September 94 - Implementing Inheritance In Scripts
Implementing Inheritance In Scripts
"Programming for Flexibility: The Open Scripting Architecture" in develop Issue
18 showed you how to use scripts to increase your program's flexibility. This article
builds on that one and explains how to implement an inheritance scheme in your
application that will enable your AppleScript scripts to share handlers and properties
and to support global variables. You'll also learn a way to support inheritance in
other OSA languages with just a little extra work.
In Issue 18 ofdevelop , I showed you how to attach scripts to application-domain objects and how to
delegate the handling of Apple events to those scripts. I left you with a challenge: to figure out how
to support global variables and to enable scripts to share subroutines and handlers. To meet this
challenge you need to implement inheritance. The AppleScript 1.1 API gives you all the necessary
calls to implement inheritance in embedded AppleScript scripts, but not all are documented yet in
Inside Macintosh . This article documents the calls you need and describes an inheritance scheme that
relies on them.
In a nutshell, here's the scheme :
- Decide what kind of script inheritance hierarchy to use.
- Link your scripts together in an inheritance chain.
- Create a shared handlers script to define subroutines and Apple event handlers
that are shared among all scripts. Make this script the parent of all other scripts in
your program, in effect putting it at the end of the inheritance chain.
- Create a global variables script and add this to the start of the inheritance chain so
that it's the first script to receive incoming messages. Save this script to disk when
the program exits and reload it when the program restarts, so that variables persist.
You can use much the same scheme to implement inheritance in other Open Scripting Architecture
(OSA) languages, but more work is required to link scripts together in an inheritance chain, and you
must forgo the luxury of sharing global variables between scripts. At the end of this article, the
section "Inheritance in Other OSA Languages" describes the extra work your program must do.
The sample program SimpliFace2 on this issue's CD demonstrates the inheritance mechanisms
discussed here. SimpliFace2 is an extension of SimpliFace, the basic interface builder used to
illustrate the article in Issue 18. The SimpliFace2 sample code has a compile-time flag
qUseOSAinheritance, defined in the header file SimpliFace2Common.h. If this flag is undefined, the
program uses the AppleScript-specific inheritance scheme described in the bulk of this article.
If the flag is defined, SimpliFace2 uses a general-purpose scheme that involves the extra work outlined in
the section on inheritance in other OSA languages.
The first thing to do is to decide what kind of script inheritance hierarchy to use. Youcan use a
runtime containment hierarchy (like that used by HyperCard and FaceSpan
TM), a class hierarchy (like
that used by AgentBuilder), or some hybrid of the two, as demonstrated by SimpliFace2. Let's look at
each of these hierarchy types in turn.
FaceSpan (formerly Frontmost) is the interface builder bundled with the AppleScript 1.1 Software
Development Toolkit. Perhaps the best known OSA "client," FaceSpan was developed by Lee Buck (of
"WindowScript" fame) of Software Designs Unlimited, Inc. AgentBuilder, from commstalk hq and Full
Moon Software Inc., is a framework for the creation of communications and information-processing
agents that uses embedded OSA scripts to customize agent behavior. *
Figure 1 shows a runtime containment hierarchy. In this kind of hierarchy, objects inherit behavior
from their containers at run time. In the object containment hierarchy used by HyperCard, for
example, the scripts of buttons and fields within cards are at the bottom of the hierarchy. Above them
are the scripts of the cards that contain the buttons and fields, and above each card script is the script
of the background that contains the card. Above each background script, in turn, is the script of the
stack that contains all the backgrounds. The handlers in each container's script are shared by the
scripts of all the objects it contains.
Figure 2 shows a class hierarchy. In this kind of hierarchy, objects inherit behavior from their parent
classes. For instance, the behavior of AgentBuilder objects is defined in an "ancestor" object of each
class, which is the parent of all instances of that class. This permits the standard scripted behavior of
object classes to be overridden in derived class instances.
Figure 1. A runtime containment hierarchy
Figure 2. A class hierarchy
Figure 3 shows the hybrid script inheritance hierarchy used in SimpliFace2. In SimpliFace2, the
scripts of user-interface objects -- such as windows, labels, and buttons -- are organized so that they
inherit behavior from the runtime containment hierarchy. However, the script of the application
object isn't included in the inheritance chain for the script of any user-interface object, and the
shared handlers script becomes the ultimate parent of all other scripts. I chose to use this hybrid
hierarchy in order to demonstrate a wider range of techniques, not for any reason intrinsic to the
program design.
