With QuickDraw GX, the Macintosh gets a brand new, powerful, and totally
different model for text and graphics. Programmers of graphics and page layout
applications accustomed to using custom PostScript code during the printing process
will have to learn new techniques for imaging on the Macintosh, but the reward is a
robust feature set, an easier API, and consistent output whether to a screen (of any
resolution or color depth) or a printer (PostScript, raster, or vector). This article
should help those programmers make the transition.
QuickDraw, while a powerful imaging model for its time and well suited for interactive graphics on
the screen, lacks many features demanded by today's users. To provide features such as
transformation (rotation, skewing, and so on) and Bézier curves (ubiquitous in most modern graphics
applications), applications in a QuickDraw world must do much of the work of drawing to the screen
themselves. However, when printing to PostScript devices such as the Apple LaserWriter, these
applications can offload much of this work to the printer by simply using the PostScript language to
draw most, if not all, of their graphics and text. For this reason, many Macintosh application
programmers have also become PostScript programmers and know how to get things done with the
PostScript language.
Before getting into the details of how to make the transition from the PostScript language to
QuickDraw GX, you need to understand the two models. The article "Getting Started With
QuickDraw GX" in this issue of
develop provides an introduction to QuickDraw GX. For an overview
of the features of the PostScript language, read on.
The PostScript language is probably best known as a robust graphics model with many capabilities.
These capabilities include the ability to fill or frame paths made up of line and cubic Bézier segments,
render continuous tone images in both color and grayscale, transform graphics with a matrix, and clip
to a path made up of line and cubic Bézier segments. PostScript code can also draw text in a variety
of different typefaces and manipulate this text as a graphic.
To a limited extent the PostScript language is also a printing model. Certain operators in the
PostScript language are related to printing. These include operators for page control
(showpage and copypage), for controlling paper selection, and for controlling device-specific features
(setpagedevice in PostScript Level 2).
In addition, the PostScript language serves as a document interchange format. Since it's so widely
available on so many different platforms and printers, a PostScript file can be treated as a device-independent
document interchange. (However, it's not easily edited except by an expert.) Similarly,
it's also used to export clip art. Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) files are widely used for exporting and
importing artwork into documents.
But the most important attribute of the PostScript language is that, more than a graphics model, it's
a programming language with most of the constructs of modern high-level languages. The PostScript
language is really a wrapper for the PostScript graphics model. The graphics are invoked by
operators in the language. This full programmability makes it easy for programmers to extend the
PostScript model to meet their needs. If a desired feature isn't in the PostScript graphics model, it
can frequently be programmed in the PostScript language. For example, PostScript
Level 1 doesn't contain patterns, but a PostScript procedure can be written to fill a PostScript path
with a pattern.
Due to this programmability, it's possible to emulate directly on PostScript printers many of the
QuickDraw GX features that aren't present in the PostScript graphics model. When QuickDraw GX
generates a PostScript stream, it includes a complex set of PostScript procedures to do so.
This section compares QuickDraw GX and the PostScript language in terms of their graphics, text-
drawing, printing, and programming models.
Some differences between the QuickDraw GX and PostScript graphics models include math types,
Bézier curves, matrix transformation, and orientation of the
Math types. Before entering the world of QuickDraw GX programming, a PostScript programmer
must understand the basic differences in how numbers are represented by QuickDraw GX and the
PostScript language.
The PostScript language uses floating-point numbers and QuickDraw GX uses fixed-point numbers.
The advantage to floating-point numbers is numeric range; the advantage to fixed-point numbers is
speed. With fixed-point numbers, addition and subtraction are no slower than with regular integers.
QuickDraw GX uses 16.16 fixed-point numbers (32-bit numbers with the high 16 bits representing
the integer portion and the low 16 bits representing the fractional portion).
In the PostScript language, color component values are represented by floating-point numbers
between 0.0 and 1.0. In QuickDraw GX, color component values are represented by a type called
colorValue, which is really a short such that 0x0000 is 0.0 and 0xFFFF is 1.0. QuickDraw GX also
uses a type called fract. The fract type is like the fixed type except that only the high two bits are the
integer portion and the low 30 bits are the fractional portion. This is generally used for numbers
between -1 and 1 where fractional precision is important.
