March 95 - An Object-Oriented Approach to Hierarchical Lists
An Object-Oriented Approach to Hierarchical Lists
The article "Displaying Hierarchical Lists" in develop Issue 18 showed how to use
the List Manager to build and display lists of hierarchical data with triangular
"twist-down" buttons for expanding and collapsing sublists (similar to the ones the
Finder uses for displaying and hiding the contents of folders in a list view). In this
article, we take an object-oriented approach to implementing these and other custom
lists, using the PowerPlant application framework by Metrowerks. Using subclass
inheritance to build small classes on top of each other makes incremental development
easy and straightforward.
Recently, I found myself working on a project that needed hierarchical lists: a remote debugger for a
network-based software distribution application. The product, FileWave, creates a "virtual disk"
volume on the user's client machine and manages its contents remotely from a central server. The
debugger, called TheRaven, can retrieve file and folder information from the client machine and
display it in a Finder-like hierarchical view (see Figure 1).
Martin Minow's article "Displaying Hierarchical Lists" (develop Issue 18) was an excellent starting
point, but Martin's implementation had some features that made
it unsuitable for my particular application. Most important, Martin built his hierarchical lists
completely in memory before displaying them -- not very practical when working over a network. I
could have modified Martin's code to remove that restriction, but the result wouldn't have been very
clean. Since we were using the object-oriented PowerPlant application framework by Metrowerks, I
decided to try to develop an object-oriented implementation for hierarchical lists.
One of the advantages of object-oriented programming is that it enables you to build up your
implementation in incremental steps. PowerPlant's collection of small, independent classes can be
combined to build new classes with rich features, providing a strong foundation for software
development. And, of course, using PowerPlant gave me an opportunity to try out the great
Metrowerks CodeWarrior programming environment.
This issue's CD contains some of the results of my development efforts. On it, you'll find a collection
of general-purpose classes for implementing lists with icons, hierarchical lists, and other useful
possibilities. You can use these as a basis for developing more specialized subclasses of your own; the
CD includes some examples of those, as well.
Figure 1. TheRaven
The CD contains two project files: one for creating a 680x0 application and one for the native PowerPC
version. In both projects, only the main segment contains my own code; all the other source files are
taken from the PowerPlant development framework.*
This article assumes that you understand the List Manager and how to use it, and that you have at
least a casual acquaintance with object-oriented programming in general and C++ in particular.
In PowerPlant, everything that appears on the screen is a
pane, an instance of the built-in class
LPane. Like a view in MacApp, a pane can be anything from a plain rectangle to a scroll bar, a
picture, or a radio button. A control is a pane, as is an icon button, a static text item, or a scrolling
picture. Even LWindow, the class to which windows themselves belong, is a subclass of LPane.
Typically, a window consists of an instance of class LWindow with one or more subpanes derived
from LPane. In our examples, our windows will have only one pane, an instance of PowerPlant's
built-in class LListBox. This type of pane uses the Macintosh List Manager to display a list of
objects. Each of our examples will define a new subclass of LListBox with additional or modified
properties and behavior. All it takes to define such a class is to select an existing class, override its
drawing method (and maybe a couple of others), and possibly create a new resource template.
Our first example implements a simple window showing the list of words "One" through "Five" (see
Figure 2). This may not seem like a big deal, but it's a good illustration of the power of object-
oriented programming.
Figure 2. An easy list
If we started from scratch, how many lines of code would this application take? Well, we'd have to
set up a menu, create a window, and then write an event loop to handle dragging, window resizing,
and so on. Add in the List Manager calls, and we'd be lucky to do it all in fewer than 100 lines. With
PowerPlant, all those details are handled for us by the predefined class LApplication. All we need to
do is define a subclass, CListApp, with a menu command for creating our list window. One line of
code in our subclass's ObeyCommand method suffices to create the window:
LWindow::CreateWindow(EasyList_PPob, this);
This invokes a static method of class LWindow to create the window from a template resource.
