March 95 - Balance of Power: Introducing PowerPC Assembly Language
Balance of Power: Introducing PowerPC Assembly Language
Dave Evans
So far I've avoided the subject of PowerPC(TM) assembly language in
this column, for fear of being struck down by the portability gods. But I also
realize that a column on PowerPC development without a discussion of this
subject would be too pious. Although today's compiler technology makes assembly
language generally unnecessary, you might find it useful for critical
subroutines or program bottlenecks. In this column I'll try to give you enough
information to satisfy that occasional need.
If the thought of using assembly language still troubles you, please consider
this as useful information for debugging. Eventually you'll need to read
PowerPC assembly for tracing through code that was optimized, or when symbolic
debugging just isn't practical. Also in this column, I'll cover the runtime
basics that will help you recognize stack frames and routine calls during
Assembly language on the PowerPC processor should be used only for the most
performance-critical code -- that is, when that last 5% performance improvement
is worth the extra effort. This code typically consists of tight loops or
routines that are very frequently used.
After you've carefully profiled your code and found a bottleneck routine in
which your application spends most of its time, then what do you do? First you
need an assembler; I recommend Apple's PPCAsm (part of MPW Pro or E.T.O., both
available from Apple Developer Catalog).
Next, you'll need to understand the instruction set and syntax. This column
will give you a basic summary, but for a thorough reference you'll need the
PowerPC 601 RISC Microprocessor User's Manual; to order one, call
1-800-POWERPC (1-800-769-3772).
Finally, you need to know the basic PowerPC runtime details -- for example,
that parameters are passed in general registers R3 through R10, that the stack
frame is set up by the callee, and so on.
Once you have these tools and information, you can easily write a subroutine in
assembly language that's callable from any high-level language. Then you'll
need to review your code with the persistence of Hercules, fixing pipeline
stalls and otherwise improving your performance.
Many people think RISC processors have fewer instructions than CISC processors.
What's truer is that each RISC instruction has reduced complexity, especially
in memory addressing, but there are often many more instructions than in a CISC
instruction set. You'll be amazed at the number and variation of the
instructions in the PowerPC instruction set. The basic categories are similar
to 680x0 assembly language:
- integer arithmetic and logical instructions
- instructions to load and store data
- compare and branch instructions
- floating-point instructions
- processor state instructions
We'll go over the first three
categories here; you can read more about the last two in the PowerPC user's
manual. Once you're familiar with the PowerPC mnemonics, you'll notice the
similarity with any other instruction set. But first let's look at some key
differences from 680x0 assembly: register usage, memory addressing, and
Most PowerPC instructions take three registers as opposed to two, and in the
reverse order compared to 680x0 instructions. For example, the following
instruction adds the contents of register R4 and R5 and puts the result in
register R6:
add r6,r4,r5 ; r6 = r4 + r5
that the result is placed in the first register listed; registers R4 and R5
aren't affected. Most instructions operate on the last two registers and place
the result in the first register listed.
Unlike the 680x0 processors, the PowerPC processor doesn't allow many
instructions to deal directly with memory. Most instructions take only
registers as arguments. The branch, load, and store instructions are the only
ones with ways of effectively addressing memory.
- The branch instructions use three addressing modes: immediate, link
register indirect, and count register indirect. The first includes relative and
absolute addresses, while the other two let you load the link or count register
and use it as a target address. (The link and count registers are
special-purpose registers used just for branching.) Using the link register is
also how you return from a subroutine call, as I'll demonstrate in a moment.
- Load and store instructions have three addressing modes: register
indirect, which uses a register as the effective address; register indirect
with index, which uses the addition of two registers as the effective address;
and register indirect with immediate index, which adds a constant offset to a
register for the effective address. I'll show examples of these later.
more complicated 680x0 addressing modes do not have equivalents in PowerPC
assembly language.
On 680x0 processors, there are branch instructions and separate jump
(jmp), jump to subroutine (jsr), and return from subroutine
(rts) instructions. But in PowerPC assembly there are only branches. All
branches can be conditional or nonconditional; they all have the same
addressing modes, and they can choose to store the next instruction's address
in the link register. This last point is how subroutine calls are made and then
returned from. A call to a subroutine uses a branch with link (bl)
instruction, which loads the link register with the next instruction and then
jumps to the effective address. To return from the subroutine, you use the
branch to link register (blr) instruction to jump to the previous code
path. For example:
bl BB ; branch to "BB"
AA: cmpi cr5,r4,0 ; is r4 zero?
