Choosing the Right Codec
As described in Chapter 3 of Inside Macintosh: QuickTime , the Image Compression Manager performs
compression and decompression by invoking image compressor and decompressor components.
These components, calledcodecs , present a standard interface to the Image Compression Manager
using the Component Manager. But each codec is unique because each implements a different
compression and decompression algorithm. Codecs can vary greatly in the three major characteristics
that are used to judge image compression algorithms: compression ratio, compression speed, and
image quality. QuickTime 2.0 ships with eight codecs that can be selected for use by your
QuickTime application under various conditions. In addition, users or third-party products can
install custom codecs into the system by simply placing them in the Extensions folder.
With all the choices for image compression and decompression, the only way to choose the best
codec for a particular purpose is to have some understanding of all the codecs available on your
system. Inside Macintosh provides general descriptions of the standard QuickTime codecs, but detailed
information is important in making an intelligent codec selection. The way to find this detailed
information is to communicate programmatically with the codec and request its capabilities through
the codec call CDGetCodecInfo. As described inInside Macintosh: QuickTime Components, this call
returns a compressor information structure.
For example, information about what pixel depths a compressor supports for storing image data is
important to choosing the right codec. If your application creates and compresses a picture, the
decision of whether to create the picture in 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit color can be based partially on
what pixel depths the compressor supports. If the compressed data can store only 16 bits of color
information, it would be inefficient to create a picture with 32 bits of color.
Accompanying this column on this issue's CD is the sample application GetCodecInfoApp, which (by
calling CDGetCodecInfo) allows you to easily obtain detailed information about codecs installed in
your system. I'll discuss GetCodecInfoApp and point out some characteristics that should be
considered in choosing a codec.
There are actually two separate parts to a codec: one for the compression and one for the
decompression. Not all codecs provide both; nevertheless, all compressor and decompressor
combinations are referred to as codecs. One example of a decompression-only codec is the codec that
comes with the QuickTake 100 digital camera from Apple. The hardware in the QuickTake 100
camera performs the compression and downloads compressed data to the Macintosh. The Macintosh
only needs to perform decompression.
A compressor is a component of type compressor-ComponentType ('imco') and a decompressor is a
component of type decompressorComponentType ('imdc'). Detailed information on writing a codec
is provided in Chapter 4 ofInside Macintosh: QuickTime Components . But to select the appropriate
codec to use, you don't need to do any programming; you can simply use GetCodecInfoApp, without
any need to understand how it was written. This application creates a text file containing a report of
all the codec components installed in your system. For example, the output for the Cinepak codec
looks like this:
Compressor Name: Cinepak
- version = 1
- revisionLevel = 1
- vendor = appl
- compressionAccuracy = 128
- compressionLevel = 128
- minimum height = 1
- minimum width = 1
- compress pipeline latency = 0
- compression capabilities:
directly compresses 32-bit pixel maps
supports temporal compression
can recompress images without accumulating errors
can rate constrain to caller defined limit
- compression format:
can store images in 24-bit color
can store images in 8-bit grayscale
can store custom color table
compressed data requires non-key frames to be
decompressed in same order as compressed
- estimated compression speed:
640x480 32-bit RGB = 11485 milliseconds
Decompressor Name: Cinepak
- version = 1
- revisionLevel = 1
- vendor = appl
- decompressionAccuracy = 128
- minimum height = 1
- minimum width = 1
- decompress pipeline latency = 0
- decompression capabilities:
directly decompresses into 32-bit pixel maps
supports temporal compression
can recompress images without accumulating errors
can rate constrain to caller defined limit
- decompression format:
can decompress images from 24-bit color
compressed format
can decompress images from 8-bit grayscale
compressed format
can store custom color table
compressed data requires non-key frames to be
decompressed in same order as compressed
- estimated decompression speed:
640x480 32-bit RGB = 56 milliseconds
GetCodecInfoApp gets information about codecs by calling the codec's CDGetCodecInfo function,
which all codecs must support; if you're writing a codec, it's important to report your capabilities
with this function. To measure the codec's speed, the application actually passes it an image to
compress or decompress, and reports the result.
