The organization of classes and functions is different in Dylan than in C++. In
C++, classes are used in two ways: to encapsulate data and as a scoping
mechanism. Methods in C++ "belong to" classes, and there are many complex
mechanisms governing access to methods from "inside" and "outside" a class. In
Dylan, classes are used only for data encapsulation -- there's no notion of
methods being owned by classes. As a result, specifying and using methods is
cleaner, simpler, and more expressive.
There's not enough space here to
do justice to each of these topics, so we'll just touch on some of them as we
discuss classes, functions, and modules. As you might expect, this article
assumes you have some familiarity with basic object-oriented concepts, such as
classes, instances, and inheritance.
On this issue's CD, you'll find a freeware Dylan interpreter, called Marlais,
that you can use to execute code written in Dylan. Simply run the application
and enter your code at the prompt. Also on the CD are the code samples you'll
see in this article, plus the Dylan Interim Reference Manual and other
Dylan goodies.
Apple's implementation of Dylan, called Apple Dylan, is planned to ship later
this year. One great feature of Apple Dylan is that it allows you to call
existing C and C-compatible code libraries, such as the Macintosh Toolbox. See
"Creole: Using the Toolbox and Other C Code From Within Dylan Code" for
control tradeoffs between runtime memory consumption and dynamic
Dylan is fully and consistently object-oriented, much like
Smalltalk(TM). Everything is an object, including numbers, strings,
and even functions and classes themselves. Each object descends from a single
common ancestor class, named <object>.
The <> characters are not some fancy operator but are merely a
typographic convention for indicating the name of a class in Dylan, just as
all-uppercase letters might indicate a macro in C++. You're allowed to name a
class without the <> characters, but that would be considered bad
To illustrate how classes are used in Dylan, let's look at one of our samples,
SimMogul, to model Hollywood high finance. In Listing 1, we define a few
classes, creating the inheritance hierarchy shown in Figure 1.
Listing 1. SimMogul -- basic version
define class <project> (<object>)
slot script; // All you need is a hot script
slot star; // and a big name.
end class <project>; // Last two words are optional.
define class <actor> (<object>)
slot name; // Actor's name
slot salary; // Cost to hire
slot fans; // Audience size
end class;
define class <script> (<object>)
slot name; // Script's name
slot fx-budget; // Cost of special effects
end class;
define class <sci-fi> (<script>)
end class;
define class <romance> (<script>)
end class;
Figure 1. Inheritance hierarchy of SimMogul classes
The first thing you might notice about this code is that Dylan identifiers draw
on a richer stock of characters than do most languages. Dylan identifiers are
case-insensitive and can include characters like <, >, *, +, and -, which
are traditionally reserved for operators. As a result, operators like these
must be surrounded by spaces when used in formulas (as you'll see later in the
definitions for profits in Listing 5).
As shown in Listing 1, each define class statement begins with the name
of the class being defined, followed by its parent (or superclass) in
parentheses. Dylan supports multiple inheritance; multiple superclasses would
be listed in the parentheses, separated by commas. For this short example,
however, we'll stick to single inheritance.
<project> is a simple class with two slots (comparable to
data members in C++) named script and star. This is a pretty
basic structure that doesn't include any options, but it illustrates the syntax
for class definitions. There's no need to create constructor or destructor
methods; that's taken care of automatically. The last two words, class
<project>, are optional, but if you provide them, the name must match
that of the class being defined. You can just say end or end
class instead if you like, which is what we've done for the remaining
Type declarations are optional in Dylan because values, not storage locations,
are strongly typed. Each object's type is always known from the moment it's
created, so there's less need to declare types on storage locations. It's OK to
leave off type declarations, as we did for slots in Listing 1. This makes rapid
prototyping much easier than in C++.
Listing 2 shows a version of SimMogul that does contain some type declarations.
The definition of <actor>, for example, has a slot declared as
name :: <string>, which specifies the type of the name
slot. The compiler will generate code that guarantees that only strings can be
stored in this slot; attempts to store anything else will cause an error.
