Editor's Note
Dear Readers,
Wow! Your response to the first issue of develop was overwhelming! You sent almost two hundred
letters and Links telling me what you liked, what you'd like changed, and what articles you'd like to
see. I've published (and answered) a representative sampling in the Letters section and will continue
to let you know what happens with your suggestions. Article-specific questions are answered (by the
original authors) in the Macintosh Q & A section.
This issue of develop revolves around object programming. If you've been reading much of what's
been coming out of Apple lately, you will have noticed quite a push toward object programming.
Apple has invested years of R & D in object programming and we're working to get you to take
advantage of the work we've done.
Unless you're already an object-based programmer, this issue probably won't solve any problems
you're struggling with right now. I'm hoping, however, that it helps to convince you that object
programming can save you time and effort in the long run and that it's worth the investment it will
take to learn about a new environment. Not only will object programming help you to write and to
maintain today's applications, but it will also help to prepare you for tomorrow's system software.
Providing you with code and ideas that serve you well when new products come out is one of my top
priorities, so look past today and into tomorrow and use the code and ideas we give you.
Keep those cards and letters coming!
Louella Pizzuti