BB: addi r4,r3,-24 ; r4 = r3 - 24
blr ; return to "AA"
conditional branches can also use the link or count register, you can have
conditional return statements like this:
bgtlr cr5 ; return if cr5 has
; greater than bit set
The instructions blr and bgtlr are simplified mnemonics for the less
attractive bclr 20,0 and bclr 12,[CRn+]1 instructions. The
PowerPC user's manual lists these as easier-to-read alternatives to entering
the specific bit fields of the bclr instruction, and PPCAsm supports
these mnemonics. But when debugging you may see the less attractive versions in
You've already seen the add and addi instructions, but let's go over one key
variation before looking at other integer arithmetic and logical instructions.
Notice the period character "." in the following instruction:
add. rD,rA,rB ; rD = rA + rB, set cr0
can append a period to most integer instructions. This character causes bits in
the CR0 condition register field to be set based on how the result compares to
0; you can later use CR0 in a conditional branch. In 680x0 assembly language,
this is implied in most moves to a data register; however, PowerPC assembly
instructions that move data to a register must explicitly use the period.
Other basic integer instructions include the following:
subf rD,rA,rB ; subtract from
; rD = rB - rA
subfi rD,rA,val ; subtract from immediate
; rD = val - rA
neg rD,rA ; negate
; rD = -rA
mullw rD,rA,rB ; multiply low word
; rD = [low 32 bits] rA*rB
; rD = [high 32 bits] rA*rB
divw rD,rA,rB ; divide word
; rD = rA / rB
divwu rD,rA,rB ; divide unsigned word
; rD = rA / rB [unsigned]
and rD,rA,rB ; logical AND
; rD = rA AND rB
or rD,rA,rB ; logical OR
; rD = rA OR rB
nand rD,rA,rB ; logical NAND
; rD = rA NAND rB
srw rD,rS,rB ; shift right word
; rD = (rS >> rB)
srawi rD,rS,SH ; algebraic shift right
; word immediate
; rD = (rS >> SH)
flexible and powerful set of instructions is the rotate instructions. They
allow you to perform a number of register operations besides just rotation,
including masking, bit insertions, clearing specific bits, extracting bits, and
combinations of these. Each rotate instruction takes a source register, a
destination, an amount to shift either in a register or as immediate data, and
a mask begin (MB) and mask end (ME) value. The mask is either ANDed with the
result or is used to determine which bits to copy into the destination
register. The mask is a 32-bit value with all bits between location MB and ME
set to 1 and all other bits set to 0. For example, the following instruction
will take the contents of R3, rotate it left by 5, AND it with the bit pattern
00001111 11111100 00000000 00000000, and place the result in register R4.
rlwinm r4,r3,5,4,13 ; rotate left word
; immediate, AND with mask
; r4 = (r3 << 5) & 0FFC0000
that some assemblers allow you to specify a constant instead of the MB and ME
Getting data to and from memory requires the load and store instructions. There
are a few variations, each with the addressing modes mentioned earlier. The
amount of memory, the address alignment, and the specific processor will also
affect how much time the operation will take. Here are some examples of
specifying the size with load instructions:
lbz rD,disp(rA) ; load byte and zero
; rD = byte at rA+disp
lhz rD,disp(rA) ; load half word and zero
; rD = half word at rA+disp
lwz rD,disp(rA) ; load word and zero
; rD = word at rA+disp
lwzx rD,rA,rB ; load word & zero indexed
; rD = word at rA+rB
that the "z" means "zero," so if the amount loaded is smaller than the
register, the remaining bits of the register are automatically zeroed. This is
like an automatic extend instruction in 680x0 assembly language. You can also
have the effective address register preincrement, by appending "u" for
"update." For example,
lwzu r3,4(r4) ; r4 = r4 + 4 ; r3 = *(r4)
first increment R4 by 4 and then load R3 with the word at address R4. The
preincrement doesn't exist in 680x0 assembly, but it's similar to the
predecrementing instruction
move.l d3,-(a4). There's also an option for
indexed addressing modes -- for example, "load word and zero with update
lwzux r3,r4,r5 ; r4 = r4 + r5 ; r3 = *(r4)
instruction will update register R4 to be R4 plus R5 and then load R3 with the
word at address R4.