The kind of script inheritance hierarchy to use depends on the nature of the messages being handled
in your program. Using a class hierarchy is most appropriate if the messages are Apple events defined
in the program's 'aete' resource. If the incoming messages are primarily user-defined subroutines being
handled inside scripts, using a runtime containment hierarchy is probably more natural for the
Figure 3. The hybrid script inheritance hierarchy used in SimpliFace2
Another way to look at this choice is that if you want to enable users to customize your program's
capabilities by attaching scripts to application-domain objects, using a runtime containment hierarchy
isn't always the best idea. Because different application-domain objects handle the same Apple event
message in different ways (in other words, the semantic meaning of the message differs depending on
what object it's directed at), unwanted side effects could result from an object's handling an Apple
event message intended for a different level in the containment hierarchy. Using a class hierarchy
ensures that messages will be dealt with only by objects of the class that understands them.
Once you've chosen the type of script inheritance hierarchy most appropriate for your program, you
can link scripts together in an inheritance chain.
Linking scripts together in an AppleScript inheritance chain is as simple as setting their parent
properties. Before I tell you how to do that, though, let's review a few facts about script objects and
inheritance. As mentioned in the Issue 18 article, a script context (a script compiled using the
AppleScript OSA component) is equivalent to a script object in the AppleScript language, so
everything I say here about script objects applies to script contexts as well.
Script objects can contain global variables, properties, and handlers for Apple event messages and
subroutine calls. A script object can have as its parent property an object specifier or another script
object. Thus, one script object can become the parent of another, and the child script object can
inherit properties and handlers from the parent script object. Parent and child script objects are
linked together in an inheritance chain; this is the path from child to parent to grandparent and so on
in an inheritance hierarchy, as illustrated in Figure 4.
For (a lot) more on object specifiers, see
"Apple Event Objects and You" by Richard Clark in develop Issue 10.*
Figure 4. A script inheritance chain
An incoming Apple event message is received by the child script object at the start of the inheritance
chain. If AppleScript can't resolve a reference to a handler or variable name within this script object,
it searches through the entire inheritance chain to find it. The handler or variable is resolved
wherever it's found in the inheritance chain. When a handler continues a message (that is, passes the
message to its parent), AppleScript starts searching in its parent script object. Messages that target
objects outside the program's domain, or that aren't handled anywhere in the script inheritance chain
(such as Apple events defined in the program's 'aete' resource, which are handled in the program
code instead), or that are continued out of the inheritance chain, are redispatched as Apple events.
Now that you understand the dynamics of script inheritance, I'll show you how to set a script's
parent property and thus link it to an inheritance chain. In the AppleScript language, you simply say
what you'd like the parent set to, as illustrated here:
script mom
on getName()
return "Fenella"
end getName
end script
script toddler
property parent : mom
on getName()
set myMom to continue getName()
return "Bart, son of " & myMom
end getName
end script
getName() of toddler --> returns "Bart, son of Fenella"
To set the parent of a script context from a programming language, you can use the AppleScript
routine OSASetProperty. This general-purpose routine (defined in the header file ASDebugging.h,
which was added with the AppleScript 1.1 API) accesses either a predefined property or a user-
defined variable, depending on the AEDesc passed to it. To access a predefined property -- the
parent property -- you create a descriptor of typeProperty (not typeType), specifying the property ID
as the data. The parameters to the call are (1) the scripting component (probably the AppleScript
component), (2) a mode flag (we use the null mode, indicating no special action should be taken;
alternatively, we could instruct AppleScript to replace the property only if it already exists), (3) the
script context ID that's to be changed, (4) the AEDesc, and (5) the value you're setting the property
to, in our case the new parent. The OSA routine OSAGetProperty performs the converse function:
you can use it to inspect the values of properties and variables.
Here's a fragment from SimpliFace2 that sets the parent of a script by calling OSASetProperty:
OSAError err = noErr;
AEDesc nameDesc;
DescType thePropCode = pASParent;
err = AECreateDesc(typeProperty, (Ptr)&thePropCode,
sizeof(thePropCode), &nameDesc);
if (err == noErr) {
err = OSASetProperty(scriptingComponent, kOSAModeNull, contextID,
&nameDesc, newParentID);
The structure of the inheritance chain is static; each parent link needs to be set up only once, as long
as no scripts are replaced. The only exception to this is that the parent property of the global
variables script used in SimpliFace2 needs to be set every time an incoming Apple event message is
handled, as I'll explain later. Whenever a script in the chain is replaced by a new one, the script's
OSAID will change and you'll need to set the parent property in the new script and in its children
By setting the parent properties of scripts and thus linking them in inheritance chains, your program
limits unnecessary duplication of script objects. Still, when AppleScript sets the parent of a script, it
stores a copy of the script's parent (and of the parent's parent, and so on) with the original script.
