With Apple events, Apple has opened the door for applications to control each other
and work collaboratively. However, before applications can communicate, they have
to agree on the commands and data they'll support. Apple event objects form the basis
of such a protocol--the Apple event object model. The object model is powerful, but
still a source of confusion for many developers. This article provides an overview of
the object model and answers several commonly asked questions, including "What is
the Apple event object model?" and "How do I support it?"
One of the greatest strengths of the Macintosh--its graphical user interface--is also the basis of one
of its greatest weaknesses--the difficulty of automating routine or repetitive tasks. "Give us batch
files!" many users cried. The developers responded with macro programs such as QuicKeys and
Tempo, which handle many of the routine tasks but can't always make a program doexactly what the
user wants.
The problem is that macro programs are generally limited to manipulating an application's human
interface and have limited information about the state of the application. This means that if some
setting has been changed or something has been moved, running a particular macro might not have
the desired effect. In other words, one Macintosh application cannot control another application
reliably through the target application's human interface.
For one application to control another application reliably, all of the following must happen:
- The two applications must agree on a protocol for sending commands and data
and agree on the specific information to be sent across this connection.
- The controlled application needs to provide a rich enough set of commands and
sufficient access to its data so that meaningful work can be done.
- The protocols and command sets should be standardized so that many different
applications can work together.
On the Macintosh, Apple events and theApple Event Registry provide the standards that allow
applications to control each other reliably. The Apple event, a standard protocol for sending
commands and data between applications, was introduced as part of System 7. TheApple EventRegistry defines standard Apple event commands and two standard data types--Apple event object andprimitive. Apple event objects describe an application's internal data, and primitive types describe the
data that can be sent between applications. In essence, the Registry forms the basis for a standard
language that applications can use when sending or receiving Apple events.
One of the challenges in creating theApple Event Registry was to keep the set of commands small
while providing an adequate level of control between applications. The Registry does this by allowing
the same command to apply to different Apple event objects within an application. The application of
Apple events to Apple event objects is commonly referred to as theApple event object model.
This article provides an overview of the object model and then discusses how you can add object
model support to your application. The fundamentals of Apple events are given inInside Macintosh Volume VI.
Apple Event Registry defines an application's programmatic interface as a series of Apple event
objects, where each object belongs to a particular object class. Each Apple event object is comprised
of some data and a set of Apple event commands that operate on that data. In a traditional object-
oriented fashion, new classes are defined by taking an existing class and adding new data and/or
commands. Related classes are grouped together into
The most commonly used objects (and their associated commands) are grouped together into the
Apple eventcore suite. The commands in the core suite, which include Create Element, Delete, Get
Data, and Set Data, cover the basic operations for any given object. The Apple event objects defined
within the core suite include documents, windows, and the application itself. The core suite also
includes some primitive classes such as long and short integers, Boolean values, and text. Every object
model-aware application should support the core suite, and all Apple event objects defined within
your application should support the core suite events.
The data portion of an Apple event object is broken into two parts: the object'sproperties and itselements:
- Theproperties of an object contain the attributes of the object--for example, its
name and a 4-byte code designating its class.
- The elements of an object are the other objects (in other words, data) that it
contains. For example, a drawing application contains one or more documents,
and each document may contain several rectangles and a picture or two. When the
Registry describes an object, it lists all the element classes of an object, but a
particular object may contain only some (or no) elements of each class at run time.
(The number of elements can change during run time. For example, the number
of words in a window could increase due to user typing or an incoming Apple
For more detail on the difference between a property and an element, see "Properties and Elements."
Figure 1 shows three object classes that we'll use throughout the article; they've been derived from
theApple Event Registry and simplified for the purpose of illustration.
Figure 1 Some Hypothetical Apple Event Object Classes
Each Apple event object contains exactly one of each of its properties (each of which has a name), so you
might ask for the "Bounds of the frontmost Window" and receive back the pBounds property of the specified
window. An object can contain zero or more of each of its element classes (each of which has a name), so
you could ask for "every Paragraph in Document 1," where Paragraph is a valid element class for the
Many developers want to know when you should
declare something as a property and when you should declare it as an element. You should make something
(call it x ) a property of an object when x describes something about that object. You should make something
else (call it y ) an element of an object if y is contained within the object.
