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[IMAGE Lipton_final_rev1.GIF]

Accurate color matching used to be out of reach for most programmers to add to their applications. Then along came ColorSync, a system extension that provided a platform in QuickDraw for maintaining consistent color from device to device. Now with the advent of QuickDraw GX, which integrates ColorSync, color matching has been made even easier. Read on to find out how color matching works in QuickDraw GX and how to take full advantage of it, whether you're developing an application or a printer driver.

Remember how impossible it used to be to get color images to display faithfully on any monitor or to print on any printer in colors that matched what the user saw on the screen? The introduction of ColorSync finally transformed color matching in QuickDraw from a complicated guessing game into a more-or-less predictable process. ColorSync provided a standard API that could produce WYSIWYG color output if used by both the application and the printer driver.

QuickDraw GX goes a step farther, fully integrating ColorSync for color management. When you create a QuickDraw GX application or printer driver, you don't need to worry about making ColorSync calls. You simply use the QuickDraw GX API and let it call ColorSync as appropriate. ColorSync does the work of converting a QuickDraw GX color specification into terms understandable to the output device. The first part of this article, which assumes you're somewhat familiar with QuickDraw GX, describes color specification and outlines the conversion process. What's left for your application or printer driver to do is the topic of the second part of this article.


The starting point for color matching in QuickDraw GX is the exact specification of color that's included in every object to be drawn. Recall that the basic building block of QuickDraw GX graphics is the shape, an object that in turn points to other objects that tell how it should be rendered. In particular, the ink object contains detailed information about the color to be used.

The color information for a geometric or typographic shape is contained in the gxColor data structure, which in abbreviated form looks like this:

typedef struct {
    gxColorSpace  space;            // the color space
    gxColorProfile profile;         // the color profile
    union {
        . . .
        gxColorValuecomponent[4];   // the color value (one, three,
                                    // or four color components)
    } element;
} gxColor;

The color information for a bitmap shape is handled in a slightly different way, discussed at the end of this section. For any QuickDraw GX object, the color space, color profile, and color value together constitute a device-independent description of the color in which the object is to be rendered.

A color space is a system for specifying colors. The color space determines how many different components are required to specify a color and what those components are. For example, the RGB color space uses three components to specify a color (red, green, and blue); the CMYK color space uses four (cyan, magenta, yellow, and black). The color value is the set of components that together specify a color. In QuickDraw GX, a color value consists of one, three, or four 16-bit integers, which are interpreted based on the color space. For instance, for a color specified in the RGB color space, the color value might be red = 32,768, green = 16,384, blue = 8,192.

In QuickDraw, all color is defined in the RGB color space. Unfortunately, since RGB is a device- dependent color space (more on this later), the same RGB color can look different on different devices. ColorSync provides a mechanism to match colors accurately, but QuickDraw applications are still restricted to RGB. High-end desktop publishing and photo-editing applications allow their users to work in other color spaces, but such applications have to include large chunks of code to work around QuickDraw in order to do this.

QuickDraw GX, on the other hand, provides a wide choice of color spaces. These color spaces can be grouped into three families: RGB, CMYK, and CIE. Within a family, one color space can be converted to another relatively simply. Color spaces in the RGB and CMYK families are device dependent because they're related to how a particular device represents color. Color spaces in the CIE family, on the other hand, are device independent because they're related to human visual perception.

The RGB family of color spaces. Color spaces in the RGB family are based on controlling the intensities of red, green, and blue light, the three primary colors used in displays. Most desktop scanners and monitors as well as some printers work in some form of this color space. The RGB family consists of gxRGBSpace (red, green, blue), gxHLSSpace (hue, lightness, saturation), gxHSVSpace (hue, saturation, value), and gxGraySpace (a one-component gray scale).

The CMYK color space. The CMYK color space (the only member of the CMYK family) is based on controlling the concentrations of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black inks, the four process colors used in printing. While colors in the RGB color space are formed by adding light sources, colors in the CMYK color space are formed by subtracting light from an illuminating source. A component in a CMYK color value specifies the amount of light one of the inks absorbs. In theory, cyan absorbs red light, magenta absorbs green light, and yellow absorbs blue light.