Curves. Both QuickDraw GX and the PostScript language support Bézier curves. However, each
supports a different kind (see Figure 1). While the PostScript language uses cubics, GX uses
quadratics. A cubic Bézier curve segment is defined by four control points: a starting point on the
curve, two points off the curve, and an ending point on the curve. A quadratic Bézier curve is defined
by three control points: a starting point on the curve, a control point off the curve, and an ending
point on the curve.
Figure 1 Comparing Control Points on Bézier Curves
Figure 2 illustrates two similarly shaped paths. The one on the left is defined by two quadratic
segments, requiring five control points. The one on the right is defined by a single cubic segment,
requiring four control points. This seems to imply that in drawing similar shapes, more points are
required using quadratics than using cubics and that, therefore, quadratics are at a disadvantage.
However, to reduce data size, the data structure for a QuickDraw GX path allows implied points.
Each point in the QuickDraw GX path has a control bit, indicating whether the point is on or off the
curve. If two consecutive points in the path are off the curve, there's an implied point halfway
between the two explicitly specified points. So, as shown in Figure 2, it's only necessary to supply
four points for the quadratic path, as the point between point 2 and point 3 is implicit.
Figure 2 Control Points for Paths
Matrix transformations. Both QuickDraw GX and the PostScript language allow anything to be
transformed through a matrix before being drawn. Both use a 3 x 3 transformation matrix. However,
in the PostScript language the matrix has implicit constant values in the last column, so there are
only six degrees of freedom rather than nine. QuickDraw GX allows you to specify all nine elements
of the matrix.
To modify the current transformation matrix (CTM) by a given transformation, an application may
use the following PostScript code:
[ 4.17 0.0 0.0 -4.17 -1280.0 1650.5 ] concat
This code concatenates the following matrix with the CTM in the graphics state:
4.17 | 0.0 | 0.0
0.0 | -4.17 | 0.0
-1280.0 | 1650.5 | 1.0
QuickDraw GX has a data structure called gxMapping, which is a structure containing one field. The
field is a 3 x 3 array. The first two columns contain fixed-point numbers and specify the skewing,
scaling, rotation, and translation of the transformation. The third column is made up of fractional
numbers (numbers of type fract) and specifies the perspective portion of the transformation. The
following code generates a mapping that's equivalent to the matrix in the PostScript code:
/* Declare a mapping structure (fract1 is a constant for 1.0 in
mathtypes.h). */
gxMapping aMapping =
{ { fl(4.17), fl(0.0), fl(0.0) }
{ fl(0.0), -fl(4.17), fl(0.0) }
{ -fl(1280.0), fl(1650.5), fract1 } };
Figure 3 Coordinate Systems
The y-axis. The y-axis orientation differs in the PostScript graphics model and QuickDraw GX. In the
PostScript model, the y-axis increases from the bottom of the page or window to the top and in
QuickDraw GX, as in QuickDraw, it increases from top to bottom (see Figure 3).
A fundamental difference between graphics code for QuickDraw GX and PostScript code is that
QuickDraw GX is object-based and PostScript code is essentially a stream-based protocol. Although
the PostScript language is a programming language, documents usually consist of a set of PostScript
procedures followed by a stream that invokes those procedures. Each model has advantages: With a
stream-based protocol the graphic content of any given page is virtually infinite. As long as
PostScript code is continuously streamed to the printer, it renders into the frame buffer until
showpage is issued -- which essentially says, "This page is done; start the next one." With an object
model it's relatively easy to share data between objects. A quick summary of objects in QuickDraw
GX illustrates this advantage.
QuickDraw GX objects. The shape object is the basic element of the QuickDraw GX graphics model. A
shape contains a geometry of any primitive type and points to three other objects that describe how
to render that geometry: the ink object, which describes how to apply color to the geometry (as well
as transfer mode); the style object, which describes how to affect the geometry before rendering
(pattern, dash, and so on); and the transform object, which describes how to map and clip the
geometry before rendering. These objects can, in turn, point to other objects. For example, a
transform object points to a list of view port objects that describe where to draw the geometry (such
as in which window). An ink object points to a color profile object that describes the colors in the ink
in a device-independent manner. All the previously described objects could also have lists of tag
objects. A tag object is simply a container for any data the application associates with the owning
Data sharing is extremely easy in this object model. If I have a picture made up of 100 different
shapes and 30 of them have the same color, these 30 shapes can all point to the same ink object. The
color for these 30 shapes is stored only once. In a stream-based protocol, it's only convenient to share
data between consecutive items in the stream. (You can write PostScript code that shares data
between nonconsecutive objects, but it's not easy.)