The Image Compression Manager function GetCodecInfo can also be used to obtain information about codecs, but only
for compressor codecs; you won't be able to get information about decompression-only codecs with GetCodecInfo. *
An example of a characteristic you can determine
with GetCodecInfoApp is what pixel depths the decompressor can decompress directly into. This is
important because it affects the speed of the image decompression. If the codec can't decompress
directly into the destination pixel map, the Image Compression Manager will have to decompress
into an offscreen buffer and move the image data into the destination after converting the pixel
depth. This results in additional memory and processor bandwidth requirements. If you know exactly
what pixel depths a decompressor supports, you can set up the destination for the best performance.
Most codecs support only a limited number of pixel depths for the compressed data storage format.
For example, the Video Compressor will store image data only in 16-bit color. If you compress a 32-
bit color image, you'll lose information, since the compressed format will store the equivalent of 16
bits of data. The pixel depth for the compressed data storage format also determines which of the
different compression settings are available -- for example, the pixel depth pop-up menu for
Compression Settings displayed by the standard image-compression dialog component (used, for
example, by Picture Compressor, an application that's part of the QuickTime Starter Kit) will only
allow you to choose Color for the Video Compressor. The Animation Compressor is one of the few
compressors that will store compressed data in nearly all pixel depth formats: Black and White, 4
Grays, 4 Colors, 16 Grays, 16 Colors, and so on.
When compressing movies, you'll often want to select
a codec that supports temporal compression; not all codecs do. Temporal compression is the use of
frame differencing to compress consecutive image frames by skipping data that doesn't change from
frame to frame. Temporal compression is useful only for sequences of images stored as QuickTime
movies. Knowing which codecs support temporal compression will allow you to choose the best
codec for compressing sequences.
If you're compressing pictures with scientific data, it may be extremely important that there be no
image quality loss. In this case, you'll want to look for a codec that supportslossless compression. For
example, the Photo Compressor (JPEG codec) is a lossy codec because even at the highest quality
setting, there may still be some loss of image quality. On the other hand, the Animation Compressor
is lossless at higher quality settings and will preserve every pixel value.
There are many additional features a codec may support that are important to know. For example,
certain codecs will support data spooling so that only portions of the compressed data need to be
read into memory at any one time. This can be a requirement when working with very large
compressed images
that will be displayed in systems with limited memory. Another example is support for stretching to
double size during decompression. This is extremely useful, since the performance is much greater if
the scaling is performed during decompression rather than as a separate step after decompression.
For most video clips, the Cinepak Compressor is
the recommended codec. As you can see from GetCodecInfoApp's report, this codec is very slow in
compression. However, its decompression speed and compression level are excellent, making it the
best choice for most video data for CD-ROM playback.
An alternative to Cinepak is the Video Compressor. Since its compression speed is fairly quick, it's
better for an application that requires fast compression.
If your source material is animation graphics in a movie, there are several compressors that may do
the job. The Animation Compressor and Graphics Compressor may be equally suitable. In this case,
you may need to experiment to determine which is the best codec to use.
Finally, if you're compressing photo images, the Photo Compressor is the best codec to use. It has
only moderate compression and decompression speed, but the compression ratio and quality are
excellent and the compression ratio scales accordingly with image quality. If you want better image
quality at the expense of larger compressed data size, you can easily achieve this with the Photo
If you're writing a codec, you can see from this column that it's very important to properly report the
codec's capabilities; GetCodecInfoApp may be useful for you to verify that your codec is doing this
properly. For the rest of you, I hope this column has provided some insight on how to choose the
right codec for producing the best movies and compressed images.
JOHN WANG (AppleLink WANG.JY) used to be a proud member of the PIGs (Printing, Imaging, and Graphics group) in
Apple's Developer Technical Support group. But he decided that there are other challenges in life and programming. So
now John spends his entire day waiting for MPW to compile code that he's writing in his software engineering role in the
Image Capture group. Just in case you fail to notice, we're sure he'd like us to point out that he makes a gratuitous plug
for his group's product, the QuickTake 100 digital camera, in this column. *
Thanks to Peter Hoddie, Don Johnson, Kent Sandvik, and Nick Thompson for reviewing this column. *