June 94 - Giving Users Help with Apple Guide
Giving Users Help with Apple Guide
A positive user experience means getting the task done with a minimum of hassle.
But as applications engage in the features race, their complexity increases as well,
leading to increased user frustration. One solution is to add a powerful help system
that can guide the user through a task. The new Apple Guide system makes this
chore easier than you might think.
Someone has decided that your application needs help. Maybe it's a little heavy on the features, and
Marketing is afraid that the user will be overwhelmed. Perhaps your user studies have shown that
users can really benefit from some coaching when learning your interface. Or the finance experts
have figured out that you can save a lot of money on printing and user support costs by putting help
on the screen rather than in printed manuals. And yesterday the CEO declared that your product
must win a gold medal in customer satisfaction.
It can be done.
This article tells you how to add Apple Guide, a new kind of help system, to your application with a
pain and suffering level that you can control, ranging from almost nothing to only a tingle.
The article doesn't tell you what help your application should provide; that's up to your software
designer, technical writer, instructional designer, interface designer, and whoever else likes to stir the
design pot. Once you've decided what help you want and the technical writer has written it using the
Apple Guide authoring tool, you integrate it. That's where this article -- and this issue's CD, which
contains a sample program with Apple Guide integrated -- comes in.
Apple Guide is a new kind of help system that acts as an interactive, task-oriented guide and will be
available to all applications systemwide as of System 7.5. Apple Guideis based on more than two years
of research on people's need for help while usingtheir computers. Several key findings of this research
underlie the Apple Guide design:
- Users are task-oriented.
- Users seek help when they're frustrated doing a task.
- Help should be an interactive guide to accomplishing a task, not a static document.
The paradigm is simple:
- The user has a task to accomplish.
- The user becomes frustrated when an obstacle prevents completion of the task.
- The user asks for help.
Traditional help requires users to go to a printed or on-screen document to identify the problem in
the context of the documentation. This in itself can become a frustration. Users would rather have
someone (or something) guide them through the obstacle. That's what Apple Guide does: it acts as
an interactive, task-oriented guide.
When users ask for help, the first thing they see is theaccess window , which provides three ways of
selecting the help topic. Once the user selects the help topic, the access window is replaced by the
presentation window , which presents the help topic as a series of panels containing text, graphics,
QuickTime movies, and controls. (Note that in an application in which Apple Guide has been fully
integrated, the help topic can be preselected for the user based on context -- more on this later.) To
experience Apple Guide for yourself, try out the application called MoGuide on this issue's CD.
Apple Guide is implemented as a system extension (see "What Systemwide Help Means" for some
ramifications of this) that uses a guide database file to drive its interaction with the user, as depicted
in Figure 1. The database file, written using the Apple Guide authoring tool, contains multimedia
help content and instructions on how to interact with the user. The delivery engine is in the system
extension, which contains two components: a stay-resident portion and a launch-as-needed
application portion. With a RAM footprint of less than 20K, the stay-resident portion installs patches
at startup time, manages the Help menu (the one labeled with a question mark in a balloon), and
starts up Apple Guide from the Help menu. The applicationportion is loaded and run when help is
being delivered; with a RAM footprint of 400K,it's launched as a faceless background application in
its own heap. The Apple Guide system extension and several guide databases will be provided as part
of System 7.5.
Figure 1. How Apple Guide works
You can put Apple Guide to work for you whether or not you decide to integrate it into your
application. However, as in life, the level of pain you choose determines the amount of gain.
The easiest way to add Apple Guide to an application is to place an Apple Guide database file in the
same folder as the application. No coding changes are necessary; the integration is automatic. The
Apple Guide extension adds the database to the application's Help menu and launches the database
when the user chooses it.
Here's what Apple Guide delivers without any changes to your application:
- help initiated from the Help menu
- interactive delivery of multimedia help content
- the ability to mark static interface objects, or dynamic interface objects identified
using the Object Support Library (OSL), to draw the user's attention to them
- elementary to intermediate context sensitivity
This is a lot of help in itself. But if you want more control over Apple Guide, you'll need to make
code changes in your application. Here's what those changes can add:
- information about where the user is in the help system
- more direct control over what help the user receives and responsiveness to the
user's context
- help initiated from any control -- including buttons, lists, and special keys -- and
from application menus
- guide databases with your own creator, type, and document icons
- the ability to use databases located in a folder separate from the application
If you want the gain and you're ready for the (slight) pain, read on.
