of the actual interrupt handler is small, a significant price is paid in invoking the emulator, especially if a mostly native application is executing (in which case the emulator has to be pulled into the cache on each interrupt, then flushed out as native code is reloaded after the interrupt returns). Since a Macintosh can easily take several hundred interrupts per second (thanks to interrupts caused by video retrace, the old-style VBL Manager, ADB, and the like), this can have a significant performance impact.

By contrast, Copland's I/O system, including interrupt handlers, is entirely native; this, along with an improved architecture, should mean significantly lower interrupt latency and better overall performance. Because of the flexibility of the execution control available to the kernel, it will be easy for an interrupt handler to do the absolute minimum to deal with an interrupt (often all that's required is to acknowledge it). After control is returned from the interrupt, another piece of code called a secondary interrupt handler can be invoked; although under the same constraints as a hardware interrupt handler, this handler results in the best system performance by enabling the soonest possible exit from the hardware handler. If significant processing needs to be done right away, this secondary handler can wake a high-priority task to do that work, thus keeping the system from being bottlenecked by any individual set of handlers.

    Some native interrupt functionality will be delivered before Copland; see the article "Creating PCI Device Drivers" in this issue of develop for more information.


As mentioned earlier, applications under Copland will be able to create tasks that are preemptively scheduled. You'll be able to assign priorities to your preemptive tasks, but this in itself won't prevent the tasks from preempting each other at inopportune times. What you'll need in order to ensure correct behavior from your tasks is a mechanism to synchronize access to shared resources.

Copland provides several synchronization mechanisms, each useful in a different situation. Any operating systems textbook includes a variety of them, and most can be implemented in combination with others. The ones implemented in Copland -- atomic operations, simple locks (mutual exclusions, or mutexes), read/write locks, event flags, and event queues -- are meant to efficiently solve problems common in Macintosh applications and the Mac OS and to provide building blocks to implement other synchronization mechanisms if necessary.

The kernel also has an intertask message system that provides data transfer as well as synchronization, although for basic synchronization of shared data it's probably more than you'll need. It can move arbitrary amounts of data across address spaces synchronously or asynchronously, by value or by reference. In cases in which the system uses messages to implement functionality, the message will be hidden inside an API library, so you generally won't have to deal with the details of how the message system works.


Copland's runtime model is based on the Code Fragment Manager (CFM). Instead of a monolithic binary file, the operating system consists of a number of individual libraries that combine to provide the API and system functionality. This mechanism allows software to be built in a much more modular fashion. In addition, the CFM provides a much more consistent context and activation model than does the statically linked, trap-dispatched runtime model used in 680x0-based computers. Rather than having to be concerned with setting up and restoring the A5 register to provide access to data when executing in an interrupt task, the CFM provides a standardized transition to make sure the data appropriate to the executing code is always available.

Although applications under Copland will continue to be cooperatively scheduled within a single address space, developers can, as already mentioned, use kernel services to create tasks that take advantage of preemptive multitasking and protected memory. Tasks running in address spaces outside the Toolbox will have a limited number of services available to them, similar to those available to background-only applications in System 7: they'll be able to allocate memory, communicate with other processes, and use the kernel services, the file system, and the network, but they won't be able to draw on the screen or interact directly with the user. Tasks that are I/O or computation intensive running in separate address spaces will get the benefits of preemptive multitasking, and protected memory will separate these tasks from applications, providing an increased level of stability and reliability.

For example, Copland will include an implementation of the personal file sharing server that runs in a separate address space. This allows the server -- which takes networking traffic and converts it to file system calls, serving files from the local drive to remote clients -- to share the system with the user and foreground processes as efficiently as possible. It will use concurrent I/O to interleave its requests with those of foreground processes, and it will get compute time at any moment when the processor is otherwise idle, even if the foreground process is waiting for a page fault to be completed.