EasyList_PPob is the resource ID; the exact description of the window is contained in the resource,
isolated from the code itself.
The resource definitions (Listing 1) give the details on the window's structure and appearance. The
familiar window template resource ('WIND') is accompanied by a PowerPlant object resource
('PPob') giving extra information on the window and the panes it encloses (see "'PPob' Resources").
The 'PPob' is simply a list of views and panes, each specified with the keyword ObjectData. Panes
can be nested to any depth, with each new level delimited by the keywords BeginSubs and EndSubs.
In our case, the window view encloses just one pane, representing the list box.
An object-oriented application framework like PowerPlant is so powerful that these two resources are
all we need to describe our window and its list pane. With just one line of code to create the window,
we get all the standard behavior for free: dragging and resizing the window, scrolling the list, and
selecting items with the mouse. We can have multiple windows with the same list, and can use the
List Manager for manipulations like adding or removing items.
But, of course, we won't stop there. In the following examples, we'll override the standard behavior
by creating a series of subclasses. The resources in each case will be minor variations on the ones in
Listing 1; the main difference is that we'll use a subclass instead of one of the standard classes.
Listing 1. Resources for easy list
resource 'WIND' (EasyList_WIND, purgeable) {
{47, 17, 247, 317},
documentProc, // standard window with size box
visible, goAway,
0x0, // refCon
"Easy List",
resource 'PPob' (EasyList_PPob, purgeable) {{
ObjectData {Window {
regular, hasCloseBox, hasTitleBar, hasResize, hasSizeBox,
noZoom, hasShowNew, enabled, hasTarget, hasGetSelectClick,
noHideOnSuspend, noDelaySelect, hasEraseOnUpdate,
100, 100, // minimum width, height
screenSize, screenSize, // maximum width, height
screenSize, screenSize, // standard width, height
0 // userCon
BeginSubs {},
ObjectData {ListBox {
1001, // paneID
{302, 202}, // {width, height}
visible, enabled,
bound, bound, bound, bound, // edges bound to superview
-1, -1, 0, // left, top, userRefCon
hasHorizScroll, hasVertScroll, hasGrowBox, noFocusBox,
0, kGeneva10_Txtr, // double-click msg, text traits
textList, // LDEF ID
{"One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five"}
// some sample data
EndSubs {}
The previous example used the standard behavior of PowerPlant's built-in class LListBox. We can
make our list much more attractive by adding an icon in front of each element. To do this, we'll
define two new subclasses of LListBox.
Actually, one subclass would have been enough to do the job. But the most important thing I learned
in my university software engineering courses was, "Be a toolsmith." Following this advice, I've
chosen to define two subclasses instead of just one. The first, CCustomListBox, is a versatile,
general-purpose tool that allows a list to hold any kind of data instead of just text. The items in the
list can be structures of arbitrary size holding any kind of information we want. The
CCustomListBox class includes methods for displaying this information easily and conveniently.
The second subclass, CMyCustomListBox, is just a demo class to show off the capabilities of the first.
It inherits the general behavior of CCustomListBox and specializes it to hold two pieces of
information for each list item: an icon (actually, just the icon's resource ID) and a piece of text (see
Figure 3).
Figure 3. A custom list
Resources of type 'PPob' (PowerPlant object) represent objects that belong to PowerPlant's predefined class
LPane and its derived subclasses. Their structure is fully described in the section "Creating Panes" (Chapter 9
in the August 1994 release) of the PowerPlant manual supplied on the CodeWarrior CD. Each 'PPob'
resource describes an entire containment hierarchy -- for example, an enclosing pane, then a scrollable
"view," scrollers, and the window's buttons, list boxes, text fields, and radio button groups. You can also
add new types to represent your own custom subclasses of LPane.
