Core Data is Apple's recommended way to persist data: it's easy to use, built-in, and integrated with iCloud. If you need help mastering it, check out "Core Data: Data Storage and Management for iOS, OS X, and iCloud, 2nd Ed" (Pragmatic Bookshelf. It's an US$33, 256-page guide to harnessing its power for iOS 6 and Mac OS X Mountain Lion and beyond.
The book teaches fundamental Core Data principles such as thread and memory management. Readers will discover how to use Core Data in an iPhone, iPad, and OS X projects by using NSPredicate to filter data, and see how to add iCloud to your applications.
Marcus Zarra, author and Cocoa expert, walks you through developing a full-featured application based around the Core Data APIs [application programming interfaces]. You'll build up a single application throughout the book, learning key Core Data principles such as NSPredicate, thread management, and memory management.
You'll start with the basics of Core Data and learn how to use it to develop your application. Then you'll delve deep into the details of the API. You'll explore not only how to get Core Data integrated into your application properly, but even better, how to work with the API's flexibility to create convenience methods to improve your application's maintainability.
Readers will learn how to reduce their number of mapping models, integrate their Core Data app with Spotlight and Quick Look, connect their applications with sync services, and find out how to use Core Data in a multithreaded environment. "Core Data, 2nd Edition" is available for ereaders in epub, mobi, and PDF formats direct from the publisher and in paperback from bookstores.
For more information about the book, including: code, errata, discussions, excerpts from the book and more, see the catalog page for "Core Data, 2nd Edition" at .