Under ideal circumstances, mixing cyan, magenta, and yellow inks together on paper would produce a true black. However, due to ink impurities and a multitude of other problems, the result is usually a muddy dark brown. For this reason most ink-based devices have black ink as well.

The CIE family of color spaces. Color spaces in the CIE family are based on a three-component system of color specification developed by the Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage (CIE) in 1931. These color spaces are device independent because the color components are based not on intensities of light in a display or concentrations of printer inks but on aspects of how the human eye responds to light at different wavelengths. The CIE family of color spaces consists of gxXYZSpace, gxCIESpace, gxLUVSpace, gxLABSpace, and gxYIQSpace.

  • The gxXYZSpace (XYZ color specification) and gxCIESpace (xyY specification) correspond to the 1931 Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage color description.
  • The gxLUVSpace and gxLABSpace are transformations of the XYZ components that provide a more perceptually uniform color space. That is, throughout the three-dimensional space defined by the three components, a given distance moved numerically yields a constant perceptual change in the color.
  • The gxYIQSpace is based on the U.S. standard video broadcast format defined by the NTSC.

Because of the variations in color representation among individual devices, simply specifying a color space and a color value doesn't provide enough information for color matching. The 50% red produced by an Apple 13-inch monitor's cathode ray tube, for example, doesn't look the same as the 50% red produced by a PowerBook 180c's active matrix color display. Therefore, we also need to provide information in absolute terms about how colors look on the device on which an object is drawn. The color profile provides this information.

A color profile is a characterization of a device associated with an object, usually the device on which the object was created. The exact contents of the color profile depends on the color matching method to be used, but certain header data required by Apple's default color matching method is always present. This header data includes the device type, manufacturer, model, and, most important, an absolute description of each of the primary and secondary colors the device can render.

This absolute description consists of a set of response curves and chromaticities. The response curves are used to convert the color component values into linear values. The chromaticities are XYZ triplets describing the device's red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, yellow, black, and white. Recall that the XYZ color space is device independent; thus, an XYZ triplet describes a color in absolute terms.

While it would be possible to have a full color specification for every pixel in a bit image, this is neither practical nor necessary. Colors in bitmap objects (whether the object is a bitmap shape or part of a view device object) are handled slightly differently from colors in geometric and typographic shapes. The bitmap object contains a single color space and profile. Each pixel in the bit image contains a packed form of the color component values.

  • For a 16-bit RGB bitmap, the high bit is ignored, followed by five bits of red, five bits of green, and five bits of blue.
  • For a 32-bit RGB bitmap, the high eight bits are ignored, followed by eight bits of red, eight bits of green, and eight bits of blue.
  • For a 32-bit CMYK bitmap, eight bits of cyan are followed by eight bits of magenta, eight bits of yellow, and eight bits of black.
  • For all of the other 32-bit bitmaps (HLS, HSV, XYZ, CIE, LAB, LUV, YIQ), the high two bits are ignored, followed by ten bits per component.

Whether a component is expressed with four, five, eight, or ten bits, the bits in the data are the most significant bits of the standard 16-bits-per-component QuickDraw GX colors.


As stated earlier, QuickDraw GX uses ColorSync for color management. Basically, QuickDraw GX calls ColorSync to do the necessary conversion from a source color to a matching destination color based on the color specification for a QuickDraw GX object (which includes the color profile for the source device) and the color profile for the output device. Because QuickDraw GX calls ColorSync, your application doesn't need to.

ColorSync uses two basic elements to perform color matching: a color profile and a color matching method (CMM). The color profile, as you know, contains the device characterization, while the CMM is a component that contains code to perform the matching. Some CMMs are better thanothers, and some are more appropriate for certain kinds of devices (for example, ink jet printers versus dye sublimation printers).

A system will have at least one color profile for each device to be drawn on and at least one CMM to perform the matching. ColorSync comes with one Apple CMM (the default) and with color profiles for all Apple monitors currently being manufactured. A device can have more than one color profile, but only one is selected for use at any given time. The color profile specifies the CMM to be used. ColorSync will try to use this CMM, but if it's not available, will use the default Apple CMM. ColorSync's open architecture allows third-party developers to create their own profiles and CMMs if they want to perform matching beyond the capabilities of the Apple CMM.