Some developers use the rule "If there's only going to be one y in the object, make it a property." Alas, this
rule isn't always correct. Let's assume that an application could display only one document window at a
time. Should that document be an element or a property? According to the Registry's definition of an
element, since the document is contained within the application, you should make it an element. If you make
something an element based simply on the Registry's definition, your new classes will be consistent with the
existing classes.
Another useful test is to ask "Can I delete this item?" If you can, it's not a property. (You can delete a
window from within an application, so a window is an element of that application, not a property. But since
you cannot delete the bounds of the window, the bounds is a property.)
Most of the Apple events defined in the
Apple Event Registry contain one or more
object specifiers as
parameters. An object specifier is similar to the instructions you might give someone who's looking
for a particular house: turn left at the first signal, then look for Jones Street and turn right, then
travel down to the third house on the right. Object specifiers can also be used to specify a group of
objects--for example, every green house on Jones Street.
Or imagine you send an Apple event-aware word processor the object specifier "every Paragraph in
the current Document that contains the Word 'Apple'." The application would search in stages, first
finding the current document and then searching through the paragraphs one at a time to see if they
contained the word "Apple." Object specifiers provide a powerful general mechanism for locating a
particular object in an application.
The Apple event's direct parameter typically contains the object specifier, yielding such commands as
"Close Document 3" and "Delete Word 3 of Document 'fred'." Passing an object specifier as part of
a command allows the same command to be reused for different objects (Newwindow , Newdocument ,
or Newrectangle ) instead of inventing a unique command for each action-object pair (NewWindow,
NewDocument, or NewRectangle).
Internally, an object specifier consists of a series of recursive "get a particular element of classx from
objecty " commands. For example, in the command "Close Document 1," the object specifier
(Document 1) is represented as "the first object of class Document contained within the Application."
Another way of looking at this is "(the first object of class Document in (the Application))" where the
parentheses represent one object specifier embedded within another. In addition to specifying a
single element, an object specifier can refer to a property of some object or to a set of objects. For
example, your application may receive the object specifier for "the Bounds of Window 1" or "every
Icon contained within Rectangle 1 of Window 5."
Figure 2 shows a simplified representation of two object specifiers. Object specifiers are stored as
Apple event records, with one field each for the object class and the object's container (stored as a
handle) and two fields for theelement identifier . The two fields of the element identifier together
represent the specific element to be selected. In part A of Figure 2, the desired object class is
cDocument, the container is 'null' (in other words, a descriptor that has type typeNull and a nil
handle), and the element identifier is 1. The null container typically represents the application. In
part B, the desired object class is cWord, the container is a handle to the object specifier from part A,
and the element identifier is 5.
Figure 2 Simplified Representation of Object Specifiers
An actual object specifier is slightly more complicated than the ones shown in Figure 2. In the
examples given above, we've consistently referred to elements by number. However, you might want
to refer to some object, such as a document, by name. In that case you would need to know that the
two fields of the element identifier contain akey form and some key data.
Each different way you can refer to an element uses a different key form. When we refer to an
element by number, we're using the "absolute position" key form. We could also specify a "name"
key form, a "property" key form (to get a property of an object instead of one of its elements), and so
on. A complete object specifier is shown in Figure 3. A list of all standard key forms is given in the Apple Event Registry
and in the Apple Event Manager chapter of the new, improvedInside Macintosh (preliminary draft) on theDeveloper CD Series disc.
Figure 3 The Four Fields of an Object Specifier
One of the side effects of the object model is that the same command will be executed differently
depending on the type of object involved. Therefore the object class, event class, and event ID are
required before you can dispatch an Apple event. Since the Apple Event Manager uses only two of
these values when dispatching an Apple event (the event class and event ID), you'll need to write
some additional dispatching logic.
We'll discuss three major ways of dispatching object-model Apple events: an event-first approach, an
object-first approach, and a method that uses a lookup table to dispatch the events. These approaches
all serve the same function--extracting an object specifier and using the combined object class, event
class, and event ID to select one of the application's routines. They differ only in the way you
structure your code.
