Who Can Help Me Create My Ad?
At times, people want to know who can help create their ad for them according to magazine specifications. There are several avenues that you can take -- in house work, production services, or a traditional ad agency. If you are doing the work internally, it's important that you look closely at the specifications of the media kit. There are many common mistakes that those outside the creative world make, so it's important to pay attention to the details, get your ad in early, and ask questions. If you are clear on your concept, and just need help looking at it, you can look at straight production services.Here, a graphic artist and layout specialist translate your concept into artwork. The key to keeping your costs down here are to be very definitive on what you want and to minimize the iterations or change rounds. Lastly, if you need help with creating your concept and forming an overall plan, you should look at a more traditional agency. This will cost you more than straight production services, but may fill an important gap for you. Below are a handful of companies that MacTech Magazine is used to working with and has had good experiences with. In the interest of clarity, who you use is up to you and you aren't required to use any of them. Similarly, MacTech won't take any responsibility for your experience. These names are simply listed here as a courtesy.
Production Services Agencies:
Xplain Custom Services PO Box 5200 Westlake Village, CA 91359-5200 (805) 494-9797 voice (805) 494-9798 fax http://www.xplain.com services@xplain.com |
Xplain Custom Services (a sister division to MacTech Magazine within Xplain Corporation) does perform production services for clients. In fact, Xplain Custom Services even creates whole magazines for other publishers and has since 1995. |
Traditional Agencies:
STUDIO T! Design/Advertising Eric Toeg (818) 906-7839 (213) 369-3704 studiot@pacbell.net |
Studio T! is company specializing in the design of print advertising and collateral as well as product design and packaging. From consumer and trade ads to corporate ID and brochures, covering packaging and design of premiums and apparel, Studio T! is a one-stop shop. |

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