With QuickDraw GX comes a new extensible printing architecture that simply
invites you to jump in and tinker. Writing printer drivers has never been easier.
But with the advent of printing extensions, you may never have to write a printer
driver again! This article tells you what you need to know to create QuickDraw GX
printing extensions.
Macintosh system software has long provided hooks that enable developers to add system-level
features in the form of INITs (now called system extensions) and cdevs (control panels). QuickDraw
GX extends the extension concept to printing viaprinting extensions, plug-in software modules whose
sole purpose in life is to modify the behavior of printing. Want to stamp the word "Confidential" on
every page printed to a specific printer? Write a printing extension. Want to drive a sheet feeder
attachment to a LaserWriter? Write a printing extension. Chances are that if there's something you
want to do that the QuickDraw GX printing architecture doesn't already do, you can do it with a
printing extension.
In this article, I'll describe the steps you must take to create a QuickDraw GX printing extension. By
the end of the article we'll have a working, environmentally friendly extension called 4-Up. As shown
in Figure 1, the 4-Up printing extension maps four document pages onto one physical page at print
time, saving countless trees in the process!
Notice that I referred to a printing extension as a "software module." I would love to use the
currently hip term "component," but I don't want to confuse the issue by implying that printing
extensions are implemented as Component Manager components. In fact, printing extensions are a
whole new sort of beast. QuickDraw GX includes a new low-level software manager called the
Message Manager, which it uses to implement its extensible printing architecture. A printing
extension is a client of the Message Manager called amessage handler. The Message Manager manages
the construction of a hierarchy of related message handlers into a message class, allows
message objectsto be instantiated from message classes, and directs messages among message handlers. I won't be
going into too much detail about the Message Manager in this article. But there are times when
you'll have to call the Message Manager directly from your printing extension, so you need to be
aware of it.
Figure 1 4-Up at Work
Another new manager included in QuickDraw GX is the Collection Manager, which manages the
creation of lightweight extensible data structures calledcollections. QuickDraw GX printing makes
heavy use of collections. Although we won't need to call the Collection Manager from the 4-Up
extension, nearly all serious printing extensions will need to do so.
Before we jump into the technical details of writing a printing extension, it will be helpful to have a
general overview of the QuickDraw GX printing process. First, I'll describe how the printing process
occurs in several distinct phases, each responsible for a specific subtask of the entire process. Then,
I'll explain the flow of control under QuickDraw GX printing, as contrasted with that of the Printing
Manager. And finally, I'll discuss how printing extensions fit into the picture.
Under QuickDraw GX, printing occurs in four distinct phases:
- Spooling, which takes place in the foreground under the control of the printing
application, results in a device-independent print file being stored to disk. This
print file is also known as aportable digital documentor PDD, and it can be viewed
using the version of TeachText included with QuickDraw GX. Because the
contents of the print file are stored in a device-independent format, it can be
redirected to a device other than the original target, potentially even a different
class of device, for actual printing. For example, a print file originally targeted for
a PostScript LaserWriter can be redirected to an ImageWriter. The print file
contains enough information to allow the document to be rendered to the best of
the printer's ability, regardless of the originally intended target printer.
- Despooling, which always occurs in the background under the control of the
PrinterShare GX background printing task, is the process of reading pages from
the print file for imaging. Despooling need not occur on the same machine on
which spooling occurred. PrinterShare GX sends print files over the network
when the target device is a remote server. Also, users may copy print files to floppy
disk, or otherwise manually move them to other machines for printing.
- Imaging also occurs in the background under the control of PrinterShare GX.
Despooling and imaging always happen together, but it's useful to consider them
as distinct phases since they accomplish different tasks. While the despooling
process is responsible for reading the correct pages from the print file, the imaging
process is responsible for translating the device-independent graphics data
contained in the file into a format recognized by the target device. This would be
PostScript code in the case of a PostScript LaserWriter, and it would be device-
resolution bitmaps and appropriate escape sequences in the case of an
- Device communicationsencompasses the actual dialog that occurs between the
printer driver and the target device. This is a distinct phase, as it may actually take
place on a machine other than that on which imaging occurred. For example, if
the target device is a remote server, and PrinterShare GX determines that certain
necessary resources (such as fonts) aren't available on the server, PrinterShare GX
may opt to image the job locally into animage file,which it sends to the server. By
definition, image files are device-dependent, nonviewable, and nonredirectable.
