June 94 - Programming for Flexibility: The Open Scripting Architecture
Programming for Flexibility: The Open Scripting Architecture
Users -- and developers -- waited a long time for the Macintosh Operating System
to support the ability to attach and run scripts as a way of customizing applications.
The Open Scripting Architecture (OSA) that's part of AppleScript finally provides
the necessary services. Now you can realize massive gains in flexibility by using
embedded scripts and can pass similar gains along to the user by making your
application OSA savvy.
Thanks to Apple's Open Scripting Architecture (OSA), an application can now be as flexible as a set
of Lego building blocks. Defining the program's high-level behavior using scripts instead of
traditional program code makes possible an unprecedented amount of flexibility, a cause for
celebration particularly among in-house developers and developers of custom software. Want to
make a change in the way your software works? It's simple to modify the scripts that define the
behavior of the objects involved. Want to make a customized solution, using the program's
components as building blocks? Easy: just write some new scripts. Want to construct an OpenDoc
part from your program? You're already partway there.
Varying degrees of OSA support are open to your application. The OSA gives you the ability to do
the following:
- execute scripts previously created with the AppleScript Script Editor
- store compiled scripts and other script values in your program and data files
- directly compile and execute scripts
- decompile existing scripts, for editing
- use embedded scripts to automate your program's handling of Apple events
- enable users to customize and extend your program's capabilities by attaching
scripts to objects in the application's domain
Further, the OSA makes it possible for all customizable applications to present a common set of
scripting languages and dialects for users to choose from.
This article orients you to the OSA by outlining an OSA-savvy programming structure and then
describing techniques you can use to import scripts from the Script Editor, run a script in your
application, attach scripts to objects, compile and decompile scripts, route Apple events to scripts,
and handle user-interface events. The programming structure and these techniques are demonstratedin the source code for the sample program SimpliFace on this issue's CD. The AppleScript Software
Development Toolkit, available from APDA, contains the essential tools for OSA development.
You need to do some preliminary setup work in your application before you can take full advantage
of the services offered by the OSA and make use of scripts. Depending on how your application is
already structured, this can mean anything from a slight restructuring to a complete rewrite from the
ground up. I'll describe the basic requirements for an OSA-savvy program here and then show you
the structure of SimpliFace so that you can see how one looks.
The first requirement for an OSA-savvy program is that it comply with the Apple event object
model. As you probably know, this model sets out a standard way of structuring a program so that it
can be controlled from other programs and so that it's scriptable using standard terminology familiar
to the user. This model is solution oriented (that's the crucial part) because it concentrates onwhat users do with the application, not onhow they and the application do it. The articles "Apple Event
Objects and You" indevelop Issue 10 and "Better Apple Event Coding Through Objects" indevelop Issue 12 provide useful information about the Apple event object model and how to support it in
your application. The Apple Event Registry is the essential reference for standard Apple event classes
and commands.
The second requirement (which isn't completely separable from the first) is that the application be
fully factored -- that is, that it separate the interface from the operations. In a factored program, the
actions that result when users choose menu items, click buttons, and so on, generate a sequence of
Apple events. When a user-initiated action is dispatched as an Apple event, or when an external
program or script sends an Apple event, the program resolves which object the Apple event relates to.
It then passes the Apple event to the appropriate handler for that object; this program code is
responsible for the object's behavior.
When your application complies with the Apple event object model and is fully factored, and when it
publishes its scripting terminology, it's possible to make it attachable -- that is, to make it handle and
store the data involved in the process of embedding or attaching a script. (I say "embedding a script"
when I mean building one in at the program development stage, whereas I refer to "attaching a
script" when I mean it's added or modified by the user.) And once your program enables scripts to be
attached to objects such as windows, documents, and the application object itself, these scripts can
customize the program's handling of object-model Apple events.