PostScript procedures and dictionaries versus QuickDraw GX objects. Emulating the object model in
PostScript code is possible because it's a programming language. You could use PostScript
dictionaries as containers for shapes and then have a PostScript procedure that draws one of these
dictionaries. The following is a simple example of how this could work. (Warning: Serious PostScript
code ahead.)
/aShape 7 dict def % Make a dictionary for the shape.
aShape begin % Put it on the dictionary stack.
/geometryProcedure { % Define a procedure for the geometry
newpath % to draw a rectangle.
100 100 moveto
0 100 rlineto
100 0 rlineto
0 -100 rlineto
} bind def
% Dictionary entries for transform.
/Transform [ 10 0 0 10 0 0 ] def
% Dictionary entries for the color.
/redComponent 1.0 def
/greenComponent 0.0 def
/blueComponent 1.0 def
/penWidth 5.0 def
/fillType (framed) def
end % Dictionary definition.
% The following procedure takes a shape dictionary and draws it.
/DrawShapeDict {
begin % Put the shape dictionary on the stack.
gsave % Shape shouldn't affect graphics state.
Transform concat % Apply transform.
redComponent greenComponent blueComponent setrgbcolor
% Set the color.
geometryProcedure % Execute the geometry procedure.
fillType (framed) eq { % If the shape is framed,
penWidth setlinewidth % set the pen width and
stroke % stroke the path.
} { % Else, fill the shape.
} ifelse
} bind def
% The following would be in the stream to draw the shape stored in
% the dictionary.
aShape DrawShapeDict
You could use PostScript code in this manner, but most printers have limited memory, and memory
management in PostScript printers is difficult (a subject for another article), so it's usually not done.
Graphics state versus shape attributes. In a stream-based graphics model, a graphics state determines
how a particular item is drawn. In the PostScript language, the graphics state attributes include the
color, pen thickness, transformation matrix, clip, miter limit, end caps, and joins that will be used to
fill or stroke the current path, bitmap, or text to be drawn. Applications using PostScript code must
efficiently manage the graphics state -- you never want to send more information to the printer than
necessary, but sending too little is fatal to the fidelity of the graphics. So, an application emitting
PostScript code must send the color for the item to be drawn only if it's different from that of the
last item drawn, and do similarly for pen thickness, transformation matrix, and so on.
In the QuickDraw GX object-based model, every shape points to all the information necessary to
draw itself. An application merely needs to call GXDrawShape to draw the shape properly with the
designated color and pen thickness and other designated characteristics. The application no longer
has to keep track of the graphics state. However, there's a different burden (though less
cumbersome): making sure shape objects share other objects when possible to reduce the memory
used by the picture.
The following code samples effectively illustrate the difference between the two models. Each sample
draws two rectangles, one red and one blue, and offsets the second one by (100, 100). First, here's the
PostScript code:
/DrawRect {100 100 moveto 25 0 rlineto 0 25 rlineto -25 0 rlineto
closepath fill} bind def
1.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor % Set the color red.
100 100 translate % Move the coordinate system by 100,100.
0.0 0.0 1.0 setrgbcolor % Set the color blue.
Now compare the QuickDraw GX code:
void GXDraw2Rectangles()
gxRectangle aRectangle =
{ ff(100), ff(100), ff(125), ff(125) };
gxShape rectShape;
gxInk redInk, blueInk;
gxColor aColor; = rgbSpace; /* Color will be RGB. */
aColor.profile = nil; /* No color profile. */ = 0xFFFF; = 0x0000; = 0x0000;
redInk = NewInk(); /* Make red ink. */
GXSetInkColor(redInk, &aColor); = 0x0000; = 0x0000; = 0xFFFF;
blueInk = NewInk(); /* Make blue ink. */
GXSetInkColor(blueInk, &aColor);
rectShape = GXNewRectangle(&aRectangle);/* Create a shape. */
GXSetShapeInk(rectShape, redInk); /* Use red ink. */
GXDrawShape(rectShape); /* Draw it. */
/* Move it over and draw it in blue. */
GXMoveShape(rectShape, ff(100), ff(100));
GXSetShapeInk(rectShape, blueInk); /* Use blue ink. */
GXDrawShape(rectShape); /* Draw it. */
/* Clean up. */
The PostScript code uses a procedure to draw the rectangle. The procedure is analogous to the shape
object. However, each time the rectangle is drawn, the graphics state must be modified to change the
color and the transformation. At the end, the graphics state for subsequently drawn items is blue and
the origin is shifted by (100, 100) from the original rectangle. Thegrestoreoperator is needed to set
the graphics state back to what it was to begin with.