The image file is "played back" on the server during the device communications
At the highest level, the flow of control under QuickDraw GX printing remains similar to that in the
existing Printing Manager. There are three major players: the application, the printing API, and the
printer driver. The printing application calls a layer of printing API routines, each of which either
performs some task or calls the appropriate printer driver to perform some task. However, there are
two major differences in QuickDraw GX printing. First, the printing API has been greatly expanded.
And second, the way in which control is transferred from the API to the driver is completely
different. I won't be going into detail about the expanded printing API -- but you'll need to
understand the new flow of control in order to write printing extensions.
The existing Printing Manager calls the driver simply by loading the appropriate PDEF (code
resource) from the driver, computing the offset to the specified routine, and jumping to it. As shown
in Figure 2, QuickDraw GX printing uses an intermediary, the Message Manager, to transfer control
to the driver. When the application makes a QuickDraw GX printing call, and the printing API
needs to call the driver, it does so by calling the Message Manager to request that a message be sent
to the driver. The advantage of this approach is flexibility. The Message Manager allows message
handlers to be inserted between the printing API and the driver (which is itself a message handler).
Aha! The light goes on! This gives us the ability to extend the behavior of printing, or even fix bugs,
without modifying the driver's code. It also serves as the foundation upon which the printing
extension mechanism is built.
QuickDraw GX printing defines over a hundred messages. When an application calls the printing
API, QuickDraw GX either performs the requested task itself or sends one of these messages (via the
Message Manager) to the driver to perform the task. For many tasks, QuickDraw GX provides a
default implementation for the associated message, but sends a message to the driver anyway. This
gives the driver a chance to do things its own way, or to massage the message parameters before
forwarding the message on to the default implementation.
This is where printing extensions come in; they're inserted between the printing API and the driver,
thereby having the opportunity tooverrideany message before it gets to the driver. There are two
flavors of message overriding, partial and complete.
In a partial message override, the extension will do some work to customize the behavior of the
message, but it will still forward the message to the driver. The extension may do its work before
forwarding the message (preprocessing), after forwarding the message (post-processing), or both
before and after forwarding the message. For example, message preprocessing might involve
changing one or more of the message parameters before the driver sees them. Post-processing might
involve modifying result parameters returned by the driver.
Figure 2 The Old Way Versus the QuickDraw GX Way
In a complete message override, the extension is responsible for implementing the message entirely
and does not forward the message to the driver. Since any number of extensions may be inserted
between the printing API and the driver, complete overrides will also inhibit any other extensions
inserted between the driver and the extension performing the override from receiving the message.
So before completely overriding a message, think hard and be sure to consult the documentation
(Inside Macintosh: Printing Extensions and Printer Drivers, available from Addison-Wesley in
September), which gives details regarding which messages are appropriate candidates for complete
Any message not explicitly overridden by the extension is implicitly forwarded by the Message
Manager to the driver -- or if there is another extension loaded before the driver, it will get the next
crack at the message.
Now that you have some background on the behind-the-scenes operations of QuickDraw GX
printing, we can investigate what it takes to cram four pages into one. The first step is deciding
which messages to override. With over a hundred messages to choose from, this may well be the
most difficult aspect of printing extension development. If you've ever worked with a large class
library like MacApp, you know what I mean. Half the battle is understanding the context within
which various messages are sent. QuickDraw GX printing is no different; in fact, you can envision it
as a printing class library. As in MacApp, it takes some time to learn your way around.
In our case, there are at least four different messages we could override in order to stuff four pages
into one: GXSpoolPage, GXDespoolPage, GXImagePage, and GXRenderPage. The one we choose
will depend on the desired effect. I chose the GXDespoolPage message, which is sent by QuickDraw
GX to read each page from the print file during background printing. QuickDraw GX printing
always spools data to a device-independent print file and then releases control back to the foreground
application. PrinterShare GX, a background printing process, despools the print file, images it, and
sends the result to the target printer. By overriding the GXDespoolPage message, we have no effect
on the print file itself and we don't affect spooling performance. Our modifications will be done on
the fly during the background despooling/imaging phase of printing. One implication of this strategy
is that our extension won't affect what the user sees when viewing the print file on the screen (soft
copy); it will affect only what's actually printed (hard copy).