Listing 2. SimMogul -- embellished version
define class <project> (<object>)
slot script; // All you need is a hot script
slot star; // and a big name.
end class <project>; // Last two words are optional.
define class <actor> (<object>)
slot name :: <string>, // Actor's name
required-init-keyword: name:;
slot salary :: <number>, // Cost to hire
init-value: 1000000,
init-keyword: salary:;
slot fans :: <number>, // Audience size
init-value: 1000000,
init-keyword: fans:;
end class;
define class <script> (<object>)
slot name :: <string>, // Script's name
required-init-keyword: name:;
slot fx-budget :: <number>, // Cost of special effects
init-value: 10000,
init-keyword: fx-budget:;
end class;
define class <sci-fi> (<script>)
inherited slot fx-budget, init-value: 20000000;
end class;
define class <romance> (<script>)
inherited slot fx-budget, init-value: 0;
end class;
define variable arnold =
make(<actor>, name: "Arnold", fans: 10000000);
define variable betty =
make(<actor>, name: "Betty", fans: 5000000);
define variable tender :: <script> =
make(<romance>, name: "Tender Sunshine");
define variable zarx :: <script> =
make(<sci-fi>, name: "Land of the Zarx-Eaters");
define constant $ticket-price = 7;
reason to provide type declarations is that it allows the compiler to generate
more efficient code. For example, if you wrote code that stores an
appropriately declared value in an <actor>'s name slot, at
compile time the compiler would be able to deduce the value's type. Values that
are known to be strings will be stored efficiently, with no runtime type
checking. Those known not to be strings will generate compile-time warnings,
just as they would in a strongly typed language. If you choose to leave off
declarations, the compiler will insert instructions for runtime type checking,
so you'll have crash-safe code no matter what. This is an example of how Dylan
always lets you compile in a way that's both maximally safe and efficient.
In general, Dylan programs should crash much less often than comparable C
programs, because most errors will be detected and handled gracefully and
automatically. Automatic memory management is one big source of this safety,
since it eliminates the majority of bugs that usually come from manually
operating on raw memory pointers. Dylan's ability to ensure safety, however, is
limited when working with code imported from outside Dylan, such as the
Macintosh Toolbox, which forces Dylan programmers to use raw memory pointers in
some cases. Apple Dylan will insulate programmers as much as possible from
these pointers with an application framework.
Your application creates objects by calling make, which creates
instances of a class. Listing 2 gives some examples of actors and
scripts being created with calls to make. Values for slots are provided
with keyword arguments to make, called init-keywords. Dylan
keywords, which are similar to Smalltalk keywords, are a way to provide
optional function parameters. I'll have more to say about specifying and using
keywords in function calls in the section on functions.
Since the slots in <project> don't have init-keywords, you can't
provide values for them when you use make to make projects. If a project
is created with make(<project>), the slots are uninitialized, and
any attempt to read their values in this uninitialized state is an error that
will be detected and reported.
The name slot in <actor> has a required-init-keyword:
option, which is used further down to specify the name of the arnold
object. Required init-keywords are commonly used for slots with no default
value because this requires callers to provide a value when they make
The other slots in <actor>, salary and fans, have default
values as well as init-keywords. When an actor is created, the slot's value can
be defaulted (for example, arnold's salary) or overridden (for
example, arnold's fans). Slots can also be initialized with the
init-function: option, which calls a function to compute the default
The declaration salary :: <number> restricts the salary
slot to hold only numbers. Notice that we didn't choose a specific numeric
type for the salary slot type (such as short, int, long, or double),
though we easily could have. Dylan provides a rich library of numeric types,
including integers of unlimited size (which are good for devalued currencies
and salaries of major athletes). By using <number> instead of a
more specific numeric type, your type declaration becomes a tool for
documentation and error checking, even while you're in the midst of rapid
prototyping. We're not obliged to make some arbitrary and premature
optimization at this stage, as we would with C or C++. Using <number>
captures as much of our design as we want for now; we can always come back
and tune it later.
A Dylan class inherits slots from all its superclasses and can also define its
own new slots, just as in C++. All slots in a given class must be unique; there
cannot be two different slots with the same name. You can override some
properties of an inherited slot, however, by partially respecifying the slot.
Taking a look at the definition of <sci-fi> in Listing 2, we see
that it overrides the default init-value for fx-budget inherited from
<script> with a somewhat higher value. The keyword inherited
indicates that the slot is inherited from a superclass; it's not a new slot
with the coincidentally identical (and therefore illegal) name.
You can specify many other interesting options for slots, such as class
allocation, which shares a singly allocated value used by all instances of
that class; class allocation roughly corresponds to a static data member
in C++. Dylan also lets you provide virtual allocation for slots. Rather
than being stored in the slot, a virtual slot's value is computed by a function
each time the slot is referenced. This feature is missing from C++ and is very
different from what C++ refers to as virtual data members.