Store instructions have the same options as load instructions, but start with
"st" instead of "l." (The "z" is omitted because there's no need to zero
anything.) For example:
stb rD,disp(rA) ; store byte
sthx rD,rA,rB ; store half word indexed
stwux rD,rA,rB ; store word update indexed
word of caution: Do not use the load or store string instructions (
lswx, stswi, and
stswx) or load multiple instruction (
Most superscalar processors must stall their entire pipeline to execute these
kinds of instructions, and although the PowerPC 601 processor dedicates extra
hardware to compensate, the 603 and 604 processors perform unacceptably slowly.
Loading each register individually will result in faster execution.
A compare instruction operates on one of the eight condition register fields,
CR0 to CR7. It compares a register against either another register or immediate
data, and then sets the four condition bits in that condition register field
accordingly. The bits are as follows:
bit 0 less than
bit 1 greater than
bit 2 equal to
bit 3 copy of summary overflow bit
If you're wondering how to test for greater than or equal to, you're paying
attention: You can test whether each bit is true or false, so to test for
greater than or equal to, just see if the less-than bit is false. The last bit
is a copy of an overflow bit from the integer or floating-point exception
register. For more information on exceptions, see the PowerPC user's manual.
The official mnemonics for compare instructions include a 64-bit option, but
until PowerPC registers are 64-bit, the following simpler 32-bit mnemonics are
cmpwi CRn,rA,val ; compare word immediate
; rA to val
cmpw CRn,rA,rB ; compare word
; RA to RB
cmplwi CRn,rA,val ; compare logical word
; rA to val (unsigned)
cmplw CRn,rA,rB ; compare logical word
; rA to rB (unsigned)
"w" stands for "word" and means these are the 32-bit compare instructions. The
"l" means the comparison is logical and therefore unsigned.
Now let's look at the branch instructions. We covered basic branch instructions
earlier, but here are some examples of common simplified branch mnemonics:
bgt CRn,addr ; branch if CRn has greater
; than bit set true
ble CRn,addr ; branch if CRn has greater
; than bit set false (tests
; for less than or equal)
bgtl CRn,addr ; set link register, branch if
; CRn has greater than bit set
useful are the decrement counter conditional branches. They allow you to load
the count register and, in one instruction, decrement it and branch based on
its value and another condition. For example:
dbnz addr ; CTR = CTR - 1
; branch if CTR is nonzero
dbz addr ; CTR = CTR - 1
; branch if CTR is zero
dbzt bit,addr ; CTR = CTR - 1
; branch if CTR is zero and
; condition bit is set true
dbzt instruction's bit testing brings up an important point. Conditional
branches specify either a condition register field or a condition bit. As shown
below, the condition register fields are placed side by side in a single 32-bit
condition register. When a branch mnemonic requires a field, it needs a value
from 0 to 7 to specify which 4-bit field to use. When a branch mnemonic
requires a bit value, it needs a number from 0 to 32 specifying a bit in the
whole condition register. Bit number 0 is the high (less than) bit in CR0, bit
number 4 is the high bit in CR1, and so on. (Notice that in PowerPC
architecture, bit 0 is the most significant bit, which is the opposite of the
Branch prediction is something that many compiler writers have yet to take
advantage of, but with PPCAsm you can use it today. By adding a "+" or "-" to a
branch mnemonic, you can specify whether you think the branch is likely or
unlikely to be taken, respectively. For example:
bgt+ cr0,addr ; predict branch taken
this works only if the target address is in the same source file. Branch
prediction on the PowerPC 601 and 603 is determined by the target address of
the branch -- specifically, on whether the target address is before or after
the branch instruction. So if the target routine is in another source file, the
compiler can't determine if the target address will be before or after the
branch instruction, and therefore can't set the branch prediction bit
accurately. See the Balance of Power column in Issue 20 for more information on
branch prediction.
The PowerPC processors have 32 general-purpose registers, 8 condition register
fields, and 32 floating-point registers. Just as in the 680x0 Macintosh run
time, most registers are available for general use. But some are reserved for
specific duties: general register R1 is the stack pointer, and R2 is the RTOC
or Register for Table of Contents. R2 is similar to the classic A5 register,
but instead of serving an entire application, it's specific to each code
Also important to note is which registers must be preserved across function
calls. Registers R13 to R31, FPR14 to FPR31, and CR2 to CR4 must be saved and
restored if you use them in your function. It's all right to store them in a
scratch register if you don't call another subroutine. You can always use
registers R3 through R10, for example, without any additional work.