Scripts attached to program objects can affect the behavior of the program and its objects in two
cases. In the first case, scripts attached to objects can modify the behavior of those objects when
Apple events are resolved and handled. In the second case, scripts attached to user-interface objects
like menus and buttons can define the sequence of Apple events that result from user-initiated
actions. Both of these mechanisms may have a place in your application. Fortunately, your
application's structure doesn't have to change much to allow scripts to customize behavior.
An attachable program can give a compiled script first crack at handling an incoming Apple event
instead of passing the event first to the handler (the program code that defines the object's behavior).
If the script handles the Apple event, the program code doesn't get called; if the script continues the
Apple event (that is, passes the message to the script's parent object) or if it doesn't handle it, the
program code gets called as usual, as illustrated in Figure 1. If necessary, the script can modify or add
to the original parameters for the Apple event before passing it on to the program code.
For more on handling Apple events, see the description of command handlers on page 241 of the AppleScript Language Guide . *
Figure 1. Routing an Apple event
Thus, attaching scripts to objects can make the operation of your program a great deal more flexible.
But you can go even further: instead of generating Apple events by making long-winded calls to the
Apple Event Manager in response to user-initiated actions, you can attach scripts to user-interface
objects. Selection of one of these objects then results in a script being called; the result of executing
the script is that the appropriate Apple events are sent, as illustrated in Figure 2. In the first case, the
primary reason the program makes the Apple event calls is so that the action is recordable; in the
second case, the script makes the Apple event calls anyway, so that no extra work is required to make
the action recordable, and thus the recordability comes for free. The overhead involved in this is
minimal (and it may even reduce the bulk of program code); the increased flexibility is massive. It's
not even necessary to make these embedded scripts user changeable -- that's entirely up to you.
The sample program SimpliFace on this issue's CD demonstrates the principles just outlined.
SimpliFace is a basic scriptable and attachable user-interface builder written in MPW C++.
SimpliFace constructs scripted windows that can contain text labels (though not editable text) and
buttons. It demonstrates many of the features of the OSA APIs, uses a lightweight C++ framework
for Apple event object model compliance, suggests a novel approach to a fully factored application,
and allows scripts to be attached to all application objects. SimpliFace has little preprogrammed
behavior; virtually everything is defined through scripts supplied by the user.
Figure 2. Generating Apple events
SimpliFace is built around a rough-and-ready C++ framework, inspired by the one used in the Apple
Shared Library Manager's sample applications. I like to use lightweight C++ classes that don't depend
on one another too much (thus aiding their reuse), so the program structure isn't as tightly integrated
as that of, say, a MacApp program. In the spirit of other Apple sample applications, most of the error
handling has been left for later.
Figure 3 illustrates the object containment hierarchy for SimpliFace at run time. There is one
application object, which can contain zero or more window objects. Each window object can contain
button objects and/or text label objects.
Figure 3. SimpliFace's object containment hierarchy
Figure 4 shows the SimpliFace class hierarchy. All application-domain scriptable objects derive from
a TScriptableObject class (see the source file ScriptableObjects.h) that has an attached script and is
able to assist with object resolution and Apple event handling. A TObjModelToken class (see
ObjModelTokens.h) is defined to manage token resolution and Apple event dispatching; the
interaction of these is managed from a set of static functions in the file ObjModelEvents.cp.
Figure 4. SimpliFace's class hierarchy
The application's behavior is defined in the files Application.cp and SimpliFace.cp (the latter contains
the main program function). Outside the program's object containment hierarchy, a separate script
administrator class, TScriptAdministrator, is defined. This class is responsible for fetching the script
attached to objects and preparing it for execution, and serves to encapsulate the script-handling code.
It's implemented in the file ScriptableObjects.cp.
The window, button, and text label objects are created by sending SimpliFace appropriate Apple
events. When it receives an Apple event, SimpliFace resolves the object that the event is aimed at
(the direct parameter of the event specifies the target object). SimpliFace then dispatches the Apple
event (unless it's an Open Application, Get Data, or Set Data event) to the script of the target object.
The work for this ishandled in the file ObjModelEvents.cp. We'll look in greater detail at how
SimpliFace handles an incoming Apple event in the section "Routing Apple Events to Scripts."