In Listing 2, we make some objects out of the classes and bind them to global
variables with the define variable statement. The variables holding the
actors have no type declaration -- we didn't do this with any design
considerations in mind, but just to show you that it can be done. Like slot
declarations, type declarations for global variables are optional; they're used
to increase efficiency, not to change the program logic. The other two
variables have :: <script> type declarations, which is OK, since
the values stored there are indirect instances of <script>. The
variable tender is an instance of <romance>, which is a
subclass of <script>.
Also included is a define constant statement, which looks just like
define variable, except that once you give it a value, the running
program isn't allowed to change it. The $ in the name $ticket-price is
something of a coincidence. By convention, all constants in Dylan are given
names beginning with a dollar character, as in define constant $pi =
It's worth noting that define constant doesn't restrict mutable objects
from being mutated. Some collections, such as vectors, are mutable in that the
value of an element can change, and class instances are mutable in that a slot
can change (unless you declare the slot as a constant in the class
definition, of course). Since define constant describes the identifier,
not the object, what it really means is that the identifier will always refer
to that particular object, and to no other object. This is the same as a
const pointer in C++, where the pointer is not allowed to change but the
object pointed to may be mutated.
$ticket-price is a real constant after all, because its value of 7 (like
all numbers) cannot be mutated; for example, you cannot change the 7 to an 8
without changing the object itself.
Variables (and constants, which are a kind of variable) can contain any type of
Dylan data object, including numbers, strings, and user-defined objects like
actors and scripts. But in Dylan, the classes and functions themselves are also
objects, and hence are also stored in variables. It turns out that
<actor> is just another variable, as is arnold. The value
of the variable whose name is <actor> happens to be a class, and
the value of the variable whose name is arnold is an instance of that
When we say everything's an object in Dylan, we mean everything. A
variable is just a way of naming an object so that you can refer to it in your
program. Since you can refer to functions or classes just as easily as you can
refer to numbers, we think of them as "variables." So don't be shocked when you
see documentation referring to something like print as a variable. It's
just a variable whose value happens to be a function.
Dylan uses a simple, consistent, functional interface for slot access, which
avoids many of the confusing aspects of C++'s data members. Functions in Dylan
have many elegant features that make them more powerful than their counterparts
in C++, but without adding a lot of complicated syntax. In this section we'll
talk about some of the ways you can create and use Dylan functions.
By default, a pair of accessor functions, called getter and setter
functions, is created for each slot. For example, the definition of
<actor> in Listing 1 automatically creates the following six
name(a) // Gets the name of actor a
name-setter(new, a) // Sets the name of actor a to new
salary(a) // Gets the salary of actor a
salary-setter(new, a) // Sets the salary of actor a to new
fans(a) // Gets the audience size of actor a
fans-setter(new, a) // Sets the audience size of actor a to new
access in Dylan looks exactly like a function call, even though the compiler
may implement slot access much more efficiently. Alternatively, you can use the
more traditional dot notation for slot access. Therefore, the syntax is exactly equivalent to property(object). You
can use whichever syntax best fits the situation.
This functional interface is a great feature, because it allows a class's
implementation details to remain an abstraction for the users of a class. The
fans property, which indicates the box office drawing power, might be
stored as a slot in some classes or it might be computed on the fly by a
function for other classes. Users will always see a functional interface, and
never need to know about the internal implementation.
Whenever a slot reference appears on the left side of an assignment statement,
the reference is translated into a call to the appropriate setter function. For
example, these are all equivalent ways of changing the name slot of the
arnold object: := "Arnie";
name(arnold) := "Arnie";
name-setter("Arnie", arnold);
can also take a setter: option, which lets you provide the name of the
setter function. The default is to give it a name like name-setter, but
you can use a different name, or specify that no setter at all should be
created. If there is no setter function, you effectively make the slot's value
read-only. As you'll see later in the section on modules, you can also control
read and write access to slots by selectively exporting getter and setter
functions to other modules.
Object-oriented languages, including Dylan, provide polymorphic
functions, which means a given function may be executed as one of several
possible implementations of that function, called methods. In our code
above, name is just such a function. Calling name(arnold) calls
the name method for actors, but calling name(tender) invokes the
name method for scripts, which may have a very different implementation.
So, when Dylan sees a call to name(x), depending on what type of object
is, one of several methods is selected and executed. In Dylan, name
is called a generic function, consisting of a family of name
methods that implement the functionality of name for various classes
(see Figure 2). Each of these methods "belongs to" its generic function (in
this case, name) rather than to a class. This is a key point; it's the
core difference between C++'s object model and Dylan's.
