Moving from Microsoft Office VBA to AppleScript:
MacTech's Guide to Making the Transition
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April, 2007
Page 59
--get the value in the clipboard to a cell in a temporary worksheet
tell (make new worksheet at active workbook)
tell cell 1 of row 1
set value to 2
copy range -- to clipboard
end tell
end tell
paste special (range "A1:J10" of sheet "Sheet1") what paste all ¬
operation paste special operation multiply
--delete the temporary worksheet
set display alerts to false
delete active sheet
set display alerts to true
set screen updating to true
end tell
And quite impressive it is too. Take a good look at the dictionary for paste special and the various enumerations of its parameters. Occasionally the names of keywords vary from the VBA ones, for example what rather than Paste. This is always to avoid terminology conflicts in AppleScript where keywords have a broad scope: paste is a very common term in scripting additions.
You can also use the paste special command method to transpose columns and rows. Note that, if the destination range has more than one cell, it must have the same number of rows and columns as the source range has columns and rows:
With ActiveSheet
.Range("A4:B8").PasteSpecial Transpose:=True
End With
tell application "Microsoft Excel"
copy range range "A1:E2"
paste special range "A4:B8" with transpose
end tell
Note that paste special will not allow you to transpose the range in place, even if you‘re using a square range. Also recall that compiling transpose true compiles to with transpose.
You can insert blank cells into a range using the insert into range command (equivalent to the VBA Insert method), as long as there is room to do so without moving populated cells off the worksheet. It is just like the Insert/Rows-Columns-Cells menu in the UI.
Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B2:B5").Insert Shift:=xlShiftToRight
In AppleScript:
insert into range range "B2:B5" shift shift to right
If a range has been copied, and the Insert method applies to a range of the same size, the clipboard contents will be copied to the inserted cell.
With ActiveWorkbook
With Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A1:A10")
Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B2").Resize( _
.rows.count, .columns.count).Insert _
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