To communicate with Apple Guide from your application, you use standard, trap-based function
calls. The function calls enable your application to get information about Apple Guide, start up
Apple Guide, respond to Apple Guide, modify help content, and quit Apple Guide. I'll explain how
to do each of these in the sections that follow. You might want to examine the source code for the
sample program MoGuide on this issue's CD to see the function calls used in context. Then you can
try integrating Apple Guide into your own application.
Your application can find out a number of different things about Apple Guide: whether it's installed,
what its status is, whether an Apple Guide database is available, the number and characteristics of
guide databases available, and whether your own guide database is open.
Before you do anything with the Apple Guide extension, you need to determine whether it's
installed. The following code shows how:
long result=0;
OSErr err = Gestalt(gestaltHelpMgrAttr, &result);
if (err==noErr && (result & (1 << gestaltAppleGuidePresent)))
; // Apple Guide is available.
; // Apple Guide is not available.
WHAT'S THE STATUS OF APPLE GUIDE?Once you've determined that Apple Guide is installed, you can get more information about its state
-- for example, is it active (displaying a help window)? If it is, which help window is being displayed?
The latter information can be saved and used to restart users at the point where they left the help
The AGGetStatus function returns whether Apple Guide is active (kAGIsActive), sleeping
(kAGIsSleeping), or not running (kAGIsNotRunning). In the active state, help is being provided (a
guide database is open). In the sleeping state, the Apple Guide background application is loaded and
running, but no help is being provided (no guide database is open). In the not-running state, the
application portion of Apple Guide isn't loaded or running.
If Apple Guide is active, you can further determine whether the access window or the presentation
window is showing. For example:
if (AGGetActiveWindowKind()==kAGAccessWindow)
;// Apple Guide access window is showing.
else if (AGGetActiveWindowKind()==kAGPresentationWindow)
;// Apple Guide presentation (topic) window is showing.
;// No window is showing; Apple Guide is sleeping or not running.
Be sure you've determined that Apple Guide is installed before invoking AGGetStatus or any other
Apple Guide function. Otherwise, if Apple Guide isn't present, you'll get an unimplemented trap
You can find out whether an Apple Guide database is available to the current (frontmost) application,
and furthermore, whether a specific type of guide database is available. (There are two file types and
five database types, classified according to the type of help information they contain; see "About
Apple Guide Database Files" for a rundown of the types.)
The AGGetAvailableDBTypes function returns bits set to correspond to the various types of guide
databases available to (in the same folder as) the frontmost application.
enum AGDBTypeBit // To test against AGGetAvailableDBTypes
kAGDBTypeBitAny = 0x00000001,
kAGDBTypeBitHelp = 0x00000002,
kAGDBTypeBitTutorial = 0x00000004,
kAGDBTypeBitShortcuts = 0x00000008,
kAGDBTypeBitAbout = 0x00000010,
kAGDBTypeBitOther = 0x00000080
The kAGDBTypeBitAny bit will be true if the application has any Apple Guide database file
available. Thus, the following statement will test whether any guide database is available:
if (AGGetAvailableDBTypes() & kAGDBTypeBitAny)
; // Some kind of database is available
You can simlarly use the other constants to test the availability of specific types of Apple Guide
The tests described in the preceding section apply only to guide database files or their aliases in the
same folder as the application. You can also find files outside the application's folder, by using the
AGFile library that's included on this issue's CD. This library doesn't use or require the Apple Guide
system extension and offers access to information about Apple Guide database files. With the AGFile library, you can count and find guide databases of specific file and database types.
Once you've found a database, you can get information about it. For example, the following code
counts the number of main guide database files (those that aren't mix-in files) of type
kAGFileDBTypeHelp in a specified volume and directory:
AGFileDBType databaseType=kAGFileDBTypeHelp;
Boolean wantMixin=false;
guideFileCount = AGFileGetDBCount(vRefNum, dirID, databaseType,
You can get the FSSpec for a particular type of Apple Guide database file in a specified volume and
directory as follows:
AGFileDBType databaseType=kAGFileDBTypeOther;
Boolean wantMixin=false;
short dbIndex=1;
FSSpec dbSpec;
err = AGFileGetIndDB(vRefNum, dirID, databaseType, wantMixin,
dbIndex, &dbSpec);
The AGFileGetIndDB call will return noErr and the FSSpec for the database file if it's present.