The QuickDraw GX code created a shape, made it red, drew it, moved it, made it blue, and drew it
again. No global state was affected, only the shape itself. Moving the rectangle with PostScript code
necessitated modifying the graphics state's CTM. With QuickDraw GX code, moving the rectangle
involved only translating the shape's own geometry with the GXMoveShape routine.
QuickDraw GX database versus PostScript container. In QuickDraw GX a picture is a type of shape
object whose geometry is a list of other shapes. Those shapes in the list can also be picture shapes.
Therefore, a QuickDraw GX picture shape is a hierarchical database of shapes. This database can be
queried and modified with QuickDraw GX routines such as GXSetPictureParts, which inserts or
replaces shapes in a picture shape, and GXGetPictureParts, which retrieves shapes from a picture.
Since a picture can have objects that refer to each other, QuickDraw GX must have the whole
picture shape available at one time (although not actually in memory, but rather in the disk-based
backing store in low-memory conditions).
A PostScript file describing a picture is essentially a container for graphics. The file contains all the
data needed to draw the picture, but it can't be readily edited or queried without having an
interpreter for the PostScript language built into your application. The PostScript stream-based
protocol lets the device draw the stream on the fly.
Again, each model has its advantages. The object model is best suited for interactive applications and
the stream-based protocol is best suited for printers with limited memory and no disk drives.
QuickDraw GX contains three different types of shape objects for drawing text: the text type, the
glyph type, and the layout type. The text type is the simplest of the three, although it's not the mostprimitive form.
Drawing a text shape is similar to using the PostScriptshow operator, as illustrated
by the following code samples. First, here's a PostScript "Hello World" program:
24 scalefont % Scale it to 24 points.
setfont % Make it the current font.
100 100 moveto % Move to location 100, 100.
(Hello World) show % Draw the text.
Now here's the QuickDraw GX "Hello World" program:
void GXHelloWorld(void)
gxShape helloShape;
gxFont aFont;
gxPoint location = {ff(100), ff(100)};
/* Find the font object for Times. */
aFont = FindPNameFont(fullFontName, "\pTimes Roman");
/* Make a text shape. */
helloShape = NewText(11, "Hello world", &location);
GXSetShapeFont(helloShape, aFont);
GXSetShapeTextSize(helloShape, ff(24));
You can use these examples to help you get started with drawing text in QuickDraw GX. They also
show some similarities between the PostScript model and the QuickDraw GX model. Both have font
entities: in PostScript code it's a dictionary and in QuickDraw GX code it's an object. In PostScript
code, the font matrix entry in the dictionary itself is scaled by thescalefontoperator to set the point
size; in QuickDraw GX code, the point size is contained in the shape's style and can be set by a call
to GXSetShapeTextSize. For the most part, that's it for similarities.
Figure 4 Different Glyphs From a Roman Font
Characters and glyphs. To understand the full capabilities of QuickDraw GX typography, you must
first understand the difference between characters and glyphs. Characters are symbols that havelinguistic meaning, usually a letter from an alphabet. Glyphs are renditions of those characters or
combinations of them. For example, for any given character from an alphabet, there may be various
forms of this character that are appropriate to draw at different times (see Figure 4).
The most complex text drawing in QuickDraw GX comes from the layout shape. With a layout
shape, the application specifies which characters in the language make up the piece of text to be
displayed. Given the language and script system specified in the layout shape's style object,
QuickDraw GX can then figure out which glyphs to use for those characters.
The top line of Figure 4 shows three glyphs from a particular Roman font. They're the glyphs for
lowercasef , lowercasei, and a lowercase fi ligature. The ligature is an example of a glyph that
represents two characters. With a layout shape, QuickDraw GX can detect when thei follows thef and automatically choose thefi ligature glyph when drawing. This allows the user to typef followed
by i rather than having to figure out what key combination to type and what font to select to get thefi ligature.