The event-first approach allows the Apple Event Manager to do most of the work. The Apple Event
Manager calls a different handler for each event--for example, Get Data and Set Data--and that
handler calls different routines depending on the object class given by the object specifier. Figure 4
and the following sample code illustrate this approach.
pascal OSErr AESetDataHandler (AppleEvent *message,
AppleEvent *reply, long refCon)
OSErr err;
AEDesc theObject, theToken;
err = AEGetKeyDesc(message, keyDirectObject, typeObjectSpecifier,
if (err != noErr) return err;
err = AEResolve(&theObject, kAEIDoMinimum, &theToken);
if (err != noErr) return err;
/* The token is an Apple event descriptor. For now, we can */
/* assume that the token's descriptor type is the class of the */
/* object that should handle this event. */
switch (theToken.descriptorType) {
case cWindow: case cDocument:
err = Win_SetData(&theToken, message, reply);
case cRectangle:
err = Rect_SetData(&theToken, message, reply);
case cWord:
err = Word_SetData(&theToken, message, reply);
err = errAEEventNotHandled;
return err;
An application that processes events using the event-first approach goes through the following steps
after it receives an Apple event and calls AEProcessAppleEvent (the numbers correspond to the
numbers in Figure 4):
- The Apple Event Manager locates the event in its dispatch table.
- The appropriate handler routine is called by the Apple Event Manager--in this
example, it's Set Data. This handler routine needs to determine the object class
before it can perform the appropriate action, so it calls AEResolve to convert the
object specifier into a reference to a particular object.
- AEResolve takes an object specifier as input, and calls one or more accessor
routines to convert this object specifier into a token that refers to some object.
(See the section "How Do I Resolve an Object Specifier?" for more information.)
- The token is returned to the handler.
- Once the handler knows the object class, it can call the appropriate object-specific
routine. This routine typically accepts the token as one of its parameters.
Figure 4 Event-First Approach to Dispatching Apple Events
Since many of the things you can do with a token fall into a few basic operations, such as reading,
writing, inserting, or deleting the information represented by a token, you can choose to write a set
of token-handling routines for each token type that you define. Token-handling routines are not
required, but they are useful. (See the section "What Are Token-Handling Routines?" for more
Due to its simplicity, the event-first approach is recommended for all applications written in a
procedural programming style (as is typically done in C or Pascal). Its only real drawback is that if
you add a new object class to your application, you have to modify a number of Apple event handlers
to recognize the new class (one handler per event that the new object class supports).
If you have code spread across several source files, consider whether this could present a code
maintenance problem. If so, the object-first approach might work better for your application.
You can limit the amount of work required when adding a new object class by making each object
class a self-contained unit. In this approach, an individual file (or group of files) contains all the code
required to implement a single object class, including the event-dispatching code, object accessors,
and token handlers. (For more information on token handlers, see the section "What Are Token-
Handling Routines?")
Since the object includes its own event-dispatching code, you don't usually install a separate handler
for each individual Apple event. Instead, you install one or more wild-card handlers that route the
event to the appropriate object using the following algorithm:
- Extract the parameter containing the object specifier.
- Call AEResolve to convert this object specifier into a token.
- Extract the object class from the token.
- Call the event dispatcher within the appropriate object.
Since most Apple events carry their object specifiers in the direct parameter, a single wild-card
handler works for all of these Apple events. However, there are some events that carry their object
specifiers in different places, so you need to install specific handlers for these events. (For example,
the Create Element event carries its object specifier inside an insertionLoc structure.) Using a single
handler that uses the first object specifier it finds is inadequate, since some events use multiple object
specifiers and an object specifier can appear anywhere another parameter can.
The handler that extracted the object specifier passes the token, the message, and the reply event to
the object's central event dispatcher. This dispatcher then calls the appropriate routine, which
typically calls one or more token-handling routines. This approach is illustrated in Figure 5 and in
the following sample code.