During the background despooling/imaging phase of printing, QuickDraw GX sends the
GXDespoolPage message for each page in the print file. QuickDraw GX supplies a default
implementation for this message which reads the requested page from the print file and returns it to
the caller as a picture shape. The 4-Up extension simply needs to override the GXDespoolPage
message and return a picture shape containing the requested page plus the three succeeding pages. Of
course, we'll need to scale down the original pages and move them around on the physical page a
little. But that's the basic idea.
OK, it sounds great in theory. But we have a problem. Suppose the print file contains 16 pages.
We're effectively creating a 4-page document. But QuickDraw GX is going to send the
GXDespoolPage message 16 times and expect a valid picture shape to be returned each time. What
happens when we run out of pages, after we're called for the fourth time? As you've probably
guessed, there's another message we must override called GXCountPages. This message is sent at the
beginning of the imaging process to determine how many times the GXDespoolPage message should
be sent. In the example given above, we would need to override GXCountPages to return 4 instead
of 16.
Now that we know which messages to override, we can write some code. Writing the code for a
printing extension consists of implementing message overrides. In the 4 - Up extension, we'll override
two messages, GXCountPages and GXDespoolPage. Coding a message override is fairly
straightforward, similar to coding a callback routine for other Toolbox managers. The most
important part is ensuring that we declare the function with the expected calling interface.
The GXCountPages message has the following interface:
OSErr GXCountPages (gxSpoolFile thePrintFile, long* numPages);
In fact, all messages share certain common interface elements. For example,all messages must return a
result of type OSErr. This is important because all printing code is segmented. If the segment
dispatcher fails to load your extension's code segment, it must be able to report the error condition to
the caller. If your particular override doesn't do anything that can fail, simply return noErr.
Now that we know the interface to the GXCountPages message, we can implement our override.
Since we're squeezing four pages into one, we can determine the number of actual pages with the
following simple formula:
physicalPages = (originalPages + 3) / 4
Trick #1. Determining the value of originalPages is one of two tricky things we need to do in this
extension. Your first thought might be to retrieve the document's page count from thecurrent job,which is an implicit parameter to every message. The current job is an abstract object of type gxJob,
which you can think of as a replacement for the print record in the existing Printing Manager. It
contains all sorts of information relating to the document being printed. We can get a reference tothe current job by calling GXGetJob, a QuickDraw GX printing routine, and then access
information such as the document's page count from the job.
Although this technique would work for simple cases, it won't work if another printing extension is
present and also modifying the result returned by the GXCountPages message. Consider the case
where the user is running our 4-Up extension and another 2-Up extension. Ideally, the result should
be an 8-to-1 mapping; both extensions would do their work, each oblivious to the other's existence,
yet the final output would be the result of a cooperative effort!
The correct technique is to forward the GXCountPages message to the next message handler, and
use the result we get back as the value for originalPages. Note that the value we get may actually be
the result of modifications made by other extensions, but we don't care! That's the beauty and
flexibility inherent in the messaging architecture. Forwarding the GXCountPages message is as easy
as calling the predefined routine Forward_GXCountPages. Here's the full implementation of our
GXCountPages override:
OSErr FourUpCountPages (gxSpoolFile thePrintFile, long* numPages) {
OSErr anErr;
long originalPages;
anErr = Forward_GXCountPages(thePrintFile, &originalPages);
nrequire (anErr, FailedForward_GXCountPages);
*numPages = (originalPages + 3) / 4;
return noErr;
return anErr;
Note the use of the nrequire exception-handling macro. It displays an error string and jumps to the
FailedForward_GXCountPages label if anErr is nonzero. See the article "Living in an Exceptional
World" indevelopIssue 11 for more information.