Figure 2. Generic function containing several methods
C++'s virtual methods are polymorphic only to the extent that they share a
common ancestor. In C++, if you wanted name to work on both actors and
scripts, you'd have to create a class (for example, nameableObject) just
to contain the name method, and then modify both actor and script
classes to inherit from it. This scenario creates quite a few unwanted
complications. First, it clutters up your object hierarchies with unnatural
"glue" classes that have little to do with the problem domain being
represented. Second, it requires you to add inheritance links to bring together
classes that otherwise have no reason to be connected, which reduces
modularity. Multiple inheritance is extremely awkward in C++ (much less so in
Dylan), so you usually want to avoid it wherever possible when using C++.
You also may not have the desire or the ability to change classes near the root
of a C++ class hierarchy, either because you don't have access to the affected
classes' source code, or because the recompilation time would be very costly.
The latter is usually not a problem in Dylan, because most commercial Dylan
implementations (including Apple Dylan) provide incremental compilation, which
means you can edit, recompile, and relink classes in a matter of seconds.
As with slots and global variables, type declarations for Dylan function
parameters are optional. Providing type declarations, which is called
specializing the method, restricts a method to be valid for a specific
set of operands. Listing 3 shows several methods belonging to the double
generic function, specialized for various parameter types. (The value
returned by a Dylan function is simply the value returned by the last
expression executed in its body; there's no need for an explicit return
Listing 3. Method specificity
define method double (x) // No type declaration, default handler
pair(x, x); // Works on any type of object
end method double;
define method double (x :: <number>)// Works on all numbers
2 * x; // Returns 2 times x
end method double;
define method double (x :: <string> // Works on all strings
concatenate(x, x); // Returns "stringstring"
end method double;
define method double (x == cup:) // Works on the symbol cup:
pint:; // Returns the symbol pint:
end method double;
first method in Listing 3 has no specialization at all, so it's equivalent to a
default specialization of x :: <object>, which means it will work
on anything. It returns a new structure (an instance of the built-in class
<pair>), containing two pointers to the argument x.
The default specialization might not be satisfactory for all objects, of
course, so the second method specializes the behavior for the case where x
is a <number>. In this case, double returns the
argument multiplied by 2. For a <string>, the third method returns
a new string created by concatenating the argument to itself.
Dylan provides a large library of collection types, including
strings, vectors, hash tables, and much more, along with an extensive and
highly consistent library of operations on them. Working with Dylan's
collections is much easier than with C, since you don't have the administrative
headaches of manual storage management.*
The last method in Listing 3 illustrates Dylan's ability to specialize on
specific instances (called singletons), not just whole classes. Through
the use of == rather than ::, the parameter is constrained by an
equality test, not class membership. The object in this case is a symbol, which
is an interesting data type not found in C or C++. A symbol is a
case-insensitive immutable string, often used where you might use an enum
in C. In this method, double is defined to return the symbol
pint: whenever the argument is the symbol cup:.
The foo: syntax is a convenient way to refer to symbols in your code,
but it can be confusing, especially when passing symbols as keyword parameters
in function calls. Dylan provides a second, equivalent syntax for symbols,
which looks like a string with a # (for example, #"foo"). This also lets
you create symbols with spaces in their names.*
When double is invoked on an argument, the most specific method is
invoked. Singletons are considered to be the most specific; if a match isn't
found, a method for the most specific matching parameter type is found. For
example, double("foo") would invoke the third method, because
<string> is more specific than <object>, which is
what the first method is specialized to. If no match is found, Dylan will catch
it and signal an error.
In addition to having the normal kind of parameters (also called required
parameters), whose number and position are fixed, Dylan functions can take
varying numbers of additional parameters.
A #rest parameter collects an arbitrary number of arguments as a
sequence. For example, the following function takes one required argument,
view, and any number of additional arguments. A for loop is used
inside the function to iterate over the arguments.
define method polygon (view :: <view>, #rest points)
for (p in points)
end for;
end method;
an example of using this function:
polygon(myWindow, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5); // Typical usage
parameters specified with #key are quite handy, especially for functions
with many parameters, which often take default values. As we saw earlier,
make takes keyword parameters in order to create objects. These can be
provided in any order by the caller, or omitted entirely if default values are
specified. The keywords themselves provide an extra degree of clarity to the
calling code, since they serve to document the arguments they introduce. For
define method rent-car (customer :: <person>,
// Two required parameters
location :: <city>, // and up to 4 keywords
#key color = white:, // Default color is white
sunroof? = #f, // Default no sunroof
automatic? = #t, // Default automatic shift
days = 3) // Default 3-day rental
end method;
the usage of #t and #f. These are the Dylan values for Boolean
true and false, respectively.