Increment dbIndex to find additional guide databases of the same type.
Listing 1 shows how to accumulate a list of FSSpecs for all the guide databases in a specified volume
and directory.
Listing 1. Accumulating FSSpecs for guide databases
AGFileCountType guideFileCount;
AGFileDBType databaseType=kAGFileDBTypeAny;
Boolean wantMixin=false;
FSSpec dbSpec;
Handle hFileList;
// See how many guide files are available.
guideFileCount = AGFileGetDBCount(vRefNum, dirID, databaseType,
if (guideFileCount>0) {
// Create a new list of file FSSpecs.
hFileList = NewHandle(guideFileCount * sizeof(FSSpec));
if (hFileList!=nil) {
// Get each file and add to list.
for (short i=1; i<=guideFileCount; i++) {
if (AGFileGetIndDB(vRefNum, dirID, databaseType,
wantMixin, i, &dbSpec)==noErr) {
((FSSpec*)(*hFileList))[i-1] = dbSpec;
} // if (...
} // for (short...
} // if (hFileList...
Listing 1. Accumulating FSSpecs for guide databases
Once you have the FSSpec for a database file, you can ask for more information. For example, the
following code can be used to get the version and menu item name for a database:
AGFileMajorRevType majorRev;
AGFileMinorRevType minorRev;
Str255 menuName;
AGFileGetDBVersion(&fileSpec, &majorRev, &minorRev);
AGFileGetDBMenuName(&fileSpec, menuName);
As mentioned earlier in "What Systemwide Help Means," you can't assume your guide database is
always open, even if the user invoked it from within your application. To cope with this fact of life,
your application should call the AGIsDatabaseOpen function when it's switched from background to
foreground, passing in the database's reference number, to see if its guide database is still open.
if (AGIsDatabaseOpen(myAGRefNum))
; // The database with myAGRefNum is open.
; // The database with myAGRefNum isn't open; someone else closed it.
If AGIsDatabaseOpen is true, you can also assume that Apple Guide is active. If AGIsDatabaseOpen
is false and you haven't explicitly closed your database, another application or the user has closed it.
You can start up Apple Guide with either the first available guide database or one you specify. You
can also control the initial view the user sees, choosing from seven different options. In this initial
view you can present the user with a list of topics related to the context, or you can skip the initial
view and instead take the user directly to a help topic.
The default startup, the quickest and easiest way to start up Apple Guide, opens the first available
guide database. The database must be in the same folder as your application (the Finder is an
exception -- its guide databases are in the Extensions folder). The mechanism is similar to what
happens when the user selects an item from the Help menu.
The default startup is accomplished by calling the AGOpen function with the kAGDefault flag:
err = AGOpen(kAGDefault, 0, nil, &myAGRefNum);
A reference for the database that was opened is returned in myAGRefNum. You must use this
reference when you close the database.
Apple Guide starts up with the frontmost application's guide database and the startup conditions
specified in the database. If more than one Apple Guide database is available for the application, the
first database of type kAGFileDBTypeHelp is used. If no database is present, the error code
kAGErrDatabaseNotAvailable is returned and Apple Guide doesn't start up.
An application can also open a specific guide database when it starts up Apple Guide, by specifying
the FSSpec for the database in the AGOpen call:
err = AGOpen(&myGuideDatabaseFSSpec, 0, nil, &myAGRefNum);
See the earlier section "How Many and Which Guide Databases Are Available?" for a suggested way
to get a database FSSpec.