The bottom line of Figure 4 illustrates another example of different glyphs for the same character.
The glyph on the left is the normal capitalA for that font. The glyph on the right is a glyph to use at
the beginning of the line. With a layout shape, QuickDraw GX detects when the character is at the
beginning of the line and automatically chooses the correct glyph.
Platforms and encodings. In most versions of the PostScript language, any given encoding of a font has
access to only 256 glyphs at a time. If a font contains more than 256 glyphs, you must use different
font dictionaries, each with a different encoding. In effect, the application generating the PostScript
code must select from different font dictionaries to create all the glyphs in a given typeface.
QuickDraw GX can take advantage of fonts that contain up to 65535 glyphs, all of which are
available to any shape object.
The bytes contained in the geometry of a text, layout, or glyph shape can have different meanings
depending on the gxFontPlatform and gxFontScript attributes set in the style object. When
gxFontPlatform is set to gxMacintoshPlatform and gxFontScript is set to gxRomanScript, the stream
of bytes means the same thing it does on a Roman Macintosh system today. If gxFontPlatform is set
to gxGlyphPlatform, the bytes are taken two at a time as a short and are treated as glyph indices in
the font; a shape object then has direct access to all the glyphs in a font. Each font indicates which
platforms, languages, and scripts it supports.
Positioning glyphs in a line of text. The PostScript language provides several methods for allowing your
application to explicitly position glyphs on a page. The simplest is theshow operator. This operator
simply draws each glyph specified by the string and moves the current point by the advance width of
that glyph. The ashow and awidthshow operators allow the application to modify the advance width
for all glyphs or a particular glyph. With the kshow operator you can call a general procedure
between the drawing of each pair of glyphs specified by the string and the procedure can modify the
graphics state before drawing the next glyph. This process is generally used for kerning. In kerning
the procedure is passed the two character codes, uses those two codes to look in a kerning table, and
modifies the current point appropriately. This method, while totally flexible, is difficult to use
because the application must parse font metric files to derive kerning tables to use with thekshowprocedure.
PostScript Level 2 provides a way to position characters without executing a procedure for each
glyph drawn -- the xshow, yshow, and xyshow operators. With these operators the application can
specify an array of advance widths to use in place of the built-in advance widths of the font. This is
faster than using thekshowoperator. Again, the application must generate the advance widths to
use, usually by parsing font metric tables and deriving kerning information.
It's possible for applications to generate PostScript code that uses the kshow operator or the
xshow, yshow, and xyshow operators to justify, kern, and track text. In QuickDraw GX, a layout shape does
this automatically, as specified by metrics in the QuickDraw GX font. Each font contains tables that
specify kerning pairs with kerning amounts, optimal tracking values, and optimal choices for how
justification should occur. Your application can override these values if you choose, but the values
in the font are written by the font designer and therefore cause QuickDraw GX to position the glyphs
as the font designer intended. Your application need not parse the font metric tables and position
glyphs directly.
When you use layout or glyph shapes, text can have multiple style runs. This allows a single shape
object to switch between fonts, sizes, text faces, and languages as many times as desired (see Figure
Figure 5 A Shape Object With Multiple Style Runs
If you want the application to have direct control over positioning glyphs, use a glyph shape object
rather than a layout shape object. Glyph shapes bypass the automatic positioning information. This
approach is similar to using PostScript operators. When using a glyph shape, you specify exactly
which glyphs are to be drawn in what styles and at what positions and angles. Then, when
GXDrawShape is called, it uses this information for rendering.
Using the positions and advance bits in a glyph shape, your application can draw the glyphs anywhere
on the page. Figure 6 illustrates some of the data in a glyph shape with various values in the positions
and advance bits. Where the advance bit is 1, the value in the positions array is that glyph's absolute
position on the page (before being mapped through the shape's transform). Where the advance bit is
0, the value in the positions array is an amount to add to the normal advance vector of the glyph. Not
shown in Figure 6 is the tangents array. Each glyph in a glyph shape object also has a tangent vector
that specifies an orientation for the glyph in addition to the position.