Object layering makes 'PPob' resources too complex for ResEdit's template mechanism, so you have to use
Apple's Rez, Metrowerks' PowerPlant Constructor (provided on the CodeWarrior CD), or Mathemaesthetics'
to edit them. The listings in this article are in Rez format. Note that Rez files must be compiled separately to
be included in a CodeWarrior project, as the current version of CodeWarrior cannot compile them
Resorcerer provides a forms-based interface. To use it, copy the file PowerPlant Resorcerer TMPLs from the
PowerPlant Resources folder to Resorcerer's Private Templates folder. The 'PPob' editor will be available the
next time you start Resorcerer.
PowerPlant Constructor uses more of a point-and-click interface to display the user view for each object in a
'PPob' resource. You can edit the values in the Attributes palette and Field windows and view the results on
the screen. For instructions on the specific menu items involved, see the Constructor User's Guide on the
CodeWarrior CD. Using PowerPlant and the 'PPob' resources together, you can create clean, standard interfaces for your
programs, using the best of Apple's new technologies. This allows you to be more creative about the design
of your programs and concentrate on adding new features to make the best possible applications.
The template ('PPob') resource for our list pane has the same format as the standard one shown in
Listing 1, but without the sample data (the strings "One" through "Five"), since we're now allowing
the list to contain any kind of data instead of just text. This time, though, we want the window's list
pane to be an instance of ourcustom class, CMyCustomListBox, instead of PowerPlant's predefined
class LListBox.
The job of creating a new window at run time from a template resource is handled by a part of the
PowerPlant system called thereanimator. We need to tell the reanimator to use our own creator
method when creating the window's list pane from the template, in place of the standard one for class
We establish the connection between our template resource and the creator method that will use it
by assigning the template a uniquetag. We then register the tag with the PowerPlantregistrar, telling
it to associate that tag with a particular creator method. We create the tag by adding the line
ClassAlias {'mlst'},
to our 'PPob' resource, before the definition of the list pane. (All we need is an alias, because the
resource defining our custom class has the same structure as that of the standard LListBox class.) We
then define a constant to represent this tag in our CMyCustomListBox class:
enum {
classID = 'mlst'
Now we can register the tag with the PowerPlant registrar as part of our application's initialization
(ClassCreatorFunc) CMyCustomListBox::CreateFromStream);
(A convenient place to do this is in our application object's constructor method,
CListApp::CListApp.) Later, when we use our template to create a new object --
LWindow::CreateWindow(CustomList_PPob, this);
-- PowerPlant's reanimator will recognize the tag and will call the specified creator method,
CMyCustomListBox::CreateFromStream, to create an instance of our class. We define the creator
method as follows:
CMyCustomListBox* CMyCustomListBox::CreateFromStream (LStream *inStream)
return (new CMyCustomListBox(inStream));
This simply passes along the parameter it receives, inStream, to the class constructor method,
CMyCustomListBox::CMyCustomListBox. This method in turn calls the superclass constructor
method, CCustomListBox::CCustomListBox, and then adds some further initialization of its own:
CMyCustomListBox::CMyCustomListBox(LStream *inStream) :
// Additional initialization for class CMyCustomListBox
The extra initialization code calls the Macintosh List Manager to add cells to the list and initializes
the contents of each cell. In some cases (though not in this example), it might need to read in
additional resource data. This is also the ideal place to initialize the new object's member variables.
The List Manager calls alist definition procedure to display each cell of a list on the screen (seeInside
Macintosh: More Macintosh Toolbox, Chapter 4). The procedure is supplied as a code resource of type
'LDEF'. In our case, we want to keep the display code inside the application, so that we can define it
as a method of our custom subclass. Figure 4 illustrates our scheme for accomplishing this.
Figure 4. Customizing the list definition procedure
The LDEF that we supply to the List Manager is just a stub that calls the real one defined in our
application. We use the refCon field of the list record to hold a "callback pointer" to the real
definition procedure; the userHandle field holds a pointer back to the list object. The initialization
method CCustomListBox::init sets all this up:
if (callerLDEFUPP == NULL)
// Create UPP for LDEF callback.
callerLDEFUPP = NewListDefProc(LDefProc);
// Put callback address in refCon.