Two sample scripts written in the AppleScript language are supplied to demonstrate SimpliFace; you
can run these using the Script Editor. One is the startup script that's run whenever SimpliFace is
launched, and the other (called Test Simple Window) creates a window that contains two buttons
and a text label. Here's the latter script:
make new window ¬
with properties {name:"Tests", bounds:{60, 60, 350, 300}}
set the script of window "Tests" to winScript
open window "Tests"
make new button ¬
with properties ¬
{name:"Quit", kind:standard, bounds:{10, 50, 80, 70}} ¬
at end of window "Tests"
make new button ¬
with properties ¬
{name:"Hello", kind:standard, bounds:{10, 10, 80, 30}} ¬
at end of window "Tests"
make new text label ¬
with properties ¬
{name:"Data entry", contents:"I'm a text label!", ¬
bounds:{90, 80, 280, 130}} ¬
at end of window "Tests"
Open the SimpliFace Dictionary, using the Script Editor, to see more details of the scripting
SimpliFace doesn't store window properties or object scripts on disk, so every time you launch it you
need to set up the application script, and you must recreate all windows and window objects. This is
facilitated by the automatic loading and execution of the startup script (called SimpliFace Startup)
whenever SimpliFace is launched. To prevent this script from running, hold down the Control and
Command keys while SimpliFace starts up. The mechanism used to run this script is described under
"Running Scripts" later in this article.
To help debug the Apple event handlers in SimpliFace, I implemented a simple debug transcript tool. A small
amount of code (borrowed from MacApp) is used to intercept the MPW <stdio> library. The information thus
captured is packaged and sent via a private Apple event to the Debug Transcript program, which you'll find
along with the rest of SimpliFace on the CD.
The debugging mechanism is managed in the SimpliFace module DebugTrace. If you open the Debug
Transcript program before you run SimpliFace, a lot of information about Apple events received and
processed will appear in the transcript window. Apple events are decoded in the Apple event prehandler
using the AEPrint routine, part of Jens Alfke's AEGizmos library. You can add to the information displayed
simply by adding extra printf statements to the program code.
Now that you have a general idea of how to structure an OSA-savvy program, we'll consider the
specific techniques your program can use to take advantage of the OSA's services and enjoy the
flexibility offered by using scripts. This section describes how to import scripts from the Script
Editor, run scripts from within the application, attach scripts to objects, compile and decompile
scripts, route Apple events to scripts, and handle user-interface objects. You won't necessarily need to
implement all of these techniques in your program, but you should be aware of them so that you can
decide how you want to implement scripting.
Unless you have a specialized requirement and want to write your own script editor, you'll get the
best mileage by creating and compiling scripts with Apple's Script Editor and then importing these
scripts into your application. You have some choices about how to approach importing scripts into
your application:
- You can keep the scripts in Script Editor files and load them only when needed.
This is the approach SimpliFace takes with its startup script: it looks in the same
folder as the application for the file called SimpliFace Startup and loads and
executes the script from that file.
- Extending this approach, your program can maintain a folder of script files and
look there for named files. For the user, adding a new script file is as easy as
dragging it to the folder in the Finder.
- Alternatively, your program can offer an import function that allows the user to
select a script file from which a compiled script is to be imported. Your program
can then store the compiled script object in any way it wishes, using its own data
storage mechanisms.