Figure 6 Some of the Data in a Glyph Shape
Given the tangent (Tx, Ty), the glyph is transformed through the following 2 x 2 matrix:
It's important to note that glyph shapes don't do any character-to-glyph mapping, as do layout
shapes. They map character codes to glyph codes as specified by the gxFontPlatform attribute in the
style object, but they don't automatically pick alternate forms of characters (ligatures, for example). If
you use glyph shapes in your application, you have to do nearly everything; however, glyph shapes
provide the most flexibility.
QuickDraw GX is language aware. When you use the layout type of shape objects, QuickDraw GX is
aware of the language and script as specified by the style object. This allows QuickDraw GX to
automatically run text, for example, from left to right for English, right to left for Hebrew, and
vertically for Chinese. Each font/language combination has a set preference for which way to run
text. Because the layout shape can automatically determine where to position the glyphs based on the
language, your application can maintain the text for the shape in its linguistic order rather than the
display order.
QuickDraw GX also uses script-dependent information when justifying text. For example, in English,
justification involves adding or removing white space between glyphs. In Arabic, glyphs are joined by
horizontal lines called Kashidas. When justifying Arabic text, QuickDraw GX automatically varies
the length of the Kashida to compensate for added or removed space in the text.
The printing models for QuickDraw GX and the PostScript language differ in much the same ways
as the graphics models do. PostScript code uses a stream-based protocol while QuickDraw GX uses
an object model.
PostScript stream-based printing. PostScript language elements invoke various printing commands such
as commands for choosing a particular type of paper or a particular page orientation. With PostScript
Level 1, some implementations added operators for bin selection and other device-dependent
features. PostScript Level 2 has thesetpagedeviceoperator, which is a generalization of this idea.
A PostScript stream that represents an actual document rather than a particular encapsulated graphic
has those various operators embedded between the pages to instruct the printer page by page. In
addition to operators, there's a defined protocol for including comments in a PostScript stream to
identify the document elements. Some of these occur at the beginning of the stream and some of
them occur between the pages. They're called document structuring conventions (DSCs) and are
described in detail in thePostScript Language Reference Manual, Second Edition.
QuickDraw GX object-based printing. For each element of a printed document, there's a corresponding
QuickDraw GX object. Your application simply associates the appropriate objects when spooling the
document's pages and QuickDraw GX does the rest. Your application need not worry about the
details of paper trays and transformation matrices to reorient the page.
Global document properties, such as the device information and the number of pages or copies, are
stored in the job object. Properties associated with a particular page are stored in the format object.
Each format object owns a paper type object.
The job object can be thought of as a context for the document that your application is spooling.
The format object contains information such as the page orientation (portrait or landscape) and
paper type (US Letter, Envelope, and so on). Each page your application generates can have a
different format associated with it. The job object contains a default format that's used if a specific
format isn't specified for a page. All your application needs to do to set up the contents of these
objects is call the QuickDraw GX printing dialog boxes. The following code example shows how five
pages in one job can be printed with four different formats. (The contents of each page are stored in
a picture shape object.)
OSErr Print5Pages(shape page1, shape page2, shape page3, shape page4,
shape page5)
OSErr status;
EditMenuRecord myEditMenu;
gxFormat format1, format2, format3;
gxJob myJob;
DialogResult result;
status = GXNewJob(&myJob);
if (status != noErr) return (status);
/* Add code here to set up the Edit menu record. */
. . .
/* Use dialog box to set up default format for the job. */
result = GXJobDefaultFormatDialog(myJob, &myEditMenu);
if (result == okSelected) {
/* Create three separate formats for the first three
pages. */
format1 = GXNewFormat(myJob);
format2 = GXNewFormat(myJob);
format3 = GXNewFormat(myJob);
/* Bring up dialog box to set up page 1's format. */
result = GXFormatDialog(format1,
"\pPage Setup for Page 1", &myEditMenu);
if (result != okSelected) goto canceled;
/* Bring up dialog box to set up page 2's format. */
result = GXFormatDialog(format2,
"\pPage Setup for Page 2", &myEditMenu);
if (result != okSelected) goto canceled;
/* Bring up dialog box to set up page 3's format. */
result = GXFormatDialog(format3,
"\pPage Setup for Page 3", &myEditMenu);
if (result != okSelected) goto canceled;
/* Bring up the Job dialog box. */
result = GXJobPrintDialog(myJob, &myEditMenu);
if (result != okSelected) goto canceled;
/* Now spool the document. */
GXStartJob(myJob, "\pdevelop Article", 5);
GXPrintPage(myJob, format1, page1, 1);
GXPrintPage(myJob, format2, page2, 2);
GXPrintPage(myJob, format3, page3, 3);
GXPrintPage(myJob, nil, page4, 4);
/* Page 4 uses job's default format. */
GXPrintPage(myJob, nil, page5, 5);
/* So does page 5. */
status = GXGetJobError(myJob);
return (status);
This example calls the QuickDraw GX routines that present dialog boxes, allowing the user to
configure all the job and format properties. However, the QuickDraw GX printing API allows the
programmer to control these properties directly, if desired. Using this API, your application can exert
total control of all aspects of printing without ever bringing up a dialog box!