This is the basis of the trick that allows SimpliFace to simulate sharing scripts between objects: every
script carries with it a copy of all the scripts it shares. But this is wasteful -- it means that, for
instance, each button script for a window contains a copy of the window's script, when only one copy
is necessary. Because your program is directly controlling script inheritance chains, you'll want to
block this behavior when it loads and stores scripts. You can do it by specifying the
kOSAModeDontStoreParent flag when you call OSAStore and recreating the inheritance chain when
the scripts are reloaded.
Listing 1 shows the routine used to set the script property of an object in SimpliFace2. Note how it's
changed from the routine used in SimpliFace: it now strips the copied parent scripts from the
incoming script so that SimpliFace2 can manage the inheritance chain itself.
Listing 1. TScriptable Object::SetProperty
OSErr TScriptableObject::SetProperty (DescType propertyID,
const AEDesc *theData)
OSAError err = errAEEventNotHandled;
switch (propertyID) {
case pScript:
OSAID theValueID = kOSANullScript;
if (theData->descriptorType == typeChar
|| theData->descriptorType == typeIntlText)
err = OSACompile(gScriptingComponent, theData,
kOSAModeCompileIntoContext, &theValueID);
else { // If it's not text, we assume script is compiled.
err = OSALoad(gScriptingComponent, theData, kOSAModeNull,
// The following new section strips any existing parent
// script.
if (err == noErr) {
AEDesc newData;
err = OSAStore(gScriptingComponent, theValueID,
kOSAModeDontStoreParent, &newData);
if (err == noErr) {
OSADispose(gScriptingComponent, theValueID);
theValueID = kOSANullScript;
err = (OSErr)OSALoad(gScriptingComponent,
&newData,kOSAModeNull, &theValueID);
if (err == noErr) {
if (fAttachedScript != kOSANullScript)
OSADispose(gScriptingComponent, fAttachedScript);
fAttachedScript = theValueID;
err = SetCurParent(fParentObj);
// This fixes up the references in any object that
// has the current object as its parent.
return (OSErr)err;
Now the plot thickens. You're going to use the inheritance chain you've set up to make it possible for
your program's AppleScript scripts to share handlers and properties and to support global variables.
Our strategy, as demonstrated in SimpliFace2, is to attach a shared handlers script to the application
object and a global variables script to the global script administrator object (which, as in SimpliFace,
is responsible for fetching the script attached to objects and preparing it for execution). The shared
handlers script, which as a convenience for the scripter I've made a property of the application object
(in addition to the application object's attached script), defines common subroutines for all the object
scripts known to the program. This script is added to the end of the inheritance chain so that it
becomes the parent of all other scripts. Globals are created in the global variables script, which is
always inserted at the start of the AppleScript inheritance chain when an Apple event is handled by a
Let me explain why the global variables script is necessary. The AppleScript OSA component creates
global variables in the script context that received the current message, the one at the start of the
inheritance chain. If the variables weren't predefined as properties when the parent script was
defined, they won't be visible to all scripts. But we'd like variables that are declared in handlers with
the Global keyword to be available to handlers in all scripts. We achieve this by adding the global
variables script that we create to the start of the inheritance chain. Thus, the only script actually to be
dispatched messages is the global variables script, and its parent becomes the currently resolved
object's script. Because its parent changes to whatever is the appropriate script in the inheritance
chain, messages are handled by the correct targets.
The AppleScript-only inheritance approach demonstrated in SimpliFace2 works like this: Whenever
the Apple event prehandler receives an event that might be handled in a script, it tries to resolve the
object that should handle it. If it can't resolve an object it assumes that the application object's script
should handle the event instead. It then attaches the global variables script (the script that receives all
incoming events) to the start of the inheritance chain that ends with the shared handlers script (the
parent of all scripts). In between is the script of the object to which the event was targeted; if that
object is a button or a field in a window, the inheritance chain also contains the window's script. The
result is the inheritance chain shown in Figure 5.