(*mMacListH)->refCon = (long) callerLDEFUPP;
// Keep a pointer to self.
(*mMacListH)->userHandle = (Handle) this;
mMacListH is a member variable of LListBox containing a handle to the list record. First we create a
universal procedure pointer (UPP) to our callback function, LDefProc, and store it in the list
record's refCon field; then we save a pointer to the list object itself ("this") in the userHandle field.
Finally, we load the stub LDEF from the resource file, save its handle in the listDefProc field of the
list record, and make it unpurgeable from the heap.
Listing 2 shows the code of our callback function and the subsidiary methods it calls. The callback
function, LDefProc, sets up the A5 world, looks in the list's data for
the contents of the cell to be drawn, and calls the list object's member function DrawElement to
draw it. DrawElement clears the cell's rectangle to prepare for drawing, makes sure that the cell's
contents aren't empty, and calls another member function, DrawElementSelf, to do the actual
drawing. Then DrawElement checks its lSelect parameter to see whether to highlight the cell and, if
so, inverts the cell's rectangle.
Listing 2. Custom list definition procedure for CCustomListBox
static pascal void LDefProc (short lMessage, Boolean lSelect,
Rect *lRect, Cell lCell,
unsigned short lDataOffset,
unsigned short lDataLen,
ListHandle lHandle)
// Custom list definition procedure for CCustomListBox.
// Called by the LDEF stub; returns control back to class method
// DrawElement to do the actual drawing.
// Ignore init and dispose messages.
if ((lMessage == lInitMsg) || (lMessage == lCloseMsg))
// Set up application's A5 so that we can access global
// variables.
long savedA5 = ::SetCurrentA5();
// Get pointer to list object from userHandle field of list
// record.
CCustomListBox *self =
(CCustomListBox*) (*lHandle)->userHandle;
// Get handle to cell data.
Handle h = (*self->mMacListH)->cells;
char saveState = ::HGetState(h);
// Find and draw cell contents.
void *lElement = (void*) (*h + lDataOffset);
self->DrawElement(lMessage, lSelect, lRect, lElement, lDataLen);
// Restore previous handle state and A5.
::HSetState(h, saveState);
void CCustomListBox::DrawElement (const short lMessage,
const Boolean lSelect,
const Rect *lRect,
const short lDataLen)
// Member function for responding to LDEF calls.
// Calls DrawElementSelf to draw a list element.
switch (lMessage) {
case lDrawMsg:
if (lDataLen == 0)
DrawElementSelf(lRect, lElement, lDataLen);
if (!lSelect)
case lHiliteMsg:
void CCustomListBox::DrawElementSelf (const Rect *lRect,
const void *lElement,
const short lDataLen)
// Draw contents of a single list element on the screen.
// Default version just draws text; override for other types of data.
::MoveTo(lRect->left + 2, lRect->top + 9);
::DrawText(lElement, 0, lDataLen);
The default version of DrawElementSelf, defined in our CCustomListBox class, just draws a simple
piece of text for the contents of a cell. More specialized subclasses, such as CMyCustomListBox, can
override this method to draw other types of cell contents or to display them in different ways. (In
unusual cases, a subclass might want to override the calling method, DrawElement -- to redefine the
way highlighting is done, for example.) Both DrawElement and DrawElementSelf are defined as
virtual methods, ensuring that all calls are directed to the proper version for a particular class of list.
This allows our application to support list boxes of many different kinds simultaneously, with each
going through the same general LDEF, but ultimately calling its own specialized version of the
drawing method.
As an example, Listing 3 shows the DrawElementSelf method for our class CMyCustomListBox.