/* This is a typical Apple event handler that you install using */
/* a wild card (in this case, the class = 'core', and the event */
/* ID = '****'). This would go in a "common area" file, */
/* separate from the individual object implementation files. */
pascal OSErr AECoreSuiteHandler (AppleEvent *message,
AppleEvent *reply, long refcon)
OSErr err;
AEDesc directParam, theToken;
/* The following code works for all core Apple events except */
/* Create Element. Either this routine would need to be */
/* modified for Create Element, or a specific handler */
/* installed. */
err = AEGetKeyDesc(message, keyDirectObject, typeWildCard,
if (err != noErr) return err;
if (directParam.descriptorType == 'null') {
/* AEResolve doesn't like null descriptors, so skip it. */
theToken = directParam;
else {
err = AEResolve(&directParam, kAEIDoMinimum, &theToken);
if (err != noErr) return err;
/* We assume the token's type is the class that handles this */
/* event. */
switch (theToken.descriptorType) {
/* Include one entry for each object class. */
case 'null':
/* This is the application object's token class. */
err = AppEventDispatcher(&theToken, message, reply);
case cDocument:
/* See the example of this routine below.*/
err = DocumentEventDispatcher(&theToken, message, reply);
/* And so on for cRectangle, cWord, etc. */
err = errAEEventNotHandled;
return err;
} /* AECoreSuiteHandler */
/* ===In the Document Object file...=== */
OSErr DocumentEventDispatcher (AEDesc *theToken,
const AppleEvent *message, AppleEvent *reply)
OSErr err = noErr;
AEEventID eventID;
OSType typeCode;
Size actualSize;
/* Get the event ID. */
err = AEGetAttributePtr(message, keyEventIDAttr, typeType,
&typeCode, (Ptr)&eventID, sizeof(eventID), &actualSize);
if (err != noErr) return err;
switch (eventID) {
case kAECreateElement:
err = Doc_CreateElement(theToken, message, reply);
case kAEGetData:
err = Doc_GetData(theToken, message, reply);
/* And so on for Set Data, Delete, Open, Close, Print, */
/* etc. */
err = errAEEventNotHandled;
return err;
} /* DocumentEventDispatcher */
When an event is processed using the object-first technique, the application takes the following steps
after it receives an Apple event and calls AEProcessAppleEvent (the numbers correspond to the
numbers in Figure 5):
- The Apple Event Manager locates a handler routine in its dispatch table. The
handler is usually installed with a wild-card value so that it's passed all (or most)
- The appropriate handler routine is called. This routine acts as an object
dispatcher--it determines the type of object involved and calls the code in the
appropriate object's source file. This handler routine needs to determine the
object class, so it calls AEResolve to convert the object specifier into a reference to
a particular object.
- AEResolve takes an object specifier as input, and calls one or more accessor
routines to convert this object specifier into a token that refers to some object.
(See the section "How Do I Resolve an Object Specifier?" for more information.)
- The token is returned to the handler.
- Once the handler knows the object class, it can call the appropriate object's event
dispatcher. The dispatcher looks at the event's class and ID and calls the
appropriate routine.
- The called routine performs a task specific to the event class, event ID, and object
class. It typically accepts the token as one of its parameters.
This approach, or some variant of it, could be implemented using object-oriented programming and
is recommended for object-oriented applications.
Figure 5 Object-First Method for Dispatching Apple Events
If you use the object-first approach in a procedural application, you can still get some of the benefits
of object-oriented programming, since this technique can be used to implement a simple form of
inheritance for Apple event objects. If a particular object's event dispatcher doesn't recognize an
event, it can pass the event to its superclass's event dispatcher. If that dispatcher doesn't recognize the
event, the request can be passed up the chain until the topmost dispatcher is reached (typically
cObject). This minimizes the code required for adding a new object, since an object only needs to
implement its unique events (and any standard events that it handles differently) and can pass all
other events to its superclass.
One drawback to this approach is the overhead involved in dispatching the event. Each event goes
through the Apple Event Manager, AEResolve, a pair of switch statements (one in the top-level
Apple event handler, and another in the object's dispatch routine), and possibly a couple of superclassevent dispatchers. Still, each of our approaches requires the initial use of the Apple Event Manager
and a call to AEResolve, so the added overhead lies primarily in the switch statements.
Another drawback is that each Apple event typically has several parameters, and each Apple event
handler needs to extract the set of Apple event-dependent parameters for that Apple event. This can
lead to redundant code.
One way to lower the overhead associated with dispatching object-model Apple events involves
building a dispatch table of your own to replace the Apple Event Manager's. The Apple Event
Manager constructs a two-way hash table based on the event class and event ID. Since this isn't
enough information to properly dispatch an object-model Apple event (you also need to know which
object class will be responsible for handling the event), the solution is to construct your own table
using a three-part index (event class, event ID, and object class) that contains the addresses of the
appropriate routines.
As in the object-first example, this dispatcher should be "attached" to the Apple Event Manager
through a wild-card handler in the Manager's regular dispatch table. (This is necessary since there's
no other robust way to "unpack" an Apple event when it arrives from the outside world.) This
handler would extract the event class and event ID attributes and would get the object specifier from
the direct parameter. The handler would then call AEResolve and pass the object class (along with
the event class and event ID) to your table lookup routine.