This section shows you how to use QuickDraw GX to do some of those tricky things you've figured
out how to do with PostScript code.
QuickDraw has the concept of a nonsquare pen. You can set the width and height of the pen
independently. Both the PostScript language and QuickDraw GX have only one pen dimension;
however, you can simulate the framing of a path with a nonsquare pen. Here's the PostScript code:
% Assuming there exists a path ready for drawing in the graphics
% state:
gsave % Save the current graphics state to muck with later.
1 setlinewidth % Set the current line width to 1.
xPen yPen scale % Scale the CTM by the pen width and pen height.
stroke % Stroke the path. The scaled matrix will scale the
% 1-unit line width by xPen in the x-axis and yPen in
% the y-axis when stroking. This produces the desired
% effect.
grestore % Put back the CTM and line width.
newpath % Clear the path since we did grestore after stroke.
Now, here's how to do it with QuickDraw GX:
void FrameNonSquare(gxShape theShape, fixed xPen, fixed yPen)
gxShape tempShape;
gxMapping aMapping;
gxTransform aTransform;
/* Make a copy of the shape to operate on. */
tempShape = GXCopyToShape(nil, theShape);
/* Make a new transform for the shape so it's scaled by the */
pen. */
aTransform = GXCopyToTransform(nil,
GXScaleTransform(aTransform, xPen, yPen, 0, 0);
GXSetShapeTransform(tempShape, aTransform);
/* Make an inverse mapping to premap the shape so that when it's
scaled by the pen it will return to its original self. */
GXResetMapping(&aMapping); /* Set to identity. */
GXScaleMapping(&aMapping, FixedDivide(ff(1), xPen),
FixedDivide(ff(1), yPen), 0, 0);
GXMapShape(tempShape, &aMapping);
GXSetShapePen(tempShape, ff(1)); /* Set pen width to 1. */
GXDrawShape(tempShape); /* Draw it. */
The PostScript language allows you to modify the behavior of glyphs by changing entries in the font
dictionary, either directly or with themakefontoperator.
Oblique text. This PostScript code creates oblique text:
/Helvetica findfont 24 scalefont % Put 24-point Helvetica
% dictionary on the stack.
[1.0 0.0 -0.25 1.0 0.0 0.0] makefont % Skew the font dictionary.
setfont % Make it the current font.
This is how to do it with QuickDraw GX:
/* Modify the style object to do oblique text. */
void ObliqueText(gxStyle aStyle)
gxTextFace theFace;
gxTransform aTransform;
aTransform = GXNewTransform(); /* Make a transform. */
GXSkewTransform(aTransform, fix1/4, 0, 0, 0); /* Skew it. */
theFace.faceLayers = 1; /* Set text face to 1 layer. */
/* Make advance mapping the identity mapping. */
theFace.faceLayer[0].outlineTransform = aTransform;
theFace.faceLayer[0].outlineStyle = nil;
theFace.faceLayer[0].boldOutset.x = 0;
theFace.faceLayer[0].boldOutset.y = 0;
theFace.faceLayer[0].outlineFill = gxSolidFill;
theFace.faceLayer[0].flags = 0;
GXSetStyleFace(aStyle, &theFace);
The text face data structure is used to modify the way glyphs are drawn. A text face can have multiple
layers and each layer can have a style (for patterns and so on), a transform, a boldness, and a fill type.