Before we examine the technique you should use to import scripts, we need to quickly review how
the Script Editor and the OSA store scripts. AppleScript can compile scripts in two forms: as
contexts, which can contain handlers (for Apple events and user-defined subroutines) and properties,
and as ordinary compiled scripts, which can only be executed. The Script Editor always compiles and
saves scripts as script contexts. To the OSA, compiled scripts are values and can be stored in variables
and manipulated just like numbers, text, lists, or records. When a program passes a script value to the
OSA, or when the OSA passes a script value to a program, it's referred to through a special magic
cookie called an OSAID. OSAIDs are 32-bit-long integers, and the OSA uses an internal mechanism
to map these onto the data they refer to. The OSA provides a pair of routines that you can use to convert OSAIDs to and from data handles
you can save. OSAStore converts an OSAID into an AEDesc (Apple event descriptor), of which the
data handle portion can be saved. OSALoad does the opposite, unpacking the contents of the data
handle portion of an AEDesc (previously saved using OSAStore) to create a new OSAID. A compiled
script context that's been saved using the OSAStore command is contained in resource number 128
of type 'scpt' (kOSAScriptResourceType, the same constant as typeOSAGenericStorage), one of the
four resources of a Script Editor compiled script file.
The AEDesc is the basic Apple event data structure, described in Inside Macintosh: Interapplication
Communication , Chapter 3, and the earlier Inside Macintosh Volume VI, Chapter 6. *
SimpliFace's LoadScriptFromFile routine, shown in Listing 1, imports a compiled script from a
Script Editor file; you can use it as a model regardless of which of the three approaches outlined
above you choose to take. The key tasks undertaken by this routine (apart from locating and opening
the resource fork of the script file) are loading the resource handle, putting a reference to it into an
AEDesc of type 'scpt' (typeOSAGenericStorage), and calling OSALoad to generate an OSAID that
refers to the compiled script.
Listing 1. TScriptAdministrator::LoadScriptFromFile
OSAError TScriptAdministrator::LoadScriptFromFile(FSSpec *fileSpec,
OSAID *theScriptID)
short fileRef = FSpOpenResFile(fileSpec, fsRdPerm);
OSAError err = ResError();
if (err == noErr) {
Handle h = Get1Resource(kOSAScriptResourceType, 128);
if (h != nil) {
AEDesc scriptData;
scriptData.descriptorType = typeOSAGenericStorage;
scriptData.dataHandle = h;
err = OSALoad(gScriptingComponent, &scriptData,
kOSAModeNull, theScriptID);
return err;
Now that you've loaded the script, it can be executed. So how do you run a script in your
application? It's easy -- all you do is pass the compiled script (which can be a script context or a
simple compiled script) to the OSA routine OSAExecute. To show how it's done, here's some code
from SimpliFace that executes the startup script:
FSSpec theFileSpec;
OSAID startupScript = kOSANullScript;
// ... Set up theFileSpec here....
err = LoadScriptFromFile(&theFileSpec, &startupScript);
if (err == noErr && startupScript != kOSANullScript) {
OSAID resultID = kOSANullScript;
err = OSAExecute(gScriptingComponent, startupScript,
kOSANullScript, kOSAModeNull, &resultID);
// ... More code goes here....
The first parameter to the OSAExecute routine and all other OSA routines is the scripting
component instance. To make any OSA calls, you need to have opened a connection to a scripting
component (in this case, AppleScript) by means of the OpenDefaultComponent call. This returns a
component instance that you can save (in this case, as gScriptingComponent) and pass to future OSA
The second and third parameters to OSAExecute are both OSAIDs referring to compiled scripts.
The second parameter refers to the script to be executed and the third parameter refers to the script
context in which global variables will be bound
(if the script to be executed is a normal compiled script). Script contexts in the AppleScript OSA
component are equivalent to script objects in the AppleScript language. Whenever a script object is
compiled that contains commands in the body (not inside a handler), these commands are collected
into a default run handler (the handler that's executed when the script object is sent the run message).
The Script Editor uses this same method to execute scripts. The run handler executes using the
context to access and store properties and global variables.
In the above fragment, we supply kOSANullScript for the third parameter because the script we've
loaded from the Script Editor file is a script context. If a script context with a run handler is given as
the second parameter to OSAExecute, the run handler is extracted from the context and used as the
compiled script. In this case, the third parameter passed to OSAExecute is ignored.
The above code from SimpliFace executes a predefined compiled script that sets up the initial state of
the program. You can use the same technique to attach scripts directly to menu functions or to
buttons in dialog boxes and data entry forms, but I don't recommend that because you can gain more
flexibility by generating Apple events from user actions and then letting scripts handle the events.