The only real problem occurs when the object specifier isn't contained in the direct parameter. The
solution here is to install handlers for any events that don't contain their object specifiers in their
direct parameters, and have these handlers call AEResolve and then jump directly into your table
lookup routine.
The implementation of such a table-based dispatcher is left to you.
When an object-model Apple event is received, such as "Close Document 1," the object specifier
(Document 1) is usually contained in the direct parameter of the event. Before the event can be
processed, the object specifier needs to be
resolved. Resolving an object specifier involves locating the
specified information in memory so that the Apple event can act on this information.
While it's possible to parse an object specifier directly, object specifiers can be much more
complicated than the simple examples shown here. The Apple event Object Support Library (OSL)
helps you resolve an object specifier through a set ofobject accessor routines, which you write and then
install. One type of accessor routine extracts one or more types of element from a given object, while
other accessor routines extract a property from an object. When you ask the OSL to resolve an
object specifier, it calls the appropriate accessor routines in the necessary order.
Figure 6 shows how the OSL resolves the object specifier "Word 5 of Window 1." First, the accessor
for the innermost specifier (Window 1) is called. This accessor returns a token, which is an Apple
event descriptor (AEDesc) referring to some data in your application. The returned token and the
next part of the object specifier to be processed are then passed to the appropriate accessor. This
process is repeated until the object specifier has been fully resolved, and the final result is returned to
your application.
Figure 6 Object-First Method for Dispatching Apple Events
Each accessor routine should accept one part of an object specifier and return a token. An accessor
routine has the form
pascal OSErr MyAccessor (DescType desiredClass,
const AEDesc *container, DescType containerClass,
DescType keyForm, const AEDesc *keyData,
AEDesc *value, long refCon);
and is passed the desiredClass, containerClass, keyForm, and keyData fields directly from the part of
the object specifier being resolved. The container is either the token returned from the last accessor
called or an AEDesc of type 'null' containing a null handle (if this is the first accessor in the series to
be called).
All accessors have to perform essentially the same functions:
Check that the specified key form is valid.
- Locate the requested information.
- Construct a return token.
The following code illustrates this process using a simple "extract a Window from a null container"
accessor. (In most applications, this accessor extracts both windows and documents from the null
container since most applications maintain a one-to-one correspondence between documents and
pascal OSErr WindowFromNull (DescType desiredClass,
const AEDesc *containerToken, DescType containerClass,
DescType keyForm, const AEDesc *keyData, AEDesc *theToken,
long theRefcon)
WindowPtr wp;
long count;
/* 1. Make sure we can handle this request. We only handle */
/* object specifiers of the form "Window 1", "Window 2", etc. */
if ((keyForm != formAbsolutePosition) return errAEBadKeyForm;
/* 2. Extract the window number and find the window. */
count = **(long**)(keyData->dataHandle);
wp = FrontWindow();
while (count > 1) {
if (wp == 0L) return errAENoSuchObject;
wp = (WindowPtr)((WindowPeek)wp)->nextWindow;
--count; /* Count down by 1. */
/* 3. Create the token. */
/* The token is an AE descriptor of type 'cwin' (window). */
/* The AEDesc contains a handle to a WindowPtr. */
return AECreateDesc(desiredClass, (Ptr)&wp, sizeof(wp),
} /* WindowFromNull */
While the above code contains many of the features of an object accessor, it's far from complete. For
example, it doesn't handle formName, which is one of the more common key forms. It also assumes
that the value for a formAbsolutePosition parameter will be a positive integer. In fact, the value could
be a negative number (with -1 signifying the last element of the container, -2 signifying the next to
the last element, and so on), or one of the special constants representing the first, last, middle, any, or
every element of the container.