Some examples of using this function are as follows:
rent-car(arnold, dallas, days: 7, sunroof?: #t);
rent-car(betty, dallas, days: 8, color: #"red");
rent-car(colin, vegas); // Everything defaulted
also have the option of specifying the return parameters for Dylan functions,
as illustrated in Listing 4. This provides more information to the compiler to
assist in optimization, as well as documents your code for other users. Dylan
functions can return multiple values, which means the caller can get zero, one,
or more than one value from the callee. This lets you program in a cleaner,
more functional style than in C. In Dylan, you don't need to mix your input and
output parameters and bash inputs to make them outputs, or clutter your code
with definitions for funny data structures that do nothing more than carry the
results of one function back to another.
Listing 4. Example of return declarations and multiple return values
define class <brick> (<object>)
slot vert;
slot horiz;
slot depth;
slot density;
end class;
define method calculate-weight (b :: <brick>)
=> weight :: <number>; // Declares return parameter
let (x, y, z) = bounding-box(b); // Binds multiple values
x * y * z * b.density; // Returns one value
end method;
define method bounding-box (b :: <brick>)
=> (height :: <number>, width :: <number>, length :: <number>);
values(b.vert, b.horiz, b.depth); // Returns three values
end method;
methods in a generic function must be congruent. Basically, this means
they must all take the same number of required parameters, and they must agree
on taking keyword and rest values. There are a few more options you can specify
for a generic function using the define generic statement, which can
also constrain method congruency.
One interesting feature of Dylan is that functions are multiply polymorphic
(unlike in C++ or Smalltalk). A function can have as many required
parameters as you like, and any or all of them can be specialized. When you
call a generic function, a method is picked based on the specializations of all
the required parameters, not just of the first one.
There are two methods in the profits generic function defined in Listing
5. The second of these methods is more specialized than the first one, because
its script parameter (<sci-fi>) is more specific than that in the
first (<script>). It just happens that the script parameter
is in the second position. When selecting the method to handle a call like
profits(betty, tender), Dylan determines that the first method is the
only one that's applicable, so that's the one that's used (see Figure 3). It
turns out that both methods are applicable in a call like profits(arnold,
zarx). The second method is more specific, so that's what gets invoked.
Listing 5.
define method profits (star :: <actor>, script :: <script>)
( * $ticket-price) // Money from ticket sales
- (script.fx-budget + star.salary); // minus expenses
end method;
define method profits (star :: <actor>, script :: <sci-fi>)
next-method() / 2; // Sci-fi is out of fashion these days
end method;
Figure 3. Method selection based on all arguments (not just the first
The body of the second profits method uses a special trick to inherit
functionality provided in the base method. It calls next-method, a Dylan
function that calls the next appropriate method in the generic function, in
decreasing order of specificity. In the example, next-method gets a
numeric value calculated by the first method, divides it by 2, and returns that
to the caller. As a result, you don't have to write the basic equation twice;
new methods have the option of calling up the specificity chain and doing what
they want with the results. You can also add code to perform tasks before or
after calling next-method.
Dylan provides an important abstraction tool, called a module, which
typically contains several related functions and classes. Modules let you
simplify or limit access to objects by controlling their names. In other words,
a module is a namespace, a set of names and the objects they refer to.
A module's definition specifies which names are exported. This gives you
control over which variables, functions, classes, and slots are private to that
module and which are public. For example, suppose the code in Listing 2 lived
in a module called the studio module. We could define this module with
the statement below, which exports three classes and three functions. Since
arnold and betty are not exported, they're private to the
studio module, and are inaccessible to any code outside it.
define module studio
use dylan;
export <project>, <actor>, <script>, name, name-setter,
end module
can selectively import some or all of another module's exports. Once imported,
these can be used internally, extended, or reexported. We can define a new
hollywood module that uses (imports everything exported from) the
studio module. Notice that both modules also use the dylan
module. Since the dylan module defines all the basic language
primitives (like addition), it's a good idea for user-defined modules to always
use it.
define module hollywood
use dylan;
use studio,
export: name, profits;
export <movie>, <tv-show>, <videogame>, do-oscars;
end module
definition assumes that the hollywood module defines three new classes,
plus one new function for computing the Oscar winners. It may define others for
internal purposes, but those are the only internal classes and functions that
it exports. The module also exports two functions imported from the studio
module, name and profits. Even though the hollywood
module imports the <actor> class from the studio
module, there's no way to access the salary slot because salary
wasn't exported, and hence cannot be imported into the hollywood
module (see Figure 4).