You can also use this technique to extend your application so that scripts are triggered when
interesting events occur. For instance, if you were writing a storage management utility you could let
the user declare timers that triggered scripts at predefined intervals or at specified times of the day or
week to perform backups and disk reorganizations.
Attaching a script to an application-domain object can be a simple matter of extending the definition
of the object to include a script property. The Apple Event Registry defines a class, property, and
Apple event data type for script properties. The constants for all these have the same value: 'scpt'
SimpliFace demonstrates how a script property can be attached to an object. As noted earlier, all
application-domain objects in SimpliFace that have an object-model counterpart are derived from the
class TScriptableObject. The definition of this class includes a field of type OSAID called
fAttachedScript, referring to the object's attached script. Listing 2 shows the source code of the
SetProperty function from the class TScriptableObject.
Listing 2. TScriptableObject::SetProperty
OSErr TScriptableObject::SetProperty(DescType propertyID,
const AEDesc *theData)
OSAError err = errAEEventNotHandled;
// Used switch statement instead of if statement to allow for
// future expansion.
switch (propertyID) {
case pScript:
OSAID theValueID = kOSANullScript;
if (theData->descriptorType == typeChar
|| theData->descriptorType == typeIntlText)
err = OSACompile(gScriptingComponent, theData,
kOSAModeCompileIntoContext, &theValueID);
else // If it's not text, we assume the script is compiled.
err = OSALoad(gScriptingComponent, theData,
kOSAModeNull, &theValueID);
if (err == noErr) {
if (fAttachedScript != kOSANullScript)
fAttachedScript = theValueID;
return (OSErr)err;
You or the user can write an AppleScript script that sets the script property of an object. Here's an
example that sets the script property of a window object:
tell application "SimpliFace"
script myWindowScript
on close
global numTimesClosed
set numTimesClosed to numTimesClosed + 1
continue close
end close
end script
set the script of window "MyWindow" to myWindowScript
end tell
If your application is constructed so that parts of the runtime behavior are defined using attached
scripts, it becomes feasible to write other scripts that update the application to its latest version.
These scripts could even update applications across a network. What a boon this would be to MIS
In some circumstances, your program will need to compile a script itself instead of importing a
compiled script from the Script Editor. For instance, the Do Script Apple event lets the scripter
supply the script source code as the event's direct parameter. To handle this Apple event, your
program needs to compile the source code before it can be executed. You might also want the user to
be able to set the script property of an object by supplying the source code instead of a compiled
The OSA provides a routine called OSACompile that compiles script source code and returns an
OSAID. The SimpliFace function TScriptableObject::SetProperty, shown in Listing 2, uses
SimpliFace uses a different routine, OSACompileExecute, to implement the Do ScriptApple event.
This is a convenience routine that compiles some script source code and immediately executes it.
Listing 3 shows DoScript, the SimpliFace function that handles the Do Script Apple event. In this
function, the AEDesc scriptDesc contains the script to be executed. The data type is checked to see if
it contains source code; if so, the script is compiled and executed using OSACompileExecute. If a
script value result is returned by the OSA, it's coerced to an AEDesc and returned in resultDesc.
Listing 3. TScriptAdministrator::DoScript
OSAError TScriptAdministrator::DoScript(AEDesc *scriptDesc,
AEDesc *resultDesc)
OSAError err = errAEEventNotHandled;
if (scriptDesc != nil && (scriptDesc->descriptorType == typeChar
|| scriptDesc->descriptorType == typeIntlText)) {
OSAID resultID = kOSANullScript;
err = OSACompileExecute(gScriptingComponent, scriptDesc,
kOSANullScript, kOSAModeAlwaysInteract, &resultID);
if (err != noErr)
DumpOSAerrorInfo(gScriptingComponent, err);
else if (resultID != kOSANullScript)
err = OSACoerceToDesc(gScriptingComponent, resultID,
typeWildCard, kOSAModeNull, resultDesc);
OSADispose(gScriptingComponent, resultID);
return err;
Eagle-eyed students of the Apple Event Registry will notice that the DoScript function doesn't
implement the other standard form of the Do Script Apple event, which allows the script to be
specified by reference to a script file on disk. As discussed earlier in the section "Importing Scripts
from the Script Editor," the source code for SimpliFace includes a mechanism to read a script from a
script file, so I'll leave it to you to modify TScriptAdministrator::DoScript.