Optimized code doesn't always use stack frames, and if your assembly is just
for tight utility routines you won't need them. But if you call other
subroutines, your routine must set up a frame. This will also aid in debugging.
When your assembly routine is called, the stack pointer will point to the
caller's stack frame. Your routine should set up a frame with space for local
variables plus the standard frame size of 56. It should also save the return
address in the frame and clean up before exiting. Here's the recommended code
to do this:
mflr r0 ; move return addr to r0
stw r0,8(sp) ; save r0 in stack frame
stwu sp,-frame(sp) ; set up new frame
... ; your code here
lwz r0,frame(sp)+8 ; return address to r0
addic sp,sp,frame ; remove frame
mtlr r0 ; restore return
blr ; return
size of the frame is variable, but at a minimum is 56 bytes for parameter space
and special register storage. If you save and restore any variables, or need
local stack variables, add the size needed to 56. The frame size must be a
multiple of 8, to leave the stack double-word aligned. Add padding to your
frame to make sure it's a multiple of 8 bytes.
Subroutine calls within your code fragment use just a simple
instruction-relative branch and link. If you call subroutines outside your
fragment, such as into the Toolbox, you need to put a no-op instruction
after that branch. The no-op is actually the impotent ori r0,r0,0
instruction. The linker will replace this no-op with an instruction to
restore your RTOC register after the call. It will also add special cross-TOC
glue code and redirect the branch to that glue. This is necessary because you
must set up the callee's RTOC so that it can access its globals, and your code
is responsible later for restoring your RTOC.
Here's an example of this cross-TOC glue:
lwz r12,routine(RTOC) ; load t-vector
stw RTOC,20(RTOC) ; save my RTOC
lwzr 0,0(r12) ; get callee address
lwz RTOC,4(r12) ; set callee RTOC
mtctr r0 ; prepare branch
bctr ; jump to callee
often see this glue during low-level debugging. The first instruction gets a
transition vector (or t
-vector) from your global data and places
it in R12. This vector is a structure containing the callee's address and RTOC,
and it's filled in by the Code Fragment Manager when your code binds to the
callee's fragment. Notice that the glue uses a branch with count register
instruction to call the subroutine. This uses the count
register as a target address so that the link register with your return address
will remain unmodified; therefore, don't make cross-TOC calls in loops that use
the count register.
Let's look at a simple routine in C that compares two Pascal strings:
Boolean pstrcompare(StringPtr p1, StringPtr p2)
short length, i;
if ((length = p1[0]) != p2[0]) return false;
for (i = 1; i <= length; ++i)
if (p1[i] != p2[i]) return false;
return true;
this with the PPCC compiler and using the optimizer for speed produces the
assembly code shown below. (While it certainly is possible to tune the C code
directly, we'll ignore that for the purposes of this example.)
lbz r11,0(r3) ; r11 = length p1
lbz r5,0(r4) ; r5 = length p2
cmpw cr0,r11,r5 ;* compare lengths
beq pre ;*
li r3,0 ; nope, return false
pre: cmpwi cr0,r11,1 ; check length
li r12,1 ; load count
loop: blt pass ;* done?
lbzx r5,r3,r12 ; r5 = p1[i]
lbzx r6,r4,r12 ; r6 = p2[i]
cmpw cr0,r5,r6 ;* equal?
bne fail
addic r5,r12,1 ; add 1
extsh r12,r5 ;* extend and move
cmpw cr0,r11,r12 ;* check if done
b loop
pass: li r3,1 ; return true
fail: li r3,0 ; return false
at this code, we notice that the two StringPtr parameters are passed in R3 and
R4. The first six instructions check the lengths of these two strings and
return false if they're not equal. Then the loop preloads a count and uses
cmpwi cr0,r11,1 to see if it needs to iterate even once. The loop is
simple, but it does an extraneous
extsh instruction because the
optimizer doesn't realize R12 is already a full word.
The key to optimizing PowerPC assembly code is to keep the processor's pipeline
from stalling. This isn't always possible, and different PowerPC processors
have different pipelines, but you can usually arrange your assembly code for
significant performance improvements on all PowerPC processors.