The meat of the 4-Up extension is contained in the GXDespoolPage override. The GXDespoolPage
message has the following interface:
OSErr GXDespoolPage (gxSpoolFile thePrintFile, long pageNumber,
gxFormat pageFormat, gxShape *pagePicture,
Boolean *formatChanged);
Normally, the default implementation of this message will be executed, resulting in the page
identified by pageNumber being read from the print file specified by thePrintFile. Additionally, the
page's associated format will be read into pageFormat, and the Boolean formatChanged will be set to
true if the format being returned is different from the format returned by the last invocation of the
GXDespoolPage message. Formats are abstract objects that contain formatting information for one
or more pages in a document. We'll need to query the page format for its dimensions so that we can
properly place our four scaled-down pages onto the physical page.
Our GXDespoolPage override must do the following work:
- Using pageNumber, compute the actual page numbers for the pages we must read.
Remember, when QuickDraw GX asks for page 2, we'll be returning pages 5, 6, 7,
and 8. Page numbers start at 1.
- Read up to four pages from the print file, being careful not to read past the last
remaining page.
- Query the page's format for its dimensions. We'll be fairly unsophisticated and
ignore all but the first format for each group of four pages. As a result, we won't handle
all cases correctly -- for example, mixed portrait and landscape pages. This
is left as an exercise for the reader.
- Scale down and translate each page to the correct size and position.
- Add the modified pages to a new picture shape, and return it.
This may seem like a lot of work. Fortunately, we can rely on the default implementation of
GXDespoolPage for much of it. Here's the code:
OSErr FourUpDespoolPage (gxSpoolFile thePrintFile, long pageNumber,
gxFormat pageFormat, gxShape* pagePicture,
Boolean* formatChanged) {
OSErr anErr;
long firstPage, lastPage, numPages, whichPage;
gxShape fourUpPage, thePages[4];
gxShape* atPage;
/* Determine actual page numbers of the pages to despool. */
lastPage = pageNumber * 4;
firstPage = lastPage - 3;
/* Determine page number for last page in spool file so that we
can constrain our despooling loop to a valid range if fewer
than four pages remain in the file. */
anErr = ForwardMessage(gxCountPages, thePrintFile, &numPages);
nrequire (anErr, FailedForward_GXCountPages);
if (lastPage > numPages)
lastPage = numPages;
/* Create picture shape to hold subpages. */
fourUpPage = GXNewShape(gxPictureType);
anErr = GXGetGraphicsError(nil);
nrequire (anErr, FailedGXNewShape);
/* Despool backwards so that pageFormat ends up containing the
format for the first page in the group. */
atPage = &thePages[lastPage-firstPage]; /* Last page in group */
numPages = 0; /* Track number of successfully despooled pages */
for (whichPage = lastPage; whichPage >= firstPage; --whichPage) {
anErr = Forward_GXDespoolPage(thePrintFile, whichPage,
pageFormat, atPage--, formatChanged);
nrequire (anErr, FailedForward_GXDespoolPage);
/* Map the despooled pages onto a single physical page. */
gxRectangle pageRect;
fixed tx, ty;
gxMapping aMapping;
/* Get the dimensions of the physical page. */
GXGetFormatDimensions(pageFormat, &pageRect, nil);
/* Compute x and y translation factors. */
tx = (pageRect.right - pageRect.left) >> 1;
ty = (pageRect.bottom - >> 1;
/* Initialize the mapping to scale by 50%. */
GXResetMapping(&aMapping);[0][0] = fixed1/2;[1][1] = fixed1/2;
/* Map the pages onto the physical page. */
GXMapShape(thePages[0], &aMapping);
if (numPages > 1) {
GXMoveMapping(&aMapping, tx, 0);
GXMapShape(thePages[1], &aMapping);
if (numPages > 2) {
GXMoveMapping(&aMapping, -tx, ty);
GXMapShape(thePages[2], &aMapping);
if (numPages > 3) {
GXMoveMapping(&aMapping, tx, 0);
GXMapShape(thePages[3], &aMapping);
/* Place the mapped pages into a single picture. */
GXSetPictureParts(fourUpPage, 1, 0, numPages, thePages, nil,
nil, nil);
anErr = GXGetGraphicsError(nil);
nrequire (anErr, FailedGXSetPictureParts);
/* GXSetPictureParts cloned the pages, so we must dispose of
our references to them. */
for (atPage = &thePages[numPages-1];
atPage >= thePages; --atPage)
/* Return the 4-up page. */
*pagePicture = fourUpPage;
/* Since we don't know whether the format for "actual page number
5" is the same as that for "actual page number 1," we
always set formatChanged to true. A more sophisticated
extension could do the right thing here. */
*formatChanged = true;
ncheck (anErr);
return noErr;
Exception-handling code
for (atPage = &thePages[numPages-1];