In highly simplified terms, here's how the conversion process works, assuming the Apple CMM is used:

  1. An application makes a QuickDraw GX call to draw an object.
  2. QuickDraw GX calls ColorSync.
  3. Using the object's color specification and the Apple CMM, ColorSync converts the color to the device-independent XYZ color space.
  4. Using the Apple CMM and the color profile provided by the driver for the output device, ColorSync converts the color from the XYZ color space to the output device's color space.
  5. QuickDraw GX draws the object on the output device.

If a CMM other than the Apple CMM is used, steps 3 and 4 may be different, since the CMM determines exactly how the conversion is done.

Now that you have a basic grasp of the mechanism for color matching, we'll turn to a consideration of what applications and printer drivers need to do to take full advantage of this mechanism.


If you're developing a QuickDraw GX application, there's really not much to worry about with respect to color matching. If you create your objects with appropriate color profiles, the colors will be rendered correctly to the extent that the output device is capable of rendering the specified colors. You can make life easier for your users by warning them when a color they choose can't be rendered on a designated printer and by enabling them to preview what a color would look like on a designated printer. And you can turn color matching off to improve performance in certain situations. We'll look at these techniques one at a time.

As we've seen, the key to color matching is providing an appropriate color profile for every QuickDraw GX shape object your application creates. If the objects created by your application are associated with a particular device, that device's color profile is the one to reference in the gxColor data structure. So if you're writing a scanning application, the bitmap objects you create should reference the color profile of the scanner used. If you're writing a painting or drawing application, your objects should reference the color profile of the monitor on which the objects were created.

It's appropriate to set the color profile to nil when dynamically creating objects that aren't associated with any particular device. When the color profile is set to nil, QuickDraw GX assumes the profile to be the default color profile. The default color profile is a color profile for some particular, perhaps imaginary, device. What the device is doesn't really matter because when any object is drawn, its color is automatically converted into the color space of the destination device using the destination device's color profile.

Applications can easily find out what a device's color space and color profile are. Every QuickDraw GX view device object contains a bitmap structure that contains color space and color profile fields. Files containing color profiles for particular monitors or scanners can often be found in the ColorSync Profiles folder, which is in the Preferences folder in your System Folder. Your code canget the ColorSync Profiles folder by calling GetColorSyncFolderSpec. The application almost never needs to know what the color space and profile of a printer are, because objects are seldom created from a printer, but thereis  a way to obtain this information, as described in the next section.

Given a set of ColorSync profile data, your application can create and manipulate a QuickDraw GX color profile object with the following functions. In all cases, the data is treated as a ColorSync profile and the ColorSync structures for profiles can be used.

gxColorProfile GXNewColorProfile(long size, void *data);
Creates a new color profile object with the data passed in. The size parameter is the size of the data, and the data parameter is a pointer to the data. The function result is the color profile object. If the size is 0, color matching will be disabled for those objects associated with this color profile object.

gxColorProfile GXSetColorProfile(gxColorProfile theProfile,
         long size, void *data);
Changes the data stored in the color profile object passed in the first argument. The size parameter is the size of the data, and the data parameter is a pointer to the data. The function result is the changed color profile object.

long GXGetColorProfile(gxColorProfile theProfile, void *data);
Retrieves the color profile data out of a color profile object. The function result is the size of the color profile data.

Here's how to get the ColorSync profile data from a color profile object:

size = GXGetColorProfile(myProfile, nil); 
if (size > 0) {
    myPtr = NewPtr(size);
    GXGetColorProfile(myProfile, myPtr);
} else {
    /* Size = 0, indicating color matching should be suppressed. */

This function disposes of a color profile object:

void GXDisposeColorProfile(gxColorProfile theProfile);

Not all colors can be rendered on all devices. Each device has a set of colors that it's capable of reproducing, called acolor gamut.  When a color can't be duplicated on a device, the color is said to be "out of gamut" for that device (see Figure 1). How out-of-gamut colors are treated depends on the CMM being used: some CMMs may try to preserve the luminance of the color while others may try to preserve the hue or the saturation or some other aspect.