The Apple event prehandler routine in SimpliFace2 calls the global script administrator object to
manage the scripts, as shown in this extract from the prehandler:
TScriptableObject* theScriptableObj = NULL;
TScriptableObject* savedParent = NULL;
if (err == noErr && theToken)
err = gScriptAdministrator->GetAttachedScript
(theToken->GetTokenObj(), theScriptableObj, savedParent);
if (err == noErr) { // Pass to script for handling.
if (theScriptableObj)
err = ExecuteEventInContext(theEvent, theReply,
err = errAEEventNotHandled;
if (theToken)
(theToken->GetTokenObj(), savedParent);
Figure 5. The script inheritance chain used in SimpliFace2
The script administrator function GetAttachedScript (Listing 2) is responsible for adding the global
variables script to the start of the inheritance chain by setting its parent to the script of the target
object. Here's how it works: First, it asks the scriptable object that's the target for the Apple event
message to deliver its attached script. If there's no attached script, the parent of the global variables
script is set to be the shared handlers script. If the object does have an attached script, that script
becomes the parent of the global variables script.
Listing 2. TScriptAdministrator::GetAttachedScript
OSAError TScriptAdministrator::GetAttachedScript (
TScriptableObject* theObj,
TScriptableObject* &useObject,
TScriptableObject* &savedParent)
OSAError err = noErr;
OSAID theObjScript = kOSANullScript;
if (theObj)
theObjScript = theObj->GetObjScript();
if (theObjScript != kOSANullScript)
err = StartUsing(theObj, savedParent);
else // If target has no script, new parent is shared handlers.
err = StartUsing(NULL, savedParent);
if (err != noErr)
useObject = NULL;
useObject = this; // If OK, return global variables script.
return err;
GetAttachedScript returns the ID of the global variables script so that the prehandler can send the
Apple event to the inheritance chain that the script now starts. The global variables script receives
the Apple event message in the function ExecuteEventInContext, called from the prehandler. The
StartUsing function in Listing 3, which is inherited by the script administrator from
TScriptableObject, returns the current parent of the script so that it can be saved for subsequent
restoration by the script administrator function ReleaseAttachedScript.
Listing 3. TScriptableObject::StartUsing
OSAError TScriptableObject::SetCurParent
(TScriptableObject* theParent)
OSAError err = noErr;
OSAID newParentScriptID = GetParentScript();
if (fAttachedScript != kOSANullScript)
err = gScriptAdministrator->SetScriptParent
(gScriptingComponent, fAttachedScript,
return err;
OSAError TScriptableObject::StartUsing (TScriptableObject* newParent,
TScriptableObject* &oldParent)
oldParent = fParentObj; // Returned in case it must be saved.
return SetCurParent(newParent);
The parent of the global variables script must be saved and restored every time the Apple event
prehandler handles an Apple event. This is because Apple events are dispatched recursively during
the execution of scripts: you should assume that any Apple event handler can be interrupting the
processing of another Apple event. For the same reason, if you need to set the resume/dispatch
procedure differently in different handlers you must carefully save and restore it each time. The
sample code in SimpliFace2 contains examples of how you might do this.
SimpliFace2 also shows how you can make global variables persistent, by saving the global variables
script in a script file in the Preferences folder when the program exits and reloading it when the
program starts up again. The code to handle this is in the script administrator routines
SaveGlobalVariables and LoadGlobalVariables.
Be aware of a wrinkle: If you ever intend to dispatch the Run ('oapp') Apple event to an AppleScript
inheritance chain, each script in the chain must contain a continue run handler.
on run
continue run
end run
The reason for this is that when AppleScript compiles a script into a script context it collects all the
top-level statements in the script (those not contained in any handler) into a default run handler, so
that if the script is simply executed the top-level statements will run. If there are no top-level
statements, an empty run handler is created. The trouble is, this default handler doesn't realize you
want it to continue the Run message, so the message will be caught and lost in the script, never to be
seen farther along in the inheritance chain.
The inheritance scheme just described is specific to AppleScript scripts because it relies on
OSASetProperty to set up the inheritance chain. This call and others in the AppleScript 1.1 API
aren't part of the required OSA API, so not all scripting components support them. If your program
is to support inheritance in scripts written in other OSA languages, it must take control of the
message passing between scripts in the chain at script execution time.
Your application can do this by simulating, entirely under program control, the mechanism that
AppleScript uses. Messages that aren't handled in a particular script in the chain are passed along to
the next script in the chain. If they're continued out of, or not handled in, the chain, the program
routes them to its standard Apple event handlers. The drawback to this approach is that scripting
becomes a little more rigid, because handlers are resolved only toward the parent rather than
wherever they are in the chain. The advantage is that it will work with any OSA language that
supports the event handling API and the Subroutine Apple event, which is the message protocol
AppleScript uses to call subroutines.