To make the formAbsolutePosition code complete, you need to add a routine that looks at the key
data for one of the special values and converts the key data into a positive integer or returns a flag
indicating that every element should be returned. Such a routine would look something like this:
OSErr GetWindowIndex (const AEDesc *keyData, long *index,
Boolean *getAll)
long numWindows;
long rawIndex;
/* There are three flavors of formAbsolutePosition key: */
/* typeLongInteger/typeIndexDescriptor, */
/* typeRelativeDescriptor, and typeAbsoluteOrdinal. */
/* 1. Initialize some values. */
*getAll = false; *index = 1;
numWindows = CountUserWindows(); /* A private routine */
/* 2. Get the number out of the key. If it's not an absolute */
/* value, convert it to one. */
rawIndex = **(long**)(keyData->dataHandle);
switch (keyData->descriptorType) {
case typeLongInteger:
if (rawIndex < 0)
/* A negative value means "the Nth object from the */
/* end," */
/* i.e., -1 = the last object. */
rawIndex = numWindows + rawIndex + 1;
/* A positive value is an absolute value, so do */
/* nothing. */
case typeAbsoluteOrdinal:
/* kAEFirst, etc. are special 4-byte constants. */
if (rawIndex == kAEFirst) rawIndex = 1;
else if (rawIndex == kAELast) rawIndex = numWindows;
else if (rawIndex == kAEMiddle)
rawIndex = numWindows / 2;
else if (rawIndex == kAEAll) *getAll = true;
else if (rawIndex == kAEAny) {
/* Select a random window. */
if (numWindows <= 1) /* 0 or 1 */
rawIndex = numWindows;
/* Get a random number between 1 and numWindows. */
rawIndex =
1 + ((unsigned long)Random() % numWindows);
else return errAEBadKeyForm;
return noErr;
} /* GetWindowIndex */
To install an accessor, use the AEInstallObjectAccessor routine:
pascal OSErr AEInstallObjectAccessor (DescType desiredClass,
DescType containerType, accessorProcPtr theAccessor,
long accessorRefcon, Boolean isSysHandler)
In the "extract a Window from a null container" example, the call to the AEInstallObjectAccessor
routine would look like this:
err = AEInstallObjectAccessor(cWindow, 'null',
(accessorProcPtr)WindowFromNull, 0, false);
You can also install accessor routines to get one of the properties of an object (use the special
constant 'prop' in specifying the desired type), or you can supply a wild card for either the container
or the desired type. Most developers install one accessor routine for each of the element types
supported by a particular object, and one accessor routine to handle all of the properties of that
As noted earlier, accessors communicate with each other and with the application using application-
tokens . Most Apple events that contain an object specifier end up resolving the object specifier
into a token and then manipulating the data represented by that token. Since the format of each
object class is different, you'll typically write Read Token Data and Write Token Data routines for
each object class that your application supports. (You might also choose to write Create Token Data
(Create Element) and Delete Token Data routines if more than one Apple event in a given object
needs to create or delete information.) What you put into these token-handling routines depends
completely on the contents of your tokens.
Each token is stored in an Apple event descriptor--a data structure containing a
4-byte type code and a handle to some data, where the contents of the handle are completely up to
you. While this raises the question of what should go into the handle, many developers decide to
invent a different token data type for each object class or set of related object classes.
In this approach, a window token would contain a WindowPtr, a text token would contain a handle
to some text, and so on. Since tokens are used for both elements and properties, each token might
also contain a 4-byte property code.
Here's how the tokens might look for the object classes defined in Figure 1:
struct DocumentTokenBody {
WindowPtr theWindow;
Boolean useProperty;
DescType propertyCode;
struct RectTokenBody {
Rect *theRect; /* Use a pointer so we can read */
/* and write the rectangle. */
long elementNumber; /* See token-handling examples */
/* below. */
Boolean useProperty;
DescType propertyCode;
WindowPtr parentWindow; /* The window that holds this */
/* rectangle. */
struct WordTokenBody {
Handle theText;
long startingOffset; /* How many bytes in does the */
/* text start? */
long textLength; /* How many bytes long? */
Boolean useProperty;
DescType propertyCode;
TEHandle parent; /* The location from which we */
/* took this text. */
These three sample tokens demonstrate several things you should keep in mind when designing your
own tokens:
- Each token contains a reference to the data--not a copy of the data itself. This
allows the same token to be used for both reading and writing the data.
- Each token contains a field for the property code. If the application received the
object specifier "the Name of Document 1," the returned token would contain a
pointer to the document's window and the Name property code--'pnam'. The
token-handling routines have to include code to support property
- Since each token format is different, you'll need to write the token-handling
routines (Read/Write and, optionally, Insert/Delete) for each token type.