Figure 4. Selectively exporting names from modules to other modules
You can selectively export just the getter but not the setter function for a
slot, which has the effect of making the slot read-only to all other modules.
This is what hollywood does with name. Code in the hollywood
module can change an object's name because name-setter is imported
from studio, but clients outside hollywood can only read, but not
set, an object's name.
You could go ahead and define a new function in the hollywood module
called fans, but it would have nothing to do with the fans slot
in <actor>. This new fans function would be totally unrelated, and
could have a different number of parameters than the fans function in
the studio module. It's like two different cities each having a street
called Main Street; the references are not valid across city borders. This is
another key advantage of namespaces -- they reduce the pressure to keep names
unique at the expense of legibility or clarity.
You can even rename what you import, which is useful to prevent name conflicts,
or to emphasize the origin of a name. For example, the following version of the
hollywood module imports the <project> class from
studio, but renames it. Within this hollywood module, the class
is known only as <production>, not <project>. Modules have
many more fancy renaming and import/export features, but we'll skip them for
define module hollywood
use dylan;
use studio,
export: name, profits,
rename: {<project> => <production>};
export <movie>, <tv-show>, <videogame>, do-oscars;
end module
let you control the interface to a portion of code by specifying exactly what
you want to make public. You can even use several modules to provide high- and
low-level interfaces to the same internal code -- a capability not available in
C++. For example, a hollywood-tourist module would import, rename, and
export a subset of documented high-level calls to one set of users, whereas a
separate hollywood-insider module might import, rename, and export more
detailed calls to a different audience. This helps keep the implementation and
interface nicely separated.
C++ has many notions of scope, including lexical (block scope inside
functions), class, file, and name space. Some people even rely on the selective
inclusion of header files or verbose name prefixes ("typographic scoping") to
prevent name collisions. Dylan's simpler scheme -- just lexical scope and
modules -- provides precise control over the importing, exporting, and naming
of classes, functions, and variables in a clean and consistent way.
In this whirlwind tour, you've had a quick look at how to write classes,
functions, and modules in Dylan. Methods are grouped into generic functions,
instead of being "owned" by classes. Modules package the names of related
classes and functions into convenient APIs.
Apple Dylan isn't planned to ship until later this year, but that doesn't mean
you can't play with Dylan before then. If you like what you've seen here, or
want to see more, check out the goodies on the CD or those available from
on-line services (see "Where to Get Dylan Software and Information").
Just like the Macintosh, Dylan was carefully designed from scratch to make your
life a lot more fun and productive. Enjoy, and happy hacking!
Some experimental freeware Dylan implementations are now available. Marlais, an
interpreter, has been ported to Macintosh, Windows, and UNIXreg.,
and is included on this issue's CD so that you can play with the code examples
in this article. Mindy, a byte-code compiler, is available for UNIX. Also on
the CD is the Dylan Interim Reference Manual and other goodies.
Other sources of Dylan software and documentation include the following on-line
- On the Internet is the Apple Dylan World
Wide Web server and Apple's Dylan ftp
- On AppleLink, look in Developer Support: Developer Services:
Development Platforms: Dylan Related.
- On eWorld, go (Command-G) to "dev service"; then click Tool Chest:
Development Platforms: Dylan Related.
- On CompuServe, type GO APPLE to get to the Apple support forum. There
are 16 libraries; go into Programmers/Developers Library #15.
discussions can be found on the Internet newsgroup called comp.lang.dylan. You
can also access Dylan discussions through e-mail. Internet users can ask to be
included in discussions by sending a request to (AppleLink users can use the address
If you'd like to become a beta tester of Apple Dylan, please send a message,
including your name, address, telephone number, and a brief statement of what
you'd like to do with Apple Dylan, to AppleLink DYLAN.
STEVE STRASSMANN (AppleLink STRAZ, Internet has a
patent on surgical catheters (#4,838,859) and is the co-author of the infamous
UNIX-Haters Handbook.
After getting his Ph.D. at the MIT Media Lab in entertainment engineering, he
joined the Dylan team at Apple in Cambridge, Mass.*
Thanks to our technical reviewers Stoney Ballard, Jeff Barbose, Ken
Dickey, Phil Kania, Ken Karakotsios, David Moon, Carl Nelson, and Kent