The counterpart of the Set Data Apple event is the Get Data Apple event. An attachable application
should allow scripts to get, as well as set, the script property of objects. By default, the script property
should be returned as a compiled script, but the definition of the Get Data Apple event permits the
caller to request a property as a different data type. If this data type is text, and if the script property
of an object is being requested, your program will need to decompile the script.
The function OSAGetSource is used to extract the source code from a compiled script. SimpliFace
demonstrates the use of OSAGetSource in the GetProperty function from the class
TScriptableObject (see Listing 4). The SimpliFace Get Data handler extracts the desired data type
from the Apple event and passes it to the GetProperty function in the parameter wantType; if the
caller doesn't specify a data type, typeWildCard is used to signify the default type for the property. If
the object has an attached script, GetProperty checks to see what data type is requested by the caller.
If the data type is text, the script is decompiled and the source code is returned. Otherwise, the
compiled script is returned as the result using the OSAStore function (the converse of OSALoad,
discussed earlier).
OSErr TScriptableObject::GetProperty(DescType propertyID,
DescType wantType, AEDesc *result)
OSErr err = errAEEventNotHandled;
switch (propertyID) // Used to allow for future expansion
case pScript:
if (fAttachedScript != kOSANullScript) {
printf("::GetProperty(): get script as type '%.4s'\n",
if (wantType == typeChar || wantType == typeIntlText) {
// If caller wants text, we need to decompile the
// script.
err = (OSErr)OSAGetSource(gScriptingComponent,
fAttachedScript, wantType, result);
else {
if (wantType == typeWildCard)
wantType = typeOSAGenericStorage;
err = (OSErr)OSAStore(gScriptingComponent,
wantType, kOSAModeNull, result);
return err;
Listing 4. TScriptableObject::GetProperty
As noted earlier in this article, the way to customize your application's handling of an object-model
Apple event is to pass the event to an attached script first, passing it to the program's normal handler
for that event only if the script fails to handle or continues the event. Note that this can be done only
if the attached script was compiled as a script context; simple compiled scripts can't be used this way.
The OSA provides two functions for passing Apple event handling to script contexts:
OSAExecuteEvent returns the result of executing the script as an OSAID that you must coerce back
to an AEDesc to supply to the reply event, and OSADoEvent automatically puts the result into the
reply event.
OSADoEvent had a problem in version 1.0 of AppleScript: it never disposed of the temporary OSAID it
used to hold the result of executing the script. This could cause the AppleScript 1.0 component to fail.
The recommended workaround was to use OSAExecuteEvent. This problem was fixed in AppleScript
The AppleScript language permits a message to be "continued" -- that is, passed to the parent of the
script object that's currently handling the message. The AppleScript Continue statement is similar to
the Pass statement in HyperTalk. The OSA allows your program to get in on the act when a message
is continued, by specifying a resume/dispatch procedure (so called because it lets your program
resume handling of a continued event or dispatch an event that isn't handled in the script). To do
this, you use the OSASetResumeDispatchProc call. The resume/dispatch procedure takes the same
parameters as an Apple event handler and might be your application's default handler for the Apple
event in question. It will be called by the OSA during a call to OSAExecuteEvent or OSADoEvent if
the script continues the Apple event.