- The Word and Rectangle tokens contain references to the objects that contain
them. This is important, since changing the text or the rectangle could affect the
document containing the information and there's no way to get either a partially
resolved object specifier or the intermediate products of the resolution. Therefore,
if you need to know the parent of a particular token, you must store a copy of that
information in the child token yourself, since the OSL may dispose of the original parent
token. (You may need to supply a custom DisposeToken callback if your tokens
contain handles or pointers to other data.)
The guidelines given above cover the contents of the token's handle, but they don't say anything
about the descriptorType field. When you return a token from an accessor routine, you must put the
proper type code into the descriptorType field of the AEDesc. This is required because the OSL uses
the returned token type from one step of the resolution process to guide the next step. Having the
accessor routines control the resolution process actually insulates outside Apple event sources from
having to know about your specific implementation details.
Throughout the article, we've assumed that the token type in the token is the same as the external
data type specified by the object specifier. However, your code can put anything in the token type
field as long as you write the matching object accessors for those token types.
For example, let's say that you've written a word-processing program, and another application sends
the request "Get DataWord 2 of Paragraph 2 of Window 1 " where the italicized part is an object specifier. The returned type would probably be some styled text. However, if the requester had sent
"Get DataWord 1 of the Name of Window 1 ," your application would have to access a completely
different form of text (a simple Str255) and might return some nonstyled text.
Internally, the data type that represents text within a document can be different from the data type
representing a simple string. Instead of forcing the user to use two different terms for the same thing
(documentWord and plainTextWord, perhaps), the application can make this determination at run
time. Figure 7 shows how an application might resolve the two examples given above.
Token-handling routines are optional routines (in other words, routines not explicitly required by the
object model or OSL) that perform common editing operations on the data referred to by a token.
Generally, when you have a token, you want to read, write, insert, or delete the data the token refers
to. Here are Read Token Data and Write Token Data handlers for the cRectangle object class:
Figure 7 Controlling Object Specifier Resolution with Returned Tokens
struct RectTokenBody {
Rect *theRect; /* Use a pointer so we can read */
/* and write the rectangle. */
long elementNumber;
Boolean useProperty;
DescType propertyCode;
WindowPtr parentWindow;
/* The window that holds this rectangle. */
typedef struct RectTokenBody RectTokenBody;
typedef RectTokenBody *RectTokenPtr, **RectTokenHandle;
OSErr ReadRectToken (const AEDesc *theToken, AEDesc *result)
/* This routine gets called by the Get Data Apple event handler */
/* (or any other handler that needs to read some data and possibly */
/* return it to the user). If the useProperty flag is true, we */
/* return the requested property, otherwise we return the default */
/* representation for this class (we'll use the cQDRect primitive */
/* type for this). */
RectTokenPtr tokenPtr;
DescType descCode;
OSErr err;
tokenPtr = (RectTokenPtr)*theToken->dataHandle;
if (tokenPtr->useProperty) {
switch (tokenPtr->propertyCode) {
case pClass:
/* Tell the world that this is a rectangle. */
descCode = cRectangle;
err = AECreateDesc(typeType, (Ptr)&descCode,
sizeof(descCode), result);
case pBounds:
/* Return the bounds of this rectangle, as a */
/* QuickDraw rectangle. */
err = AECreateDesc(typeQDRectangle,
(Ptr)&tokenPtr->theRect, sizeof(Rect),
/* More property codes go here... */
err = errAENoSuchObject;
else {
/* Return the default representation. In this simple */
/* example, it's a QuickDraw rectangle. */
err = AECreateDesc(typeQDRectangle, (Ptr)&tokenPtr->theRect,
sizeof(Rect), result);
return err;
OSErr WriteRectToken (const AEDesc *theToken, const AEDesc *theData)
/* This routine gets called by the Set Data Apple event handler */
/* (or any other handler that needs to change a property or some */
/* value of the object). If the useProperty flag is true, we */
/* check to see if the property is writable and modify it, */
/* otherwise we change the contents of this object. */
RectTokenPtr tokenPtr;
AEDesc thisRectDesc;
OSErr err;
tokenPtr = (RectTokenPtr)*theToken->dataHandle;
if (tokenPtr->useProperty) {
switch (tokenPtr->propertyCode) {
case pClass: /* This is a read-only property. */
err = errAEWriteDenied;
case pBounds: /* Set the bounds of this rectangle. */
/* Make sure we have a QuickDraw Rectangle. */
err = AECoerceDesc(theToken, typeQDRectangle,
if (err != noErr) return err;
/* Copy the data into our rectangle. */
&tokenPtr->theRect, sizeof(Rect));
/* More property codes go here... */
err = errAENoSuchObject;
else {
/* Change the default representation (the bounds of this */
/* rectangle). */
err = AECoerceDesc(theToken, typeQDRectangle, &thisRectDesc);
if (err != noErr) return err;
/* Copy the data into our rectangle. */
BlockMove(*thisRectDesc.dataHandle, &tokenPtr->theRect,
return err;
The contents of the Create Element and Delete Token Data routines are completely application-
specific and are not illustrated here. Typically, the Create Element routine takes a token for the
element's container and an index position within that container, and returns an object specifier
describing the new element. (This object specifier may be returned as the result of a Create Element
Apple event, or may be resolved so that you can insert some data into the newly created element.)