Given this state of affairs, you may want your application to warn users when a color they choose is out of gamut for the printer their document is currently formatted for. QuickDraw GX provides the following call to check a color against a device's color profile to see if it's in or out of gamut for the device:

Boolean GXCheckColor(gxColor theColor, gxColorSpace theColorSpace,
    gxColorSet theColorSet, gxColorProfile theProfile);

This call takes the gxColor (which contains a color profile and a color space) for the object, and the color space, color set (similar to a QuickDraw CLUT), and color profile for the device. The function returns true if the specified color can be rendered on the device and false if it can't.

[IMAGE Lipton_final_rev2.GIF]

Figure 1 How the Color Gamuts of Two Different Devices Compare

It's a simple matter to obtain the color profile and color space for the printer a document is formatted for. Recall that for each printed document, there's a corresponding QuickDraw GX job object. The job object contains global document properties, such as the device information and the number of pages or copies. The device information is what we're after. Here's the code that gets it for us:

gxColorProfile GetFormattingPrinterProfile(gxJob myDocumentJob,
                gxColorSpace *theSpace)
        gxPrinter    frmtPrinter;   // the formatting printer object
        gxViewDevice printerDevice; // the printer's view device
        gxShape      devBitmap;     // the device bitmap shape
        gxBitmap     devBits;       // the bitmap structure
        /* Get the bitmap shape for the printer's device. */
        frmtPrinter = GXGetJobFormattingPrinter(myDocumentJob);
        /* Pass in 0 as the index to obtain the currently selected
            view device from the driver's list of possible view
            devices. */
        printerDevice = GXGetPrinterViewDevice(frmtPrinter, 0);
        devBitmap = GXGetViewDeviceBitmap(printerDevice);
        /* Get the bitmap struct, dispose of the shape, return the
            profile. */
        GXGetBitmap(devBitmap, &devBits);
        *theSpace =;
        if (*theSpace == gxIndexedSpace)
            GXGetColorSet(devBits.set, theSpace, nil);
        return (devBits.profile);

To obtain just the color profile (instead of the color profileand the color space, fetched by the preceding code), you can call GXFindPrinterProfile. The prototype is as follows:

long GXFindPrinterProfile(gxPrinter, void *searchData, long index,
          gxColorProfile *returnProfile)

Using the printer's color profile, your application can also enable users to preview what an out-of- gamut color (or whole picture) would look like on that printer:

Boolean MakePrinterColor(gxJob theJob, gxColor *sourceColor,
                                    gxColor *printedColor)
        gxColorProfile      printerProfile;
        gxColorSpace        printerSpace;
        Boolean             inGamut;

        /* Get the printer's profile. */
        printerProfile = GetFormattingPrinterProfile(theJob,
        /* Copy the source color. */
        *printedColor = *sourceColor;
        /* Check it and convert it into the device's color space. */
        inGamut = GXCheckColor(printedColor, printerSpace, nil,
        GXConvertColor(printedColor, printerSpace, nil,
        return (inGamut);

The color passed into this routine is converted into the printer's color space and profile. The most closely matching color from the printer's gamut is converted back to the screen's color space and profile when the color is associated with a shape and drawn on the screen. Thus, a simulation of what the printer's output would look like is achieved. As a function result, the code returns whether the color is in or out of gamut for the printer.

To preview an entire picture, set up an off-screen bitmap in the printer's color space and color profile, set the gxEnableMatchPort attribute (explained in the following section) of the view port you're using with the off-screen bitmap, draw the picture into that off-screen bitmap, and then draw that bitmap on the screen. Make sure also that the view port you're using to draw on the screen has gxEnableMatchPort set.

Color matching is a computationally intensive process, so it slows down performance. In some situations, such as during scrolling or updating, you may be willing to sacrifice accurate color in exchange for faster drawing. QuickDraw GX enables you to turn off color matching in these situations, either for all objects drawn into a view port or on an object-by-object basis.