The OSA also allows you to specify another kind of resume/dispatch handling: if instead of specifying
an actual Apple event handler for the resume/dispatch procedure you pass the special constant
kOSAUseStandardDispatch or kOSADontUsePhac, and if the script continues the handling of an
Apple event, it will be dispatched directly to the default Apple event handler for that event, ignoring
any special prehandling. To make full use of this facility, you need to implement an Apple event
prehandler procedure in your program as well.
The prehandler gets first crack at any incoming Apple event; it's called for all Apple events that are
dispatched to the application, except those that have been redispatched by the OSA (assuming you set
up resume/dispatch handling as just described). A prehandler procedure is installed by calling the
Apple Event Manager function AEInstallSpecialHandler.
To illustrate how Apple events are routed to scripts, let's look in detail at how SimpliFace handles an
incoming Apple event.
- The Apple Event Manager routine AEProcessAppleEvent passes the event to the
program's Apple event prehandler procedure.
- The prehandler procedure tries to resolve the application-domain object that
should handle the Apple event, by resolving the event's direct parameter.
- If an application-domain object is successfully resolved and if it has a script
attached, the resume/dispatch mechanism is set up and the Apple event is passed
to the script by a call to OSADoEvent. If the script handles the Apple event
successfully, we're done with it.
- If the script doesn't handle the Apple event, the OSA returns the error
errAEEventNotHandled, which the prehandler returns as its result. The Apple Event Manager then redispatches the Apple event to the appropriate installed
- If the script continues the Apple event, it's redispatched by the OSA directly to the
installed handler for that Apple event.
- If there is no script to handle the event (maybe the application-domain object
doesn't have an attached script) or the attached script handles but continues the
Apple event, the handler you previously installed for the Apple event receives the
event and tries to resolve the application-domain object that should handle it.
- If an application-domain object is successfully resolved, it's asked to handle the
Apple event, implementing the object's standard behavior.
The prehandler routine from SimpliFace is shown in Listing 5. The routine starts by extracting the
Apple event class and ID from the event record. It then checks to see if the attached-script behavior
should be ignored: SimpliFace doesn't pass the Open Application, Get Data, and Set Data Apple
events to attached scripts. The routine then tries to resolve the direct object of the Apple event,
creating a token object. If no token is resolved, a token that refers to the application object is created.
A global script administrator object is then asked to locate and return the attached script; unless there
was no attached script, the Apple event is passed to the script by calling the SimpliFace routine
ExecuteEventInContext, which in turn calls OSADoEvent. If the script fails to handle the Apple
event, or if an error occurs, the error is returned via the Apple Event Manager.
User-interface events, such as mouse clicks, keystrokes, and menu selections, are handled in a special
way in SimpliFace. This allows SimpliFace to delegate the behavior of these user-interface objects to
their attached scripts. User-initiated mouse and keyboard actions are intercepted by a routine in
SimpliFace.cp called TSimpliFace::HandleEvent. This routine, in conjunction with a group of
support routines, packages and dispatches the user-initiated event as a system event. This special kind
of Apple event is dispatched to the script of the object the user clicked in, if there is one, or the
current window if not. If there's a mouse click in a text field or button, the script for the field or
button (if there is one) gets the event.
If any runtime error occurs in a script while an event is being handled, or if the message is continued
out of the last handler that caught it, or if an event isn't handled at all, the normal behavior for that
event takes place in the program code. For instance, when a SimpliFace window is closed (either by a
script's sending a Close event or by the user's clicking in the window's close box), a Close event is
dispatched to the window's script (if it has one). If this script handles the event and returns without
error, the Close event goes no further and the window stays open. If the script fails to handle the
event or continues the Close event, the window is closed by the default Apple event handler in the
C++ program code.
Now that you have a grasp of the basic requirements of an OSA-savvy program and know the
techniques to import scripts from the Script Editor, run those scripts, attach scripts to objects,
compile and decompile scripts, route Apple events to scripts, and handle user-interface events, you
may want to go even further with your support of the OSA. There are two issues in particular that
you may want to address: how to handle global variables so that variables can be shared between
scripts, and how to allow scripts to share libraries of subroutine handlers so that the application
object's attached script behaves something like HyperCard's stack script.