Once you've created the object event dispatcher code, the object accessor routines, the token formats,
and the token handlers, your last task is to write the actual event-handling routines. (These are
different from the routines that you install into the Apple Event Manager's dispatch table; event-handling routines do the work for a specific event as handled by a specific object class.) While the
exact content of these routines is application dependent, they do have some features in common:
- Routines that need to return something to the outside world can use a Read
Token Data handler to convert an internal token into an externally usable form,
and can use the other token manipulation routines as needed.
- Each routine should accept both the event and the reply record as parameters.
The results from an event are typically placed into the direct parameter of the
reply record. When your event has finished execution, the Apple Event Manager
will send the reply back to the client application.
Writing an object model application isn't difficult; once you've implemented an object or two
(including the accessors and tokens) and a couple of events, you should have a good understanding of
the issues. I hope that this article has given you a good idea of where and how to begin adding the
object model to your application. If you still need help there are several options: reading the related
documentation (see the box below); looking at the sample code on the
Developer CD Series disc (the
samples Quill and AEObject-Edition Sample in the Apple Events and Scripting Development Kit
and the sample code provided with this article); talking with other programmers; training through
Apple's Developer University; and using the on-line support available through AppleLink,
CompuServe, and other means.
Good luck! We all look forward to seeing the exciting things that can be done when applications can
work both cooperatively and under the control of scripting environments.
- Inside Macintosh Volume VI (Addison-Wesley, 1991) provides fundamental information about Apple
events. Chapter 1 gives an overview of interapplication communication and explains the relationship of
the Apple Event Manager to other parts of System 7. Chapter 6 provides a complete description of Apple
events, explains how to send and receive Apple events, and includes reference information for all Apple
Event Manager routines.
- The Apple Event Manager chapter of the new, improvedInside Macintosh (preliminary draft) on theDeveloper CD Series disc provides information about Apple event objects and object classes.
- Apple Event Registry: Standard Suites, on the Developer CD Series disc, describes standard Apple events,
Apple event data types, and Apple event object classes. A printed version of the Apple Event Registry is
available from APDA (#R0130LL/A).
RICHARD CLARK, an instructor and course designer in Apple's Developer University, is no stranger to projects both large
and small. (He claims that both of his recent projects--the new Advanced System 7 class and Daniel Guy Clark--took
around nine months and developed a life of their own.) When he's not playing with his new son, you can find him
dancing in local Renaissance Faires, stunt kite flying, searching for the ultimate chocolate recipe, and dreaming up
horrible new puns.*
Concepts from object-oriented programming (notably inheritance--the process of defining new classes in terms of other
classes) are used in defining the Apple event object model, but supporting Apple event objects does not require the use of
an object-oriented language or class library. You can use any language or implementation technique you want, as long as
your application can understand the Apple events sent to it. *
In addition to the core suite, the Apple Event Registry includes other specialized suites for text processing, database
manipulation, manipulating QuickDraw graphics, and the like. Application developers can define their own custom Apple
event object classes and suites and submit them to the Apple Events Developer Association for standardization. *
For source-code samples that use the event-first technique, see the samples Quill and AEObject-Edition Sample in the Apple
Events and Scripting Development Kit on the Developer CD Series disc.*
The cRectangle class used in this code is simplified. Remember that if you're implementing the real cRectangle class from
the Apple Event Registry , you'll need to support many more properties and a more complex default representation. *
THANKS TO OUR TECHNICAL REVIEWERSKevin Calhoun, Donn Denman, C. K. Haun, Eric House, Bennet Marks *