Apple Guide offers seven startup view options. This is normally controlled by the guide database;
however, these defaults can be overridden with a startup function parameter. For example:
err = AGOpenWithView(&myGuideDatabaseFSSpec, 0, nil, kAGViewIndex,
Six of the possible startup views are listed below. These views, which are access windows, are shown
in Figure 3. Startup view number 7 is the topic or presentation window view, which is started with a
different function call (described below in "Going Directly to a Topic").
kAGViewFullHowdy = 1, // Full-window howdy
kAGViewTopicAreas = 2, // Full-window topic areas
kAGViewIndex = 3, // Full-window index terms
kAGViewLookFor = 4, // Full-window look-for (search)
kAGViewSingleHowdy = 5, // Single-list howdy
kAGViewSingleTopics = 6 // Single-list topics
Since almost all guide databases contain multiple topic areas, they usually start up with the
kAGViewFullHowdy view. If you specify a kAGViewSingleHowdy or kAGViewSingleTopics view
for these kinds of guide databases, only the topics for the first topic area will be shown.
View 1: Full-window howdy
View 2: Full-window topic areas
View 3: Full-window index terms
View 4: Full-window look-for
View 5: Single-list howdy
View 6: Single-list topics
Figure 3. Six startup view options
An application can start up Apple Guide (or restart it if it's already running) in the look-for view with
a list of context-sensitive topics that match a search string (a Str255). To initiate a context-sensitive
search, use the AGOpenWithSearch function and include a look-for search string as follows:
err = AGOpenWithSearch(&myGuideDatabaseFSSpec, 0, nil,
mySearchString, &myAGRefNum);
Sometimes you may want to initiate help when the user clicks a Help button in a dialog or Option-
clicks an interface object. In these cases, you have a good idea of the context and can bypass the
Apple Guide access window, going directly to the presentation window with the selected help topic.
Here's how:
err = AGOpenWithTopic(&myGuideDatabaseFSSpec, 0, nil, myTopicId,
The presentation window will appear with the first panel of the topic.
The Apple Guide authoring tool usually handles topics by name and quietly assigns a topic ID
number when the database is compiled. However, you can override this automatic assignment by
specifying your own topic ID. See the authoring tool documentation for information on how to
assign your own topic ID numbers.
Figure 4. Controls in a presentation window
The author of an Apple Guide database file can initiate a number of different kinds of events to
which your application may need to respond. These include attaching Apple events to controls in
help topics, drawing coach marks on dynamic interface objects, sending Apple events when certain
panels appear, and using context checks to determine whether a presentation panel should be shown
or skipped.
A help author can attach an Apple event to any control in an Apple Guide presentation window. The
controls can be Macintosh buttons, checkboxes, radio buttons, or Apple Guide buttons (the last two
types of controls are illustrated in Figure 4). The author's action specification for these controls will
- the target for the action (usually an application signature)
- the Apple event class
- the Apple event ID
- the optional key
- optional data for the optional key
The action might be directed to Apple Guide -- for instance, to start up another presentation
window, to return to the access window, or to go to another panel in the same topic. The action can
also be directed to your application; in that case, the target is your application signature, and the
Apple event class and event ID are ones for which you've installed a handler. The content of the
optional key/data field can be anything; how it's used is up to the application developer. Apple Guide
extracts the optional data field, calculates its size in bytes, calls AEPutParamPtr with a descriptor type
of typeChar, and sends the Apple event. To receive the action, install an Apple event handler for the class and event ID. Your handler can get
the optional data parameter using your key.
There is no reply to this event. If you want to reply, see the section "Responding to Context
Coach marks are circles, X's, underlines, and arrows that can be drawn on interface objects to direct
the user's attention to them, as illustrated in Figure 5. Using such marks has been shown in tests to
be much more effective than putting drawings of the objects into the help content (users tend to click
on the drawing, not the real thing). The Apple Guide authoring tool provides a fairly complete set of
instructions to mark many common interface objects, such as the following:
- menu titles and items
- windows and any coordinates relative to a window
- window elements such as close boxes, size boxes, titles, and scroll bars
- items that have a help balloon "hot rectangle"
- dialog items
Figure 5. Coach marks
These are all relatively static elements with locations that can be found by Apple Guide's marking
facility. Some interface objects, on the other hand, are dynamically located at locations known only to
the application. If you've identified a dynamic interface object using the Object Support Library
(OSL), you can use Apple Guide's built-in OSL coach-marking facility to locate and mark the object.
See the documentation for the Apple Guide authoring tool for details.