Figure 1 illustrates Copland's architecture, showing the separation between the Toolbox environment, other tasks, and the operating system. Core portions of the operating system such as the kernel and the file system run in an address space that's protected from the Toolbox environment and other processes; similarly, the Toolbox environment is protected from other applications running in their own address spaces. Each of these areas, including the kernel and other services, can have one or several threads of execution; the kernel preemptively switches between them. Some services, such as the file system, can have several active threads of control, each responsible for a single outstanding file system request. All applications running in the Toolbox environment, including the Finder, run as a single task, inside a single address space. However, Copland-aware applications can use preemptive threads to best handle CPU- and I/O-intensive tasks.

Figure 1. The Copland architecture

With the new runtime model will come a number of new ways to monitor and modify system operations without patching, which is clunky and difficult to maintain. Currently, extensions have no formal presence in the system; they live in the cracks between the system and applications. By providing a better-defined environment for extensions, Copland will make them easier to write and more stable. For example, extensions currently must patch the file system -- or use the inefficient alternative of polling -- if they need to track file usage; the new File Manager will let software install notification procedures that can be called whenever a particular event, such as creating or renaming a file, occurs. Patching will still be available; a new Patch Manager will allow software to patch CFM entry points and will give much more control over the installation and removal of patches, including where they fall in the chain of execution.

To run under Copland, extensions you've developed will need to be revised. You'll make the transition easier for users if your applications that ship with extensions are able to run without these extensions installed. Also, desk accessories will no longer be supported in Copland; if you depend on any desk accessories, you should rewrite them as small applications.


When the Macintosh was first introduced, it had a flat file system that was appropriate only for floppy disks. Since then, a number of advances have been made, including the introduction of the hierarchical file system (HFS) in 1986. But the System 7 File Manager has these limitations:
  • The File Manager implementation is closely tied to the HFS volume format, making it difficult to support other volume formats.

  • As HFS volumes grow in size, they become less efficient due to HFS's limitation of 216 (65536) allocation blocks, making it difficult to extend the HFS volume format.

  • The File Manager can process only one operation at a time, restricting performance when several tasks are contending for file I/O.

  • The File Manager is implemented entirely in 680x0 assembly code, limiting performance on the Power Macintosh platform.
Copland will introduce a new File Manager that addresses these limitations, directly or indirectly. For instance, the new File Manager has been divorced from HFS implementation details and thus imposes no limitations on volume formats; arbitrary volume formats can be developed and plugged in. This will allow the Macintosh to properly support any file system, including ones that feature larger volumes, more files, or larger files than the HFS disk format. It will even be possible to create components that provide access to distributed network file systems or other data stores that don't easily map onto the HFS block storage model. In fact, HFS itself will be implemented as one of these plug-in modules.

The new File Manager will also support concurrent data transfer, so that several file system requests can be in progress at any one time. This will dramatically increase throughput in a number of cases. For example, copying files from a fast file server to a hard drive now involves an entirely serialized read over the network followed by a write to the hard drive; in Copland, the read and write operations can be overlapped, so the copy can be completed in as little as half the time. Throughput will even be increased in cases where two accesses share a communications channel, such as transfers involving several devices on the local SCSI bus or several file servers, because most communications channels won't be filled by a single device. A significant portion of the time it takes to read or write data to a SCSI disk is spent waiting for the disk, not actually transferring data; in the new model, that time can be used to transfer data to or from a different device.

Another real enhancement to the file system is the introduction of a new API, designed to be easy to learn and use. A new API was necessary because the new file system supports files and volumes larger than 231 bytes, meaning that more than 32 bits are needed to store various values. The System 7 File Manager API has already been through several stages of evolution, from the original file system calls through the HFS calls to the calls taking FSSpecs in System 7; the new API is in lieu of reworking it one more time. In addition, the HFS API is composed of a number of calls that take huge parameter blocks where it isn't obvious which fields need to be set to what at any moment; wherever possible in the new API, parameter blocks have few fields and can easily be reused.