By using all of the fields and layers in the text face, you can affect the drawing of text in all sorts of
nasty ways. The next example uses the fill type to simulate outline text.
Outline text. This code creates outline text in QuickDraw GX:
/* Modify the style object to do outline text. */
void OutlineText(gxStyle aStyle)
gxTextFace theFace;
gxStyle layerStyle;
theFace.faceLayers = 1; /* Set text face to 1 layer. */
/* Make advance mapping the identity mapping. */
layerStyle = GXNewStyle();
GXSetStylePen(layerStyle, fix1/16); /* Make pen 1/16 point. */
theFace.faceLayer[0].outlineTransform = nil;
theFace.faceLayer[0].outlineStyle = layerStyle;
theFace.faceLayer[0].boldOutset.x = 0;
theFace.faceLayer[0].boldOutset.y = 0;
theFace.faceLayer[0].outlineFill = gxClosedFrameFill;
theFace.faceLayer[0].flags = 0;
GXSetStyleFace(aStyle, &theFace);
To do the same thing with PostScript code, modify the font dictionary:
/Helvetica findfont % Put Helvetica's dictionary on the stack.
dup length 1 add dict begin
% Make a copy of the font dictionary and put it on the stack.
1 index /FID eq {pop pop} {def} if else
} forall
/PaintType 2 def % Make the font PaintType 2. This means stroked.
/StrokeWidth 1.0 16.0 div def % Make the stroke width 1/16.
/HelveticaFramed exch definefont pop % Define the outlined font.
/HelveticaFramed findfont 24 scalefont setfont % Make it current.
Sometimes you want a shape that, if filled, is the same as the result of stroking the original shape. In
PostScript code, calling strokepath on the current path applies the current pen width to the path,
and the resulting path is one that can be filled to produce the result that calling stroke would have
In QuickDraw GX, the GXPrimitiveShape routine applies the fill and style to any shape to produce a
primitive shape. A primitive shape is one that's completely described by its geometry and fill and
doesn't need a style object to be drawn properly. For example, a path that's framed with a pen width
of 10 becomes a solidFilled shape.
In the PostScript language, the charpath operator takes a string and converts it into a path using the
current font in the graphics state. The following code converts the wordHello into a path using the
font and font size of the current graphics state:
(Hello) false charpath
Any QuickDraw GX text, glyph, or layout shape object can be turned into a path shape object by
calling GXSetShapeType as follows:
GXSetShapeType(myTextShape, pathType);
This converts the shape object myTextShape into a path shape object by applying the font, font size,
and text face in the shape object's style object.
Whether or not you're familiar with the PostScript language, the preceding samples and comparisons
should help you get going on your QuickDraw GX application. In the days of QuickDraw, you
frequently had to resort to generating PostScript code from your application because the graphics
constructs simply didn't exist in QuickDraw. However, QuickDraw GX is a robust graphics, text, and
printing architecture that does all the things that current drawing applications do and then some.
There should be no need to generate your own PostScript code from your application in the world of
QuickDraw GX. Using QuickDraw GX as the medium for all drawing also gives your application the
added benefit of being able to produce application-independent portable digital documents. You can
view portable digital documents with TeachText and print them on any printer, PostScript or not.
DANIEL LIPTON, in addition to being an accomplished PostScript programmer, is an avid animal lover. He lives with a
variety of pets, most notably his dog SpotFunction. As a result of many hours of training, SpotFunction can perform some
impressive tricks, including both "roll" and "loop." Dan's affinity for animals extends beyond the canine domain to include
his pet iguana, who can neither roll nor loop. Although warm-blooded himself, Dan can often be found sunning himself on
a rock outside his office at Apple. "I find myself mysteriously drawn to the reptilian lifestyle," he confesses, his eyes intently
tracking a fly buzzing about his office. Dan is known to break into fits of uncontrollable laughter whenever he's shown a
picture of a gorilla, a fact that his coworkers often use to their advantage during meetings. *
The definitive reference on the PostScript language is PostScript Language Reference Manual, Second Edition (Addison-
Wesley, 1990).*
There's more information on QuickDraw GX objects in the article "Getting Started With QuickDraw GX" in this issue ofdevelop .*
THANKS TO OUR TECHNICAL REVIEWERS Pete ("Luke") Alexander, Tracey Davis, Herb Derby, Dave Williams *