You can control color matching for all objects drawn into a view port with an attribute of the view port object called gxEnableMatchPort. When this bit in the view port's attributes is set (using GXSetPortAttributes), color matching is performed for all shape objects drawn into that view port. When this bit is cleared, the color matching process is bypassed. The result is less-than-WYSIWYG output, but the drawing is faster. Note that the view port's default is to bypass color matching; your application has to set the bit to turn color matching on.

You can control color matching on an object-by-object basis by creating a color profile object of length 0 and associating it with those objects you want to disable matching for. If an object has the zero-length profile, it isn't matched, even if the view port's gxEnableMatchPort attribute is set.


If you're developing or thinking of developing a QuickDraw GX printer driver, you know that it's radically easier than developing a QuickDraw driver. Color matching is easier with a QuickDraw GX driver as well. In the old world of QuickDraw, your driver had to have special code to call out toColorSync if it wanted to do color matching. In a QuickDraw GX driver, you don't have to call anything to get color matching for your printer. All you need to do is specify at least one color profile.

If you're developing a printer driver for a PostScript device, there are some things you should know to obtain the highest quality color output from your printer, whether it's a Level 1 black-and-white or color printer or a Level 2 color printer. Specifically, with fields in the data structure that gxPostScriptImageDataHdl points to, you can choose a color space, offload color matching to a Level 2 device, or generate PostScript code that's Level 2 savvy but can also run on a Level 1 printer (color or black and white) while retaining all the color information in the source data.

Incidentally, most things discussed here can be implemented in a printing extension as well.

Although only one color profile is used at a time in the color matching process, a printer can have more than one color profile. Each one can be associated with a particular format (recall that in QuickDraw GX, a format is an object containing the properties associated with a particular page, including the paper type, which is an object describing printing media). For instance, the Apple Color Printer has default color profiles for coated paper, transparency film, and plain paper; a different color profile is needed for each because paper type can affect the appearance of color.

If you have only one color profile for your printer, a simple and common case, you can store the profile data in a 'prfl' resource in your printer driver. QuickDraw GX will read in the data from the resource (using the default implementation of the GXFetchTaggedData message), make a color profile object out of it, and automatically associate it with your printer. If you want to create the color profile dynamically rather than store it in a resource, just override the GXFetchTaggedData message, looking for the tag 'prfl' and creating the handle on the fly.

Applications can query your printer driver with a GXFindFormatProfile call to find out which color profile will be used for a particular page of output. (Within the same document, different pages can be printed on different paper types. For example, a business letter document might contain an address that prints on an envelope, a letter that prints on white paper, and a resumé that prints on blue paper.) To support this application query, your driver must override two messages:

  • GXFindFormatProfile, which is normally sent in response to the application's call. Override this message and return to the application the profile that would be used with the specified format object.
  • GXImagePage, which is normally sent before imaging each page of the document. Override this message to set the color profile on a page-by-page basis. Your override will be passed a format object, which will contain a paper type object from which you can determine (and create, if necessary) the appropriate color profile to use. Your override will also be passed an image data handle. One of the fields in the structure that this handle points to is a color profile. Simply set this to be the profile you want and forward the message, and QuickDraw GX does the rest.

The preceding discussion of color profiles holds true for all three classes of QuickDraw GX printer drivers: raster, vector, and PostScript. The remaining discussion applies only to printer drivers for PostScript devices.

PostScript code can describe colors that the output device is to produce in any of three different device color spaces. In each case, different operators are used. When you set the color space, you tell QuickDraw GX what kind of PostScript operators to use when specifying color for your printer, based on its color capabilities.

You set the color space in the field devCSpace (of type gxColorSpace) in the PostScript image data structure. Only three values are allowed:

  • gxRGBSpace, which tells QuickDraw GX to use the setrgbcolor and colorimage operators in the PostScript language
  • gxCMYKSpace, which tells it to use the setcmykcolor and colorimage operators
  • gxGraySpace, which tells it to use the setgray and image operators

QuickDraw GX calls ColorSync to convert all the colors to be printed into the specified color space using the color profile your driver provides. It's up to you to specify values that make sense for your printer, as QuickDraw GX does no sanity checking. For example, if you specify gxCMYKSpace as your color space but connect to a printer on which the setcmykcolor operator isn't available, you'll get PostScript errors. The only color space guaranteed to work on all PostScript printers is gxGraySpace. You can get around this problem by generating portable PostScript code, discussed later.