Each cell of the list displays both a small icon and a text label, as we saw earlier in Figure 3. The cell
data in the List Manager's list record structure consists of the icon's resource ID (resource type
'SICN') and a Pascal-format string specifying the text:
typedef struct {
short iconID;
Str255 name;
} MyCustomDataRec, *MyCustomDataRecPtr;
The DrawElementSelf method calculates a 16-by-16-pixel rectangle for the icon, plots it with
CopyBits, and then draws the text. There's no need to override the DrawElement method, since the
standard form of highlighting is all we need.
Our next example is a hierarchical "twist-down" list like those in Martin Minow's Issue 18 article.
Our version lacks a few of the more advanced features of Martin's -- for instance, it can't
accommodate script systems like Hebrew and Arabic by displaying its twist-down buttons on the
right instead of the left -- but it's essentially similar. The important implementation difference is
that a sublist doesn't have to be present in memory before it's displayed: the contents are fetched
when the sublist is expanded.
Listing 3. Drawing method for CMyCustomListBox
void CMyCustomListBox::DrawElementSelf (const Rect *lRect,
const void *lElement,
const short lDataLen)
Rect sicnBox;
MyCustomDataRecPtr cellData = (MyCustomDataRecPtr) lElement;
sicnBox.left = lRect->left + 3; = lRect->top - 1;
sicnBox.right = sicnBox.left + 16;
sicnBox.bottom = + 16;
Handle h = ::GetResource('SICN', cellData->iconID);
if (h != NULL) {
char saveState = ::HGetState(h);
BitMap srcBits = { *h, 2, // baseAddr, rowBytes
{0, 0, 16, 16} }; // bounds
GrafPtr port;
::CopyBits(&srcBits, &(*port).portBits, &srcBits.bounds,
&sicnBox, srcCopy, NULL);
::HSetState(h, saveState);
::MoveTo(lRect->left + 24, lRect->top + 10);
Figure 5 shows the basic data structure representing a twist-down list. Each cell has an indentation
level and a flag byte, followed by a variable-length field holding the cell's data. The kHasSubList flag
in the flag byte tells whether the cell has a sublist associated with it; if so, the kIsOpened flag
indicates whether the sublist is currently open (expanded) or closed (collapsed). Cells with a sublist
will be drawn with a triangular twist-down button pointing to the right if the sublist is currently
closed, or down if it's open.
To expand or collapse a cell's sublist when the user clicks the triangular button, we override the list's
ClickSelf method (inherited from the built-in PowerPlant class LListBox). Expanding a cell adds new
cells to the list following it, with an indentation level that's 1 greater than its own. Collapsing a cell
scans forward through the list and removes all immediately succeeding cells with higher indentation
levels. The detailed code is too involved to show here, but if you're interested, you can find it on the
CD in the file CTwistDownListBox.cp.
Figure 5. Structure of a hierarchical list
Listing 4 shows the redefined version of the DrawElementSelf method, inherited from
CCustomListBox. First we check the cell's flags to see if it has a sublist; if so, we draw the triangular
button in the appropriate form, depending on whether the sublist is open, closed, or in transition.
The actual drawing of the cell's contents is factored out into a separate method,
DrawTwistedElement: this allows subclasses to override just the drawing routine itself, without
having to duplicate the logic for drawing the triangle as well.
The class CMyHierListBox is a subclass of CTwistDownListBox, strictly for demonstration
purposes. It isn't a particularly realistic example, but it does show
how to specialize CTwistDownListBox to implement a simple hierarchical list. Each level of the
hierarchy just consists of the words "One" through "Five" (see Figure 6). Every cell automatically has
a sublist; you can keep opening sublists as long as you like, to unlimited depth (or until you run out
of memory, anyway!).
Figure 6. A hierarchical list
Listing 4. Drawing method for CTwistDownListBox
void CTwistDownListBox::DrawElementSelf (const Rect *lRect,
const void *lElement,
const short lDataLen)
// Draw a single list cell on the screen.
// Checks flags and draws triangular button if needed;
// calls DrawTwistedElement to draw cell contents.