atPage >= thePages; --atPage)
return anErr;
Trick #2. This code is pretty easy to follow, but one line demands further explanation. Remember
earlier I said that there were two "tricky things" our extension would have to do. The first was
correctly determining the number of original pages in the document. The second trick occurs early
in the above code,
in the line
anErr = ForwardMessage(gxCountPages, thePrintFile, &numPages);
We need to know the actual page number for the last page in the document so that we can make sure
not to read a nonexistent page. Since the last page's page number is equal to the number of pages in
the document, your first thought might be to send the GXCountPages message. QuickDraw GX
supplies the Send_GXCountPages routine to do this, and we would call it like so:
anErr = Send_GXCountPages(thePrintFile, &numPages);
However, this would not produce the desired result. Since this would invoke our own
GXCountPages override, as well as those of all other message handlers that override GXCountPages,
the result would be the total number of physical pages actually printed, not the total number of
logical pages we must despool.
What we really want to do is forward the GXCountPages message. But here's the potential gotcha!
We can't use QuickDraw GX's supplied Forward_GXCountPages routine to do it.
Here's why: The Message Manager provides two routines for forwarding a message. The
ForwardMessage routine takes a selector, which indicates the message to be forwarded, and zero or
more message-specific parameters. ForwardThisMessage takes only the message-specific parameters
and assumes you want to forward thecurrentmessage. The current message is the one corresponding
to the override
you're currently executing -- that is, the override from which you're calling ForwardThisMessage.
The problem with calling Forward_GXCountPages from within the GXDespoolPage override is that
all QuickDraw GX's Forward_XXX routines are simply inline aliases to ForwardThisMessage, with
the message-specific parameters added for type-checking purposes. Since it's far more common to
forward the current message than it is to forward an arbitrary message, QuickDraw GX assumes the
common case and provides only the corresponding aliases. Therefore, if we were to call
Forward_GXCountPages from within our GXDespoolPage override, we would actually forward the
GXDespoolPage message with a bogus parameter list!
This doesn't mean we can't forward arbitrary messages, but to pull it off we do have to call the
Message Manager directly. In the above code, we call ForwardMessage and pass the constant
gxCountPages, defined by QuickDraw GX, as the message selector. Warning:You don't get type
checking when you call the Message Manager's sending and forwarding functions directly, so be
careful out there!
The only code left to write is the jump table for our code segment. As you'll see in the next section,
QuickDraw GX determines which messages an extension overrides and the location of the associated
override code from special resources within the extension. Since these resources specify the location
of the extension's overrides in terms of byte offsets from the beginning of a specified code segment,
it's easiest to begin each code segment with a simple assembly language jump table. That way, the
extension's entry points are always well defined, independent of any changes we make to the code in
the future. Also, QuickDraw GX requires that each code segment begin with a long word set to 0,
and this is easily accomplished from assembly language. Since we're overriding only two messages,
and our code is small, we'll have just a single segment, with the following jump table:
DC.L 0 ; long word required by QuickDraw GX
IMPORT FourUpCountPages
JMP FourUpCountPages
IMPORT FourUpDespoolPage
JMP FourUpDespoolPage
Writing code is great, but it's useless if it never runs.
There are several things we must do if our
printing extension is to be recognized, loaded, and executed by QuickDraw GX.
There are four required resources (besides the code) that must be present in
every printing extension.
All resources, including your own, should have their sysHeap and purgeable bits set,
unless otherwise
noted. Except for code resources, which have IDs starting at 0, all resources should have
IDs in the
range reserved for printing extensions. This range extends from 0x9600 to 0x97FF (-27136 to -26625
decimal). The predefined constant gxPrintingExtensionBaseID (equal to -27136) is provided for your
use. All the required resources have predefined constants for their types and IDs. For the actual
values, see the appropriate header files.