With Copland comes a new I/O architecture designed with the following objectives in mind:
  • improved performance

  • ability to support concurrent data transfer

  • sufficient abstraction to enable Apple to license the Mac OS to manufacturers who build a variety of hardware configurations

  • increased ease of configuration

  • independence from the 68000 microprocessor and its runtime model
The I/O architecture is organized around a number of services, each of which can be associated with a set of drivers in a unit known as a family. For example, the SCSI Manager can be associated with a number of SCSI interface modules (SIMs), each of which describes a single SCSI bus. Similarly, each of the drivers in the block storage family can provide block storage functionality to a file system agent. Drivers in the volume format family (through the File Manager) will manage a number of volume format agents, including the HFS agent.

Thus, the I/O architecture is structured in a hierarchy of layered components, which pass control and data among themselves. For example, an application might make a file system call, which would be passed to the HFS file system agent, which would then make a request of the appropriate block device driver. That driver could then use the SCSI Manager to transfer data to a SIM, over a SCSI bus, to a specific SCSI device. This modularity means that other data flows are easily constructed. For example, the file system request might be passed to an AFP file system agent, which would result in data being transferred over the network using Open Transport. (AFP stands for AppleTalk Filing Protocol -- the protocol used to talk to AppleShare file servers.) These relationships are diagrammed in Figure 2.

Figure 2. An example of relationships and control flow in the new driver model

This layered architecture permits a flexible dependency chain, where no component has too much knowledge about the implementation details of its dependencies or its clients. A block storage driver, for instance, doesn't need to know the details of the SIM's SCSI bus implementation or which volume format it's being used for; it just passes requests up and down the chain. This modular architecture should make it easier for Apple and developers to introduce new ways of solving problems.

The driver model for PCI cards, described in this issue of develop in the article "Creating PCI Device Drivers," was designed with this new I/O architecture in mind. Copland will support drivers developed for PCI cards in accordance with the guidelines presented in that article, so you would do well to familiarize yourself with them. Old drivers will need to be revised because they read and write to hardware locations directly; protection in the new kernel requires that this ability be reserved to specially privileged software. But this doesn't mean that everything packaged into Device Manager drivers will break. The Device Manager will continue to support code packaged as a driver that doesn't actually touch hardware and that isn't otherwise incompatible with Copland, such as drivers that some programs use for interapplication communication.

Note also that Open Transport, which is now available for development on System 7.5, will be the native networking protocol in Copland. Applications that use it will make best use of the native networking stack and will be prepared to run in a separate address space.


The transition to Copland will be the most significant operating system transition in the history of the Macintosh. You can make this transition easier for yourself and users if you do these things:
  • Begin factoring your applications now.

  • Make sure your applications can operate well in a virtual memory environment.

  • Avoid reading or modifying low-memory globals and system data structures if at all possible in your applications.

  • Avoid patching.

  • Ensure that any of your applications that ship with extensions can run without these extensions installed.

  • Rewrite as small applications any desk accessories you depend on.

  • Familiarize yourself with the new driver model for PCI cards.

  • Make use of Open Transport for networking.
With its vastly expanded functionality, Copland will offer an unprecedented number of new opportunities for developers. In providing a stronger foundation for third-party products and future Mac OS releases, Copland will lay the groundwork for years of advances on the Macintosh platform.

TIM DIERKS, who is known for having the messiest office on the Apple R&D campus, has been bumming around Apple for several years, including stints working with the Macintosh Developer Technical Support group as well as on the Copland project. Currently, he's hard at work on Apple's interactive television solution, which gives him an excuse for watching Rocco's Modern Life at work. He shares his office with two lizards, a corn snake, and a pinball machine -- which helps explain at least some of the mess.

Thanks to our technical reviewers Jeff Cobb, Dave Evans, John Iarocci, Wayne Meretsky, Mike Neil, Steve Szymanski, and Russell Williams. Special thanks to Russell Williams for information on synchronization services for preemptively scheduled tasks.


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