TwistDownRecPtr twistElement = (TwistDownRecPtr) lElement;
if (TestTDFlag(twistElement->flags, kHasSubList)) {
PolyHandle aPoly = NULL;
aPoly = TestTDFlag(twistElement->flags, kIsOpened) ?
sOpenedPoly : sClosedPoly;
if (TestTDFlag(twistElement->flags, kDrawIntermediate))
aPoly = sIntermediatePoly;
if (aPoly)
DrawTriangle(aPoly, TestTDFlag(twistElement->flags,
kDrawFilled), lRect->top + 1,
lRect->left + kTriangleOutsideGap);
// Adjust pen position for triangle and indent.
::MoveTo(lRect->left + triangleWidth + 2 +
twistElement->indent * kIndentOffset, lRect->top + 10);
DrawTwistedElement(lRect, twistElement, lDataLen);
void CTwistDownListBox::DrawTwistedElement
(const Rect *lRect, const TwistDownRecPtr twistElement,
const short lDataLen)
// Draw contents of a single list element.
// Default version just draws text; override for other types of data.
::DrawText(twistElement->data, 0, lDataLen - TwistDownRecSize);
The only method CMyHierListBox needs to redefine is ExpandElement (see
Listing 5). The new version simply adds five new rows of dummy data following
the cell being expanded. We don't have to override any other methods, since the superclass,
CTwistDownListBox, already implements text elements by default. (For simplicity and clarity, we've
simply hard-coded the words "One" through "Five" directly into the program itself; in real life, we
would want to define them as resources to make modification and localization easier.)
This example is borrowed directly from Martin Minow's article. CMyDiskListBox is a subclass of
CTwistDownListBox that displays the folder and file hierarchy on all currently mounted disk
volumes, with each line preceded by a small icon as in our earlier CMyCustomListBox example (see
Figure 7).
Listing 5. Cell expansion method for CMyHierListBox
static StringPtr myElements[] = {
"\pOne", "\pTwo", "\pThree", "\pFour", "\pFive"
void CMyHierListBox::ExpandElement (const Cell theCell)
short num = sizeof(myElements) / sizeof(StringPtr),
indent = 0;
Cell cell = {0, 0};
Byte buffer[100];
TwistDownRecPtr thisTwist =
(TwistDownRecPtr) GetCellPtr(theCell);
TwistDownRecPtr anElement = (TwistDownRecPtr) buffer;
if (thisTwist)
indent = thisTwist->indent + 1;
::LAddRow(num, theCell.v + 1, mMacListH);
for (cell.v = theCell.v + 1, i = 0; i < num; i++, cell.v++) {
anElement->indent = indent;
anElement->flags = 0x01; // has sublist
::memcpy(anElement->data, myElements[i] + 1,
sizeof(TwistDownRec) - 2 + *myElements[i], cell,
Figure 7. A disk list
The following structure contains the data for each cell of the list:
typedef struct {
TwistDownHeader hd;
long refNum;
char vRefNum;
Byte tag;
char name[2];
} DiskListRec, *DiskListPtr;
The data structure in the first field, TwistDownHeader, is inherited from the superclass
(CTwistDownListBox) and contains the indentation level and the flag byte. Next come the file and
volume reference numbers. The tag byte identifies this item as either a file, a folder, or a volume.
The name field actually has variable length: when drawing the cell's contents, we know the total
length of the cell data, so we can deduce the true length of the name.
Space is at a premium when dealing with the List Manager, because of its 32K limit on the total size of a
list record and its associated cell data. That's why we've saved a little space in the definition of the
DiskListRec structure by making the vRefNum field a character instead of a short integer. This sacrifices a
bit of speed when retrieving or storing the volume reference number, but avoids wasting an extra byte for
word alignment. For the same reason, we also specify 68000 alignment in our Power Macintosh
Because CMyDiskListBox draws more than just text in each cell of the list, it must override the
DrawTwistedElement method inherited from CTwistDownListBox. Listing 6 shows the new
version, which reads in the appropriate small icon from the system resource file, calls a subsidiary
function, PlotSICN, to draw it, and then draws the text to go with it.