The four required resources give QuickDraw GX the following important information:
- 'over' resource: which messages you override and where to find the associated
override code
- 'eopt' resource: during which phases of printing your extension needs to run, and
if and when it modifies the contents of the page
- 'load' resource: where in the message handler chain your extension should load,
relative to other printing extensions
- 'scop' resource: which driver and printer types your extension is compatible with
The remainder of this section gives all the gory details for each of the required resources, including
The 'over' resource. The override resource lists the messages you're overriding and where the
associated override code is located. Printing extension code resources always have type 'pext' and
should have IDs starting at 0 for maximum performance. Given the above jump table, and the fact
that we override only universal printing messages, we have a single override resource that looks like
#define fourUpCodeSegmentID 0
#define gxCountPagesOffset 4
/* first entry follows zero long word */
#define gxDespoolPageOffset 8
/* jump table entries are 4 bytes long */
resource 'over' (-27136, purgeable, sysHeap) {
gxCountPages, fourUpCodeSegmentID, gxCountPagesOffset;
gxDespoolPage, fourUpCodeSegmentID, gxDespoolPageOffset
If your extension overrides imaging messages, you'll need separate override resources for each
distinct class of imaging messages you override. For example, PostScript message overrides would go
in a separate table, and vector overrides in yet another table. You can choose any ID within the
printing extension range for these tables. You let QuickDraw GX know the override resource ID
with a mapping resource whose type is the same as the driver type for the imaging messages you're
overriding, and whose ID is equal to gxPrintingExtensionBaseID. There are predefined constants for
these values. For example, if your extension overrides the PostScript message gxPostscriptEjectPage,
you would have the following two resources:
resource 'post' (-27136, purgeable, sysHeap) {
-27135 /* ID of our PostScript 'over' resource */
resource 'over' (-27135, purgeable, sysHeap) {
gxPostscriptEjectPage, postscriptSegmentID,
The 'eopt' resource. The extension optimization resource provides QuickDraw
GX with additional information that helps it perform optimally under certain conditions. This
resource consists of a bit field containing predefined flags that tell the system when the extension
executes, whether it needs to communicate with the device directly, and if and when it makes changes
to the page. The 4-Up extension runs during the despooling/imaging phase and changes the page
during the GXDespoolPage message. It doesn't need to communicate with the device.
Using the predefined resource template, our 'eopt' resource looks like this:
resource 'eopt' (-27136, purgeable, sysHeap) {
gxExecuteDuringImaging, gxDontNeedDeviceStatus,
gxChangePageAtGXDespoolPage, gxDontChangePageAtGXImagePage,
The 'load' resource. The extension load resource tells QuickDraw GX your
default loading order preference. The first extension's message handler is loaded directly above the
driver. Subsequent extensions are loaded one above the other.
The last extension to be loaded is the first to override a given message, and therefore has the most
control. Most extensions should use the predefined constant gxExtensionLoadAnywhere, which
indicates that the extension has no loading preference. If you prefer to load first, use the constant
gxExtensionLoadFirst; if you prefer to load last, use gxExtensionLoadLast. You should regard this
resource as a hint, not as a guarantee. For one thing, several extensions may indicate that they
want to load last. Obviously, only one will win. More important, the user can reorder the extensions
in any way desired, and that ordering always takes priority over the default ordering.
Our 'load' resource looks like this:
resource 'load' (-27136, purgeable, sysHeap) {
The 'scop' resource. The extension scope resource tells QuickDraw GX the scope of your extension's
compatibility with the various driver types that are supported by QuickDraw GX. Built-in support
exists for raster devices, such as the ImageWriter and LaserWriter SC, vector devices, such as
plotters, and PostScript devices. If your extension is PostScript-only, you would specify that in a
'scop' resource. An example of a PostScript-only extension might be one that drives a sheet feeder
attachment to a LaserWriter, which understands PostScript commands for selecting bins.
You may have up to three separate 'scop' resources. The main 'scop' resource lists
the types of drivers that the extension is compatible with. It has an ID of gxPrintingExtensionBaseID.