The PostScript Level 2 interpreter has color matching support built in. This means that you can offload the expensive work of color matching from the Macintosh to the PostScript device if it has a Level 2 interpreter. To take advantage of this, set fields in the PostScript image data structure as follows:

  • Set the languagelevel field to 2.
  • Set the gxUseLevel2ColorOption bit in the renderoptions field.

With these settings in effect, QuickDraw GX generates PostScript code that's optimized for PostScript Level 2 and uses the color management provided by the Level 2 interpreter instead of calling ColorSync. The color space and color profile of the objects to be printed are translated into a Level 2 color space dictionary, using the setcolorspace operator. The colors for objects are then set in the graphics state using the setcolor operator, and bitmaps are drawn using the dictionary form of the image operator. The image operator is used at eight bits per component when the source bitmap's color space is a 5- or 8-bits- per-component space, and 12 bits per component when the source bitmap's color space is a 10-bits-per-component space.

If the gxUseLevel2ColorOption bit isn't set but the language level is 2, QuickDraw GX will generate code optimized for Level 2 but will work with color based on the devCSpace as explained earlier.

Not all QuickDraw GX color spaces can be translated to Level 2. For a color space that can't, QuickDraw GX performs a conversion into one that can. For example, gxCIESpace (the CIE xyY space) can't be emulated with the setcolorspace operator. All colors in gxCIESpace are converted into gxXYZSpace -- a color space that can be emulated with the setcolorspace operator.

Sometimes you don't know what kind of PostScript device your code is going to end up on. Because all PostScript printers answer to "LaserWriter," a user can connect to just about any kind of PostScript printer with your QuickDraw GX printer driver. But, as mentioned earlier, if your driver specifies a color space that's not available on the printer the user connects with, this will generate PostScript errors. To avoid this situation, QuickDraw GX is capable of generating "portable" PostScript code -- code that can be executed on any printer and will produce the best results that printer is capable of, although it's not necessarily optimized for any one printer.

As stated earlier, the only color space guaranteed to work on all PostScript printers is gxGraySpace. However, using this color space causes output to be grayscale even if the PostScript code is sent to a color printer. To get QuickDraw GX to produce PostScript data that contains all color information but will also render on a black-and-white PostScript device in grayscale, set the gxPortablePostScriptOption bit in the renderoptions field and set the devCSpace field to gxRGBSpace.

When you do this, QuickDraw GX defines PostScript procedures to emulate the color operators when they're not present on the printer that the PostScript file lands on. Additionally, QuickDrawGX generates PostScript code to set up a Level 2 color space based on RGB and the color profile specified by the driver. When the PostScript file lands on a Level 2 color printer, you get color- matched output. The source colors are converted by ColorSync to the RGB color space using the driver's color profile. This color profile is translated into a setcolorspace operator so that those RGB colors have meaning. The translated color profile is ignored on Level 1 printers and the normal setrgbcolor and colorimage operators are used.

Let's consider how the LaserWriter GX driver sets up the PostScript image data structure. When the driver is used to print to any of the current line of Apple PostScript printers, the data structure is set up as follows:

  • The devCSpace field is set to gxGraySpace (because all Apple PostScript printers are black and white).
  • The languagelevel field is set to 1 or 2 depending on the printer.
  • The devCProfile field is set to nil.

When the LaserWriter GX driver doesn't recognize the printer it's talking to, the data structure is set up like this:

  • The devCSpace field is set to gxRGBSpace.
  • The gxPortablePostScriptOption bit is set in the renderoptions field.

This yields portable PostScript code, which is Level 2 savvy but can also run on a Level 1 color or black-and-white printer while retaining all the color information in the source data. Thus, using the LaserWriter GX driver (from either QuickDraw GX applications or QuickDraw applications) gives better and faster output for color images on Apple black-and-white printers, color printing on non- Apple Level 1 color printers, and color-matched printing on Level 2 color printers.