We also need to override the ExpandElement operation to look up the contents of a folder, using the
file system calls PBHGetVInfo and PBGetCatInfo, and insert them in the list. (Our constructor
method calls this same function to initialize a newly created list to the set of currently mounted
volumes.) You'll find the code for this operation in the file CMyDiskListBox.cp on the CD. The new
ExpandElement method doesn't allocate memory or do anything else that needs to be cleaned up
later, so there's no need to override its companion method, CollapseElement.
There's a change in the resource file, too: instead of just using a class alias, as we did for our other
example classes, we define our own resource template for CMyDiskListBox.
case DiskListBox:
key literal longint = 'dlst';
This definition is placed in a separatetemplate file, which must be defined in the tool server script and
exported, so that it will be included with PowerPlant's own templates. We can then refer to our
template by name when defining the 'PPob' resource in our main resource description (.r) file:
ObjectData {DiskListBox {
In this case, defining our own template yields the same results as using a class alias, so it's just a
matter of taste. But if you want flexibility, defining your own templates is the way to go: you can add
or change existing resource definitions to suit your own classes. Just look at the various LPane
subclass implementations in PowerPlant to see how easy it is!
Listing 6. Drawing method for CMyDiskListBox
const short sicnID[] = { // system icon IDs
-3995, // tag_disk
-3999, // tag_folder
-4000 // tag_file
const Size DiskListRecSize = sizeof(DiskListRec) - 2;
// don't count the name field
void CMyDiskListBox::DrawTwistedElement
(const Rect *lRect, const TwistDownRecPtr lElement,
const short lDataLen)
// Draw contents of a single list element, including icon.
Point pen;
Handle h =
::GetResource('SICN', sicnID[DiskListPtr(lElement)->tag]);
if (h != NULL) {
Rect box = {lRect->top - 2, pen.h, lRect->top + 16 - 2,
pen.h + 16};
::PlotSICN(&box, h);
::Move(21, 0);
::DrawText(DisListPtr(lElement)->name, 0,
lDataLen - DiskListRecSize);
static void PlotSICN (Rect *rect, Handle sicnList)
// Draw the icon for a list element.
GrafPtr port;
char saveState = ::HGetState(sicnList);
BitMap srcBits = { *sicnList, 2, // baseAddr, rowBytes
{0, 0, 16, 16} }; // bounds
::CopyBits(&srcBits, &(*port).portBits, &srcBits.bounds, rect,
srcCopy, NULL);
::HSetState(sicnList, saveState);
I hope you can see by now that the object-oriented approach makes it easy to define new kinds of
hierarchical lists for your applications. The examples in this article are just a starting point: the rest is
up to you.
If you're a true object aficionado, you'll want to make your list elements full-fledged objects instead
of just simple data structures. You could modify our disk list example to display its icons in color
instead of black and white, or to use each application or document's actual icon instead of the generic
ones from the system resource file. Or how about letting the user drag and drop files from one folder
to another within the list box? (PowerPlant provides predefined classes to support drag and drop, so
building it into your application is easier than you might think. I know, because I've done it.)
The possibilities are limited only by your imagination. So get to work and see whatyou can dream
JAN BRUYNDONCKX (AppleLink WAVE.BEL) works at Wave Research in Belgium, trying to create the killer application
that will revolutionize software distribution across networks. When not peering at TMON windows and telling everyone
how "interesting" they look, Jan can be found jumping off cliffs with a parasail. (If parasails had a real operating system,
they wouldn't crash into trees -- but they'd also be less fun!) Jan's idea of a holiday is hiking through the Sahara Desert
or climbing mountains in Nepal. His favorite conversation topic at parties is the similarities between classical opera and
hard rock.*
Thanks to our technical reviewers Nitin Ganatra, Martin Minow, Avi Rappaport, and Jeroen Schalk. *