If you want to mark dynamic interface objects and you're not using the OSL, Apple Guide provides
another method for you to use. In this method a handler installed by Apple Guide calls your
application asking for the rectangle of a named object. To use this method, your application must
install a coach handler that takes the object name and replies with the object rectangle in global
coordinates. Here's an example. First, you install the coach handler:
AGCoachRefNum myAGCoachRefNum;
OSErr err = AGInstallCoachHandler(MyCoachReplyProc, myRefCon,
The prototype for a CoachReplyProc is as follows:
typedef pascal OSErr (*CoachReplyProcPtr) (Rect* pRect, Ptr name,
long refCon);
Apple Guide will invoke your CoachReplyProc with the name (a null-terminated C-string) and
myRefCon from the AGInstallCoachHandler call. Set the value of pRect to the object rectangle in
global coordinates. The following is an example of a CoachReplyProc. Apple Guide will draw the
coach mark around, under, or through the rectangle provided in the reply.
pascal OSErr MyCoachReplyProc(Rect* pRect, Ptr name, long refCon)
// Look up the name and return the rect in global coordinates.
OSErr err = MyRectForName(pRect, name);
return err;
Coach handlers persist across the opening and closing of guide databases. However, you must remove
the coach handler when your application quits. Use the AGCoachRefNum that was returned to you
in the AGInstallCoachHandler call.
OSErr err = AGRemoveCoachHandler(&myAGCoachRefNum);
You can get Apple Guide to notify your application whenever a particular panel is being displayed (in
other words, whenever it's the user's help focus) by taking advantage of Apple Guide's authorable
actions. To do this, use the authoring tool to attach an Apple event of your choosing to an "On Panel
Show" or "On Panel Hide" action. When the panel is shown or goes away, the Apple event is sent to
your application, which can then respond appropriately. For example, it might be useful to attach an
Apple event to an "On Panel Show" action for the last panel in a series of instructions, to signal that
the user has reached the end. See the authoring tool documentation for information on how to attach
an Apple event to a panel action.
Apple Guide can use context checks to get information about the user's environment and, based on
that, to decide which panels to show in a presentation window. This enables the Apple Guide author
to tailor the help to the user's current context. It gives an individualized feel to the instruction and
avoids requiring the user to navigate through irrelevant information, things that users appreciate a
lot. When you integrate Apple Guide, the user's context will usually be your application. The help
author will want to use information from your application to determine what help the user needs.
You'll need to respond to these context checks by installing an Apple event handler, processing the
context check, and returning true or false.
Here's how it works: An author attaches conditions to selected panels. These conditions can be based
on context checks or on user controls in other panels. While the user is reading the content of a
presentation window, Apple Guide looks ahead to see which panel to show next. It evaluates the
conditions, including context checks, attached to each panel. When Apple Guide evaluates a context
check, it invokes the Apple event handler for the context check. The results of the evaluation based
on the context check determine whether the panel should be shown or skipped.
Context checks are usually encapsulated as Apple Guide "external modules" andattached to a
database. An external module is a code resource that executes inresponse to the query from Apple
Guide. Creating and using external modules is outside the scope of this article, but see theTContext::ReplyToContext function in the sample code for an example of how to handle context
checks from within your application.
Apple Guide handles context-check queries similarly to coach-mark queries. You install a context-
check handler and Apple Guide calls it. First, the installation of the handler:
AGContextRefNum myAGContextRefNum;
OSErr err = AGInstallContextHandler(MyContextReplyProc, eventID, myRefCon,
The prototype for a ContextReplyProc is as follows:
typedef pascal OSErr (*ContextReplyProcPtr)(Ptr pInputData,
Size inputDataSize, AEEventID eventId,
Ptr *ppOutputData, Size *pOutputDataSize,
long refCon);
When Apple Guide needs to do a context check, it invokes your callback with the context-check
inputData and eventId. It also passes the refCon that you provided in the AGInstallContextHandler
call. The ContextReplyProc should use NewPtr to create a storage area for a short, set
*ppOutputData to the value of the pointer, and set *pOutputDataSize to sizeof(short). Always return
a pointer to a short. Apple Guide will dispose of the pointer.
You're probably wondering why we didn't pass a Boolean instead of *ppOutputData and
*pOutputDataSize. The reason is that the context reply is a special case of a more general reply
mechanism, which I'm not going to go into here. Just take my word for it -- it has to be this way.
Context handlers persist across the opening and closing of help databases. However, you must
remove the context handler when your application quits. Use the AGContextRefNum that was
returned to you in the AGInstallContextHandler call.