Whether you're developing an application or a printer driver, color matching has never been easier than with QuickDraw GX. You can work in whichever color space you want and move data from device to device without worrying about losing information or writing special code to handle the conversions. Getting basic color matching is free (no code is necessary) and getting high-end tuned results is easy (only small amounts of code are required).

The QuickDraw GX color publishing platform seamlessly integrates high-end text and graphics with the capabilities offered by ColorSync and the PostScript Level 2 interpreter. And if you have a great color matching algorithm, you can easily integrate your method with all QuickDraw GX applications and printer drivers simply by writing a standard ColorSync color matching method and providing color profiles. Color no longer needs to be a complicated guessing game for the user.


  • "Getting Started With QuickDraw GX" by Pete ("Luke") Alexander, "Developing QuickDraw GX Printing Extensions" by Sam Weiss, and "QuickDraw GX for PostScript Programmers" by Daniel Lipton, develop Issue 15.
  • "Print Hints: Syncing Up With ColorSync" by John Wang, develop  Issue 14.
  • Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics  by J. D. Foley and A. Van Dam (Addison-Wesley, 1982).
  • Inside Macintosh: Printing Extensions and Drivers  (Addison-Wesley, 1993).
  • PostScript Language Reference Manual , 2nd ed., by Adobe Systems Incorporated (Addison-Wesley, 1990).

For background information about QuickDraw GX, see these articles in develop  Issue 15: "Getting Started With QuickDraw GX" by Pete ("Luke") Alexander; "Developing QuickDraw GX Printing Extensions" by Sam Weiss; and "QuickDraw GX for PostScript Programmers" by yours truly. *

How ColorSync works with QuickDraw is explained in John Wang's column "Print Hints: Syncing Up With ColorSync" indevelop  Issue 14.*For color theory arcana, see the indispensable Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics  by J. D. Foley and A. Van Dam.*

ColorSync version 1.0.3, along with documentation and samples, can be found on this issue's CD. The documentation describes how to create a CMM.*

The levels of PostScript and all other details you could possibly want to know about PostScript are described in thePostScript Language Reference Manual , second edition.*

The messaging scheme for drivers and extensions is described in Sam Weiss's article "Developing QuickDraw GX Printing Extensions" in develop  Issue 15, and in Inside Macintosh: Printing Extensions and Drivers.  *

DANIEL LIPTON works on QuickDraw GX and writes for develop  to subsidize his songwriting career. He was recently overheard singing the following parody of the Steely Dan song "FM":

Bury your cubics, mama, quadratic's fine.
Kick off your PostScript printers, it's GX time.
The drivers don't seem to care what's where,
as long as the profile's there.
Nothing but greens and blues
and somebody else's favorite hues.
Give us some pumped-up colors, we'll sync them nice.
Feed us some hungry halftones, we'll print them thrice.
The printers don't seem to care what's where,
as long as GX is there.

No hassle at all. GX. No hassle at all.  *

THANKS TO OUR TECHNICAL REVIEWERS Pete ("Luke") Alexander, Tom Dowdy, Dennis Farnden, Josh Horwich *