When your program's Apple event prehandler deals with an incoming Apple event message by
passing it to a script, it's responsible for manually redispatching messages that aren't handled or that
are continued along the inheritance chain. The SimpliFace2 routine ExecuteEventInContext (Listing
4) shows how to do this. The first and second parameters to this routine are the Apple event and
reply; the third parameter is the scriptable object that is to handle the message. This routine is first
called from the prehandler, which passes it the scriptable object that starts the inheritance chain (the
object to which the message was originally sent). The scriptable object has a field that's a reference to
its parent object, which can be read using the accessor function GetParentObj. If the current object
has a parent, the routine sets the OSA resume/dispatch procedure to be a recursive call to
ExecuteEventInContext, passing the address of the parent object as the reference constant. If the
current object doesn't have a parent (if the end of the chain has been reached), the routine sets the
resume/dispatch procedure to be the program's standard Apple event handler, ignoring the
If the Apple event message isn't handled in the script of the current object, the routineOSADoEvent
returns the error errAEEventNotHandled. At this point you must manually redispatch the message,
mirroring the OSA's resume/dispatch mechanism: if the current object has a parent, you recursively
call ExecuteEventInContext, passing it the address of the parent object. If you've reached the end of
the inheritance chain, you simply call the program's standard Apple event handler.
You've learned that implementing inheritance starts with choosing an appropriate script inheritance
hierarchy. With this hierarchy in mind, you can link scripts in an inheritance chain, either by setting
their parent properties (if you're working only with embedded AppleScript scripts) or by directly
controlling inheritance at script execution time (if your program needs to support scripts in other
OSA languages). Then you're ready to create a shared handlers script and put it at the end of the
inheritance chain, making it the parent of all scripts, and (if you're working only with AppleScript
scripts) to add a global variables script to the start of the inheritance chain where it can receive
incoming messages and route them to the correct targets.
Listing 4. ExecuteEventInContext
static pascal OSErr ExecuteEventInContext (AppleEvent *theEvent,
AppleEvent *theReply, TScriptableObject* theScriptableObj)
OSAError err = errAEEventNotHandled;
OSAID theScriptID = kOSANullScript;
if (theScriptableObj)
theScriptID = theScriptableObj->GetObjScript();
else if (gScriptAdministrator)
theScriptID = gScriptAdministrator->GetSharedScript();
if (theScriptID != kOSANullScript) {
// Pass to script for handling.
AEHandlerProcPtr oldResumeProc;
long oldRefcon;
TScriptableObject* parentObj = NULL;
&oldResumeProc, &oldRefcon);
if (theScriptableObj) {
parentObj = theScriptableObj->GetParentObj();
err = OSASetResumeDispatchProc(gScriptingComponent,
err = OSASetResumeDispatchProc(gScriptingComponent,
kOSAUseStandardDispatch, kOSADontUsePhac);
if (err == noErr) {
err = OSADoEvent(gScriptingComponent, theEvent,
theScriptID, kOSAModeAlwaysInteract, theReply);
if (err == errAEEventNotHandled) {
// Not handled in script.
if (theScriptableObj) // Make recursive call.
err = ExecuteEventInContext(theEvent, theReply,
// Otherwise, dispatch directly to standard
// handler.
err = StdAEvtHandler(theEvent, theReply, 0);
OSASetResumeDispatchProc(gScriptingComponent, oldResumeProc,
return (OSErr)err;
You've seen these techniques illustrated by the sample program SimpliFace2. You can simply drop
the classes from SimpliFace2 into your own programs, use them as the basis of new programs, or use
them as a guide to restructuring existing programs. Armed with the information in this article and its
predecessor, you should now be able to implement an inheritance scheme for scripts in your own
PAUL G. SMITH (AppleLink COMMSTALK.HQ) took time out from his preferred occupation of snoozing on a beach to write
this article. He also occasionally takes time out to write software for Full Moon Software Inc., provide consultancy services
to corporate clients, and watch his cat, Mack, dismember his Macintosh's mouse. He was the lead developer of
AgentBuilder and wrote ScriptWizard, the AppleScript debugger, before he found his true, totally prone, calling. *
Thanks to our technical reviewers Kevin Calhoun, Ron Karr, and Jeroen Schalk, and to Lee Buck of Software Designs