For more information on pipelines and different optimization techniques,
see the article "Making the Leap to PowerPC" in develop Issue 16 and the
Balance of Power column in Issues 18 and 19.*
The situations that most often stall the pipeline are memory access, register
dependencies, and conditional branch instructions. If data is loaded from
memory and then used immediately, you'll stall the pipeline at least one cycle
and possibly more for cache or page misses. If one instruction writes to a
register and the next instruction references the same register, the processor
might not be able to finish the second instruction until after the first one
completes. The processor alleviates this by executing instructions out of order
or with temporary registers, but you may nonetheless waste cycles. Also, if a
branch is directly preceded by the needed comparison, the processor may
mispredict the branch or just stall until the compare is done.
The key tactic for addressing these situations is to reorder your instructions.
Move loads and stores as early in your code as possible, as they may take a
long time to service. Then if two instructions reference the same register,
find another unrelated instruction and move it in between. The same goes for
conditional branch instructions: try to put as many other instructions between
the compare and the branch as possible. As examples, look for the "*"
characters in the above sample code; these denote possible pipeline stall
points. Note, however, that the 603 and 604 microprocessors issue instructions
differently such that you shouldn't bunch loads and stores together.
Other general tactics can improve your speed. Use as many scratch registers as
possible and go to the stack for local storage only if you absolutely must. The
same applies to your stack frame: only save to it things that will be modified
in your routine. For example, if you don't call any subroutines, don't save
your link register there. Loops should use the one-step decrement branch
(bdnz) instruction.
Finally, read the PowerPC user's manual before going to bed every night for
time-saving instructions like rlwimi (rotate left word immediate with
mask insert).
Now let's optimize the above example by hand:
lbz r7,0(r3) ; r7 = length p1
mr r6,r3 ; save a copy of p1
lbz r8,0(r4) ; r8 = length p2
li r3,0 ; preload false
addi r5,r7,1 ; add 1 for count
mtctr r5 ;* preload count
loop:cmpw cr0,r7,r8 ; equal?
lbzu r7,1(r6) ; r7 = *(++p1)
bnelr ; return if ~ equal
lbzu r8,1(r4) ; r8 = *(++p2)
bdnz loop
pass: li r3,1 ; return true
we've removed all the key stall points by doing more work before the loop and
also modifying the loop. With
lbzu autoincrementing and
autodecrementing instructions, the loop is now only five instructions long,
compared to the earlier nine instructions and one stall point. To achieve this
we also needed to preload R3 and the count register, but we did that additional
work in stall points. The
mtctr instruction can be expensive, with a
latency of three or more cycles; however, using the count register reduces the
work done within a loop, and that often makes up for the added
The earlier PPCC-optimized version would take about 110 cycles to verify that
two 10-byte strings were identical. Our hand-tuned version takes only half as
long. And although string comparisons are probably not your critical
bottleneck, this same procedure can be applied to your critical code.
Any code you write in assembly language is not portable and is usually harder
to maintain. You also don't get the type checking and warnings that a compiler
provides. But for code that must be faster than the competition, you may want
to hand-tune in PowerPC assembly language.
strong word of caution: Do not use IBM POWER instructions! They may
work on the 601 processor, which supports them, but they will not run on any
other PowerPC processor. If you use them, your software may crash or run
significantly slower on future Power Macintosh models. To make sure your code
is clean of POWER instructions, you can use Apple's DumpXCOFF or DumpPEF tool,
both of which have an option to check for invalid instructions. There's also a
list of POWER instructions supported by the 601 in Appendix B of the PowerPC
601 user's manual.
Another warning: Most instructions take registers, immediate data, or bit
numbers as arguments, and the assembler will assume you're setting them
correctly. It's easy to think you've specified a bit number but in fact have
used a critical register by accident. These bugs are hard to find. Our earlier
rlwinm example can be written rlwinm 4,3,5,4,13; it's easy to see
how argument meanings can be confused. You might try the -typecheck
option of PPCAsm version 1.1 to help catch mistakes, but please be careful!
DAVE EVANS came to California in 1991 in search of temperate weather,
having left Boston, the land of erratic and extreme climate. While in Boston he
developed Macintosh software for a radical startup company and studied applied
math at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
At Apple, Dave has attended an estimated 1000 meetings, but in between them he
managed to develop the Drag and Drop Developer's Kit. Dave is also trying to
teach his pet iguana Herman to roll over, but without much success.
Thanks to Dave Falkenburg, Tim Maroney, Mike Neil, and Andy Nicholas for
reviewing this column.