The currently supported types are 'rast', 'post', 'vect', and 'univ', for raster, PostScript, vector, and
universal, respectively. For example, an extension compatible with PostScript and vector drivers, but
not with raster drivers, would have the following 'scop' resource:
resource 'scop' (-27136, purgeable, sysHeap) {
'post'; /* compatible with all PostScript devices */
'vect'; /* compatible with all vector devices */
The second 'scop' resource has an ID of gxPrintingExtensionBaseID+1 and lists the specific printer
types that the extension is compatible with. A printer's type is defined by the creator type of its
resource file. For example, the LaserWriter SC has the creator type 'lwsc'. If your extension isn't
generally compatible with a class of devices but does support a particular device, you should list it
here. For example:
resource 'scop' (-27135, purgeable, sysHeap) {
'lwsc'; /* compatible with LaserWriter SC */
The third 'scop' resource has an ID of gxPrintingExtensionBaseID+2 and lists the specific printer
types that the extension isnot compatible with. If your extension is generally compatible with a class
of devices but doesn't support a particular device, you should list it here. For example:
resource 'scop' (-27134, purgeable, sysHeap) {
'dpro'; /* incompatible with DraftPro plotter */
Taken together, the above three 'scop' resources would indicate that the extension is compatible with
all PostScript devices, all vector devices except for the DraftPro plotter, and additionally the
LaserWriter SC printer.
If your extension is not driver-specific, you can indicate that it has universal scope. 4 - Up is one such
extension, so we have a single 'scop' resource that looks like this:
resource 'scop' (-27136, purgeable, sysHeap) {
/* universal scope => compatible with all devices */
Note that if this 'scop' resource had instead included 'post', 'vect', and 'rast', the extension would
indeed be loaded for all three device types. However, should a fourth device type be defined in the
future, the extension would not support it. Thus, if your extension truly has universal scope, you
should use the 'univ' type rather than enumerating all known device types.
BUILDING THE BEASTWe've written the code, we've added the necessary resources. All that's left is to build it properly.
The two most important things to remember are:
- Link the code so that it's given the proper resource type ('pext') and ID (zero-
- Set the file's type to 'pext' and the creator type to something unique. This is very
important! Your extension's creator type should not be all lowercase (lowercase
types are reserved by Apple) and you should register it with the Developer
Support Center (AppleLink DEVSUPPORT) to ensure uniqueness. When
QuickDraw GX encounters two printing extensions with the same creator type, it
will reject all but the first it finds. Your Link and Rez step will look something like
Link -ra =resSysHeap,resPurgeableð
-t 'pext' ð
-c '4-Up' ð
-rt pext=0 ð
-sg 4-Up ð
-m FourUpEntry ð
{CObjs} ð
-o "4-Up";
Rez -rd -o "4-Up" 4-Up.r -append
There you have it -- a completely functional printing extension, with minimal effort. Hopefully, by
now you're brimming with ideas for extensions you can write. The mechanism is extremely powerful,
and I've barely scratched the surface in this article. Serious extensions will need to override the dialog
messages to install panels and gather user settings, call the Collection Manager to satisfy persistent
storage needs (that is, save user settings across the spooling/imaging threshold), and call the Message
Manager to manage dynamic contexts (global state that persists from one message to the next).
Extensions can also customize the Finder's desktop printer menu, save printer-wide settings in
desktop printers, and manage user interface interactions via the built-in alert and status mechanisms.
Perhaps a future article will explore these and other topics. For now, you should have enough
information to get more than your feet wet!
SAM WEISS (AppleLink S.WEISS), famous for the PrintSpy INIT (which surfaced in the former Soviet Union when the KGB
was dismantled), has been working on QuickDraw GX printing in one form or another for the last five years. In this
capacity, he can often be found in his office managing collections, sending messages, rewriting the core, or cutting his
own hair. But in his spare time, Sam enjoys sharing his favorite hobby (musical electronic fishkeeping) with his one-year-
old daughter Talia, whose first word was DoubleDespoolDatFileDaDa-Plecostomous. When asked about life after
QuickDraw GX, Sam appeared confused and muttered something about having a few philosophers over for dinner. *
THANKS TO OUR TECHNICAL REVIEWERS Dennis Farnden, Dave Hersey, Sean Parent*