OSErr err = AGRemoveContextHandler(&myAGContextRefNum);
If you just want to field Apple events that don't require a reply, see the earlier section "Receiving the
Author's Events."
So far, we've talked only about main guide database files, the standalone files that support all or part
of an application. You can modify the content of a main guide database by mixing in a mix-in guide
When a field upgrade involves new features and you don't want to release a revised guide database,
you can use Apple Guide's mix-in files to add help content to the main guide database file. The mix-
in files don't appear in the Help menu. When Apple Guide starts up, each mix-in file is merged with
a main guide database file of the corresponding DBType. Multiple mix-in files can be mixed in.
The process is automatic, but the guide database author can control it by using Gestalt selectors.
Each guide database file contains three Gestalt selectors. The selectors must evaluate to true in order
for a main database to appear in the Help menu or a mix-in database to be mixed in. The Gestalt
selectors in a given file are combined using Boolean OR logic. Empty Gestalt selectors are ignored. If
all Gestalt selectors are empty, the file is unconditionally accepted.
There's a really cool way for the programmer to handle this. If the first Gestalt selector is the literal
'QLfy', Apple Guide will call a code resource of type 'QLfy' in the database file. If the code resource
returns true, the database file will be mixed in; if it returns false, it won't be. The prototype for the
code resource is as follows:
The AGFile library described earlier provides accessor functions that you can use to get the selectors
and their values from any database. Only the authoring tool can change the selectors, however.
When you've finished using a guide database, use the AGClose function with a pointer to the
AGRefNum for the database.
err = AGClose(&myAGRefNum);
This will close the database and leave Apple Guide running in the background. When you've finished
with Apple Guide, use the AGQuit function.
err = AGQuit();
This will make Apple Guide quit. If you attempt to call AGQuit without first closing the database,
you'll get a kAGErrDatabaseOpen error.
If you start Apple Guide from your application, you should make it quit. Otherwise, the Apple Guide
background application and help window will hang around without your application and consume
system resources. This persistence is a result of the fact that Apple Guide is available systemwide.
Even if the user quits Apple Guide by clicking the Cancel button or the close box, you must still
balance every AGOpen function with an AGClose.
Now you know what's involved in integrating Apple Guide into your application. If you're starting
with a new product, you can build the use of Apple Guide into its design from the beginning; this can
provide you with a competitive edge. If you're revising an existing product, you can add Apple Guide
as a key feature. In either case, the instructional designer or technical writer should work closely with
the software engineers to include an interactive task-oriented guide as an integral part of the design.
Here's a suggested plan for doing that:
1. The instructional designer prepares a specification for how the application, Apple
Guide, and the paper documentation will work together. The specification should
include a description of the information that the guide database needs from the
application and vice versa -- for example, how help is started, Apple events,
context checks, and coach-mark locations.
2. The software engineers use the instructional designer's specification to add the
necessary Apple Guide features to the application.
3. The instructional designer authors the database.
4. The use of the guide database is included in the application's test suite.
It's up to you and your database author to assemble Apple Guide's features into useful and coherent
help for your user. This section gives some suggestions for making Apple Guide as helpful as it can
You should provide different guide database files for different needs. Apple Guide database
possibilities include the following:
- an Apple Guide "agent" that guides the user through a task
- a tutorial to provide basic instruction
- command reference
- application shortcuts
- databases that match the user's level of experience
- a "here's what's new in this release" database instead of a read-me file (Marketing
will love it!)
Your user should have access to help under all conditions. Here are some possibilities:
- from the Help menu
- from a help button in your tool palette
- from a help button in your modeless alerts and dialogs
from a help hot key, enabling the user to click an object and bring up a relevant
help topic
You, too, can use the buzzword "context sensitive." Use the Apple Guide features to provide "smart"
help -- help that's tailored to the user's current context:
- Start up Apple Guide in the look-for view with a list of context-sensitive topics.
- Bypass the access window and go directly to the presentation window when the
user initiates help from a control.
- Respond to the guide database author's context checks.
- Selectively mix in database content.
The built-in features of Apple Guide provide a high degree of interactivity. You can provide even
more with integration:
- Identify dynamic interface objects with coach marks.