Special thanks to duaño, Sean Allen, Chris Yerga, and Dean Yu. *


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Price of Glory unleashes its 1.4 Alpha u...
As much as we all probably dislike Maths as a subject, we do have to hand it to geometry for giving us the good old Hexgrid, home of some of the best strategy games. One such example, Price of Glory, has dropped its 1.4 Alpha update, stocked full... | Read more »
The SLC 2025 kicks off this month to cro...
Ever since the Solo Leveling: Arise Championship 2025 was announced, I have been looking forward to it. The promotional clip they released a month or two back showed crowds going absolutely nuts for the previous competitions, so imagine the... | Read more »
Dive into some early Magicpunk fun as Cr...
Excellent news for fans of steampunk and magic; the Precursor Test for Magicpunk MMORPG Crystal of Atlan opens today. This rather fancy way of saying beta test will remain open until March 5th and is available for PC - boo - and Android devices -... | Read more »
Prepare to get your mind melted as Evang...
If you are a fan of sci-fi shooters and incredibly weird, mind-bending anime series, then you are in for a treat, as Goddess of Victory: Nikke is gearing up for its second collaboration with Evangelion. We were also treated to an upcoming... | Read more »
Square Enix gives with one hand and slap...
We have something of a mixed bag coming over from Square Enix HQ today. Two of their mobile games are revelling in life with new events keeping them alive, whilst another has been thrown onto the ever-growing discard pile Square is building. I... | Read more »
Let the world burn as you have some fest...
It is time to leave the world burning once again as you take a much-needed break from that whole “hero” lark and enjoy some celebrations in Genshin Impact. Version 5.4, Moonlight Amidst Dreams, will see you in Inazuma to attend the Mikawa Flower... | Read more »
Full Moon Over the Abyssal Sea lands on...
Aether Gazer has announced its latest major update, and it is one of the loveliest event names I have ever heard. Full Moon Over the Abyssal Sea is an amazing name, and it comes loaded with two side stories, a new S-grade Modifier, and some fancy... | Read more »
Open your own eatery for all the forest...
Very important question; when you read the title Zoo Restaurant, do you also immediately think of running a restaurant in which you cook Zoo animals as the course? I will just assume yes. Anyway, come June 23rd we will all be able to start up our... | Read more »
Crystal of Atlan opens registration for...
Nuverse was prominently featured in the last month for all the wrong reasons with the USA TikTok debacle, but now it is putting all that behind it and preparing for the Crystal of Atlan beta test. Taking place between February 18th and March 5th,... | Read more »

Price Scanner via

AT&T is offering a 65% discount on the ne...
AT&T is offering the new iPhone 16e for up to 65% off their monthly finance fee with 36-months of service. No trade-in is required. Discount is applied via monthly bill credits over the 36 month... Read more
Use this code to get a free iPhone 13 at Visi...
For a limited time, use code SWEETDEAL to get a free 128GB iPhone 13 Visible, Verizon’s low-cost wireless cell service, Visible. Deal is valid when you purchase the Visible+ annual plan. Free... Read more
M4 Mac minis on sale for $50-$80 off MSRP at...
B&H Photo has M4 Mac minis in stock and on sale right now for $50 to $80 off Apple’s MSRP, each including free 1-2 day shipping to most US addresses: – M4 Mac mini (16GB/256GB): $549, $50 off... Read more
Buy an iPhone 16 at Boost Mobile and get one...
Boost Mobile, an MVNO using AT&T and T-Mobile’s networks, is offering one year of free Unlimited service with the purchase of any iPhone 16. Purchase the iPhone at standard MSRP, and then choose... Read more
Get an iPhone 15 for only $299 at Boost Mobil...
Boost Mobile, an MVNO using AT&T and T-Mobile’s networks, is offering the 128GB iPhone 15 for $299.99 including service with their Unlimited Premium plan (50GB of premium data, $60/month), or $20... Read more
Unreal Mobile is offering $100 off any new iP...
Unreal Mobile, an MVNO using AT&T and T-Mobile’s networks, is offering a $100 discount on any new iPhone with service. This includes new iPhone 16 models as well as iPhone 15, 14, 13, and SE... Read more
Apple drops prices on clearance iPhone 14 mod...
With today’s introduction of the new iPhone 16e, Apple has discontinued the iPhone 14, 14 Pro, and SE. In response, Apple has dropped prices on unlocked, Certified Refurbished, iPhone 14 models to a... Read more
B&H has 16-inch M4 Max MacBook Pros on sa...
B&H Photo is offering a $360-$410 discount on new 16-inch MacBook Pros with M4 Max CPUs right now. B&H offers free 1-2 day shipping to most US addresses: – 16″ M4 Max MacBook Pro (36GB/1TB/... Read more
Amazon is offering a $100 discount on the M4...
Amazon has the M4 Pro Mac mini discounted $100 off MSRP right now. Shipping is free. Their price is the lowest currently available for this popular mini: – Mac mini M4 Pro (24GB/512GB): $1299, $100... Read more
B&H continues to offer $150-$220 discount...
B&H Photo has 14-inch M4 MacBook Pros on sale for $150-$220 off MSRP. B&H offers free 1-2 day shipping to most US addresses: – 14″ M4 MacBook Pro (16GB/512GB): $1449, $150 off MSRP – 14″ M4... Read more

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