I've completed another version of SimpliFace that implements these features, and it may be the
subject of a future article indevelop -- if you clamor loudly enough for it. Meanwhile, I've left as an
exercise for you a couple of other enhancements to SimpliFace: implementing editable text fields and
making all window and button kinds and object properties work. Roll up your sleeves and have a go
at it.
Listing 5. StdAEvtPreHandler
static pascal OSErr StdAEvtPreHandler(AppleEvent *theEvent,
AppleEvent *theReply, long theRefCon)
OSAError err = errAEEventNotHandled;
AEEventClass theEvtClass;
AEEventID theEvtID;
DescType theType;
Size theSize;
AEDesc directParam, theTokenDesc;
OSAID theScriptID = kOSANullScript;
objModelTokenPtr theToken = nil;
Boolean madeAppToken = false;
theTokenDesc.descriptorType = typeNull;
theTokenDesc.dataHandle = nil;
// Extract the class and ID of the event from the Apple event.
AEGetAttributePtr(theEvent, keyEventClassAttr, typeType, &theType,
(Ptr) &theEvtClass, sizeof(theEvtClass),
AEGetAttributePtr(theEvent, keyEventIDAttr, typeType, &theType,
(Ptr) &theEvtID, sizeof(theEvtID), &theSize);
if ((theEvtClass == kCoreEventClass
&& theEvtID != kAEOpenApplication)
|| (theEvtClass == kAECoreSuite
&& theEvtID != kAESetData && theEvtID != kAEGetData)
|| (theEvtClass == kSignature
&& theEvtID == kAESystemEvent)
|| (theEvtClass == kASAppleScriptSuite
&& theEvtID == kASSubroutineEvent)) {
// Above test skips the events we don't want to be scriptable.
err = AEGetParamDesc(theEvent, keyDirectObject, typeWildCard,
if (err == noErr) {
err = AEResolve(&directParam, kAEIDoMinimum,
if (err == noErr)
theToken = ObjModelTokenFromDesc(&theTokenDesc);
if (err != noErr || theToken == nil) {
err = MakeAppToken((TObjModelToken**)&theToken);
madeAppToken = (err == noErr);
if (theToken != nil)
theScriptID =
if (theScriptID != kOSANullScript) // Pass to script.
err = ExecuteEventInContext(theEvent, theReply, theRefCon,
theScriptID, kOSAUseStandardDispatch,
err = errAEEventNotHandled;
if (theToken != nil)
if (madeAppToken == true) // Will be executed only
delete theToken; // if token was made locally.
return (OSErr)err;
- "Apple Event Objects and You" by Richard Clark, develop Issue 10.
- "Better Apple Event Coding Through Objects" by Eric M. Berdahl,
develop Issue 12.
- Inside Macintosh: Interapplication Communication (Addison-Wesley, 1993),
Chapters 3-10, or Inside
Macintosh Volume VI (Addison-Wesley, 1991),
Chapter 6.
- Apple Event Registry: Standard Suites , available on this issue's CD
or in print from APDA.
- The AppleScript Suite, available on this issue's CD or in the AppleScript Software
Development Toolkit from APDA.
- AppleScript Language Guide (Addison-Wesley, 1993). Also in the
AppleScript Software Development
PAUL G. SMITH (AppleLink SMITH.PG) is a developer and consultant specializing in intelligent agent software, computer-
based communications, and object-oriented programming techniques, currently in his eleventh year of developing for the
Macintosh. He divides his time between the offices of Full Moon Software Inc. near Cupertino, California, and his native
England, where he runs a small European consultancy called commstalk hq and lives with his wife, Steph, and his cat,
Mack. Steph leads a more glamorous life than Paul, having been a dancer in big productions in the London West End
and now making glorious hats as a fashion milliner; Mack leads an easier life than Paul and takes a lot more naps. *
Thanks to our technical reviewers Jens Alfke, Warren Harris, Ron Karr, and Jeroen Schalk. *