- Have Apple Guide notify you when the user is at a particular help panel (the help
focus) so that your application can respond appropriately.
- Have your help database author add user controls that send Apple events to your
application. Use them to allow the user to interact with you.
This article has covered the basics of how your application can integrate Apple Guide. There's more
in the complete API, but you have enough here to get started. With or without integration, the help
system is there to serve your user. It shouldn't be compensation for bad interface design, nor should
you add it just to save money on manuals or user support. Help is there to make your user moreproductive with your product, leading to a positive user experience, lots of recommendations, and
sales, sales, sales.
It can be done.
Because it's implemented as a system extension, Apple Guide is available to all applications systemwide. It's
designed to help users within and across application boundaries. Apple Guide can guide a user through
multiple applications including, but not limited to, the application that invoked it.
Apple Guide's systemwide nature has ramifications for everything you do with it. While it enables delivering
an unprecedented level of help to users, it also presents certain programming challenges. Consider the
following characteristics of systemwide help and what they mean to you as a developer.
Help works across multiple applications. Your application's guide database can guide a user through
multiple applications, not just your own. You can provide help for tasks that involve system-level operations
and the use of other applications.
One ramification of this is that if the user switches from your application to another one after starting up
Apple Guide and without quitting your application or Apple Guide, Apple Guide will still be present and
showing your guide database. This may be desirable, depending on what help you're providing. If not, the
user can quit Apple Guide from the help window. Don't force Apple Guide to quit when your application
goes to the background.
Help is always available to the user. Your application can always invoke Apple Guide, even if it's
in use by another application. That application's guide database will be closed and yours will be opened
and shown instead.
This works the other way around as well -- if the user invokes Apple Guide from the Help menu within
another application while yours is open in the background, your guide database will be closed and the
other application's will be opened and shown instead. Moreover, the other application can still make Apple
Guide quit even if you closed its guide database to show your own.
The bottom line for you is that you can't assume that your guide database is always open, even if the user
invoked it from within your application. A call for dealing with this is described later, under "Is Your Guide
Database Open?"
The user is always in control. Users can quit Apple Guide at any time, even if they've switched from the
application that started it up. Once again, this means that you can't assume your guide database is always
open, even if the user invoked it from within your application.
Apple Guide database files provide the content of the help that your application gives users. These files can
be of the following two types:
- kAGFileMain: Main or normal type of Apple Guide database file
- kAGFileMixin: Mix-in database file, which modifies a main database file with updates
and additions atrun time
Files of both types have a creator of kAGCreator, which
is 'reno', and are further subdivided by database type according to the type of help information they
contain. The database type is stored as part of the database content and determines where the file is
represented in the Help menu, as indicated in Figure 2.
Apple Guide supports multiple guide database files but only one of each type, except for
kAGFileDBTypeOther. You can have multiple kAGFileDBTypeOther files; they're added at the end of the
Help menu, ordered by filename.
All Apple Guide database files located in the same
folder as your application will be represented in the Help menu. (Note that aliases will work as well as
database files themselves, but that folders nested within your application's folder will not be searched.)
If you don't want a guide database represented in the Help menu, you should separate the guide database
from the application. In this case, you must provide a mechanism in your application to start up Apple Guide
with that database, since the user can't do it from the Help menu. The section "Starting Up Apple Guide"
tells all about this.
Databases can also have your creator and type, allowing you to use your own document icons. Databases
identified this way won't show up on the Help menu and must be opened from your application.
Figure 2. Menu items identified by database type
JOHN POWERS (AppleLink JOHNPOWERS), MWM, Apple employee, seeks intense relationship with software. Enjoys
object-oriented design, craftsmanship, classical music, long walks, quiet moments, laser discs with popcorn, travel,
engaging novels, and kinky polymorphism. Software must be willing to share time with extended family. Documentation a
must. *
The Apple Guide Developer's Kit will soon be available from APDA (if it isn't already). It contains everything you need to
author databases and integrate Apple Guide. Included in this kit is an authoring tool that compiles help content written
with a standard word processor into an Apple Guide database file. The kit also contains sample help content files and
documentation. *
Thanks to our technical reviewers Peter Commons, Winston Hendrickson, Josh Jacobs, Dave Lucky, Dave Lyons, and Eric